Chapter fourty-eight: Once in a blood moon.... Part 3

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Don't worry, the madness is almost over, last part in the blood moon phase, then..... Well..... I would give you a spoiler, but I don't want it to invade your mind.


Feather's POV

As soon as I made it past the door barricade, a zombie jumped on my. I shrieked in response and kicked it with all of my might. It didn't quite fall over, but I made it loose balance. I grabbed my sword and shoved it through the zombie's head. My sword jerks back as the zombie falls into the ground. I go to loot the money when I realize that there's something around the zombie's foot. Hm. There was something off about this zombie.... Almost like it moved faster.... I examined the thing closer.

The silver metal glistened as I moved it between my fingers. I yanked it off the zombie's leg. Huh. It looks like a shackle. Hm. Is this what made the zombie faster? One way to find out. I slip the shackle around my ankle and walk. My movement speed wasn't much faster, but it was a noticeable difference. I need to find Darius. The monsters were making me sick, more mentally than physically. Basically every five steps I took, a zombie or demon eye magically appeared.

My sword continued slashing through the monsters. Jeez...... So many freaking monsters. By the end of the night, I'm gonna be so rich! Ugh.... I still can't believe I'm looking for Darius. DARIUS! I mean, come on! Really... Who would actually want to look for him.... Huh.... Probably Molly.... Oh well... I continued making my way through the crowd of monsters.

"DARIUS!!!" I shout. A groan behind me rings through my ears. I probably shouldn't have done that.... My body turns as I see a couple zombies lunge towards me. I hastily slash my sword at them, knocking a few from their stride.

As I continue to kill of two more, four more zombies take their place. With more zombies quickly approaching, I spin on my heels and bolt. The night was filled with zombie groans and my feet hitting the ground as I ran. I started breathing heavily. Sure enough, after all of this, my knuckles are still bleeding. Crap.

"DARIUS?!?" I call out again. Still, nothing. Several zombies were hot on my heels. I continue my sprint until I feel my foot get caught on something. My body lands with a thud on the ground. I glance over to see what a tripped on. A rock. A STUPID ROCK! But.... There was also something different... I look over a few feet and there lies my sword, my only line of defense.

This is it! I'm gone! I'm going to die. Zombies and demon eyes are towering above me, emitting daunting growls and screeches. My eyes squeeze shut as I wait for death to take me......

The sound of a gunshot fills the air. I crack open my eyes to see a spray of bullets take down the monsters. I scramble to my feet and scoop up my sword. The monsters should be my first problem, But I'm a little more afraid of who killed the monsters.

"HEY! Are you okay?" I hear a familiar rasp call out. Is that Darius? The figure approached cautiously. "Darius?" I ask. As soon as I see him, I run towards him and pull him into a hug. "Thank goodness you saved me! I've been looking all over for you! Everyone's acting weird!" I stammer out. He chuckles and pulls away.

"Well... Here I am! Also, why are your knuckles bleeding?" He asked. I give him a long winded sigh. "It's a long story." I say. He looks me up and down.  "Oh.... W-w-well... Uh if you want, we could head back to the house and I c-can help patch you up?" He offered. I studied him for a bit. Hmm. So far, he hasn't tried hitting on me, and he seems genuinely concerned.

"I would really love that, Darius."


"-And then I tripped on a rock and you saved me from death" I continue as Darius finishes wrapping my hand up in a bandage. "Wow! Your night sounded........ Interesting.." Darius said, scratching the back of his neck. Heh. The blood moon may have affected everyone's personality, but Darius' is an improvement.

I look out the window. To my amazement, the sun was rising. Monsters were hissing and crawling back underground. A sigh of relief escapes my mouth. Thank goodness this blood moon was over! All of a sudden, a loud thud erupts from me and Brandon's room. I look over to Darius, who looks dazed. He shakes his head.

"Whoa.... What-- happened?" He asked. What? I guess..... They won't remember the events of the blood moon. I hear someone thunder down the halls. "No no no no no no no no no no no no no no!!" I hear Brandon mutter as he lolls into the room. His eyes dart frantically around the room until his gaze lands on me.

"Was there a blood moon last night?" He asked frantically. I chew on my lip. So....... It's not Brandon's fault that he was a jerk! It was the blood moon! Though, still why would he be asking?

"Yeah?" I reply, raising an eyebrow. He sinks into his chair and buries his face in his hands. "No! No no no no!! Why?!" He mutters. "Brandon? You okay there buddy?" Darius asks. Brandon looks up to the ceiling.

"Blood moons jack with everyone's personalities and actions. How big of a jerk was I?" Brandon groaned.


And..... Blood moon is done!


Sorry this chapter is not up to standard with all the others, I would love to hear your opinion!


I'm in the process of designing a new cover for this book and a new title.

If you have any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to PM me or comment,

Thank you so much for reading

Bye bye Brudunskies


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