Chapter fourty-seven: Once in a blood moon...... Part 2

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Feather POV

As soon as I closed the door behind me, I saw a grandfather clock. When did we get a grandfather clock?

I punched the door a couple times in frustration. Why's Brandon being such a jerk! Wood chips flew off the door. I didn't care, my fist continued pounding the door...I need to calm down.... My knuckles started to feel weird. I raise my hands up to see blood pouring from my knuckles. Great. I wonder if Molly is up? I start knocking on her door. And as in knocking, I mean hitting my elbows against the door. She opened the door.

"Uhhhggg......what do you want?" She complained. I showed her my knuckles. "Ughhhhggg...." She groaned,"Come on in...."

I nodded and walked into her room. I sit down on her bed. "I swear! I'm surrounded by some of the biggest idiots I know!" She grumbled. "Whoah! Molly? You okay?" I ask. I can't have her acting strange too.... "I'm perfectly fine! Stop talking!" She said, rudely.

"Uhhh..." I said. "I SAID STOP TALKING! WHY IS IT SO HOT IN HERE! WHERE ARE THE  BANDAGES?!?" She screams. Great. Now Molly's acting weird. She slammed her desk drawer shut. "I'M JUST SO FRUSTRATED!!" She snapped.

"Do you need to talk about it?" I offered. She looked over to me, her face scrunching up. An ugly wail escapes her lips. "People can be just so rude sometimes!" She sobbed in her hands. "Aww.... What happened?" I comfort. She sniffles. "W-w-well, Gus said that he can't sell me any more Fat free frozen vanilla yogurt!" She wailed. That's it?! I look across her room to see a pile of frozen yogurt containers.

"That's it? Are you sure you're okay?" I ask. She stopped crying and became enraged. "YES! I'M PERFECTLY FINE!" She yells. I watch as more tears fall from her eyes. O-----Kay? I get up and slowly walk out the door, leaving Molly to........ Be Molly... I look down at my knuckles to see that they're still bleeding......... Crap. Maybe Gus has some bandages? There's no way I'm going back into Molly's room. The door to Gus' room is cracked open. As I'm about to open it all the way, Gus slams the door open. He has a dazed look plastered on his face and instead of his brown cap, he's wearing a flower crown...... Ok?

"Ah!!! Hey...... Soul sister! (I just made a beast reference! Please tell me if you get it!) how's it hanging?" He asks. Uhhh.... "Great?" I say uncertainly. He frowns. "Are you sure? I'm picking up some bad vibes from you..." He says, furrowing his eyebrows. The heck?

"Uhhh... Actually, my knuckles are bleeding pretty badly and no one is being of assistance..." I explain. He grabs my arm and pulls me into the room. "Not a problem, soul sister, I got a natural remedy right here. Just wait here with Norkas" Gus explained, going over to a shelf.

(Boy, are you cringing yet? Because I am.)

It was now that I realize Norkas was sitting on a bean bag chair on the floor. He was also wearing a flower crown. "Heeeyyyyyy man...." He slurred. I nodded in response. I noticed he didn't have any of his demolitionist tools with him. No grenades, no dynamite (thanks Kiki), no nothing!

"Hey Norkas, why don't you have any bombs with you?" I ask, curiously. "I gave up demolishing things, man. It's time to protect Terraria and just..... Like.... Love nature man..." He explained. By the last few words, I was already out of the door. "Hey! Feather! Where are you going!?? I got the bandage!" Gus says, holding up a vine. Nope. I'm out! Why is everyone acting so weird??!? This is madness! (No it's not XD)

My knuckles screamed in pain. I look at my bloody knuckles..... Bloody..... Blood.... Blood moon! Is this why everyone's acting crazy!!? It..... Can't be.... It's just the moon!.... I sink down to the floor. Brandon's acting like a jerk.... Molly's moody...... Norkas and Gus are acting like drunk hippies...... Darius.... Darius!  Isn't Darius outside..... Maybe he'll confirm my suspicions on everyone acting weird.... I get up off the ground. I need to get my sword if I'm going outside into the sea of monsters (ref..) but my sword is back...... In my room...... Shoot.... Well... It was bound to be inevitable. I slowly start walking back to our room.

The door slowly creaks open. "Brandon.... You awake?" I ask softly. Soft snores answer my reply. I sigh in relief. I did not want to talk to Brandon after I stormed out earlier... I quickly grab my sword and was about to duck out of the room until I saw Brandon sprawled out on his bed. A soft chuckle escapes my lips. Even if he's being a jerk, Brandon will be adorable no matter what. The wooden floor groans as I take a few steps toward him. I look down at Brandon. His coppery hair was askew, his lip slightly pursed. I moved my hand up to his face and cupped his face in my hand. His lips curled into a small smile. My hand moved away when I remembered my knuckles were caked with blood. I took my leave. Just as I was about to close the door, I looked back at Brandon and smiled.

Time to find Darius.

Authors note: the pain is almost over..... One more part. Bare with me. Oh! The 666th word was "Darius" coincidence? I
Think not! 🔺

Anyways, sorry this was delayed, I had multiple cringe attacks when writing.

I was thinking about changing the cover for the book again? What do y'all think

Thank you so much for reading!

Bye bye Brudunskies


Wait..... Why do all the female NPC's act all moody on a blood moon....

Females..... Blood.......

...... SON OF A-

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