Chapter fourty-six: Once in a blood moon....part 1

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I apologize in advance.......

Feather's POV

Everyone Was gathered in the main room not long after the blood moon rose. Brandon made sure and barricaded the front door. "Something about a blood moon makes monsters swarm....... And become strong enough to break down doors" he said to me. That's scary and awesome at the same time! "I love blood moons, there's never a shortage of things to kill..." Darius said, hopping over the barricade. He pushed open the door and goes out side. Hmm. How's he going to get back in? Oh well... We'll figure it out later. I felt a sudden wave of fatigue wash over me. A yawn escapes my mouth. Brandon looks over to me.

" You should go to bed. We did a lot of training today..." Brandon said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I nod and start to walk off to our room. "Night Molly, Night Norkas...." I said. A chorus of "Night"'s followed. As soon as I opened the room to our room, I flopped down on my bed. I close my eyes as I fall asleep.

I woke up to the sound of a clock chiming. That's weird..... We don't have a clock.. Bing....... Bing...... Bing.... Hmm. I get out of bed and loom out the window, sure enough, It's still nighttime. I look around the room. Huh..... Brandon's not in here.... Hmm. I wonder where he is? I get out of bed and walk towards the door. Just as soon as I'm about to turn the handle, the door burst open.

(Uhhh...I can't do this!...... This is just gonna.... Ugh..... I'm gonna go sit and cry in a corner when I'm done.)

Brandon walks into the room, the door hitting me in the process. I groan as I step backwards in pain. He smirks. "Oh! Looks like sleeping beauty is finally awake!" He sneers. I look at him. "What on Terraria are you talking about, Brandon?" I reply. His expression twists into a small frown, then a smirk.

"Don't worry about it, babe." He said winking. Did he just--- no........ Not sweet old Brandon! He walks over to me and starts circling around me. "You're actually kinda hot...... How did I not notice this before..." He said, looking me over. "Uughihg--uhhhhh?" I stuttered. W-what? D-did h-h-he just call me--- What is up with Brandon?

"Yeah, you're a cutie for sure...... Got curves in all the right places..." He continued. What. I don't even let Darius talk to me that way. He walks up time so close that I could feel his breath. "Nah... Molly's hotter." He said after a while. Huh?? Brandon?! "Brandon, are you okay? You see a" I say, trailing off. He rolls his eyes. "The only problem I have
Is that you continue talking, sweetheart." He says in a condescending tone.

"Why are you being such a jerk?!?" I shout in anger. I just wish I could wipe that smart smirk off his face. "I dunno. Why are you being annoying?" He leers back. Why is he acting like this? He continues starring at me for a few moments before he
Bursts out into laughter. "Wow! You're so mad that your face turned red! Ha! Didn't even know it was possible!" He laughed.

UGH! This is making no sense! I roll my eyes and look for something to do. I look throug my chests and find some extra lead. An idea popped into my head. "Hey Brandon? How do you make a lead axe?" I question. He snorts. "One, why do you care, two, why would I help you?" He scoffs. I look at him in shock. "Jeez... All I did was 'axe' a question...." I say, hoping my pun lightens the mood.

"You shouldn't ask questions, sweetheart. You're too hot to be thinking anything to complex..." He says. His eyes drifted over to me and pulled a smirk on his face. I stopped my foot. "Quit being such a jerk!" I order. "Quit being such a priss!" He shoots back. That. Was. It. "That's it! I'm leaving!" I say, turning my back towards the door. He chuckles.

"Good, I get a much better view from behind..." He said. Oh hoho! He shouldn't've said that. "LEAVE ME ALONE! COME TALK TO ME WHEN YOU GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!!!" I yell, slamming the door in his face.

A part of me died when writing this.....



Cause of death: she tried to mentally strangle her little cinnamon biscuit.

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