Chapter Seventy-one: WATER TTTHHHOOOSSSEEE?!?

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Feather's POV

"What do you mean 'your master cannot be summoned under the light of day??'" I say, clearly agitated.

He sighed.

"Look. Skeletron can only be summoned at night. Come back in.... Say..... Four hours." He tried to sympathize. I stomp my foot.

"You mean to tell me that I could've left later?!?????" I say, my voice slowly rising.

"Look! Just calm down! Look, you can hang out here, or there's the ocean---" he started.


I huffed.

"Fine. I'll come back later." I say, turning my back.

"I'm sorry to trouble you with that inconvenience! Please come back!" He shouted as I walked off.

Let's see......

I'm going to need to get over this somehow. I rolled my eyes

Oh why am I playing dumb?

I aim my hookshot and Fire, Swinging over the dungeon.



I trudge some more, even jumping over a small cave. I could of sworn I heard a voice scream for help, but it was probably my imagination.

I perk up when I see the beautiful blue water, seeming to sparkle next to the glowing sand.

I run up to the beach and throw my bag down. I slip off my splintering armor and put it inside my bag, leaving me in my normal clothes.

I take off my regular shoes and dash towards the water.

I squished the damp sand in between my toes.


Should I really go swimming after the events of today?

You know, almost drowning and all....

I don't think you should. You might drown again.

So you disagree! That means I should!

NO! You're going to get yourself killed! There's sharks, and crabs! And Jellyfish!

Pfffffttt. I'm twenty-two. I can take care of myself. You're starting to sound like a more paranoid Brandon!

Hey! Excuse me for caring about you!

...... What?

Errrr Nothing. Since I can't stop you, I heard there is loot, in the deepest part of the ocean.

I perked up.



I was already knee deep in the water, armed with my silver  sword. Hmm. I think I'm going to have to get an upgrade soon.

I took a deep breath of air and dove into the water.

I open my eyes to see a beautiful array of coral and seashells. Wow! My eyes scan the area. This is pretty. But I highly doubt that someone would put loot where anyone could see.

I need to dive deeper!

I push the water and descend farther into the depths of the sea. All of a sudden, I feel a sharp stinging pain on my arm. I resist the urge to scream as I see a jellyfish, latched onto my arm.

I grit my teeth and swing my sword against the force of the water. I twist my sword into the jellyfish. Then, it disintegrates and leaves behind two glowsticks.

I suddenly felt my lungs begin to constrict. Uh oh. I grab the glow sticks and swim up quickly.

I take in a huge gulp of air as I reach the surface. I move my legs swiftly, treading the water. Hmm. I've swam too far out from shore to go back and drop off these glowsticks.

Wait a minute!

I chuck one into the water below. It sinks for a bit before I hear a large Clunk.


I need to investigate! Maybe it's a chest? Or some ore? I put the other glowstick in between my teeth and dive.

I need to make this fast before I run out of oxygen. I swim into the depths, the ocean becoming darker. Soon, The only light I see is from the glowsticks.

My feet land on the bottom of the ocean floor. Wait...... Shouldn't I be crushed by the pressure of the water?

Just...... Don't ask questions.... I've been trying to figure that out for a while.

I shrug and walk towards the faint glow of the glowstick.

I raise an eyebrow as I see the glowstick come into view. It was sitting on a light blue chest encrusted with gems. 


I spit out the glowstick and start swimming towards the chest. My fingers trace over the detailing.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see something move. My eyebrow arches and I go back to the chest. I slowly open the chest. I was surprised that the items didn't float off.

I had abandoned the glowstick and just started scooping up items. A chill went down my spine. I had the eerie suspicion that something was going to happen. Huh. Now. I better get back up to the surface before I drown.

As I continue swimming up, some of the loot was slipping. I tuck something under my arm as lots of loot slips out of my hands and back into the ocean.

I felt my lungs begin to burn with exhaustion, but I was only half way up.

I try to claw myself up to the surface, resulting in me sinking back down a bit and to the sand. I shriek and start climbing up.

Water begins to fill my lungs as I get closer to the surface of the water.

As soon as I breech the surface, I lunge onto the sand. I cough up water and breath out in exhaustion.

I'm alive.


Wow....... You almost drowned two times today. What a record! Oh! What kind of loot did you get?

I look at the item I had clutched onto. I wrinkle my nose when I see that it's a pair of blue boots.

Aw! It's just a stupid pair of boots!

Oh! Those are water-walking boots!

What do they do?

........ Uh... It's in the title-- just.... Never mind. They let you walk on water. creates this surface tension---


Hey! How come you let Brandon explain nerdy stuff!

Because he's cute when doing it!



I'm going to try on the boots now....

I slip the boots on. Huh. Surprisingly.... They're pretty comfortable. I stand up and make my way towards the water. As soon as I reach the edge, I flinch as I continue walking. I crack open my eye and my jaw drops. I was actually standing on water! I take a few steps around, completely mesmerized.

Now...... I have just one question for you.....


Hey! Skeleton! Get out of my head!

Sorry. I had to. Plus it's time for our battle.

I look up to see the moon rising.

Let's do this!


Yes...... I know the title is fitting. So here, have a stupid filler chapter about my favorite beginner accessory.

You know...... Now that I think about it.... This book would of taken a whole new turn if I went with my initial idea to make Brandon a cannibal.

Yeah....... Hmm... Is it too late to change it?

Eh. Oh well.

Next Chapter: The Battle with Skeleton.

Hm. That old man NPC has made me realize a few things about Brandon.....

Feedback is appreciated and thank you guys so much for reading!

Bye bye Brudunskies


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