Chapter twenty-one: Preparing for adventure!

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Brandon's POV

I opened my eyes to see streams of sunlight coming though the window. I tried not too move much to disturb Feather. I need to get up. I gently moved Feather onto my pillow. I got up and lied her down. I placed my blanket over her. I moved a strand of hair out of her face. I wonder if she knew I was having a nightmare. Eh......Probably not. I walked into the kitchen. Molly was awake.

"Ah! Good morning Brandon!" Molly said. I sat down in my chair.

"Morning Molly." I reply. I notice that her expression is a hesitant one.

"Something on your mind?" I ask. Her hesitant smile widens.

"Yeah..............Hey Brandon.........You're a guy right?" She asks. I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes? What's that have to do with anything?" I reply. She bites her lip.

"Well..............Darius has been flirting with me a lot lately and I was wondering if all guys were like that. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving all the attention, since no other guys noticed me at my nurse academy." She said blushing. I clicked my tongue.

"Uhhhh.....No. For instance, I don't usually flirt with girls because I lack the self confidence Darius has." I say.

"Awwwww.....That's adorable. I'm telling Feather."She said sweetly. My face must've flared up.

"What! N-nn-no! Why would you tell her t-tthat?" I stammer.

"Tell me what?" I hear a beautiful voice say. Feather was leaning against the door frame.Molly looks at me and smirks.

"Oh Nothing, Just talking about how Brandon is too shy to talk to girls." Molly said, nonchalantly.

"Molly!" I whisper-hiss. Feather blushes.

"Well. I better go! You two talk about feelings and stuff!" Molly said, walking out.

"Molly! I'm going to killlllllll you!" I grit  my teeth. I then remember Feather is in the room. She comes up behind me and places her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?' She asks. I whip around.

"Yeah! Everything is just fine, oh gosh darn dandy! " I say, continuing to grit my teeth. Feather smirks.

"So about what Molly said......."She starts.


"S-ss-sorry. When I get nervous I start getting verbose." I apologize. She laughs her harmonious laugh.

"You are such a nerd, Brandon." She giggles. 

She motions me to come follow her. She sits down in front of the chest with her bag. I sit down next to her.

"Ok! What all do I need to pack?" She asks. We then begin shoving things in her bag. Let's see..........I packed her some extra food and her hammer. I also put in her pickaxe and axe. I carefully put in a few potions.

"Well. You are kind of short on supplies, so you might want to buy some from Gus." I say, observing the contents of the bag. She nods and heads off to Gus' room.

Feather POV

I knocked on the door to Gus' room.

"Come in!" I hear him shout from inside. He was at his desk, which he turned into a pricing counter. He had supplies laid out with the prices congruent to the corresponding item. Darius was also in there. I'm guessing he was trying to bargain again. So far everyone in the house knows that you can't bargain with Gus.

"Hello Feather. Care to buy anything today?" Gus asks, stroking his beard.

"Yes. Do you have nay supplies for adventurers?" I ask.

"Ah! Supplies for an adventurer? You have come to the right place, my friend, he said, motioning to a shelf. Potions, rope, flares, pickaxes, torches and arrows. I also see a shiny gold mining helmet that's way over my budget. I purchase the last of the supplies and chat for a bit. As soon as I was about to walk out the door, Darius grabbed my arm.

"Feather! Wait!' He said.

"Do you want to buy anything from me?" He asks, smiling.

"What exactly do you sell? I haven't seen you set up shop yet." I say. He pulls open his trench coat to reveal several guns and magazines.

"I sell guns. And ammo." He explains.

"Ah. Another reason to sleep soundly at night." I say sarcastically. He gives me a sly smile.

"Don't worry, babe, I'll protect you. Anyways. Care to buy anything?" He offers. I think to the gun currently sitting in my bag.

"Hmmmm. Yeah. I'll buy some ammo." I say. He pulls out several musket bullets and hands them to me.

"Alright. How much do I owe ya?" I ask.

"Don't worry 'bout it, It's on me." He says. I watch him wink.

"Thanks Darius! Thanks Gus! I'll see you two at dinner!" I say as I exit the room. I go put the ammo away in my bag. I walk towards the kitchen to see Molly and Brandon goofing around. A twinge of jealously stabs me. What? I can't be jealous! Brandon can hang out with other girls.... I then see their faces get close. I bolt into the room.

"HeY Molly! Hey Brandon! What are you two up two this fine evening?" I ask, a little too quickly. Molly giggles.

"Well, Brandon was just helping me prepare dinner." Molly chuckled.

"Oh! Do you need anymore help?" I ask.

"Nah. Dinner is ready. I was just about to come get you guys." Brandon said. We set the table as the guys walked in. WE started dinner.

I helped clear the table and I escaped to me and Brandon's room. I'm kinda anxious for tomorrow. I get to explore the world that I was just randomly dumped in. It's exciting. Who knows what I'll find? I lay down in my bed. I slowly drift off dreaming of the adventures that await.

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