Chapter twenty-two- Let's go down the open road...

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Feather's POV

I felt myself wobble as I slung my bag over my shoulder. My heart was beating rapidly at the prospect of going out on my first real adventure. Quickly, I put my sword back into my bag and slowly turn the door handle.

Everyone's eyes poured onto me as I stepped out into the main room.

It seemed like everyone was gathered in here.

As my eyes made contact with each and everyone of my friends, they adverted their eyes instantly. The only one that made steady eye contact with me was Brandon.

"Hey everybody...." I whispered, They murmur greetings. Silence shifted uncomfortably about the room.

"It's about time I get going......" I break the silence, only to be bombarded in it once more. Everything thing was still again.

All of a sudden, Molly room a few steps towards me. Before I could do anything, she pulled me in for a tight hug.

"Be safe out there okay? Try not to leave me alone with the guys for too long." She joked, but no amount of cheerfulness could hide the pain in her voice.

Molly let go of me, and just as soon as she did, Gus practically pushed her to the side.

"Be safe out there, kiddo. One day, They'll tell the tales of Feather, good ones, I'm sure." Gus put his hand on my shoulder, His eyes and smile warm.

"Hey! I want to talk to her!" A raspy voice said, pushing though both Gus and Molly.

Darius gave me a playful smile as he stood in front of me, his hands in his coat.

"Hey. You'll be the worst things that those monsters will ever see. Knock 'em dead, Sweetheart." Darius couldn't help but flirt. I rolled my eyes, but both of us knew that I couldn't help but smile.

"And I'll keep an eye on Brandon for ya." Darius leaned in and whispered into my ear.

"Ummm...... I won't blow up the house?" Norkas said uncertainly.

"That'll do, Norkas, That'll do." I said.

Brandon was last.

"Hey...............Feather.............I-" He started before I threw my arms around him. I hugged him tight.

"I'll miss you. Be safe out there. Ok?" He says.

"I'll try, but danger always finds me, not that I'm complaining." I joke.

"I'll keep everyone in track and we'll try not to throw too many parties. I'll try not to worry about you too much." He said.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Be safe, My guide." I say before letting go of him. I look once more around the room. Tears fall.

"Hey! Why are you guys crying? I'll be back, I'll be back in one piece and with stories to tell." I say, wiping tears. I make my way to the door. I open it. The gang gives me and encouraging smile. I look once more at Brandon. He smiles his handsome smile.

"I'll miss you." I mouth to him. I close the door behind me as I set out for adventure.

I set off east, towards what looked like a big tree. Along the way, slimes and bunnies hopped along. I listened to the chatter of the birds as the sky turned from a lavender color to a crisp blue.

Whoa! Easy there, Shakespeare!

Be quiet!

Well......I kinda am the only companion you have

Well........ I don't need a companion! I can take care of myself!

Say................I know this is a weird question, But what exactly are you, Ki?

Well. I am a powerful mage from a land afar. I usually put my self into the new people that awake in Terraria. In essence, I'm no different from you, except I have better gear. I can do the same things as you, I'm just communicating with you via my thoughts.

Essentially, you are just a voice in my head, but I can block you out any time I want. Just one day, I awoke in this strange land and I survived. I wanted to help others that are in the same boat as me.

Wow......That's beautiful

I know.

Also..........What are you currently doing right now, since you are just devoting your time to messing with my head.

I am mining around my cave for some Palidium.

Palidium? What's that?

You'll understand as time progresses.

I felt myself become closer to the grass. What did I trip over? A rock. Brilliant. I continue admiring the land around I was not paying attention and I hit my head on a tree branch. I recoil in pain as my foot hits another rock, sending me flying into a crevasse in the ground.

(Yes... I know, lazy editing.. but I needed to get this out. I'll revamp it later..)

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