Chapter twenty-three: Mirrored Image

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Feather POV

Dang it! My body ached in pain. A few splatters of blood were on the stone. Ugggggghhhhhh...................I reached into my bag for a potion. I pulled out the crimson-colored potion and drank the contents of it. I instantly felt better. The wound of which the blood was pouring out of closed. I grabbed a piece of cloth from my bag and wiped the blood off me. I then realized that I had landed on a pot. In the remains of shattered pieces of clay was a couple ninja throwing stars.

They're called shurikens

Whatever. I put them in my bag. I noticed that there was a few more pots. I swung my pickaxe and broke them all in one swift move. Rope, torches and more shurikens were in them. AS I continued o travel deeper in the cave, I noticed some ores. I should really get out, but there's so much loot. I saw a chest. In there was a mirror, glowsticks, a few empty bottles a gold coin and a gun of some sorts. I pick up the glowing blue mirror.

Ah! A magic mirror!

What does it do?

Well, If you gaze into it and click your heels three times, it will take you home.

Ugh, I shouldn't have asked.

No, I'm serious, If you gaze in it, it take you home.

Yeah Right.

I gazed into the mirror. All of a sudden, blue particles surrounded me and clouded my vision. The particles cleared and I saw the familiar wooded wall. My bed was exactly how I left it, unkempt and messy. I then heard someone walk down the hall.

Dude. You should hide in the closet and scare the crap out of the person who walks in.


I dashed over to the closet and left it open a crack. The door to the bedroom creaked open. Brandon walked into the room looking upset. Gus walked in after him.

"Aw come on! You're not mad at Molly beating you at UNO, Are you?" Gus asked. Brandon shook his head.

"No............" Brandon said, sighing. He stared out the window. I then noticed that the sun was setting.

"Awww What's wrong? You can tell me." Gus said, sitting next to Brandon. Brandon chuckled.

"No I can't Gus, Then you will use the information against me and you would have me pay you and exoptable amount of money for you to keep your mouth shut." Brandon said. Gus smiled.

"You know me so well. and I promise I won't tell anyone, or blackmail you again..." Gus said.

"Well..................I kinda miss Feather..." Brandon said, trailing off.

"HEY EVERYBODY! COME INTO BRANDON AND FEATHER'S ROOM! BRANDON IS TALKING ABOUT HIS FEELINGS!" Gus shouted. Brandon face-palmed himself. Then, all of a sudden, all you could hear were people running down the hallway. Darius skidded to a stop as he stopped in front of the doorway.

"Okay, you can continue! Norkas is getting the popcorn!" Darius said, sitting on my bed. I'm going to slap him later. Norkas walked in with a bowl of popcorn.

"What Did I miss?" Norkas asked, sitting next to Darius,

"Nothing! Nothing is going on! I was just missing Feather! That's all!" Brandon said. Darius suppressed a laugh.

"Dude.........She's been gone for like, eight hours. You need to kinda chill. She's probably fine, let's try not to think about zombies tearing her limb from limb," Darius said, smirking. Brandon squeaked. I heard the door open again. Molly walked in with her hands on her hips.

"Now what is all this commotion about?" Molly asked.

"Brandon is talking about his love life." Darius said, shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth. Molly sighed and shook her head.

"Stop torturing him! Now, everyone, Off to bed! I don't want to hear a peep out of any of you." Molly ordered.

"Yes MOM!" Norkas grumbled. Gus, Darius and Norkas trudged out of the room with Molly. Brandon let out a sigh of relief. I watched as he started walking over to the closet. Crap! He opened the door and I sprung out.

"SURPRISE!" I yelled.

"Gah!" He shouted and threw a book at my foot.

"Ah! Dang it Brandon!" I cry in pain. He looks at me in shock.

"Feather?? How did you- when did you- what did you-" He stuttered.

"I found a magic mirror and it took me back home. Good thing I wasn't that far off." I said. I sit down on my bed and he sits on his.

"So you.........Heard everything that happened in the past fifteen minutes..." Brandon stuttered.

"Yes I did............" I said, smiling. His face got red. I got up and sat next to him.

"I didn't know that you'd miss me that much!' I said, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah......I mean, At the beginning, we were all we had. Just you and I. Kinda hard not to miss someone with that..............Friendship..." He said. He nervously put his arm around me. I look up at him.

".....................Did Molly really beat you at UNO?" I asked. He sighed.

"Yes. Multiple times." He said. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Ah......This is nice." I say. Silence fills the room. I get lost in the rhythm of his heart.

"Hey Brandon, Can you not tell anyone that I was here? I plan on heading out in the morning." I request, getting up. He nods and leans back in his bed. I take off my armor and get under my covers.

"Goodnight Brandon....." I say, trailing off. Something was off that night.....He didn't reply.

Brandon's pov

I blink back tears. I can't fall for her. I can't let my emotions get in the way of the hero's destiny, I can't love her. She will live her life, I simply will not.

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