The aftermeth... I MEAN MATH

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I refuse to believe I've written 100 chapters for my book.

I refuse to believe I have over 5k reads....

I refuse to believe that I got here alone...

Because I didn't.

You guys.....

You Brudunskies

Have got me----- us here to where we are today.

Thinking back to chapter 1, it's insane to think how much I've grown, not just as a writer, but as a person.

This book helped me tap into my inner humanities and empathetic self-mind.

No other book has done this.

I am extremely proud of this book.

Sure, it didn't take off like Zanemau

Sure, It hasn't been around for that long like Updates or FABulous.

But this is the one I'm most proud of.

No other book of mine has impacted me like this one.

I would just like to say.... Thank you.

Without all of you guys, this book would of never been possible.

.... And a special thank you...

To all of the people that came back to read chapter two of this book after you read chapter one.

You guys saw faith in me and most of you decided to stick around. And....

Well..... You guys were the ones that encouraged me to keep going.

I want to be the very best I can be, and you guys know that. I'm so lucky that I have the chance to connect with you guys on a personal level.


Thanks for not making fun of me....

If I were to show this book to kids at my school, they surely would laugh in my face. Even some of my closest friends...... They would make fun of me and say how this is so much like my love life... And not look deep into it to find the true meaning.

You guys...

You guys believe in me!

I know I can always count on you guys for encouragement and... Well... Support....

I am so glad people enjoy this book....

I'm so glad that I'm able to make something.... That makes people feel something!

With other books I have, sure, there are emotional moments.... But this one...

Oh my this one....

I'm connecting to characters on personal levels....

Usually in stories on here, I find it hard to... Relate with characters.

Society these days...


It's .... Becoming... Dangerous for people like me.

People who love to express empathy and emotion. Instead... Society is encouraging people to hide their emotions.... To not feel.

I want to make people feel something. anything!

That's always been my goal... To entertain... To make you feel something.

I work hard...

I work hard as an author to bring you something that you can relate to...

That you can sympathize with.

I know my story might not be the most action-packed, or is too lovey-dovey at some parts...

But it's mine...

It's ours.

We built this story from the ground up.

And I could never ask for anything more..

To have such inspiring people in my life is such a blessing. I can't picture my life without you, this book, or even Wattpad.

Thank you guys so much for believing in me.... And... Encouraging me.... And being yourselves.

You guys are my inspiration.... My motivation.... My rock! You guys keep me grounded from flying too close to the sun.

Honestly, I think it's pure luck that you guys are such amazing people.

I can never thank you guys enough for the impact you've made on this story and in my life.

And now to the special thank you's

To Night_Skrill :

Oh my gosh.... Ki.... Where do I even start!??!? You taught me the basics and encouraged me to get this game. It's kinda insane that you were the root of this book (along with several others) but... Thank you so much for telling me about Terraria.... For... Well.... Getting only modestly angry when I lost the Terrablade. And... Well.... For spending the summer mornings with me..
Those early mornings were some of the best laughs I've had in a while. Thank you so much, Kiki. This wouldn't exist without you.  I'm.... Sorry.

To lukaFNAFer :
Holy crap dude. You were the first person to ever like or comment on this story. In the beginning... I wasn't sure that this book would succeed... But when you started commenting... It made me happy. Now I continue to find out that you still enjoy the book. Thank you so much for always supporting me.

To Queen_Chess

Oh my gosh.. The screaming fangirl. Really tho.... Fandon would not be as good without shippers like you. Honestly.... Fandon was never going to happen. But after I saw how excited you got about the two of them... Well... I'm not know for crushing a fangirl's dreams, and thank you so much for reading this book. It means so much to me that you enjoy this book. Hopefully, The stuff I have planned with make you happy.

To FoxXtrap

Long time no comment, eh? I eventually got fed up with all of he comments that I took extra care in editing. Nw iT seams LikE i nver mak misTa-kes anYmorre. And thank you so much for making the cover! I didn't even ask you to, but you went out of your way to make me one. Thank you.

To RedstoneCyborg

Alright. Don't fear, I'm not shipping you with anyone! But thank you. You were the person that taught me how to write fight scenes and even invited one of my characters (well technically two) to join in the tournament in one of your books. It meant a lot to me. Thank you.

And finally....

Dat Boi...

I mean dat_munckin :

Book of Fandon one shots, yay or nay. But seriously, thank you so much for enjoying this book and I think I'm deaf from the screams. It's insane that you still enjoy this book and are continuing to support it. Thank you so much for you're opinion and for writing that extra ending for me... ROLL CLIP!

Give 'em a round of applause everyone!
(Ps... That's not the actual ending, I just thought it was neat that someone wrote it on there own)

To these amazing people, I thank you. Each of you had your own part you played in the growth of this story and I cannot thank you guys enough.

I really appreciate everyone who read this story, and will continue to enjoy for many more chapters.

It.... Means so much.... That.... I made something that has impacted people.....

I truly appreciate and no amount of words can tell you how much you guys mean to me.


And now I start crying....

Thank you guys....

Bye bye Brudunskies


(I hope I got my point across.)

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