Chapter 10o and a half : Friendship

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Feather's Point of View

As soon as we started our decent, I had an ominous feeling in my gut. The way water trickled off of the green brick, the low growling from below us sent my spine tingling.

This was scary!.... But I'm scarier.

"Oh hey! Look!" Ki pointed at something. It seemed like a patch of dried up blood.

"You almost died here. Remember that?" Ki asked. As if I could forget I was almost brutally murdered by a giant skull.

"Fond memories." I reply coldly. He rolled his eyes.

"Jeez... Just trying to lighten the mood.." Ki said, defensively. He looked down at his feet as we walked in silence. Something was off about him, but I couldn't tell what.

"What's up with you?" I ask, nudging his shoulder. He instantly tensed up.

"N-nothing! W-what's up with you!"

"Dude. You're really tense. And.... You're acting weird."

"I'm not acting weird! Where's all of this sass coming from!??"

"SASS?" I exclaim, voice echoing off the dungeon walls.

"You know what?!? This was a mistake." I huff and storm forward.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Ki said. I instantly stopped in my tracks to see a dark staircase descending even deeper into the dungeon.

Ki walked up behind me and whistled.

"Wow. That sure looks scary. Would be a shame if someone were to---" I felt him nudge my shoulder. I wobbled and lost balance. My foot slipped and I started falling. My jaw dropped as my world started moving in slow motion.

I narrowed my eyes and grabbed Ki by the collar of his robes, pulling him towards me, us falling together.

If I go down... I'm taking you with me.

I hope he knows that this was his karma for pushing me.

"AAAAAHHH" I let out a high pitched scream as we started rolling down the stairs.

"Oof!" I groan as I land on flat ground.

"OWWW.... My head..." Ki mumbled from a few feet away from me. I smirk to myself.

Ki turned his head and glared at me.

I swear.... You are the most----

I cut him off.b

"SHUT UP AND LOOK AT THIS!!" I instantly hop up to my feet once I see a door. I walk over to it, extremely curious.

"That's the entrance to the dungeon.... As in.... The actual dungeon... Where the monsters are." Ki said, somehow magically appearing behind me.

"Whoah! How'd you do that?"

I mean... He was in pain, but I didn't even hear him get up!

What can I say.... I'm magic.

I look at him, an eyebrow raised. He had a sly grin on his face. If I didn't know any better, I would think he's flirting with me.

"Yeah yeah... Come on, Magic man. Let's go save this person."

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