Chapter four: The Merlot Mirror

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It wasn't until the next morning that Brandon approached me, a tentative look on his face.

"I think we should sleep in separate rooms," He said, his gaze darting everywhere but mine. Raising an eyebrow, I didn't dare to disagree with his wish. From the way Brandon shifted around, I could tell that he was still experiencing some awkwardness as he watched me tear that flower to shreds.

Brandon nodded in acknowledgment as I expressed my agreement.

As I watched him pack, I watched as his eyes gradually lit up and fell as his hands brushed over old memories of ours... I watched his knuckles turn white as he gripped a book so hard that I feared that the spine would snap and all of the pages of the book would come fluttering to the ground.

But they didn't. I watched as he took one final look around the room. His eyes eventually settled on me as he sighed. After a final glance at his bare bed, he left the room without a final word to me.

I waited until his footsteps were distant down the hall that I decided to step out of my own room in search of Ki.

I walked down the hallway to the kitchen before I stopped dead in my tracks. Ki was sitting at the kitchen table, my magic mirror shards everywhere along with the bent up frame. His eyes were full of tears and the table was covered in a crimson, sticky substance that poured from a wound on his face.

With shock, he immediately turned around, blood splattering across me from his sudden movements.

Just as I was about to bury him with my shock and anger, in a calm demeanor, Ki raised his hand and the blood stopped. "Magic Mirrors need a substance with plenty of magic in order to fix themselves," he explained, though his speech was slower than normal.

"I don't have the strength to travel back to my dimension... so I was unable to get any other Mana potions..." Ki said. "But soon... you can take me back to my dimension for me!"

I warily step back, watching as his bloodshot eyes bore into mine. "Ki... You need rest"

Ki let out a low chuckle. "But I don't need it! I just need to make sure that you're safe!" He said before carefully picking up the mirror. "Ta Da!" He said proudly, presenting it to me.

My eyes widened at the new state of my mirror.

The frame was still bent at weird angles, but that wasn't my true concern. The mirror itself was red with blue fragments strewn around. It took all of my will power not to gag at the premise of my new mirror being made out of blood- no, my new best friend's blood.

Just as Ki was about to hand the mirror to be with trembling hands, Molly rushed into the room and smacked it out of his hands. "What in Terraria are you doing?!" She exclaimed in a tone harsher than any one I've heard from her before.

"You're supposed to be resting! Not draining your head of blood for a mirror!" Molly snapped, gently dragging Ki to a standing position.

Ki fought against Molly as he struggled to stand. "The pills you gave me sucked!" He said.

Realization hit me as Ki struggled against Molly. Ki was on drugs. He's not thinking straight enough to make any logical decision.

Molly dragged Ki out of the kitchen. "Honestly! I'm just going to have to lock you in a room-"

"He can sleep in my room!" I spoke out, my hands involuntarily tracing around my mirror.


Feather gently set a blanket over me as I settled into Brandon's old bed. Scoffing, I try to kick the blanket off of me. "I'm too strong for you to be babying me like this..."

Feather sat down on her own bed and studied me. "If you were so strong, then why where you crying earlier?" She asked. In all honesty, I knew in my heart that it was not her intention to mock me for my display of emotions.

I didn't reply to her statement.

Feather watched me, though it was hard to see her expression through the haze of the surplus of drugs and the lack of blood in my system.

"Finally kicked Brandon out, huh?" I asked, looking over at her.

Feather nodded and inhaled sharply, not wanting to add much to my attempt at conversation. We ending up making small talk until the topic of the conversation ended up on the mirror again.

"Seriously, Ki, if you would of just given yourself time to heal, all of this could've been avoided!" Feather said, reclining back on her bed.

I thought my next sentence over very, very carefully.

"Well maybe you should come home with me so I don't make anymore bad decisions!" I said, cracking a very drugged grin.

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