Chapter One: Here We Go

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"It's alright, Feather... It's only a cave... you're more than prepared to fight anything down here..." I spoke softly, a panicky edge to my voice. Taking a deep breath, I continue to trudge deeper into the cave.

Mysterious screeches echoed off the walls as I hastily lit another torch, the light illuminating the small area around me. While I stood in my little circle of light, I shiver at the unknown that rest just a few feet ahead of me.

Reluctantly, I continue forward.

"Why did I ever think this was a good idea?" I whisper to myself as I trudged across the rough stone, light embers from my armor trailing behind me. I knew it was too headstrong of me to throw myself instantly into adventure. And into a cave for that matter!

However, Brandon was right about one thing: In order for me to stay alive, I'm going to need a lot more Life Crystals.

As my torch glazed over numerous metals, a shimmer of pink caught my attention. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a Life Crystal next to a mound of stone.

Smiling, I rush over to it, setting my torch against the wall. I quickly fumble for my pickaxe and grip the handle with my gloved hand. With a powerful swing, I instantly break the crystal.

As I leaned down to pick it up, I'm jolted away by an ominous screech.
I instantly whip around, my pickaxe clattering against the ground. My eyes quick scan the darkness of the cave, looking for any movement.

Arching an eyebrow, my suspicions start to raise as I notice nothing else in the cave. Slowly, I turn back around and reach to pick up the crystal.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I twirl my fingers around the heart-shaped crystal. All of a sudden, The sudden shifting of dirt catches my attention followed by a loud growl.

Shaking, I turn my head and come face to face with a giant worm. I instinctively held the crystal close to my chest as I tried to steady my breathing.

The worm remained motionless in front of me, seemingly frozen in place. My heart began to thump in my chest as I looked at the worm through my fogged visor. Cautiously, I try to take a step back and reach for my cutlass.

I try my best to shuffle backwards quietly, the clang of my armor ringing through the cave.

The worm let out an aggravated wail as it barreled towards me, slamming me into the wall. A shockwave of pain raced through my body as it made contact with the stone. With the rush of the worm's body next to me, it ate through the stone, completely avoiding me and heading into the next cave.

I quickly scramble to my feet, my shoulders tense as I eagerly hold my cutlass, keenly watching the worm dig

Lowering my shoulders, I breathe a sigh of relief as I hear the distant wail of the worm further off in the distance. My mouth lifts into a small smile as I look down at the undamaged Life Crystal in my hands. As I stare at it, I couldn't help but laugh at the crazy encounter I just had.

With a confident smile, I flip up the visor on my helmet. "Haha!" I cackle to myself, "Can't get me!" I continue to marvel at my close encounter for a few more minutes until I collected my bearings.

Humming happily, I slip the crystal into my bag and pick up my pickaxe. With my confidence radiating brighter than any torch, I set forth deeper into the cave. Surely there can't be much more in this cave... Right?


Rolling my eyes, I grunt uncomfortably as I felt sweat run down my back.  My hands quickly reached up and took off the helmet on my head. I happily breath a sigh of comfort as I feel the musky cave air cool down my face.

"Stupid... armor..." I whispered, stretching my back. It wasn't the best idea for Brandon to construct amour made out of this material. It's too warm and barely has any practical use- Besides expelling embers with every move I make.

It makes me wonder if this armor is actually useful in anyway. Though it does provide better protection than wood armor, I don't see the benefit of heavier armor... But I guess I just have to get used to it...

Now... what was the boss that Brandon said that I can defeat with this armor set?

Wall of -

My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar screech. Barely turning my head, I'm pounded into the wall by the giant worm. As my body collides with the stone, I feel a warm liquid pool out of the back of my neck.

And that's why we wear helmets, Kids.

With a loud hissing sound, I hear the worm tunnel through the stone next to me. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes as it once again disappears out of earshot.

Groaning in pain, I roll over on the stone, blood running down my neck. Tears prick the corner of my eyes as my mouth twisted into a pained frown.

My first adventure and I'm on the ground bleeding because of some stupid worm!

Maybe Brandon was right all along...

Who am I to prove him wrong?

Rolling over, I grab my mirror from my bag. Holding it up, I squeeze my eyes shut, trying my best not to look into it.

... I can't go home now!

My adventure is just starting!

But who am I kidding? All that I have is a measly little Life Crystal and I'm already on the ground bleeding...

Maybe the life of an adventurer is not the right life for me...

Maybe I'm not cut out to be a hero...

Going home is the best thing for me... It would be better to face Brandon now than later down the line.

My eyes remain shut for a few more minutes as I listen to the faint shifting of stone underneath me.

If I can't even carry the weight of my armor properly, what's the sense in trying to carry the weight of the world?

Taking a deep breath, I open my eyes and watch my reflection stare back at me through the mirror. Titling my head to the side, I watch as curious eyes study my own. The blue mirror reflects the image of a lady with tears brimming in her eyes... my own reflection...


"Why aren't you-" Before I could finish my sentence, the worm snarls as it bolts through the stone next to me. In one swift movement, I watch as it devours my Magic Mirror, hungrily screeching for more.

Ladies and Gentlemen...

Welcome to...

Birds of a Feather: Falcon's Flight

Hey Brudunskies, Piggle here with a quick author's note. For one, This book still doesn't have an update schedule yet (I'm working on that...) Two: Holy Heck! Thank you to the almost 70 people who read the prologue! You guys are da bomb!

Third: Quick shout out to EnderyCat and VertigoAndCompany These two fantastic people are pretty rad and have been showing BoaF lots of love!

Fourth: More FANART?!

Of course, A shout out to the fabulous Queen_Chess who drew the second ever piece of BoaF fan art! (Which also happens to be Feather)


I always get so giddy when I see someone taking the time to make something for me. Thank you!

And this does it for this author's note.

I hope you Brudunskies have a great day and I'll have the next chapter up really soon!

Bye bye Brudunskies


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