Chapter 24

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Summer school starts June 1st. On a fuckin Thursday. And state solo & ensemble is next weekend...

Kill me.]

Stay Creepy, My Friends!~

Chapter 24

Reese's POV

Waking up Monday morning was peaceful, aside from the fact that I started getting changed for school unconsciously. By the time I had zipped up my pants, I remembered that I was on my spring break now. With that in mind, I yanked my pants off, and my shirt, and didn't even bother wearing my sleeping clothes again; just stayed in my boxers. I fell across my bed with a thump and stared up at my glow-in-the-dark-star-covered ceiling. The morning sun seeping through my window warmed up my chest and I inhaled a deep, steady breath. When I exhaled, I felt my muscles unwind.

Spring break. A whole week of chilling out and taking a vacation away from the demanding environment of school. No homework, no books to read, no essays to write, nada. A whole week to catch my bearings and spend more time with Ben.

At the thought of Ben, I reached for my phone on the nightstand and sent him a text. I felt like seeing him today, but I knew he wouldn't come over until Wednesday, when he'd come to take me to that music festival a few cities over from Wriamont. I'll admit I was a little nervous about it. Not only do I rarely leave Wriamont and see any other city in the state of Indiana, but I've never been to a music festival. Hunter has taken me to see rock concerts in the past, but they're more local and familiar. This festival is gonna be a full blown, EDM, alternative, dance festival with crowds and crowds of people from many other cities. I've heard people like to smoke there, and sometimes they do other substances that I wouldn't be compelled to do. But I agreed to go, so I shouldn't complain about anything. Plus, if I'm going with Ben, I'm sure I'll be fine.

I typed up a message on my phone and sent Ben the text. For a few minutes, I laid there, waiting for a reply. He usually responds right away, so I never have to wait for more than three minutes. It's been more than three minutes, but I don't do anything else. I just placed my phone down and relaxed in bed. For awhile, the only things I stared at were my stars. I expected to hear my phone buzz with a notification, and I also expected to fall asleep. Even though it was a free Monday, and I could sleep in however long I wanted to (until work, that is), I didn't crash out again. Instead, I sat up, reached for my nightstand drawer, opened it, then grabbed my Nintendo 3DS. Inside, there was also a box for Ben's cartridge. I figured I shouldn't leave it out in the open in my drawer, so, a while ago, I put it in the box to keep it more safe. I haven't played Majora's Mask 64 for weeks. The last thing I left off on was getting to Great Bay Temple, and that's it. On the one hand, I want to finish the game so it won't be incomplete, but then on the other hand, I was worried that it would be insulting to Ben if I did. Either way, I wasn't going to play today.

Most of my morning was spent playing Animal Crossing (because Animal Crossing is so god damned addicting, and I don't know how or why--it's ridiculous). Noon came quicker than I thought and the moment my stomach growled was when I realized I hadn't eaten breakfast...or taken my pill. (That would sound strange, saying out loud. I need to take my pill. Sounds like I'm on birth control.)

Pausing my game and shutting the Nintendo closed, I hopped out of bed to hurry to the kitchen. Mom was at work by now and Hunter was crashed out so hard his loud-ass snoring could probably be heard through a five foot layer of cement. I got my dose of Zoloft, then decided to make breakfast.

After about ten minutes, I had made enough bacon and scrambled eggs with potato for Hunter and I to gorge on. The second I shut off the stove burners, my brother rounded the corner into the kitchen, barely awake.

"Food," I stated as I grabbed two plates and two glasses.

"Making breakfast during spring break? I was expecting lunch as soon as I woke up," he jested in a voice raspy from sleep.

"Well, you're awake now, so eat what I cooked," I said, filling his plate with breakfast.

Hunter took a seat at his chair and started, "So, what are you going to do today?"

I shrugged.

"Still have work?"

"Yeah," I answered, giving him his plate and drink. "I asked Artem for Wednesday off, though."

"Oh, right, you've got that festival to go to," he commented, already forking up a ball of scrambled eggs.

"You excited?" he asked past a mouth full of food.

"Yeah." I sat down with my own plate and a glass of OJ.

"Remember to be careful," he stated. "Events like that can get weird."

"I already know; Ben warned me," I replied, stifling a brief chuckle.

"Smart kid. Speaking of, you're not doing anything with him today?" he asked.

I shrugged again. "Unless he says he wants to hang out. So far, he'll be busy until Wednesday."

Hunter nodded with acknowledgment as he chewed on a strip of bacon. After ripping it in half and taking a swig of orange juice, he remarked, "I'm glad you have plans at all. My break isn't until a couple of weeks from now, but I can already tell I won't do much, hehe."

"I'm only doing one thing this spring break," I said.

"It's something, compared to other times. You won't have to hang around with dorky me."

"Or get you food and other stuff like a servant," I added, cocking an eyebrow at him.

"You wouldn't look so bad in a butler costume," he joked, and I threw a piece of potato at him. He managed to catch it and eat it, which I rolled my eyes to.

"Seriously though, I'm happy that you've found someone to hang out with," Hunter started.

There was a sentimental glitter in his warm, brown eyes and the jerk-ass within me caught an opportunity. Smugly, I teased him, "You're not jealous, are you? Butt-hurt that your little brother is moving on?"

"Pfft, of course I'm not butt-hurt," he countered. "Finally, I won't have to baby you anymore!"

"Fuck you," I replied harmlessly and he snickered at me.

"Anyway, yeah, I'm happy for ya. Ben seems like a keeper."

"A keeper, huh?"

"Yeah, man. He's cool. A badass gamer, too. That completely won me over."

"Of course it did," I murmured.

"I don't see you two hang around that often, but when I do, the both of you look genuinely happy. That's good. That's what positive relationships should look like."

Finishing my eggs, I nodded in agreement. Then, I thought about his choice of wording and furrowed my brow. "Why do you say relationship?"

He shrugged. "I mean, you have a relationship. You know, when two or more people are connected? By relations? Relationship--?"

"Yeah, I get it, but why didn't you say friendship?"

Hunter blinked innocently at me as I sat, waiting for an answer. Suddenly, his innocent demeanor disappeared to make way for a cunning smirk as he quipped, "Well, I dunno. You two are always so excited to see one another. I mean, maybe that's just you guys being all buddy-buddy, but a..." He perked his lips like a fish and grabbed his drink.

I squinted at him. "But, what?"

Darting his eyes in every direction but mine, he replied, "Nothing. S'none of my business." He proceeded to suspiciously sip his orange juice.

"Hunter," I grumbled.


"Are you trying to say that Ben and I might be a 'thing'?"

"Depends on what you mean by 'thing'? Is it a solid object, an idea? Because a 'thing' is a noun, my dear brother."

"You're being a smart-ass," I said, frowning.

"How's it feel now, huh?"

"Hunter...," I grumbled.

"Reese," he mimicked.

I stared intently at him, willing an explanation out of his mouth. Eventually, he answered me, but he was still acting as coy as before.

"You two seem to act pretty fluffy with each other, ya know?" he murmured. "Especially that time in the bathroom."

"We had an emotional moment," I stated.

"With what emotions?" Hunter raised his eyebrows with a devilish grin on his face.

"Hunter," I muttered.

"Reese," he muttered back.

I kept frowning; he kept smirking at me like he just cracked the Divinci Code and had ultimate bragging rights.

"So?" he added.

"So, what?"

He fluttered his eyes at me, expectant.

"He isn't my boyfriend," I said.

"I never said he was."

"Then what are you implying?"

He leaned back coolly in his chair. "All I'm saying is that you two are real close, so it wouldn't be weird if...ya know...things were like that."

I groaned. "Why would things be like that?"

"You haven't had much success with girls."

"Thanks for the reminder, I appreciate it," I hissed sarcastically.

Once Hunter finished the last bits of food on his plate, he got up to go to the sink. As he washed his dish, I added, "Hunter, I'm not... Just because... Listen, Ben and I might be close but..."


I bunched up my lips and scowled down at my plate of breakfast. "Nothing," I mumbled, shoving a forkful of potatoes in my mouth. As I focused on chewing, Hunter finished washing his dish and stepped towards me, drying his hands with a towel. Patting my shoulder, he leaned against me and said over my head, "Was I being mean?"

"No," I answered bluntly.

"Are you mad?"


"Then what's with the frowny face??"

"I don't have a frowny face," I said, still scowling.

"Your baby face doesn't look good frowning. Smile," he teased, pinching my cheeks.

"Asshole, I don't have a baby face!" I sputtered, smacking his hands away.

"Baby face, baby face!~"

"Ass face!"

"Baaaaaby faaaaace," he sang dramatically, trapping me in a hug just to rock me from side to side. I only sighed, knowing well that I can't stop Hunter from being Hunter.

"So, listen," he started, dropping the funny demeanor, "don't let what I said bother you or anything. If you're into someone, you're into someone. Don't let my dumb ass get in the way of anything."

"Okay...," I murmured.

"Good," he said, patting my chest. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going back to sleep."

The next moment, it was just me in the kitchen, while Hunter disappeared down the hall. I finished my breakfast after I heard the sound of his bedroom door closing. I got up and washed my dish, all the while the apartment went back to its original silence (well, without Hunter's deep-sleep snoring). When I finished washing, instead of returning to my room, I leaned against the counter, rubbing my hands on the hand towel.

Staring ahead, I thought about what Hunter said. His tone was joking, but it was obvious he wasn't kidding me. Still, I laughed his words off, considering them unimportant. But then I remembered that time in the bathroom the other weekend, remembered how Ben had looked so meek--so vulnerable, which I never expected of him. I remembered the smiles he bore that day, that glittering look in his eyes after crying in front of me, the way he hugged me. And he had suddenly felt smaller in my hold; I bet I could've carried him if I tried. I had an urge to do so now, just to try and see what it would be like. How would he react? Would he fight me and whine, or would he keep a cool demeanor?

Even while I took a seat in the living room, I kept thinking about if I could carry him. Laying against the couch cushions, I recalled the look that I'm always fascinated by. That look on Ben's face of a shy gentleness and innocence. And when he blushes, that expression is emphasized. Wait, his ears turn red too, right? Yeah, they do. And they get all warm. And they wiggle. They wiggle, and they're cool, and Ben is a dork for not seeing that.

I kept thinking about him; his hair and how his bangs bounce about when he gets energetic; his smiles; his human and normal eyes; his ears (obviously); his hands and those bracers he has, how he's used them to save my life. And his voice. That time at the karaoke bar still impresses me when I think about it, how he got so into the song and was enjoying himself like I've never seen. And his hands. Even though I find it embarrassing now, I'm glad he was there for me after the whole CPS-psychiatric care ordeal. I still remember the way he held onto me, and how I didn't want to let go. I felt safe with him. So safe and cozy.

And I can recall the sound of his heartbeat in my ears, thrumming on at a deep, steady pace. And his fingers brushing through my hair. And his breathing against my skin. And his soft voice telling me nice things. I kinda want him to tell me more nice things again. I kinda want him here right now, but he's busy, and Hunter is here, and I kinda don't want Hunter around when Ben and I are together. But why? I don't know. It would be nice if it was just us, so I can talk with him, and be near him, and take in his appearance, and if it's just us then Ben can be his normal self, which I like better. And then I can play with his ears, and watch them wiggle, and watch his face turn that funny shade of pink, and tease him, and...

My mind raced to the thought of tenderly biting his ears.


Seemingly on cue, Hunter's snoring drifted out from the hallway and yanked me out of my trance. It wasn't until now that I realized I had been clutching a pillow very tightly. I tossed it aside and got up to get my phone from my room. Since it was too noisy around my bedroom (thanks Hunter), I returned to the living room with my phone in hand. But I sat back down on the couch with a defeated sigh at the sight of no messages from Ben. It's been about thirty minutes since I sent him a text. What could have happened?

Setting my phone down, I looked at the TV and at the consoles below it. Without much else to do, I got up to set up the PlayStation 3 and pick out a game. Once I made my choice, I popped Bioshock into the console and backed up to sit on the couch again. While I watched everything load, I stole a glance at my phone. I had hoped that the screen would light up then and there, but it was completely black. Pouting, I looked away again. Suddenly, my thoughts from earlier came back and I pursed my lips, feeling awkward.

Throughout the rest of the morning, I gamed in the living room, trying to speed-run Bioshock on the expert level. But even busying myself like this wasn't enough to dispel the fact that I daydreamed about Ben. I mean, it's questionable, yeah, but not horrible. Friends daydream about their friends sometimes, right? Nothing bad. And yet it keeps nagging me. Not the fact that I daydreamed, but the fact that I want to do it again. That's not strange, is it? It's like wanting to read a post about a video game, even though you know you'll just spoil it for yourself because you haven't finished it; it's tempting. I'm curious about how far my mind is willing to go.

Speed-run failed. I'm dying too much.

Daydreaming isn't weird. I'm not being weird.

I'm not.


It was after noon. I've been gaming for three hours now, with no message from Ben. At this point, I've just decided to ignore any concerns. When he can text me, he'll text me.

Hunter has already left for the community college, so now I'm really alone. I've never realized how boring my past spring breaks have been now that I have nothing to do this time but game. I love gaming; it's one of my best skills aside from being a sarcastic piece of shit, and maybe fighting. But sometimes it isn't enough to keep me entertained, especially when I've already played through all of the games I have.

Once the PlayStation 3 and TV were turned off, I fell across the couch with a loud, dramatic groan. Suddenly, my stomach growled and I listened to my hunger. Eagerly, I hopped over the couch's back and galloped into the kitchen. I'm not a whizz at cooking anything besides breakfast, so I decided to make myself a sandwich so I wouldn't burn the stove, or the apartment. I went around the kitchen, gathering ingredients.

As I tossed a slice of cheese at the counter like a frisbee, I heard a continuous buzzing. For a second, I was confused as to what the noise was, but after recognizing the rhythmic vibrations, I dashed for the couch where I left my phone.

Sure enough, the screen was lit up and I snatched my phone from the couch cushion. One glance at the caller ID was enough to make me cheer with relief and took the call.

"Hello?" I answered, trying to contain my excitement.

Ben's voice came through and it was nice hearing him talk. "Hey, Reese."

"How come you're calling me?" I asked, curious. It's new that he calls me, since he established it's strictly for emergencies (by that, he means Corrupted attacks, which--luckily--there have been none).

"Um, yeah, so, I have some bad news...," he murmured timidly.

My stomach got queasy for a split second. "What is it?"

There was a pause of silence, like he didn't want to talk, but I wanted him to if it meant I could know what's wrong. Finally, he sighed disappointedly and stated, "I won't be able to take you to the festival this Wednesday..."

I hesitated. "Oh..."

"S-Something came up," he added, nervously. "You might hear about it soon, and maybe you'll understand."

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but my friend--... I can't talk about this. I'm sorry, Reese. I-I'm sorry I won't see you Wednesday, and I'm not sure when I will."

"That''s fine," I said.

Ben whined. "I promise I'll text you, unlike last time. If you want, we can call, too."

"I thought that's only for emergency situations," I remarked.

"We can let it slide this time," he said, stifling a wry chuckle. "Besides, I'll still pick up your call, whether you're in danger or not."

I laughed. "That's nice to know."

Another pause of silence, and I wondered if this would be the end of our call. But then he added, "I'm really sorry I can't make it. I know you wanted to go."

I did, but only because it would have been with him.

"It's okay," I assured him. I didn't want him to feel more stressed than he already is with whatever happened.

"You still have the tickets?" he questioned.


"Good," he said. "I think you should still go."

"With who?"


I sighed. "He doesn't have break until a few weeks from now."

The wraith took a moment to think. "Artem...?"

"Pfft, it took convincing to even get his permission for Wednesday off. He's too much of an oldie, anyway."

Ben laughed. "Okay, well, your mom??" I could already hear the regret in his voice at suggesting my mother of all people.

"She can barely stand to listen to my own music," I jested.

"Well, then... I don't know, Reese. Still try to go. If not...I-I guess sell the tickets and get some money out of it. I'm sure there are people wanting to go."

"Alright," I murmured. "I'll see what I can do."

"Again, I'm sorry," he said.

Shaking my head, I replied, "Stop apologizing. It's just a festival, anyway."

"That isn't what I was looking forward to," he admitted, and I understood immediately.

He continued. "Like I said, I don't know when I'll see you. Hopefully soon, but..."

I bunched up my lips, frustrated.

"I'll make it up to you," he said, almost in a whisper. I began to smile. He added, "You name it, alright? I'll deliver."

I smirked. "Well, I did hear my English teacher might assign an essay next week. What with the rest of my classes, I'm not sure I can do it all by myself, especially not after spring break..."

"I see," he murmured, catching on. "Okay, sounds manageable. Anything else?"

Pacing across the living room, I thought about anything else he could do for me. I thought about making him wear another silly costume, but I couldn't come up with anything off the top of my head. Suddenly, my daydream from earlier came back to haunt me and I thought about biting his ears.

The apartment was filled with the sounds of my violent coughing in an attempt to forget I thought about anything at all. On the phone, Ben asked, "You okay?"

"No," I blurted. "I mean, y-yes. I choked on my saliva for a second..."

"Ha, nerd," Ben taunted.

"Shut up," I laughed, but it sounded forced. Ben didn't seem to notice, or ignored it.

"Anyway, if you end up going to the festival, make sure to take a bunch of videos for me?"

"Sure thing," I replied, still getting over my coughing fit.

"I guess, I'll leave you to yourself," Ben said slowly, as if he didn't want to finish the sentence since it would mean our conversation would end soon. Or maybe I just didn't want him to go.

"O-Okay. Um...I hope to see you soon," I responded. "And, if you change your mind..."

A soft chuckle came through the phone and I managed a smile. "I'll see how things go. I'd love to change my mind too. For now, I'll be busy. Have a wonderful spring break, okay?"

"Mhmm..." Don't go; I'm so bored.

"Bye, Reese's puffs," he quipped.

Quickly, I exclaimed, "Wait!"

There was silence on the line and I was dismayed at the thought that he had hung up already. I was pleasantly surprised when Ben spoke up, "What?"

I froze. Why did I stop him? What was I going to say? Was I even planning to say anything?

"Um...," I began, pondering my words. "H-How about we get tres leches when you get back? And, maybe pizza--a bunch of pizza? And we can, like, destroy our bodies with junk food."

The wraith laughed in my ear and it was followed by a content sigh. "I'd gladly destroy my body with you, Reese's puffs."

My stomach was rolling. I grinned, feeling giddy. "C-Cool. Can't wait."

In a gentle, beguiling tone of voice, he purred, "Bye, my peanut butter cup."

"S-See you...," I stammered. I caught the hint of a chuckle before he hung up, and suddenly I was alone once again.

For a while, I just stood in the same spot while my phone hung in my hand. I pursed my lips, recalling the conversation. My dumbstruck mood slipped away as soon as I realized I wouldn't be seeing Ben this Wednesday. The idea of not hanging out him for a while put me off. I wondered what happened that made him suddenly busy and stressed. He said I'd hear about it soon; what was it and how bad is it?

On the upside, he's okay, and he'll make sure I know he's okay. Obviously, since his cartridge is safe with me, nothing bad will happen to him. Still, I probably would've worried anyway, regardless if I'm on Zoloft to calm my nerves.

Feeling lighter, I sauntered back into the kitchen to finish the sandwich I had been making earlier. I scarfed it down faster than I prepared it, then went into my bedroom to take a nap before I had to go to work in a few hours.

When I laid down in bed, my eyes fell on my pale, glow-in-the-dark stars again. My phone was still in my hand and I clutched it tight. Even if I had more peace of mind, I still couldn't contain my dissatisfaction. The one thing I looked forward to this spring break isn't going to happen. I guess, like Ben said, I could always sell the tickets?

I tried leaving my mind on a good note: Ben is okay, he'll text me, he'll call me, I'll see him eventually and then we can gorge ourselves on junk-food, I'm not a weirdo for daydreaming about anything, Hunter is a dink for having that conversation with me, and everything is okay. In a few minutes, I fell asleep, still holding my phone close to me.


When I woke up an hour before my work shift, I found out what Ben had been referring to. It was in the breaking news section on YouTube, hard to miss.


That's how many people died in New Jersey not long ago.


That's the number of hours it took to happen.

I was queasy and ended up taking anti-nausea pills just in case. After getting ready, I left the apartment, leaving behind the uneasy mood that had infected the place in a matter of seconds.


Elizabeth's POV

"What the fuck did you do?!"

I was nearly on the verge of crying, which was ironic since Zazel and Sudryl were the ones huddled close out of fear.

I tried to suppress my anger by trying to laugh, but I ended up sounding like a complete maniac. What's worse was that I couldn't stop cackling or grinning; my nerves were racing and I couldn't stop trembling as I paced back and forth in what's considered the throne room.

"I asked that you distract Ben," I exclaimed, "not kill almost a thousand innocent people!!!"

"W-We provided a means of distraction, Madame," Zazel managed to utter.

"You deterred from the plan that I made!"

"We calculated that it would be of temporary competence...," Sudryl whimpered.

"You're not supposed to calculate anything! I don't care if it wouldn't last. What I wanted to avoid was causing mass destruction, but look where we are!!!"

"We were only increasing your success...," Sudryl murmured.

"And you did that by making a living bomb out of a Corrupted and disobeying my orders?!"

Elizabeth, you shouldn't be so harsh on them.

"I didn't fucking talk to you!!!" I screamed, whirling around and causing a black spike to shoot up from the floor where Zalgo was standing.

"Madame Umber--," Sudryl started, but I cut red-robed servant off.

"Be quiet! You two are the ones that messed up my plan!"

"We're extremely sorry," Zazel remarked, trying to hide behind the sleeve of their robe.

"It's too late for sorry now!" I yelled. "More people are dead, and I can hear them pleading with me in my head! I can hear them screaming and crying, and it's hard for me to think, and it's all because you two couldn't stick with the plan!"

Just then, another uproar of howling rattled my head and I clutched at my hair. Dammit, why can't they just die quietly? Please stop. Stop crying, stop begging! It's no use anymore--just die! Please! Die already!

Might I suggest a hot cup of
chamomile tea?

Glancing up, my eyes met Zalgo's crimson irises, and I sneered. "You think this is amusing, don't you? Watching me suffer?"

It's quite interesting, but I wouldn't say amusing.

"Fuck you...!" I hissed bitterly.

Don't be so crabby. That elf is distracted, isn't he? So too will the proxy, and the others. You've achieved what you wanted.

"But I didn't want it like this,"
I groaned, pressing my hand to my temple as the voices kept swimming in my head.

We all don't get what we want, dear daughter. Even if we are kings and queens.

"Don't call me a queen," I muttered, turning away from him.

My gaze landed on the twin servants and I huffed with disappointment.

Zazel blinked their white eyes at me and lowered their head. "Sudryl and I understand your contempt towards the mistake we have made. We will gladly endure punishment."

"It is only right," Sudryl commented.

I glared at the two of them, contemplating their words. Punishment? What could I do? A grueling chore? A beating? Suffocating isolation? What could I do that would amount to the mess they've made???

After giving it some thought, I growled, "No."

The twins blinked, confused. "Excuse me, Madame?"

"You will not receive punishment," I stated firmly.

Sudryl leaned forward a bit. "But we have angered you--."

"Yes, you have," I snapped. "But it's of no use to me if I punish you. It won't amount to anything."

What are you doing?

Zalgo leaned close to my side, but I ignored his curious gaze.

"So...there will be no punishment?" Zazel murmured hesitantly.

I nodded.

The twins shared glances at each other before bowing simultaneously and saying, "We thank you for your mercy, Our Lady."

"Sure... Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to work," I grumbled. Swiftly, I turned around to exit the throne room, leaving the twin servants on their knees. While I sauntered down the hall, Zalgo appeared to my left with his hands behind his back.

You're planning something, aren't you?

I furrowed my brow. "What makes you think that?"

There's a fire in your eyes, Elizabeth. The kind of fire I always saw in myself.

"I feel insulted that you would compare us at a time like this," I remarked.

You know what I mean.

"Whatever, so what?"

He smirked at me.

I'm looking forward to see what your devious mind is plotting.

"That sounds nice, but this devious mind needs you to stop talking and let it recollect itself," I said.

Zalgo's lips quirked for a moment, but he smiled in the end.

As you wish, your Majesty.

Before I could cuss him out, he disappeared within the blink of an eye. I stood alone in the corridor, glaring at the wall. With a huff, I continued down the hall but came across an open doorway. Peeking inside, I cocked an eyebrow quizzically at the sight of Caedis sitting in the middle of a room with barely anything. All there was was a dresser and a trunk, probably for things that he needs. There is no bed, no desk, no window, no decorations. Just a pale, bare-walled room with a lone figure at the center. His back was faced toward me, and he sat completely still. It was unnerving to see him like that, just there, isolated and unoccupied.

Quietly, I walked inside and came to stand at his right. The white haired man didn't flinch or steal a glance at me; he only stared ahead at the wall with an unwavering gaze.

I gulped before saying, "I still don't like you very much, but...this time, I won't hold this incident against you. I just wish you were able to think for yourself so you could have prevented the massacre for me..."

Caedis still did nothing but stare ahead, as if he were a mannequin on display. With a sigh, I stepped in front of him and crouched down. Now he looked at me and didn't look away. Staring into his crimson irises, I asked, "What is your name? Do you remember?"

For a few moments, he had done nothing but stare at me with a blank expression. Then, he gingerly lifted up his right hand and began to sign his name. C-A-E-D-I-S. He did it perfectly. I nodded with approval.

"My name?" I questioned, pointing at myself.

The white haired man paused for a few seconds before signing in a different sequence. At first, I thought he was doing E-L-L-I-E, like I originally taught him to do, but his hand kept signing past five letters. Confused, I scrunched up my brow and watched his hand closely. From what I've read from that old sign language book, I recognized a Z, a B, and a T. Oh my god...


After he was finished, Caedis put his hand down and awaited my response. All I could do was gaze at him in question and awe. How did he figure out my full name? And he doesn't have the book for reference either. He wouldn't have been able to sign the other letters so...that means he remembered the entire ASL alphabet. He remembered. He learned.

"Excellent," I murmured. Caedis didn't react to my quiet praise. Suddenly aware of the time I was wasting, I looked at my wristwatch (a little thing from the cabin that I spruced up) and checked the time.

"Dammit, I have to go," I sighed. When I stood up, I patted Caedis on the head and said, "See ya."

I didn't wait around for him to do anything. Hurriedly, I ran out of the room and went to the end of the hall where the grand entrance is. For some reason I always show up there when I travel here, so I figure it's where I should leave from, too. It was a strange experience at first, but now I've got the hang of it. In an instant, black strings formed at my feet and swirled up in a column, engulfing me and bringing me back to the human realm.


Artem was in the shop again, like always. All I did was say a quick "hi" before skipping into the office and taking my seat at the desk. In my chair, I fixed my polo shirt and jacket. I was already wearing my fake glasses, which I've gotten used to so much that I forget they're there. Sometimes I'll push up on the bridge of my nose when I'm not even wearing them.

Mondays don't provide many calls or customers, but I still kept an ear-out for the phone while I finally brought a book to read. It was one of those short story, anthology books, most of the themes being mystery or horror.

As I came to a suspenseful section of the fourth short story, there was a knock at the doorframe. I looked up and smiled at the blonde boy, Reese.

"Hey, kid," I greeted.

"Hey, bigger kid," he replied with a smirk.


"What? I'm only two years younger than you, ya know."

"Alright, alright," I chuckled.

Reese went ahead and opened up the closet where his uniform is. As he unzipped it and took it off the hook, I noticed the look in his gray eyes.

"What's got you bummed?" I inquired.

He faltered. "Huh?"

"Something's bothering you, right?"

He shrugged conspicuously. "Nothing major..."

"You said yourself that I'm two years older than you," I remarked, "meaning I still know what it's like to hide feelings. What's up?"

He managed a smile before letting his uniform hang in his hands and confessing, "Well, I had plans to go to a music festival this Wednesday."

"Oh, that's neat," I commented.

"The thing is, the friend I was going with suddenly got busy and can't go. I also don't know when I'll be able to hang out with him again," he finished.

"Oh...that sucks...," I murmured, feeling guilty. If his friend is who I think it is, he's going to be real busy. At least I know...

"Yeah. That was the only thing I planned to do during my spring break," he said, slipping into his uniform. "Now I don't know who to go with. My brother and mom can't go. Artem is completely out of the question. I don't know anyone else, either. I still have the tickets though, and my friend said I could always sell them to someone else--."

I was taken aback by his abrupt stop. His gray eyes widened with a realization I couldn't deduce and he coolly spun on his heel to face me.

"You," he said.

I shifted my eyes from side to side. "Um. Me?"

He nodded, the tired look in his eyes fading away to make way for an eager gleam. "You can go with me."

I gaped at him. "N-No, no, I shouldn't..."

"Why not?"

I shifted in my seat. "Well, I don't have a reason. I just...I don't think I should go."

"You wouldn't be intruding. Like I said, I don't have anyone to go with me. Please, Angie?"


"C'mon, I'll convince Artem to give you Wednesday off...!"

"I'm not sure--."

"Please...?" he pleaded, lowering his voice. I stared at him, taking in the hopeful look in his eyes. It was hard to deny the kid anything with an expression like that. Still, the thought of going out to a music festival is daunting, especially when I'm a wanted criminal in "his friend's" eyes.

"I-I'll stand out," I remarked, turning my gaze down and pointing to my eyepatch.

"Don't worry, it's an EDM fest. Everyone will be hopped up on the music, alcohol, or drugs."

"First of all, what's the age limit? Second, all of that doesn't make me reassured."

"The website said eighteen--but it'll be fine...!"

"I don't know..."

He paused for a moment. "This isn't about your fiancé, is it?"

Nervously, I pursed my lips and tried not to think about Jeff at the moment. "N-No, I'm sure he'd be fine with it, but..."

"Angie," the blonde boy started, kneeling in front of me, "I swear to you that if anyone bothers you, I'll deal with it. Count on me to keep you safe, okay?"

"I don't want you to get in trouble," I said.

He smirked and shrugged. "I don't want to get in trouble either, but it always finds me somehow. Don't sweat it. Now, what do you say? Will you come with me?"

Despite my better judgement, I don't know what came over me. Without even realizing, I found myself nodding and answering, "Okay, sure."

Reese beamed and hopped up to his feet triumphantly. "Awesome! I'll go talk to Artem!"

"Huh? W-Wait--."

Before I could add anything, Reese stumbled out of the office, half-dressed in his uniform. Meanwhile, the telephone started ringing and I had to pick it up immediately. "Hello! A-Plus Auto Service and Repair! What can we do for ya?"

While I answered the customer's inquiries, I peered out the office window to see Reese fumble with his uniform while he talked with Artem. The Russian man didn't look pleased but the eager kid just kept on talking and talking. Though my voice was confident for talking with a customer, I was growing worried inside. I mean, how was I supposed to decline Reese, what with his begging and persuasion?

I hope Wednesday goes well...


My shift was over. Reese had left already, and I said my goodbye to Artem. I walked down the street, just to make it seem like I was walking home, when really I'll find a hidden place and transport myself to the cabin.

As I passed by an alleyway, a soft, feeble mewl echoed from the evening shadows. I looked over, my gaze landing on a pair of luminescent eyes.

"Hey, there," I greeted the cat. It just sat there, huddled against the brick wall.

I took one step towards it, and it flinched slightly. Crouching down, I reached my hand out and beckoned the creature over. It took a while, but the cat eventually slinked out from the shadows and I was able to see its condition. One ear had a piece missing and there were a few patches of bare, pale, pink skin that contrasted on hazel fur. It was one of those unlucky strays.

"I won't hurt you," I said. Carefully, I reached inside my backpack and pulled out a bottle of water. I poured some into my hand and held it out for the stray. Its piercing, green eyes stared at me, hesitant, before coming close and licking up the water from my palm. As it kept drinking, I kept pouring more water, until half the bottle was gone.

"You must be desperate to want to be near me," I murmured. Now that it was closer, I could see its skinny, malnourished frame. It was saddening.

Cautiously, but still maintaining my composure, I raised my other hand to pet the feline. It flinched under my fingers, pupils growing narrow with uneasiness. I kept my hand in the air, willing the cat to let me touch its head. Eventually, its thin body relaxed and I was able to brush my fingers behind its ears. Though it was a quiet sound, I could hear it purring. I smiled.

Suddenly, an idea formulated and I really smiled.

"How would you like a home, little one?" I whispered, caressing its back and watching it lift its tail with satisfaction.

I was patient to let the stray become comfortable with me until I was able to pick it up in my arms. It wasn't shy to brushing its head against my chest as I held it close. "There you go," I chimed, "Don't freak out on me, alright? We're going for a quick ride."


The castle was quiet and my footsteps seemed louder in my ears as I walked down the hallway. Entering the throne room, I called, "Zazel, Sudryl."

Almost immediately they walked into the throne room behind me, their gaits as elegant as ever. "Yes, Madame Umber," the duo replied.

I bore a pleasant smile and carefully slipped my backpack off of my shoulders. While I unzipped the big pocket, I said, "I have a surprise for you two."

"A...surprise?" Sudryl murmured, tilting their head.

Before I explained anything, I pulled out the stray cat, which blinked many times now that it was in the light. The twins took a step back, eyes wide. Cats aren't fatal to them, are they?

"Wh...What is that, Madame?" Zazel questioned, hiding behind their sibling's shoulder.

"It is what human scientists call felis catus, or a cat."

"Felis...catus," Sudryl mumbled.

I nodded. Scratching behind the feline's ears, I walked close to the servants. Their bodies tensed as they eyed the animal.

"Go ahead and pet it," I suggested, offering them the cat (it's gotten quite cozy with me these past few minutes).

Both of them hesitated. They've obviously never seen a cat before, yet it's puzzling because some Corrupted have taken on feline physiques in the past. Then again, they've never seen actual animals, other than me, a human.

Finally, Sudryl moved first and placed their palm on the stray's head. I nodded, letting them know their action was good. "Okay, now brush its fur."

Sudryl blinked at their sibling before stiffly rubbing their palm across the top of the cat's head. The cat just stared blankly at the otherworldly being.

"You try," I ordered Zazel.

Sudryl stepped away, staring at their hand as if a mysterious substance had formed there. Zazel was left without the cover of their sibling, so they went ahead and stepped forward. Cautiously, Zazel reached up and placed their hand on the feline's head. The servant was surprisingly less awkward with their hand than Sudryl. Zazel's fingers gently glided against the stray's hazel fur, and I noticed the feline close its eyes with content for a moment.

"It's cute, isn't it?" I questioned.

Zazel blinked. "C-Cute?"

"Charming in a youthful or innocent way," I elaborated.

"A-Ah, yes. Cute..."

I beamed. "Glad you think so, because I want you and Sudryl to take care of it."

The twin servants widened their eyes simultaneously.

"As you wish, Madame," Sudryl replied. "We will take care of this cat of yours."

"It's not meant to be mine," I added, handing the stray over into Zazel's arms. "It's for you two."

Zazel hugged the hazel cat, dumbfounded by its very existence, apparently. The white-robed servant looked up and said, "A gift, then? But you were angry with us..."

"Let's let bygones be bygones, yeah? No sweat."

Sudryl remarked, "I fail to understand how lack of perspiration is relevant to the subject matter."

I sighed. "Just forget about it. Take care of the cat. That's an order. You can name it whatever you'd like. Properly feed it, bathe it, play with it, etcetera. It needs medicine as well."

"W-We've never cared for such a creature before," Zazel murmured.

"Well, get to it," I replied, turning around.

"W-Wait, Madame Umber...!" Zazel's voice called out. Swiftly, I turned to face them and the servant flinched. Their midnight black hands hugged the cat against them again, and they lowered their head. " you, your Majesty..."

All I did was give an acknowledging hum before continuing off out of the throne room. While I sauntered down the corridor, I visited the room where Caedis was. Like earlier, he sat facing the wall, as still as a statue. Knocking on the wall, I announced, "Hey, bloodsucker, get up."

The white haired man stood up and looked at me, awaiting orders. Crossing my arms over my chest, I scrutinized him with a stern gaze. I commanded, "Retrieve your things. You're coming with me."

He responded straightaway and went to his dresser and trunk. In a few minutes, he had a backpack on his shoulders, and a gun and knife strapped to his belt (I noticed clothes in the dresser, weapons in the trunk). I motioned him to follow me and we walked down the hall.

Zalgo came strolling up from my left, hands behind his back again.

And so your devious plan unfolds...

"You're going to have to wait awhile to see anything, snob. This one needs time," I said.

Understood. Perfection is achieved with patience, after all.

"Just make sure not to make mine wear thin," I warned.

He chuckled deeply and grinned.

Understood, My Lady.

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