Chapter 25

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[Eyo, whaddup, its yo boi, uhhh....


back with a new update of TF.

On a serious note though, I actually made a new Tumblr with the username limpweaselsucc. I'm not advertising my own account but, uh, I am advertising my own account so go follow that piece of shit, that would make me really happy because I'm way too proud of the name.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!]

Stay Creepy, My Friends!~

Chapter 25

Ao's POV

It was just a few moments ago that I was in the study, passed out on one of the couches from lack of sleep. Sally had come into the room, shaking me and telling me that Jack was hurt badly and wouldn't wake up. Next thing I knew, I was sprinting down the halls, barely awake, trying desperately not to hyperventilate.

I nearly fell down the stairs by taking two steps at a time. The heels of my feet were hurting by how hard I stomped them on the floorboards, and I almost slipped at one point. My vision was starting to blur from my panic. I was too wired to think. Finally, I got to the infirmary room and practically threw myself past the open doorway.

"Where is he?!" I cried out.

Ms. P whirled around to look at me with wide, red hued eyes. Ben was standing next to her, just as startled. Masky and Hoodie didn't pay any mind to me as they quickly worked to remove Jack's shirt and get supplies.

Past Ms. P and Ben's bodies, I caught a glimpse of glistening red on Jack's left arm. My breath hitched and I shuddered. As I stumbled forward, Ben came up and held my shoulders.

"He's okay," he quickly disclosed. "It's just a bullet wound."

Again, I glanced past him to try and examine the blood, but then my attention was caught on a white sheen of light that covered Jack's arm from the elbow down. It seemingly clung to his skin, even after his arm brace was removed.

"Wh...What is that...?" I murmured, my eyes stinging with worry.

Ben glanced at Jack and furrowed his brow. Quietly, he took me out of the room, even though I didn't want to leave. The blonde and I stood outside of the doorway and he explained, "I think it's your magic."

I blinked, confused. "My magic?"

He pursed his lips for a moment. "Maybe. I don't know. He broke one of his arrow cartridges on purpose and then...that happened."

"And what about the bullet wound? How'd he get that? What happened out there? Did you kill the Corrupted? Are you okay--?"

"Breathe, Sheba," Ben said, squeezing my arms. "Give me some time to explain, okay? But I'm telling you now...all I have is bad news."

With a gulp, I nodded and braced myself for whatever he was about to say. Even then, my thoughts lingered on Jack every now and then, and I kept fidgeting to go into the infirmary and see him. Ben explained everything to me: subduing the Corrupted at first, Jack getting shot, Caedis' arrival (and I shivered at his name), the fight, Jack setting off an explosion, and then the Corrupted releasing darkness into the city, and it had consumed a lot more than it did in Cincinnati. By the time Ben finished speaking, I was completely tense, gaping at him.

More people are dead. More land is decimated. More reason for me to fear and resent Elizabeth, which I had been trying not to do. Yet even with this horrible news and the sickening feeling in my stomach knowing disaster has struck, I still held a sliver of hope for her. But I'm scared that sliver won't last long, at this rate.

"I'm sorry I failed at exterminating the Corrupted, and let Jack get injured. I fucked up, and I'm so sorry...," Ben apologized, his expression sincere.

I shook my head and replied, "Don't apologize; it wasn't your fault. You did what you had to do, and I'm just happy you and Jack came back safe and sound..."

"Okay...," he murmured, but I could tell he still felt horrible about his performance, maybe even berated himself.

Holding onto the sleeve of his shirt, I shuffled to the door and peered in. Ms. P was helping Masky and Hoodie clean up Jack's bullet wound, leaving the sleeve of magic untouched. I stared at the luminescent sleeve, suddenly feeling a weight of guilt on my shoulders. My magic had done that. His bullet wound wouldn't have been serious--Ben mentioned--but now he's unconscious because of that explosion filled with my magic. I couldn't help but worry that I made his condition worse. A long time ago, Jeff had once told a story of being in a coma. What if I put Jack in a coma? Is he going to wake up as quick as Jeff had? What am I going to do?? No, what if that sleeve of magic is slowly killing him? What am I going to do??? I can't lose him, too.

Eventually, Ms. P came out of the room to let me know that she and Masky and Hoodie have stopped the bleeding and removed the bullet. I was relieved and wanted to see Jack, but she advised that I rest first since I still looked half-asleep and frazzled. After feebly arguing with her, I followed her commands and retreated to Jack's bedroom upstairs (despite the longer trek, I'd rather be in there). Later, Ms. P came up with hot tea to soothe me. It had helped, but not as much as I would have liked. After a while, I read a few books in the bedroom until I fell asleep on the bed. I was supposed to calm down, but my dream hadn't been very calming.


Ao? Ao?

It was Sam's voice, and I followed it.


My feet took me whenever his voice echoed from. There was nothing but gray, barren landscape surrounding me. There was nowhere for his voice to resonate from, yet I didn't seem to care very much. Because it was Sam.


I'm here. I don't know where, but I'm here.


Tell me where you are so I can find you. I want to find you. I need to find you.


Come back to me.


Come back so I can hug you like I did in our last moments together. Come back so I can say I love you again.

His voice was becoming garbled.

What are you saying? Why can't I understand you?

I need to find you so I can hear what you're saying.


Finally, after all of my walking, I came to a point where I could hear Sam's voice clear enough to make out his words.

Ao, wait. Don't come any closer. Stop. Get away.



Before I could retreat to wherever I had come from, something wrapped around my leg and yanked me off of my footing. Suddenly, I was lying in a viscous pool of black substance. It bubbled and puffed up over my limbs, weighing me down, sinking me. I struggled to get out and free myself, but everywhere I looked I only saw the black liquid. I was drowning in a vast sea of it. 

"No! H-Help!" I screamed, sputtering as the substance started invading my mouth. I coughed and gagged, desperate for oxygen, but even the air was growing thin.

After thrashing and struggling to keep myself afloat, I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me out.


It sounded like Sam, and I willingly gave in to my rescuer. Without thinking, I threw myself onto them, embracing them with gratitude. But when I pulled away to look Sam in those beautiful, blue eyes of his, I found myself staring into bright, crimson orbs, and a pale face framed by black hair as dark as the sea that almost killed me.

With a loud gasp, I reeled away from Elizabeth, only to be caught in a spider web of sticky, black string. It wrapped around my fingers and limbs instantly and no amount of flailing could get me out. While I was busy attempting to free myself, Ellie had gotten close to me and shoved her charcoal-black hand against my neck. I choked as she dug her nails into my skin, slowly crushing my esophagus. Meanwhile, she leaned in close with a serene expression on her face.

"Go ahead and use your magic," she spoke in a soft voice. "See what happens."

Scowling at her, I focused all of my energy into my hands, to the very tips of my fingers. Soon enough, my left hand glowed blue and my right hand radiated red. Trembling, I forced my arms out of the web and got my palms close enough to where violet wisps began to form. In the blink of an eye, there was a big flash of light, followed by silence. No more did I feel the slimy feel of the black web, nor Elizabeth's freezing touch on my neck. I had freed myself.

But when the light subsided, the only thing I saw in front of me was Jack's lifeless body crumpled on the ground. I gaped in horror but couldn't scream. I lunged forward and fell hard on my knees to grab onto him. Panicked, I turned him onto his back and cupped his face in my hands.

"Jack! No, wha..what did I do...? I couldn't have... What did I do wrong?!"

Distraught, I began to whimper and hug onto him. But wherever I touched his skin, it became white and cracked, as if he were a porcelain doll. It was too late by the time I realized I needed to let go of him. There was another white flash of light from the fractures on his skin, and he was gone when it faded away.

"No!" I shrieked, scraping my hands on the ground where he once was. Gradually, as I sobbed and pleaded for him to come back, my fingers bled. They bled and bled a vibrant red until it was replaced with black, inky liquid. That's all my fingers oozed after that. And then my tears became black, too, dripping onto the ashen earth beneath me. Suddenly, the white tattoos on my skin were decaying, turning a mournful gray. Randomly, from behind, I felt arms wrap around me in a hug.

"You may be the proxy," Ellie's voice whispered softly into my ear, "but that doesn't mean you're destined for victory or peace."

My bottom lip quivered. "B-But...I..."

"Don't fight it. Let things come as they go. In time, you'll realize darkness isn't so bad."


"Let go, Ao," she coaxed, her hands crawling up to my face. At least that's what I had thought at first, until I realized there was another pair of blackened hands similar to hers. Then another, and another--like a spider. They all caressed my hair and face, calming me down yet my heart still thumped wildly inside my chest. Elizabeth could hear it.

"Your heartbeat makes a gorgeous rhythm," she intoned, sliding her original hands to the center of my chest. "Like music. Very, very pretty. You agree, don't you?"

Petrified, I mumbled, "Yes," just as an inky thumb grazed my lips.

She began humming a melody: a soft, slower version of You Are My Sunshine in time with my heartbeat. But the more she hummed, the more her major key became a somber minor. Even as she hummed in my ears, she still spoke to me in a second voice.

"Wonderful music. But all songs have to end at some point. Let's make this one end with emotion. Give me your voice; don't hold back. Let the realms hear you cry."

I had no chance to prevent her loving, hugging hands from digging into my chest and clasping around my heart. I screamed out in agony as her fingers yanked on my vital organ. The veins and nerves attached to it thrummed with every hard jerk until they finally snapped, and it was a horrendous sensation. Black blood spurt out of the fresh hole in my chest as Ellie presented my rotten heart to me, still pulsating. All that came out of my mouth now were stifled cries and whimpers.

"Do you see?" she began. "Darkness isn't so bad. Giving in isn't so bad. Your heart is beautiful."

"My...hear..t..." I croaked.

"Yes," she whispered, caressing the decaying organ. "Your heart is mine now. You are mine...."

Suddenly, the other hands came rushing at my face and engulfed my vision in blackness. A thousand hands seemingly cradled me in a nest of freezing cold and twisted my limbs until I was paralyzed--like a spider catching its prey. Among the darkness and numbness, Elizabeth's voice whispered to me one last time...

"You are mine forever."


I awoke with a start: sweating, trembling, crying, whimpering, sniveling. The blanket had tangled around my legs and I quickly removed it in a panic. The book I had been reading before had fallen onto the floor, a few pages bent under the cover. Shakily, I got out of bed and went for the bedroom door.

It was sometime at night. The halls were quiet and the sound of my feet padding on the floor rattled my nerves. I kept holding my chest where Ellie had taken my heart, as if I was afraid she'd show up and steal it from me again. No, I was afraid. And I felt the pendants at my collarbone against my fingers--the one gifted from my friends and then one from Jeff and Ellie. Touching them made me shiver, especially the one Ellie gave me when she was still with us, when she was still my friend and everything wasn't broken.

I had no destination in mind, but I wasn't surprised when I ended up at the infirmary's door. It was open just a crack, so I pushed it forward gently. A nightstand lamp was on, illuminating the room in a dim, orangey glow. Jack was lying on one of the beds, his left arm bandaged heavily at his bicep. The white sleeve on the rest of his arm had seemingly faded away now, but it was under the blanket, so I wasn't willing to pull it out and check.

Cautiously, I tiptoed to his righthand side, my fingertips tingling to touch him. But my nightmare had scared me and kept my limbs at bay. What if I was at fault for Jack's unconsciousness? What if he began to fall apart at my very touch? Nervous, I resorted to sitting in a chair and cradling myself while I watched over him.

The infirmary was deafeningly silent and it was hard not to think about everything again. Ellie's fingers still chilled my skin, my heart still ached, and I felt all twisted up inside and ready to snap into pieces. Before I knew it, I was crying, but I didn't want to disturb Jack in any way, so I covered my mouth and tried to suppress every whimper. But my tears fell hard and it hurt to hold my breath, to tremble in the confined space of a chair, to be scrunched up but ready to unravel and cry out.

The quiet rustle of bedsheets startled me and I peeked through my fingers to look at Jack. He shifted in his spot a little bit, groaning softly as he did. His lips and brow twitched in a sweet way and I managed to smile. Suddenly, he spoke up, "Hey there..."

I had a moment to pause before composing myself and murmuring, "H-Hi..."

He also took a moment to pause. "You sound congested. Are you getting sick?"

I sniffled and wiped away the remaining tears on my face, lying, "Um, n-no, I just... I woke up sneezing earlier... Guess I need to dust the bedroom again..."

Jack turned his head toward me, his brow furrowed. It almost felt as if he was analyzing me behind those bandages over his eye sockets. Then, he said, "Why were you crying?"

Again, I sniffled. "I-I wasn't crying. I told you, it's probably dust."

"You can't lie to me," he remarked gently. "You give off a vibe when you're sad."

"I'm fine, Jack. Really--." But I cut myself off when he reached his right arm out to me. Quickly, I flinched away where he would have touched my shoulder, and he seemed to notice.

"Did I do something...?" he questioned.

"N-No," I stammered, "it's just... I should let you rest. I shouldn't even be here."

"Ao," he called out. Just as I was about to get up, he caught my hand and kept me in place.

"Jack, you shouldn't strain yourself--."

"I'm fine, but you're not," he interjected. I held my breath, expecting something to happen. Fortunately, there was no fracturing across his skin, and no bright light that would take him away. He was still lying in bed, holding my wrist so tightly yet gently.

"You're shaking," he mumbled, pulling me forward. I ended up leaning over the edge of his bed and he was able to cup his hand on my cheek. "What's wrong?" he asked me, and the wave of emotions was instant.

In the dimly lit infirmary, I cried and grabbed onto Jack's hand, nuzzling my face into his palm. As my tears fell, he wiped them away with his thumb, caressing my skin ever so delicately. He didn't say anything at all, just laid there comforting me--but I should be comforting him. He's the one injured and in need of rest. Why am I the one crying and whimpering? I need to be strong for his sake--for everyone's. How could I let a stupid nightmare make me so feeble?

"Jack," I murmured after a while. He didn't respond, but I knew he was listening. I continued, "I was scared that I had lost you, and that it might've been my fault somehow, even though that's probably not true..."

"Why would you think you're responsible?"

"My magic," I elaborated. "You set off a cartridge and it exploded."

"I knew what I was doing."

"I'm not saying you didn't, but... Jack, it's still dangerous magic. It's supposed to rival evil, and unless I'm there to control it, it can be just as threatening."

"But I'm not dead, nor did your magic hurt me. If anything, it stunned me, and that's all," he stated.

"That may be so now, b-but what if this kind of incident happens again, and it's something worse? There's no way I can lose you, Jack. I can't!"


"You're my whole world," I stammered, "and if you ever died... I-I would still continue my work as this realm's protector, but my heart would be dead. Sam's death, Slender's death--they crushed me, and afterwards I vowed to myself that I couldn't lose anyone else, especially you! And if you left me too, I'd be numb forever. I can never, ever lose you...!"

"And you won't," he proclaimed. "There's no way I'd ever die knowing I'd leave you behind to a broken world. If another incident arises, everything will be fine. Your magic is your magic, and I trust in you; therefore, I'll trust in it. That's what I did, and I'm still here."


The eyeless man stifled a chuckle and said, "You know, this might sound crazy, but I felt you there."

Confused, I sniffled and mumbled, "What...?"

"When the explosion went off, it felt like you were there. I felt safe. You made sure I was okay, even through your magic."

His hand brushed through my chestnut-brown hair, tucking it behind my ear. He smiled genuinely at me--his dimples showed--and said, "Even if it wanted to, I don't think your magic could ever bring itself to hurt me."

I managed a smile too, and inquired, "You think so?"

"Of course," he replied. Tenderly, he pulled me forward and reached up to place a kiss on my lips.

"Nothing can ever keep me from you," he whispered.


"Yeah," he chuckled. So did I.

"What if I die...," I said, leaning my head against his. His skin was warm, but not feverish warm. Just a calming, homely warm that made me want to lean into him more and more.

He caressed the back of my head and answered, "Then I'll go with you."

Though I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to die, it was a relief knowing he'd still be by my side in death. But he didn't know that. No one did, except for Ms. P. I've been too scared to admit my potential immortality. Most of all, I didn't want to let Jack know since our days would be lived with precaution. That's not what I want. I want him to live his life without that constant worry, without numbered days. It's unfair, but it's better for him to be ignorant.

From the tranquil silence, Jack said, "Stay here with me."

"In one of the beds?"

"Here is fine," he remarked, pointing to his bed. I stared at the spot, contemplating.

"What about your arm?" I asked.


"What do you mean 'eh'?" I giggled.

He grinned. "C'mere." Carefully, he shifted to the side to allow me space to lie down. With a giddy blush on my cheeks, I climbed onto the bed and placed myself next to him. I draped one arm across his stomach and curled up one leg on his. He squeezed me closer with his right arm, rubbing my shoulder tenderly. As I laid in his embrace, Jack put his lips to my hair and said, "Get some rest. I'll be right here."

"Okay," I mumbled, closing my eyes. The steady rise of his chest in time with his breathing was enough to calm my nerves. My eyes felt tight and puffy from crying, but it wasn't important. All that mattered was that I was with Jack, that he would be alright.

"I love you," I uttered before sleep could come.

"I love you, too," he said, breathing against my hair, before kissing my head lovingly.

Moments later, I had finally drifted into sleep, and this time only darkness met my subconscious.


Reese's POV

Mom wouldn't stop touching my hair, even after I told her it was a festival and it'd get messy by the end of the night anyway.

"You have to look presentable for anything," she told me, brushing my hair for the billionth time.

"Mama, no one's going to care...," I muttered.

"I care."


"Lookin' sharp, Reese's pieces," Hunter remarked as he passed by the bathroom. I groaned.

After I finally had enough of Mom criticizing my choice of clothing (khaki pants, white shirt, and a light flannel over it), I gently patted her hands away with the excuse that, "It's already time for me to go. I can't let A--Ben wait." I didn't mention I was going with another person. It would take too much time to introduce Angel and I wouldn't want to trouble her when she seems busy enough (She and I had to make up our absence today by working nearly all day yesterday. I promised her dinner to make up for it).

"Be careful, mijito. No quiero que te lastimes, porque voy a tener un infarto o pelear con alguien."

"Just call Hunter if you need backup; he'll take care of the rest," I jested. She tossed me a look, but gave me a kiss on the cheek for goodbye.

"Call me when you get there," she ordered as she walked me to the front door.

"Bye, little brother," Hunter chimed from the living room, mouth stuffed with popcorn for a little movie night between him and Mom.

"Bye," I said, and opened the door. Before I closed it, I quickly dashed in, reached over the couch to get popcorn, struggled with Hunter when he fought with me, then finally grabbed a buttery handful and stuffed it in my face.

"Love you, bye!" Then I finally left the apartment.

Minutes later, I was in the Chevelle, exiting the parking lot. I had Angel's address saved on my phone, and it wasn't too far from the auto shop. Soon, I came to a stop outside of a two story, simple apartment complex. Where I expected Angel to come out of one of the rooms, she showed up by the passenger door almost out of nowhere.

"Hey," she greeted as she opened the door.

I chuckled awkwardly. "You startled me there, Ang."

"I have that effect on people," she remarked as she hopped in. Even though the weather was becoming warmer, and we'd surely do a lot of moving around, she wore a red long-sleeved, sweatshirt and black jeans.

"You're gonna get really hot in that," I commented.

She glanced down at herself, then smirked and pulled up her hair in a ponytail. I shook my head. "That still doesn't help."

"You never know," she said.

"Anyway, are you ready?"

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't," she chirped, adjusting her glasses.

"Good. Let's go then."

It was a thirty minute drive to the festival, so Angel and I ended up chatting about stuff.

"There's no way you were able to pants your brother and not get in trouble," Angel said.

I shrugged. "No, he was pretty okay with it. In fact, he was so nonchalant that he kept walking through the amusement park like that just to embarrass me."

"When did this happen again?"

"Like a year ago. We're not allowed back into the park..."

"You two are legends," she joked wistfully. "I wish I could have had a sibling to act that way with."

"So you're a one-ey," I said. She raised an eyebrow at me. I added, "Only-child. It's a term Hunter and I used together."

"Ah, yes. Well, I am indeed a one-ey."

"I can't imagine what it's like to be an only-child," I began. "It must be lonely."

"Not for an only-child," she corrected. "It isn't so bad when it's how you've lived."

"You're right. I can't really see you being a sister--no offense."

"None taken. To be honest, me neither. It's nice in-theory."

"Sometimes, not in-practice. I'm what happens in-practice," I jested.

"I'm glad you're the in-practice," she complimented.

After we waited a red-light, I started up, "So, any embarrassing stories you'd like to share?"

The dark-haired girl tapped her chin, thinking. A couple of minutes passed until she said, "Well...there was one time my mom and dad dressed up as a fifties couple to my middle school Halloween fest. Needless to say, they wouldn't stop singing Grease Lightning and everyone wondered why the Alice carrying a Cheshire Cat around was desperately running away from two greasers."


"Yeah, but now that I think back on it, it's actually kinda funny. I just wish I'd have cherished those moments more."

I furrowed my brow. "What makes you say that?"

There was a pause of silence, allowing the quiet radio to come through. Angel adjusted her eyepatch and answered, "Um, just mentioning it. I mean, I moved away from my hometown, so I miss them...ya know."

I nodded. "Yeah, I kinda know. I'd probably miss my mom and brother, too, if I moved far away."

"No dad?"

I managed a smirk. "Uh, nah. He's been outta my life for a long time. Wasn't a very good guy."

"Ah, I see," she murmured.

"Yup. Ooh, here we are!" The festival came into view and it wasn't hard to miss what with all the flashing, multicolored lights. Angel leaned forward in her seat to watch the sky light up like an acid trip. I turned down the radio and we listened close to the sound of thumping music and crowds cheering. Already, people were walking on the sidewalk, stumbling over each other, drunk as hell.

"This is gonna be fun," Angel retorted.

"Parking isn't," I quipped, just as I pulled into the parking lot. There were significantly more vehicles near the entrance to the fest, so I resorted to the back (walking isn't so bad).

"Are you sure we won't get caught?" Angel questioned.

"I'm, uh...relatively sure," I replied in a higher-pitched voice.

"Mmmm," she grumbled nervously.

"Maybe if we sing Grease Lightning in horrible harmony, they'll let us go if we get caught," I joked.

"Har har," she drawled.

It had been a good eight minutes until I found a parking space, which wasn't as bad as I expected. I waited in the car to give Mom a call like she wanted. Once that was done, we exited the Chevelle and I locked it up. Already, I could feel the pulsing bass of music in my feet. I met up with Angel at the front of the Chevelle and said, "Ready?"

Angel stared up at the festival lights and smiled softly. "Let's go," she said.

We walked through the parking lot together, and I ended up holding an arm behind Angel as soon as we ran into people. When we got to the entrance, an employee was taking tickets without checking ID, which I was sure probably wasn't legal? Anyway, all I did was give the two tickets and we were in.

There was a significant difference from outside of the festival to inside. For one, it got warmer, second, the thumping bass was right at my heart, and third, I smelled smoke coming from somewhere and suddenly I was reminded of Ben. For a moment, I felt bad about coming without him, but I knew he wanted me to go anyway. And I need to take videos for him, too, so that'll make me feel better.

"Stay close," I hollered over the music. Angel nodded vigorously and bumped into my arm on purpose.

Together, we walked toward the pulsating crowd of people dancing (or energetically jumping). Far to the front of the area was the stage, but it was almost hard to see with the big screens and lights flashing at random intervals. I supposed seeing the artists didn't matter when you only needed the music. We stopped moving toward the crowd when people began bumping into us every now and then. Angel and I seemed to agree on our personal space.

"So," she began, cupping her hands over her mouth, "what now?"

As I was about to respond, I stopped myself. I surveyed our surroundings, at a loss for a proper answer. Eventually, I yelled, "I don't know. I didn't plan this far ahead."


"We can jump around like idiots..!" I suggested.

"Only if you jump first!" she retorted.

"I'll jump if you jump with me!"

"That defeats the purpose of 'jumping first'!" she exclaimed.

"Well, this is a predicament," I joshed.

"Alright, alright, how about we jump on three?"


"Okay. One, two...three!"

Angel proceeded to jump up while I stayed standing still. She shot me a look. "What the hell?"

"Sorry. For real this time. Ready? One, two, three!"

Again, she jumped by herself, then nudged me with fake annoyance. I cackled and said, "Okay, this time. I promise. One, two, three!"

I actually did jump this time but Angel was the one who stayed standing still. I frowned at her as she had a turn at laughing at me.

Though we weren't sure what to do at first, we eventually got used to the hyped-up atmosphere. The DJs would rile up the audience and I'd stupidly imitate them after hardcore drops. Angel laughed at me as she jumped around with me. I bet we looked like children, but it was an EDM music festival, so it didn't matter how stupid we looked. Everyone would get shit-faced by the end of the night one way or another.

At one point, a very enthusiastic girl adorned with flashy accessories handed us light sticks. All around us, people waved their light sticks above the sea of shadowed hands and heads. Angel and I did the same, but ended up having a battle with our light sticks like we were in Star Wars. Needless to say, she won by "impaling" my heart. It was fun messing around with her. Every now and then, I would glance at her, seeing the colored lights streak across her face, reflecting off her round glasses. She looked happy and carefree in those moments, and I was glad she was enjoying herself.

In between our antics, I took time to record the different performances for Ben (I bet most of them would be shaky). Angel always stayed by my side, watching the performance with an expression of awe that made me smile.

Our horrible dancing and light stick battles brought consequences and we were inevitably thirsty. From our spot in the courtyard, I saw a stand selling water bottles and other drinks. "Stay here. I'll be right back," I hollered at Angel. She gave me a thumbs up with her free hand, while her other hand absentmindedly waved her light stick in the air.

Quickly, I maneuvered past a few groups of people and made it to the stand. Waters were three dollars, which I wasn't fond of, but paid up six bucks anyway. After thanking the vendor, I ran back to where I left Angel. I chuckled when I spotted her tiptoeing to see the stage. I thought to offer her a piggyback ride once I got back, but that thought quickly slipped from my mind when I witnessed some random guy cup her butt.

Her reaction was instantaneous and she whirled around with a mien of fury. The man who had touched her stepped close to her with three guys behind him. Irritated, I rushed over and intervened just in time as Angel was in the beginnings of a cuss-out.

"What the hell are you doing, man?" I growled at the douchebag.

"Admiring a nice ass," he slurred, and I assumed he was drunk, if not tipsy.

"Leave her alone," I barked.

"You her boyfriend or what?" one of his friends, Douchebag #2, remarked.

"Shit, you can do better than this, cutie," Douchebag #1 told Angel.

"Fuck off," she hissed bluntly.

"Ooooh, dirty mouth for such a little thing. What else can it do, hehe?" Douchebag #1 quipped.

"You heard her," I started, "fuck off, asshole."

"Aw, kid's lookin' for a fight," Douchebag #3 said, swinging a beer bottle about.

"If you all don't leave, there's about to be one," I threatened. Angel touched my arm and I could just imagine her worried expression.

"What are you gonna do to us? There's four of us, so...?"

"Reese," Angel spoke up, tugging on my arm. "Just forget them. Let's move to another spot."

"Listen to your girlfriend kid," Douchebag #4 remarked.

"Yeah, go walk away so we can get a great view of her ass, haha," Douchebag #1 chortled.

"Pig!" Angel spat.

"Don't pretend like you're not flattered," Douchebag #4 said with a cunning grin that made me grit my teeth.

"I've had enough," I snapped. Firmly, I wrapped an arm around Angel and said, "We're going. C'mon, Angie."

As soon as we turned to move to another spot in the courtyard, the guys started catcalling, howling and whistling like untrained dogs. Scowling, I changed my position so that I walked behind Angel, covering their "view". The guys started groaning and cursing me out with annoyance. I didn't listen to them.

We found a new spot and settled, tempted by the smell of food at a nearby concession stand. Despite our previous encounter, we quickly changed the mood to something lighthearted. Angel and I finally got to drink cold waters, all the while waving our light sticks around without a care.

After fifteen minutes, it was time to record another video for Ben again, so I took out my phone and lifted it up high. Angel stayed right at my side inspecting her light stick (I think she discovered its different modes of flashing). Above me, I watched the phone screen, making sure everything was in center and clear. Even with the fog-machine smoke, the stage could be seen. A duo of DJs worked the tech and hopped around the stage excitedly. Red, blue, green, pink, orange lights flickered behind them on the screens, and I was more amazed by the colors than the bumping music. What video will this make--my eighth? I think I'll try recording up to ten and send them all when Angel and I leave.

While I was busy keeping my phone steady, I suddenly felt icy-cold liquid run down my back. I yelped and shoved my phone in my pocket as I turned around. Angel had backed up behind me, pulling on my arm. At first, I was confused as to why, until I recognized the four douchebags from earlier. Douchebag #3, the one with the beer bottle, had it held out toward me--he poured the contents down my shirt...!

"The fuck is your problem?!" I bellowed, stepping forward only to be stopped by Angel's steel grip. That's why she grabbed me.

"Oops, my hand slipped," Douchebag #3 chimed, feigning innocence. His buddies laughed behind him and my hands burned with the need to lash out.

"Hey, while you're at it, be a good little trash boy and throw this for me, will ya?" Douchebag #3 said, chucking the beer bottle at me. It hit my chest with a hard thud that I could feel throughout the rest of my body.

The guys began walking away, cackling amongst themselves, meanwhile I was seething with rage. Angel noticed, but she wasn't quick enough to keep me from lunging for Douchebag #3 and landing a sucker-punch against his jaw. He went stumbling into Douchebag #4, and the other two rounded on me.

They may have been drunk, but they could still swing at me vigorously. I dodged them for a few seconds but had to make an offensive move. Taking a chance, I sidestepped Douchebag #1, then ducked under Douchebag #3 to wrap my arms around his waist. I tucked my head in to avoid his fists, and quickly pushed up. To his surprise, I heaved him onto my shoulder and quickly struck him down into the ground, knocking the wind out of him.

In that span of time, Douchebag #1 got up and rushed at me. I blocked his fists at first, then spun to the left and snatched his wrist in my grip. In seconds, I twisted his arm behind his back and forced him to hunch over. Blood racing, I rammed my knee into his stomach over and over again, causing him to grunt and cry out in pain behind the electronic music that pulsed in the air.

I was too busy beating the shit out of Douchebag #1 that I failed to avoid Douchebag #4's punch. My head rattled with pain when his fist struck the side of my face. Quickly, I shoved Douchebag #1 into #4's legs, allowing a chance to advance as he stumbled backward. My rage still surging, I grabbed #4's shirt collar and landed punch after punch into his face. When that wasn't enough, I hooked my hands behind is neck and kneed him relentlessly. Under the rush of my anger-crazed mind, I heard him plead for me to stop, but I didn't want to. I'll make sure he remembers to think twice about disrespecting a woman.

All of a sudden, my ruthless attack was halted when arms wrapped around my neck and pulled me back. The musk of alcohol and sweat was strong and I stifled a gag. Douchebag #3 came stumbling toward me, cracking his knuckles. #2 grabbed onto my legs to keep me from flailing them, and then #1--the one who grabbed my neck--pinned my arms back. In the blink of an eye, Douchebag #3 was wailing his fists into my stomach and I huffed and grunted in pain. The peppy, electronic music didn't make the situation any better. I knew I shouldn't have fought, but I couldn't let them walk all over me and Angel. Where is she, anyway??

My question was answered when a figure clad in red and black rushed up to Douchebag #3 and leaped on him. Slim legs wrapped around his head, startling him as Angel twisted around him. As quickly as she had attacked, she swung her body down and took Douchebag #3 with her. His head hit the ground while Angel landed in a graceful crouch. Her visible blue eye peered past the veil of her black bangs, glaring at the other two men who had frozen still.

Douchebag #4, recovered from my beating, attempted to grab at Angel, but she quickly turned in her position and landed a kick to his crotch. He cried out in pain and crashed to his knees. Douchebags #1 and #2 let go of me, but they weren't safe from her aggression, nor mine. Quickly, I elbowed #1's chest, then kicked #2 across the face. I rushed forward and bumped into Angel.

"Are you okay?" she asked me. I managed a nod before I noticed #3 lunging at her.

"Behind you!" I warned. The dark-haired girl whirled around and I latched my arms under hers. Using me as leverage, she jumped off the ground and landed a kick on Douchebag #3's jaw, right where I first punched him. He went falling to the ground again, and Angel landed on her feet. To my right, #2 was coming towards me, so I commanded Angel, "Duck!", and used her as leverage to curl up and dodge his swing. Then I slammed the heels of my shoes onto his head. He went down and I ended up standing on his head for a split second.

Angel suddenly hooked her arms with mine and forced me to spin around. As I did, I noticed her smacking #4 across the face with her boot using our momentum. In front of me, #1 rounded on me, but I pulled Angel and I down to dodge his attack. Suddenly, she forced me to bend over more as she stretched a leg high up and hit #1 at his neck. He choked and fell away, shaking.

Still holding onto me, Angel leaned forward and pulled me back in the process. I ended up rolling off of her back and stumbled into Douchebag #4, but this time it only took a simple backhand over my shoulder to send him falling.

Angel and I were left standing, panting from our fight. Around us, people had dispersed, but others had completely ignored everything that had just happened and focused on the music. The four men who had been so cocky just a few minutes ago were now on the ground, groaning from pain. Because of us.

Angel's laugh was noticeable, even with the loud, bouncy trap music. Her expression revealed an adrenaline rush that I related to, and I laughed along with her. We grinned wildly at each other, vibrant colors dancing across our faces. Abruptly, the spark in Angel's eyes froze as she looked over my shoulder. Even with all of the lights, I saw the blood drain from her face. "Security...!" she announced.

I craned my head around to see two security guards pushing through the crowd towards us. Instinctively, I grabbed onto Angel's arm and exclaimed, "Run!"

So we did. She followed close behind as we pushed past groups of reveling festival-goers to get to the exit. While we raced out of the festival, Angel started howling with joy, and strangers joined in for the hell of it. A grin creeped its way onto my lips and I howled with rabid joy as well, adding to the cacophony of wild cheers and chanting. My heart pounded in my chest as we ran and ran to the back of the parking lot. The Chevelle came into sight and I almost felt bummed at the thought of stopping this rush we shared. But we had been at the festival long enough (about 2 hours) and it would be stupid if we stayed after beating up four men.

Angel and I hopped into the car once it was unlocked and I turned the engine on. The Chevelle growled, almost similar to the whoops and cheers still going on outside. Quickly, yet swiftly, I exited the parking lot and lurched onto the road away from the world of thrumming bass and fancy light shows. While I drove, Angel and I caught a breather. Only the hum of the car engine filled the silence.

Angel stifled a laugh. It was soft at first, but it picked up in volume and energy, and it became contagious. I laughed along with her, smiling so big my cheeks ached not long after. Taking a glance at my passenger, I saw a spark in her eye that made me feel warm. Angel was practically glowing.

"So," I began after we had settled down, "up for dinner?"

She beamed at me. "That sounds fantastic."

I grinned and hunted for a place for us to eat and rest after a very eventful first EDM fest. Looks like Mom doesn't need to fight someone after all.

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