Chapter 26

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[I might take a break soon but I don't know when...

Enjoy the chapter!]

Stay Creepy, My Friends!~

Chapter 26

Reese's POV

The diner was mostly filled with our laughter. Only a few other patrons occupied the other side of the room. Angel and I sat in a booth in the corner with chocolate malted milkshakes and a basket of fries on our table.

"That black widow move you pulled--fuckin' amazing," I complimented excitedly. "That was some professional level stuff. How'd you learn to fight like that?"

Angel finished taking a sip of her malt and answered, "Um, I took lessons when I was younger and kept practicing. Ya know."

"You could be in the UFC and kick tons of ass," I commented. "I'd bet all my money on you."

She giggled. "I'd advise you not to. I was trained to win but that doesn't always happen."

"Still. You're incredible...!"

"Thanks, hehe. Though I'm curious, do you fight like you did today at school?"

I bunched up my lips before saying, "Not really. I tone it down because I know I'll make things worse for myself than they already are. One time, when I was fifteen, I went to a concert with Hunter and knocked some big dude unconscious because he wouldn't leave us alone. No one found out, thankfully."


"Yeah, so I take it easier on people. It's for their own good."

"Aw, you're so considerate," she joshed lightly.

"Thanks. But seriously, I think you'd knock multiple big dudes unconscious with little effort. I'm sure Artem would love to see you fight," I remarked.

She cocked her head slightly. "Why?"

I realized what I had blurted but decided not to take it back. Instead, I explained, "Well, this is between us, but...Artem trains me in combat."

Her expression gave way for interest. "Really?"

I nodded. "That second floor we have up on the auto shop? That's where the training room is. He'll take me up there some days to give me lessons and practice with me, though nowadays I've been doing other things in my free time. I'm good at fighting, but I'm a little more confident with a bo staff."

"A bo staff?"

"Mhmm! Unless I'm up against Artem, in which case he brutally kicks my ass..."

Angel laughed, adjusting her glasses. "Have you ever sparred with anyone else?" she asked.

I shook my head, then faltered. "There was one time with Hunter...! We don't talk about that anymore."

"Haha, okay, well, I think I'd like to see this training room sometime," she said.

"Yeah? Would you be up for a practice fight against me?"

She cocked an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"Hell yeah! I'd be honored to let you kick my ass--if you can."

"Do I smell a challenge brewing already?" she intoned lowly, eye squinted.

"If you can make it a challenge," I quipped, coolly sipping my malt, but it was too thick for the straw so it took a while and whole lot of sucking in my cheeks. Angel laughed at my struggle.

She leaned back into her booth chair, gazing around at the old, country diner. With a sigh, she began, "I thought this place felt familiar to me..."

After I finished a couple of fries, I murmured, "You've been here before?"

She shook her head. "Not this place, but one like it. I was out on a...road trip...with a friend and my fiancé. My friend went up to the jukebox, kinda like that one," --she nodded to a jukebox across the room--, "and he played old eighties songs. We all danced around the diner and other patrons sang and clapped along. It was a very feel-good atmosphere. Another moment in time I wish I had savored..."

Despite the sudden doleful tone at the end, I lightheartedly replied, "Sometimes the memory is just as great."

Angel gave a gentle smile. "I guess you're right."

Again, we sat in silence for a few minutes, looking around at the diner or staring at our malts and fries. Suddenly, while I was busy absentmindedly eating a fry, Angel spoke up, "Reese, you wouldn't mind telling me about your father...would you?"

I froze for a second, contemplating her words. I wouldn't mind talking about it; I've told the story a thousand times, and I'll surely tell it a thousand times more, and a thousand after that. There's a routine to it now. I know what to say and what to keep to myself, for the listener's sake.

"I don't mind," I answered. Clearing my throat, I shifted in my spot and started, "Um...I'm not sure when it all began. My memory doesn't recall my dad being anything else but a douchebag. Maybe his job became too demanding, or his patience ran out, or something. I can't help but think that he was just frustrated with me. I was, to put it lightly, an accident."

This is the part when people usually go "ooooh...", bearing an awkward expression. Angel didn't do that.

"That put some stress on him and my Mom. It was hard for Mom to find work, and she didn't find a proper job until I was three or four, but by then it was already too late. Dad had become bitter, and...he started mistreating her. When that didn't suffice...he hurt me and Hunter--mostly Hunter. He...he took most of my beatings for me, always protected me. Sometimes I'd get hurt pretty bad, too. This little scar on my lip was from my dad. I still have nightmares about that moment...

"And, for three years, that's how it had been, just a nightmare after nightmare disguised as everyday life. Until Mom finally saved up enough funds to run away with us and turn my dad in. Now he's in prison, sentenced to twenty years. I think he deserves worse than that, but with what we've been through, we'll take what we can get.

"Sometimes he still fucks up our lives beyond the walls of a prison cell, what with the legal processes we had to go through, therapy, and the trauma. My family all has mental issues one way or another, especially me."

I paused for a moment, just to see if Angel was going to respond with anything. To my surprise, she kept quiet, only chewing on her straw. Staring at her, I said, "I...I have these relapses, meaning I tend to go on and off with my attitude and mental state. My temper is horrible, I'm on edge, and I tend to not sleep a lot. If I'm ever an asshole to you, that's why, and I'm sorry for my lack of control."

She bore a pleasant smile and assured me, "Its okay. I know that isn't who you are deep down."

"Thanks," I said. Casually, I took another sip of my malt, then added, "Right now I'm on medication to reduce my issues. I shouldn't have any problems, but meds haven't done much in the past, sooo..."

Angel nodded. "I understand."

"Good. That's good," I murmured, playing with the paper cover for my straw when we first got the malts. After a while, I shrugged and said, "Well, that's all I have to say."

Angel smiled warmly. "I'm glad you were willing to share with me. I know something like that isn't easy to talk about."

"It's okay. I figured you should know about who you're hanging out with," I replied.

She chuckled lightly. "In that case, I suppose I should return the favor." The dark haired girl shifted in her seat as well and swirled her malt with her straw. Staring at it, she started, "You know how I said I missed my parents, right?"


She forced a grin. "I didn't disclose the reason why. The real reason why."

Just as she stayed silent for my story, I kept my mouth shut for hers. A few moments later, Angel inhaled deeply and stated, "My parents died when I was sixteen years old."

Suddenly, I felt cold, and my light flannel wasn't enough to alleviate that. I remained still, listening, waiting out her pauses.

"They, was a car crash that did them in... Went out to visit friends while I was at home. Semi-truck came out of nowhere. They wouldn't have survived...

"After I found out...I had to be put into a foster care system, since I didn't have any other family. Didn't really have time to mourn and stuff, you know? Lucky for me--I thought at first--someone took me in...but he didn't turn out to be a nice guy." The corners of her mouth upturned and she scrunched up her nose; the awkwardness was extremely present in her expression. "He insisted that I call him father, like I hadn't lost one recently."

I scowled. "Ew."

"I know. He was a fuckin' asshole," she muttered, tossing a glare over my shoulder, and I guessed she imagined her foster "father". I couldn't blame her.

"Anyway," she went on, "I endured him until I was eighteen. During those years, I met my fiancé, though he didn't know it at the time--obviously. He helped me through a lot, what with a shitty guardian and the death of my parents. I still think about it sometimes.... They were good people, and didn't deserve what happened to them. Haha, I remember my mom always telling me she looked forward to events like prom or graduation, when I would have to go to her for help and advice. And dad always warned me about boys, and how they had cooties; he was such a doof...!"

Her words faltered as she gazed nostalgically down at the table. Her hands clenched around her malt glass and she said, "You know, I half expected for this to be hard to talk about, but I suppose time heals wounds. Wow...I can't believe it's been three years without them... There's so much they've missed--so much that I've missed, too. I wonder what they would have had to say about any of what's happened the past three years. Probably not anything good, haha, but at least it'd be something. It'd be something..."

Angel trailed off, glancing out the window that was only a foot away from her. Meanwhile, I watched her face, analyzing every detail I could catch from my spot. There was a reminiscent glitter in her blue eye that I've never seen on her before. But then that gentle glitter gradually became something more, and there I was, sitting across from her, watching her cry silently.

She blinked a whole bunch, holding her gaze, sniffling quietly. Tears streaked down her right cheek, and she wiped them away with trembling fingers. Adjusting her glasses again, she murmured, "I guess I'm a liar, hehe. Apparently time doesn't heal wounds..."

Even as her complexion grew pink and the tears kept coming, she held a decent composure and gasped and hiccuped every now and then. Her shoulders were still taut and she kept her chin up. I yanked out a couple of napkins from the napkin holder and handed them to her. Angel mouthed a 'thank you' and wiped her face.

After restraining my words, I said, "You don't have to keep talking about this, if you don't want to..."

She managed a kind smile, which contradicted the sad gleam in her ocean blue eye. "It's fine. I was just about done anyway."

As she crumpled up the napkins in her hands, I glanced at the two rings on her left fingers. Reluctantly, I retorted, "So, your fiancé had helped you out a lot?"

She nodded solemnly. "He's a life saver; my light. Without him, I'm not sure how I would have ended up. He's just...he never gives up on me, even if I'm in the wrong, and...he's everything I ever need in this unfair world. Sometimes he thinks he's lucky to have me, but I'm lucky to have him.

"I love him more than anything, and I'd gladly give my life for him. Many people aren't so fortunate to find something like that, I believe. Before I met him, I had thought I'd never experience that kind of love, too. I'm glad I was wrong. He never talks much about his past, but I'm sure he had felt the same way. I'm glad I came along then, because he deserves better."

Suddenly, she lowered her head slightly and began to cry again, still holding everything in as best as she could. "He's been through so much...ya know? And...And I'm trying really hard to make things right here, so we can start anew. Together. And I miss him so much. I miss him so much it hurts, but I know it'll all be worth it someday, so I'll gladly take the pain. I hope he's okay right now. I hope he's getting plenty of rest, and eating healthy, and taking care of himself, and having pleasant dreams. I hope he's okay...."

It felt strange for me to just sit here, staring at her, but I was also uncertain about comforting her. I'm not that good at consoling others, let alone someone who is barely opening up to me. It was also a new experience listening to someone talk so passionately about the one they love. No one in my life has ever encountered anyone else worth this much love; anyone else worth dying for. It's always between me and my family, this sort of emotion. That's why I wasn't sure whether to comfort Angel or let her be.

Finally, I figured something out and reached my hand across the table, palm facing up. Angel noticed out of the corner of her vision and grabbed on with nimble, pale fingers. That's all I did--hold her hand. No squeezing, no rubbing her knuckles, nothing. Her skin was chilly but as the minutes wore on it became lukewarm again. She just sat there and sniffled, wiping her face every other moment.

Quietly, almost in a whisper (mostly because I was nervous about her hearing me), I said, "Knowing he's got someone like you, he'll be alright."

A pause of silence and she hiccuped. With a gentle nod, she mumbled, "He will..."

"And one of these days, when you're back together, you'll have some adorable wedding ceremony and live happily ever after," I added.

She chuckled. "I'm not sure if we will have a ceremony. Not many people to invite."

"Well, if it ever happens, I'll definitely go," I encouraged her. "You wear a lot of dark clothing, but I know you'd look stunning in a white, poofy dress."

The dark haired girl finally looked up at me and smiled genuinely, which lightened the mood significantly.

"I could even help! I can be a flower boy, or something, and toss rose petals everywhere."

"Tulip petals," she corrected. "We prefer tulips."

"Tulips, huh?"

She nodded more enthusiastically. "Roses are too mainstream."

I smirked. "I'll keep that in mind."

Eventually, Angel had calmed the redness in her cheeks and her sniffling became less frequent. By now, her malt had melted and was just liquid chocolate.

"Want another one?" I asked, pointing to her glass.

Politely, she waved her hands around and said, "Oh no, I really shouldn't."

"No need to be modest, Ang. I'll get another one, too," I said, getting out of the booth.

She smirked and released a sigh. "I guess a second malt wouldn't be so bad."

I gave her another smile before spinning around to order two more malts at the bar.

Eventually, it got too late for us to stay and chat at the diner. It was a fifteen minute drive back into Wriamont and Angel had been dozing off before I pulled up to her apartment complex.

I gently tapped her shoulder and she stirred calmly. The way she snorted quietly made me laugh and woke me up a little more.

"Thanks for such an amazing night," she croaked. "This is the most fun I've had in a long time."

"That's great to hear. Take care of yourself, Ang. I'll see you Friday," I said.

With a sleepy grin, she raised her hand and we shared a high-five. Then, she exited the Chevelle and walked towards the apartment building. Once she walked up the stairs, I shifted the car out of park and drove back home through the stillness of night.


When I walked back into the apartment, I was surprised to see that the kitchen light was on. Hunter was passed out, snoring on the couch with a blanket laid over him. In the kitchen, Mom sat at the table, head resting in her hand, sleeping. There was a mug of horchata that she still held onto with her other hand, and I'm sure it had already gone cold. With a delicate sigh, I shuffled over to Mom and nudged her shoulder. She awoke with a soft, startled gasp and muttered something in Spanish.

"Mama," I started, "what are you doing here? You should be in bed."

Rubbing her eyes, she murmured, "I was waiting up for you, mijito. I," --a yawn--, "wanted to make sure you came home safe..."

"Well, I'm here now, so you should go to bed--."

"How was the festival? Was it fun? Is Ben doing well?"

"H-He's fine, mama. The festival was great."

The sleepy woman looked up at me and her eyes didn't look so tired in a second. She reached up to my face and said, "Reese, what happened to you? You have a bruise."

Remembering the fight, I grimaced and lied, "There was a mosh-pit and someone's elbow bumped into me. It's no big deal, Mom, I swear."

"No big deal?" she muttered, eyeing me carefully.

"Don't worry. You should get some rest in your room. I'm tired, too."

"I'll say. It's one in the morning, mijo."

"Exactly. So I'll see you in the morning, okay? C'mon."

"Wait...." She sniffed the air, coming closer to me. A grimace met her features and she muttered, "Why do you smell like beer? And smoke?? No less, sweat--dios mio...!"


"Were you drinking? Smoking? Did you...did you do anything nasty with anyone?"

I cringed. "Ew, mama, no. I'm sober and drug free. And still a virgin."

"Okay," she said, eyeing me suspiciously still.

"Can we talk more about this tomorrow? I'm really tired, and so are you, so c'mon."

"Reese," she grumbled, but didn't protest me when I helped her out of the chair. I walked her to her bedroom and led her inside.

"You don't have to usher me like this," she remarked, "Todavía no soy un vieja."

"Claro que si, mama. Just being polite," I replied.

When I started making her bed, she drew the line. She waved me away and led me out of the room this time.

"Get well rested, Mom," I started. "Don't worry about a thing--."

She interjected, "Reese."


She stared up at me for a few moments before reaching up to place a kiss at my cheek. With one gentle stroke through my hair, she said, "I love you, mi corazon. Goodnight."

"Love you too, mama," I mumbled. "See you in the morning."

Mom closed her door and I was left standing alone in the hallway. Only Hunter's snoring filled the silence, but the sound didn't bother me one bit. I just wanted sleep, so I turned into my room and closed the door behind me.

As I sat on the edge of my bed, I took out my phone. Suddenly, I remembered the videos I took and decided to send them to Ben now before I forgot.

After I sent them, I set my phone down and quickly changed out of my sweat, beer, and smoke scented clothes (I never realized how potent it was until now). I came back to my bed in just some shorts and saw that Ben had replied instantly.

-Thanks for the vids, Reese's pieces. The fest looked fun..! I'm glad you got to go. : )

Staring at his text message, I contemplated. I did have fun, even if it wasn't with him, but I still felt bad about going without him. There's so much we could've done. On the other hand, I had a wonderful time with Angel and we seemed to bond a little thanks to the fest. All in all, tonight was amazing, but I miss Ben.

Without messaging him, I ended up calling him.

A few seconds later I heard his voice. "Reese? Hey."


He paused. "You sound tired. It's super late, ya know. You should be asleep."

"I should be, but I'm not," I retorted.

He chuckled warmly. "Can't sleep?"

Falling back into my bed, I answered, "It's not that. I just..." I thought for a minute. "Huh. I don't know. Just felt like calling. You're not busy, are you?"

"Fortunately, not right now. Everyone here is asleep." His tone shifted to one of melodrama as he added, "Only at night can my soul run free..!"

I laughed. "Well, that's good. We can talk then."

"You really should sleep."

Yawning, I mumbled, "I know, but I'd rather chat first before dozing off. Are you doing well?"

"Eh, I could be better. Things are stressful right now. I'm actually exhausted--and as a wraith I don't need sleep, haha. But since it's night, the mansion is quiet and I have peace. Not that it's always hectic here."

"Hmmm, not always?"

"Yup. It had been a lot more mellow before. There was a time when my friends and I used to play video games in my room or in the sitting room. Of course, I always won, but it was still fun seeing them try, haha!"

"So evil," I commented.

"Muahahaha," he cackled jokingly. Such a dork.

"I miss those times," he added. "Everything was more simple then."


"There were no issues, besides the occasional argument over something that seems so silly now."


"Then again, I've met so many new people whom I cherish now, so it's complicated to wish for the past."


"...Are you listening?"


"Reese," he grumbled.

"I'm listening, I'm listening," I said, adjusting myself.

He chuckled. "You really should sleep. We can talk tomorrow."

"No," I answered immediately. "You're gonna be busy during the day. I'm alright. Keep talking to me."

He sighed but I could hear the relief in his voice. "Okay, well, you mentioned hanging out soon, right? Where at?"

I muddled over it for a second. "At my place...?"

"Alright. Do you wanna watch movies and shit?"

"Hell yeah," I agreed.

"So...would you be opposed to a sleep over?" he asked, almost hesitantly.

His reluctance was amusing and I stifled a chuckle. I slurred, "Of course not."

"O-Okay. Uh, neat! Neat, hehe."

I smiled at his voice and closed my eyes for a few moments. After staying quiet, I piped up, "I wish you could have gone to the festival with me. I know you would have loved it."

"I'm sure I would've."

Tiredly, I continued, "It'd be nice if I saw you soon..."

Ben cooed, "I hope I get to. Some pizza and movies would do me good."

"And tres leches."

"Ah, cannot forget the tres leches."

There was silence on his end of the call for several seconds. During that time I was afraid I'd end up falling asleep on him. Thankfully, he spoke up and murmured, "Reese, can I say something?"

"No, you can't. That's all the time you get to talk," I droned sarcastically. Ben groaned in response.

"I'm really hoping for things to get better over here soon, so that I can see you again," he admitted. "It might seem unfair of me to want to urge things along but...I just want my spot of freedom again, ya know?"

Staring up at the ceiling streaked by the city lights beyond my window, I whispered huskily, "Then come through."

He paused. "What?"

"Come through the phone right now," I demanded. "Everyone else is asleep here. You just gotta keep quiet."

He stifled a nervous chuckle and responded, "Reese, that sounds nice and all but you should really sleep."

"You want to see me so badly, so do it," I kept urging. "It'll only take a second for you to come here. Nothing bad would come out of it. No one would know. So come through..."


"I promise I won't crash out on you," I jested.

After he didn't answer, I beckoned, "Ben."

"Mmm," he grumbled.



"Ben," I whispered.

"Mmmm...," he hummed, softer, to which I laughed at.

He stated, "It's almost two in the morning. Go to bed."

"Come through."

"Go to bed...!"

"Come through."

"Go. To. Bed."

"Come. Through."

He whined and said, "You're so difficult when you're sleepy. It's..."

I cocked an eyebrow. "It's what?"

Another pause. "Nothing," he stammered.

"What were you going to say?" I asked.


I smirked. "Sure it was."

"It was!"

"Liar," I teased.

"I am not."


"Get some sleep already," he repeated.

"You changed the subject," I pointed out.

"You changed the subject."

Cavalier, I remarked, "Are you sure I'm the difficult one here?"


"Yet you're still dealing with me," I murmured.

He chuckled. "You're the only 'difficult' that I want to deal with right now."

"Good. I want to be the only 'difficult'..."

He chuckled, bordering on a giggle. It sounded sweet. "You're very entertaining while you're sleepy, Reese's puffs."

"Entertaining, huh? Why do I get the feeling that's not the word you wanted to use?"

It seems I figured Ben out because he got quiet. Moments later, he uttered a wry laugh and said, "Fine, fine, fine... Cute. Your sleepiness is cute."

A smirk crossed my lips and I murmured, "That wasn't hard to admit, now was it?"

"Don't tease," he grumbled.

"Aw, someone's all flustered," I teased, doing exactly what he didn't want.

"I'll hang up on you," he threatened playfully.

"No, you won't."

"..........Okay, yeah, I won't."

"Dork," I said.

"Jerk," he responded.

"Perv," I countered.

"Nerd," he retaliated.

Both of us laughed, but only because I started laughing in my drunk-sleepy state and it must have sounded funny to him.

"Ben," I started after I stopped laughing, "I want you to talk to me."


"Anything. You can rant about whatever you want, or tell me a story. I just want to hear you," I said.



The wraith's tone of voice was flippant as he chortled, "Okay, so, like, there's this mole on my butt that I'm a little concerned about, and I'm scared it might be, like, skin cancer or something. Do you wanna check it out for me??"

Staring up at the ceiling, I groaned and muttered, "First of all, gross. Second, can wraiths even get cancer?"

There was a break in his voice before he affirmed, "Yeah, you're right, I can't. Do you still wanna see my butt though?"

"No," I laughed.

"But it's firm and well-toned! I could fuckin' crush a kid's skull with it."

"Ben, no."

"Please? You'll love my butt," he bragged.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "That is--no."

"Okay, okay, I understand... My butt is too glorious to be conceived by a mortal such as yourself. In time, your mind will ascend to the most enlightened level, and then you will earn the honor of seeing my butt!"

"Now I remember why I called you a pervert in the first place," I said, grimacing.

"You said I could talk about anything," he quipped.

"It's too late at night to make things weird, Ben," I muttered.

"All I ever want to talk about is weird stuff, Reese's pieces. You should know this already."

"Ugh...alright, whatever. If you wanna talk about your butt, be my guest."

"Yay," he cheered softly and I rolled my eyes. Still, there was a charm, and I smiled.

Ben, in fact, didn't have an extensive talk about his butt (thank god). Instead, he just told me stories about some of his minor adventures. Like apparently a contest between him and a friend of his on Halloween to see who could get with the most ladies in that one night.

"This is between us," he whispered, "but I never actually hooked up with anyone...!"

I uttered a fake, dramatic gasp. "Scandalous."

"I know! But don't tell anyone. My buddy still hasn't forgiven me for all the times I rubbed it in his face, hehe!"

While he talked, I couldn't help dozing off every now and then. Once, he offered to hang up and let me sleep, but I refused and urged him to keep talking. Despite his reluctance, he listened anyway.

Eventually, I blacked out so much that I couldn't follow any of the stories he told me. I never mentioned it though, and remained silent. As time wore on, resisting sleep became extremely difficult, and I ended up giving in altogether. I fell asleep with my phone in hand, listening to Ben's voice lull me into unconsciousness after a tiring night.


Ben's POV

It was halfway into my scientific explanation of how I teleport that I realized Reese had been too quiet for too long. Quizzical, I called him out, "Hey, are you awake?"

No reply. I furrowed my brow.

"Reese?" I said again. Nothing.

After a few more minutes, I deduced that he had fallen asleep, which I wasn't surprised by. It was already 2:34am. The kid had gone to the festival, which looked raging enough through the videos he sent me, so he must have been really exhausted. It wasn't until now did I wonder who he ended up going with. Eh, I'll ask him later.

Sitting in bed, I listened closely to my phone, trying to hear anything. I know he doesn't snore, but I was curious if I could listen to him breathing. (God, that probably sounds really creepy...) When it was clear that I wouldn't hear anything, I sighed and bore a smile.

During our phone call, I was desperately containing any weird noises in reaction to Reese's utter adorableness. His voice is so cute when he's sleepy, and his laugh is funny too. Agh, and when he beckoned me to go to him, my face felt so hot...! Also, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed when I confessed his sleepiness was cute. That didn't weird him out, did it? He didn't sound awkward. I hope he doesn't read too much into that. I'm not sure what I'd do if he ever figured out my feelings for him before I ever got to admit them.

Gah, he's so cute. He's so cute he's so cute he's so cute!

It pained me to think about hanging up on him. There's no point to holding the phone call anymore now that he's asleep, but I miss him so much and this call makes me feel connected to him. To think he's probably sleeping like an angel on the other side warms my heart and my face. I want to hold onto this moment--this feeling.

I knew better, though. It'd look weird if Reese woke up to see the call still running. So, I gathered up my effort and opened my mouth to tell him goodnight. But I stopped before uttering a word at the thought of an idea.

My face flushed. It's such a ballsy move, but Reese is asleep so it'd be as if nothing ever happened. Just do it quickly, Ben. There's no way he'll know. Quickly, and quietly...!

Nervous, I gulped and brought my phone closer. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and whispered to Reese, "I...I love you..."

My blood was racing with the anticipation of his surprise (or disgust, but hopefully he's too nice for that). Thankfully, there was no response and I released a sigh of relief. On the other hand, a tiny part of me was a little bummed that he didn't hear. That part of me was hoping he'd understand, or better yet, accept my awkward confession. But now wasn't the right time for that. It's a start, though.

"I love you," I whispered again, less anxiously. After licking my dry lips, I added, "G-Goodnight, my peanut butter cup. Sleep well. Hehe, th-think of me...? Uh, s-sweet dreams...!"

Again, I pulled another daring move and made a kissing noise to him. My cheeks were practically on fire and I covered my mouth to hold back a squeal.

Finally, after being a giant cheese-puff, I hung up the call and set my phone down on my blanket. With a sigh, I fell back onto my pillows, suddenly feeling lonely without anything to do or anyone to talk to. My fingers twitched, needing to busy themselves with something, but all of my options didn't feel good enough.

So I laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, imagining Reese's glow-in-the-dark stars that can't glow anymore. Then, I wondered if he was having pleasant dreams right now. I wondered what he dreams about. He's told me about his nightmares, but what about the nice things? Or does he dream in black like I do sometimes?

All of my pondering and imagining eventually led to my dozing off, too.

Instead of a memory, or an event, all I dreamed about was Reese. My mind recalled every detail about him that I adore, from the minor ones to the more significant. Like the way he gets all awkward when he's nervous, or the way his eyes light up when he's eager, or the way he quirks his lips when he thinks, or fidgets when he's too still. All of these little things I loved. They made me feel warm and serene.

When I do see him again, how will things go? What movies will we watch? Will we stick to comedy?--I'll be able to hear him laugh and see him smile. Will we go with horror?--would he get scared, or would I get spooked and cling to him like some damsel in distress? Or will it be romance?--doubt it; that's too cheesy for us.

I just can't wait. I want to see him, and hug him, and be next to him, and talk to him in person, and listen to him. I want to be with him. I want to be with him

There was a sudden knock on the door and I stirred in my bed. Confused, I slipped out and shuffled over to the door. Standing in front of it, I held onto the doorknob and called out, "Hello? What's up?"

No response. I frowned.

"It's pretty late," I stated. "Sally, if that's you, I guess we can play some board games or something."

It was eerily silent on the other side of the door. It was starting to unnerve me.

Hesitantly, I tightened my grip on the knob and twisted the door open. Through a small crack, I peeked to see no one standing outside. Annoyed, I nudged the door to the side and poked my head out into the hallway. On either side it was empty and the lights were dim. I stood there for a few moments, contemplating what had happened. I did hear a knock, right? And if one of the others was playing some late-night trick on me, I would've heard them sneaking away. And if it was important, someone would have been waiting for me.

With a brief harrumph, I stepped back into my room and reached for my door again. As soon as I moved to close it, something wrapped around my neck from behind and I gasped. Since I was taken off guard, it was easy for my assailant to tug me back and off my feet. I went stumbling backwards and was violently thrown into...water.

It muffled my ears and invaded my mouth and nostrils. My legs and arms flailed out, but I felt nothing but liquid around me. It was dark, so dark that I couldn't see myself. I cried out for help, but my voice was merely a soft warble. My body was freezing cold. My head ached horribly. I could feel every drop of water enter into my lungs, expanding them, weighing them heavy. I kicked my legs in an attempt to swim to some hidden surface, but whatever had grabbed my neck was holding me down.

It took me a while to figure out that a pair of hands was holding me in place, coarse and strong. And next thing I knew I felt those hands travel down from my neck, against my chest and stomach, over the curve of my hips, scratching against my thighs. They clawed at my skin and I could feel every mark they left behind. Meanwhile, I couldn't move my body; I was helpless. Heart pounding in my chest, I shut my eyes, wishing the hands would stop touching me, willing them to stop invading the places I deemed private. Why won't they stop? Please, stop...!

Suddenly, another set of hands gripped my hair and yanked my head back. My surroundings were instantly changed from the dark, murky hell I was in to the setting of a restroom stall.

I heard boys laughing behind me as I sputtered and coughed, head drenched in toilet water.

"Gallagher, you missed a spot!" exclaimed my captor and I was shoved back down into the porcelain bowl again.

Then I was back in the dark, murky hell. The mysterious hands were still holding me in place, touching me, and rendering me helpless. I felt like crying. I wanted them to stop. No more.

When my hair was yanked on again, I was pulled into that restroom stall, forced to listen to the deafening, ridiculing laughter. Someone reached over to flush the toilet and as the water churned violently beneath me, I was forced back down. Please, stop!

This was a cycle. A horrendous, agonizing cycle. Dark, murky hell; hands grabbing at me all over. A stupid, restroom stall; my torture a fucking toilet.

Just when I was sure I couldn't endure it any longer, a golden light shown through the dark, murky water and the hands that touched me were scared away. When I was yanked back up, I heard the boys behind me ditch the restroom as a familiar voice angrily scolded them away. My body froze and I didn't care that my brunet hair hung wet in my face. That voice. It can't be.

Overwhelmed, I spun around and my surroundings had changed within the blink of an eye again.

Healthy, green grass shivered beneath me as a gentle breeze passed through. My heart was still racing, but my body wasn't drenched in water any more. Touching my hair, I pulled a lock forward to see blonde. I'm myself again.

"You okay there, tiger?" a girl's voice questioned me lightly.

Startled, I turned my head to the left to see someone sitting next to me, twiddling her fingers with flowers to make a crown. Her curly black hair covered her face for a moment until she turned to meet my gaze. My breath hitched for a second at the sight of a goddess.

"You're looking pale," she stated, giving me a smile. Her lips were plump and caramel hued. Her cheekbones were high when she grinned, and the way her dark-brown eyes glittered made my chest flush with warmth.

Gently, she pinched my cheeks and patted them with soft, nimble fingers. She commented, "There, that should bring back some color."

Without furthermore, the dark-skinned goddess returned to making the flower crown, and I just sat next to her, silently begging for her to look at me again. While this went on, the vast meadow was quiet and vibrant with all sorts of flora. The sun overhead was warm against my skin, and the fear and pain I felt before was seemingly nonexistent here.

I was so busy admiring the scenery and the goddess' swirly hair that I was startled when she tapped my knee. I glanced at her as she presented her completed flower crown to me.

"It's for you," she said. When I didn't reach for it, she giggled and leaned over to place it on my head. Her hands gently caressed my face as she pulled away and I felt cold when she stopped.

"Take good care of that, tiger," she chimed, pointing to my newly donned flower crown. I didn't say a word.

For a few moments, she gazed around at the meadow with a content expression on her face. I couldn't help but do the same. I gazed and gazed, memorizing every colorful flower I saw up close or in the distance. As another delicate breeze came in, I held onto my crown so it wouldn't fly away. Where am I? This is absolutely stunning. Almost ethereal.

My sightseeing was interrupted by the goddess' hands tenderly grabbing my face.

She turned me to look at her and I felt like never taking me eyes off of her. Her smile was sweet again as she leaned forward and said, "When times get tough, always remember that there's someone waiting for you to come home and flaunt that beautiful smile of yours. I know that someone isn't me, but you know what I'm talking about. You're smart, and handsome, and strong, and worth everything. Don't you ever forget that."

I gaped at her, heart racing. ""

"You can't stay here long," she said. There was some disappointment in her mien at her own words, and she pressed a loving kiss against my forehead. I closed my eyes in response, relishing her soft lips, tempted to cry right then and there.

When she pulled away, I wanted to pull her back, but my arms didn't abide to my thoughts. Instead, I sat there and listened to her as she added, "It wouldn't be fair of me to keep you when you've got your peanut butter boy."

Caressing my cheeks, she leaned her head against mine and I finally reached out and held her. With my eyes closed, I listened to the gentle wind and the sound of my own heartbeat.

"I love you, tiger," I heard the goddess whisper before everything faded away.

I awoke with a start in my bed, panting heavily for a few seconds. Frantically, I felt at my body, searching for the scratches that I received in the dark, murky hell, but there was none. Then, I reached up for my head expecting a flower crown, but my heart dropped when I discovered nothing. I let my hands fall in front of me and stared at my palms, remembering the delicate sensation of Anna's lips on my skin and her honey-scented presence.

Shakily, I slipped out of my bed and locked my bedroom door, still nervous about what had happened in the nightmarish portion of my dream. While I was still standing, I walked over to my window and pushed the curtains aside.

Though it was dark outside, I could faintly make out the outline of a grave placed at the back of the mansion. I gazed at that grave, pressing my hands against the glass, visualizing Anna's radiant, dark skin, and her dazzling smile, and her beautiful eyes, and her bouncy hair, and her gorgeous voice, and cuddly curves. And as I leaned my head against the window, I came to the realization that she had saved me from my nightmare. She saved me.

"Thank you...," I whispered, feeling my heart ache knowing she wasn't here to hear me say it.

After I had calmed down, I went back to my bed, but pulled out a PSP from my nightstand drawer to use. Once I got comfortable among my pillows and blankets, I started up a game and played until daylight, gradually forgetting all about my subconscious pain and fear.

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