Chapter 31

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[Is both excited and disgusted that I'll be 17 on the 14th.


Video in the multimedia is a Spanish lullaby called Arrorro mi niño (although it's not the entire song, the melody is still there??).

Second half of this chapter is a bit, uh...disturbing??? At this point, I've gone so far that I'm not sure what to consider horrifying... Anyway, enjoy the chapter!]

Stay Creepy, My Friends!~

Chapter 31

Reese's POV

When I woke up, it was still dark. I was about to go back to sleep, but my bladder protested and bugged me not to just yet. Groggily, I slipped away from Ben's sleeping figure on the couch and headed for the bathroom. After I relieved my annoying bladder, I washed up and headed back to the living room.

With a sigh, I crawled on top of the couch and reached for Ben's blanket, but halted in my spot. There was a strange, quiet noise in the living room. I sat there, listening intently, trying to figure out what it was. Finally, after wavering in my spot, I discovered the source of the weird noise and followed it to...Ben.

He was whimpering in his sleep.

Worried, I nudged his shoulder to wake him up. At first, he didn't react and only curled up into a tighter ball. Then, after my seventh nudge, he began to stir and his whimpering ceased. His blue eyes were stark in the darkness as he gaped at me. He scrambled, panicked for a moment, but then eased up once he realized where he was.

"Hey," I whispered, "are you okay?"

The wraith took a moment to get his bearings and nervously rubbed his left hand. He released a sigh and gulped audibly. "Um...yeah, I'm okay..."

"Did you have a nightmare?" I questioned.

Ben nodded slowly. " that..."

"Do you...Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, reluctant. I wasn't expecting him to agree on it, but I felt I still needed to ask.

Ben shook his head, staring down at his knees. "N-No..."

"Need anything? Glass of water, or milk?"

He shook his head again, not looking at me. Though it was dark, I could make out how tense his body was.

I pursed my lips for a second before saying, "Well...if you want I can get some blankets and pillows and sleep on the floor. To give you space."

"No," he answered immediately. I was taken aback.

Ben grabbed onto my hand and murmured, "Stay. Please. Don't...don't leave me alone..."

The pleading in his tone concerned me further, but I knew he wouldn't talk about whatever was bugging him right now. So instead, I said, "Okay," and gently squeezed his hand. He squeezed back and I smiled at how soft his grip was. But then I heard him sniffle and realized he was starting to cry.

"Ben...?" I called. All I received in response was a sniff and a soft sob.

"Ben...," I called to him, hoping he would tell me something, anything. But he never did. All he did was cry, and I felt terrible because I felt I should do something but I don't know what.

My sleepiness from earlier was gone now; I was too worried to feel tired. I sat on the couch, holding Ben's trembling hand, listening to him cry. Geez, Reese, how fucking useless can you be? He's crying! Do something!

As a last resort, I spoke up, "When we were little...m-my mom would always sing Hunter and I a lullaby that her mother sang to her, and it had been passed down the family. It's called Arrorro Mi Niño. Mom would always sing it when I had nightmares and couldn't sleep. Her voice was always very sweet, and I recall she used to sing for church when she was little, so she made it even prettier.

"Um... Wh-What I'm getting at here is...I can...sing it for you. I still listen to it sometimes. It helped me during my tough times, so maybe it could help you feel better too?"

There was a pause between us, one that was too long for comfort. Then, Ben sniffled and murmured, "Really? You'd sing...for me?"

I stammered my words, "W-Well, yeah. I mean, it won't be professional, it's just a lullaby, but... I can do it. If you want me to. If it helps."

Ben stifled a quiet chuckle and replied, "Yeah...okay, yeah."

Relieved, I nodded and said, "Alright. Um...d-don't be so far away. Come closer."

Nervously, I patted the spot right next to me, beckoning Ben to scoot closer. He got up and plopped down next to me, wrapped up in his blanket again. I held his hand to give him more comfort as I relaxed into the couch cushions with him.

"Okay," I started, ""

After I stayed quiet for a few seconds, Ben remarked, "You don't have to sing to me..."

"N-No, I said I would," I responded, holding both of his hands. "Just...let me remember the lyrics...okay..."

Taking a deep breath, I focused on the warmth from Ben's hands, and how soft his skin was, then started to sing quietly.

"Arrorró mi niño,
arrorró mi sol,
arrorró pedazo,
de mi corazón.

Este niño lindo
ya quiere dormir;
Um...I forgot the lyrics--oh right,
háganle la cuna
de rosa y jazmín.

Um...Háganle la cama
en el toronjil--is that right?--,
y en la cabecera
pónganle un jazmín
que con su fragancia
me lo haga dormir.

Arrorró mi niño,
arrorró mi sol,
arrorró pedazo,
de mi corazón.

Esta leche linda
que le traigo aquí,
es para este niño
que se va a dormir.

Arrorró mi niño,
arrorró mi sol,
arrorró pedazo,
de mi corazón.

Este lindo niño
se quiere dormir...
cierra los ojitos
y los vuelve a abrir.

Arrorró mi niño,
arrorró mi sol,
duérmase pedazo,
de mi corazón."

After I was done, I sighed and waited for Ben to say something. The blonde wraith tenderly squeezed my hands and I felt his head against my shoulder. In a timid tone of voice, he whispered into my shirt, "That was wonderful... Thank you..."

"Hehe, y-yeah?"

"Mhmm... So wonderful, in fact, that I want you to sing it again."

"Ah shit, uh..."

Ben chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. My heart started beating fast and I felt my cheeks flush at his hug.

"U-Um...yeah, I can...I can sing for you again...," I mumbled, caught up with the way he held onto me. He's feeling better at least, and that's all that matters.

I gathered my bearings before clearing my throat to sing again. My nerves were racing, feeling embarrassed because I know my voice sucks. But it's making Ben happy, so I guess it's okay.

After I finished again, the wraith told me to sing once more, squeezing his arms against me. I did so without protest. After that, he had me sing again. I sang again after that time too. I figured he wanted me to keep singing, so I didn't stop to wait for him.

Suddenly, as I started singing for the seventh time, Ben's voice piped in...harmonizing.

Ah, his voice was much prettier than mine, fit for singing. So light, and clear, and always in tune. It brought chills of awe through me as I listened, and I nearly forgot to sing. No wonder he kept telling me to repeat the lullaby... This is amazing.

When Ben stopped, I stopped, a little bummed at not being able to hear his voice. Glancing down at him, I asked, "Do you feel better...?"

He nodded slowly and replied, "Much better... Thank you..."

"N-No problem," I mumbled as he squeezed me tighter.

"Reese...," he called.


Suddenly, I felt Ben's nose brush against my jaw and I tensed up, caught off guard. His breath was hot on my skin as he leaned his forehead against mine and I could do nothing but sit still. His body was slack in my arms and I wondered if he was half-asleep. Warm breath was on my lips now, and I imagined his mouth barely an inch away. Extremely close...but I couldn't bring myself to pull away. All I thought about was him, and his doleful sobbing, and the way he hugged onto me so desperately, and his amazing voice, and his breath on my lips.

There was a feud going on inside of me, making me nervous, antsy, impulsive. I bit my lip to keep myself composed, but my heart was racing. What do I do? What do I do??

"Reese," Ben whispered again and the feud inside of me didn't lessen for it.

His breath. On my skin. He's leaning into me. Fuck, what do I do? His body is relaxed. So small. I can carry him. Cradle him. Keep him in my arms. Warm. Cozy. Safe. Fuck, what do I...

Just as I inhaled a deep breath and made up my mind, Ben's head slipped out of the way and fell onto my shoulder. He put all of his weight on me and I ended up falling back onto the couch. A quiet groan escaped my lips and I wrapped my arms around Ben to make sure he didn't fall over. He laid comfortably on top of me, cocooned in his blanket, sound asleep.

While I stared up at the ceiling, I took this time to catch a proper breath. What was all of that? I felt really nervous too. Ben must've been half-asleep and out of it. I couldn't bring myself to do anything because I didn't want to disturb him. What would have happened if I...?

I rub at my eyes, my sleepiness finally catching up to me now that I didn't have to worry about Ben. Carefully, I adjusted myself so that I didn't feel cramped and Ben didn't look so haphazardly placed. Although he was asleep now, I still found myself getting nervous when I placed my hands on him. Why? It's just Ben... You're being stupid, Reese. Just relax and go to sleep already.

So, I closed my eyes and focused my attention on my breathing. Then I thought about Ben's breathing. Subconsciously, I placed my hand on his back, feeling the rise and fall of his body. A gentle, repetitive rhythm. So serene. It makes me happy to know he's okay. And I hope he knows he's safe with me, that I'll do everything I can to hold up my title as his freedom away from a world of crazy. I want the both of us to be happy.

After a while, I began fading in and out of consciousness, close to sleep. I hug onto Ben, pulling him closer into my embrace. My fingers started messing with his hair, brushing through his blonde locks over and over again. He didn't wake up when I felt I had accidentally tugged on his hair, and I let out a quiet sigh of relief.

And I hugged him again, squeezing him tenderly, too tired to feel aware of myself. He's so warm, and cozy, and his breathing is soothing, and his hair is soft, and he's sound asleep and happy, and that's all that matters... That's all that matters.

Sleep finally took me and I passed out with a ghost boy in my arms.


I was woken up by soft patting on my cheek. Grumbling, I shook off whatever was touching me and tried to go back to sleep. No matter how much I groaned, something wouldn't stop poking my face so I opened my eyes and muttered, "What?"

"Morning, little brother," Hunter greeted, pinching my cheek. "Or should I say after noon."

"What do you want, Hunter?" I croaked, finally pushing his nosy hand away.

He grinned and said, "I'm headed out for a study sesh. Mom left for work already, so it'll just be you and Ben."


"Although...from the looks of it, I'm not sure if I should leave you two alone...," my brother quipped with a mischievous smirk.

Confused, I frowned at him, then looked down at myself. Sure enough I was greeted by the sight of Ben peacefully asleep on top of me, his fair-toned hands clutching onto my shirt.

"Let's hope cuddling was all you did, eh? You stud," he teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

Glaring at him, I muttered, "You're lucky Ben's holding me down right now..."

"Yeah, yeah, very scawy Reese's puffs," he cooed. All I could do was huff and frown at him.

"I'm off," he said, patting my head. "See ya."

"Mhmm," I replied.

In a few minutes, Hunter had left the apartment, leaving the room in a sudden quietness. I inhaled deeply, then sighed and looked down at Ben. He was still sound asleep, completely undisturbed as far as I could see. I felt like getting up to make food, but deep down I couldn't bear to pull myself away from Ben. Last night was concerning in so many ways, and I'm glad he was able to sleep at all. I know wraiths don't need sleep, but, after weeks away working, this is his one chance at getting proper rest. I can't get up now. At least not until he wakes up.

Delicately, I brushed my hand through Ben's hair and closed my eyes to go back to sleep and wait for him.

Later on, I awoke for a brief moment and turned over onto my side. Then, I stayed awake once I realized Ben wasn't lying with me anymore; only his blanket was draped over me. Curious, I sat up and looked around the room. Just when I was about to call out to him, I spotted him in the kitchen, leaning over the sink.

Quietly, I slipped off of the couch and made my way to him. The second I stepped in, the wraith gasped and turned around, surprised. But he surprised me more when I saw his eyes were dripping blood.

"Oh my god, are you alright??" I asked worriedly.

Ben blinked a few times, before nodding and responding, "Oh, yeah."

"There's blood..."

"Yeah, that happens," he stated nonchalantly. "Don't worry, most of it is dry by now."

"This is a thing?" I questioned.

He nodded again. "It happens whenever I have a...panic attack...or just get super emotional. There used to be more volatile effects, but I've got a handle on it now...somewhat."

"Okay...well...why are you standing by the sink?"

He scratched the back of his head and answered, "I felt like throwing up and was too scared to rush to the bathroom. Thought I wouldn't make it in time..."

"Do you need medicine?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Thanks, but I'm fine now. I don't really think anything woulda happened. I'm a wraith, sooo..."

Unsure about his decision, I walked closer and came to stand next to him. "We have tea. I could make you some, if you want.."

Ben managed a small smile and said, "That'd be nice."

With that, I went through the cabinets to find the tea Mom always uses. Once I had a bag, I prepped some water in the microwave and waited. When the water was hot and steaming, I dipped the tea bag in and let it sit. Looking at Ben, I realized he hadn't moved from his spot. He was practically frozen, just staring out the kitchen window in a daze.

"Ben," I called. The blonde wraith blinked and turned to me. It still unnerved me to see the blood stains on his pale cheeks.

"You should clean off," I suggested, referring to the blood.

"I would have but...," he began, reluctant, "I...I don't want to touch water..."

His eyes darted toward the sink's faucet and I understood immediately. Taking the task, I grabbed a paper towel, dampened it with water, then lifted Ben's head so I could clean his face. He flinched at first, but then stood still and allowed me to remove the drying blood. I cleaned off his cheeks until there was no sign of redness, and tossed the paper into the trash. Then...

"I'm sorry about last night," Ben murmured, hanging his head. Before I could respond, he went on, "I didn't mean to worry you, and didn't want to keep you up."

Sympathizing, I said, "It's fine. You don't need to apologize. There's no way I was going to let you stay like that."

"I know, but still...I felt bad about worrying you," he said.

"You shouldn't feel bad about something like that," I explained. "I helped because it was the right thing to do. I'm sure you would've done the same for me."

Hesitantly, he nodded, but kept his lips pressed together.

After checking the tea to see if it was brewed properly, I handed the cup to Ben with a napkin as a coozy. While he stared down into the herbal mix, blowing away the steam, I said, "I won't ask you what your nightmare was about--because I know it's the cause for this--but answer it something I can't understand?"

Ben stopped blowing air towards the tea to glance up at me with blue eyes. Pursing his lips again, he looked away and shrugged. He followed up with, "I don't even know if I can understand it...or maybe I just don't want to. But...yes. Yes, it is."

Nodding with acknowledgment, I replied, "Okay. That's all I needed to know."


Catching his gaze, I smiled and answered, "Because that way I don't feel so helpless if I can't understand in the first place. If I feel helpless, then I won't be able to properly take care of you."

Ben's eyes widened and his cheeks flushed as he clutched tightly onto his cup of tea.

"That probably sounds like a broken perspective," I joked lightly, "but I mean the best."

Stepping closer, I started, "I've told you time and time again that I'll help you through your tough times, just as you've done with mine. I hope you aren't forgetting that."

"I'm not, but..." He faltered, his words trailing off into silence as he glanced away in thought. "I don't want to bother you with drama."

"Ben," I said, "we're not invincible. We can't suppress emotions we naturally feel. They make us who we are. There will always be drama going on in our lives and it'll always catch up to us no matter how fast we run. What matters most is if we can handle stuff on our own, and if we can't then we make sure there's someone on our side for support."

The blonde wraith took a sip of tea, muddling over my words (I hoped). I kept my eyes locked on his face, analyzing every detail, trying to get a read on what he was thinking, or what could be wrong. His blue eyes were glassier than before, and I worried that he was close to crying again.

Gently, I placed a hand on his head and ran my fingers through his hair. His body froze while his gaze never left his cup of tea. I sighed and said, "I know there will always be stuff that you can't tell me. I know you have your secrets. Despite that, I'm willing to be someone who you can support on. I'm always on your side, Ben. Question is, are you on it too?"

Quietly, he murmured, "I don't know..."

"That's okay," I assured him. "I'll still be here. Hehe, I don't really have anywhere else to go, so technically I'm all yours."

Looking off to the side, I remembered Artem's advice about being selfish, how I needed to stop beating myself up and start being bold and honest. When I thought about his words, I smiled.

"Someone once said that I needed to start being selfish," I began. "He said that it's no good to keep putting myself behind others. In this case, I'm putting myself behind you, only because you've been doing the same this entire time.

"Ben...I want you to be honest with me and yourself especially. I want you to be selfish with me. Be as over-the-top and bold as you want, as long as you can let the world know that you always have me. No more humility and selflessness. I'm yours to depend on. You have me."

The wraith finally raised his eyes to meet mine and the glassy shine in his blue irises was still there. But, instead of meaning something bad, it meant the opposite.

I watched as Ben's cheeks flushed, and his bottom lip quivered, and his eyes watered. Carefully, he set down the cup of tea, before reaching up and wrapping his arms around my neck. He leaned into me on his tip-toes, crying into my shoulder, and shaking. I placed my hands on his back and remained silent so I could let him run through his motions.

In a small, wavering voice, he said, "I don't deserve you.."

My chest ached at his words, but I managed a smile and responded, "Well, I'm right here, so I think you do." To show more emphasis, I squeezed my arms around him in a warm hug and his grip on me tightened.

For a few minutes, I held Ben as he cried once again. His body began to tremble less and less as time wore on, and eventually his sniffles faded away.

The moment he pulled away was the moment I felt my mind become entranced with his gleaming, blue eyed gaze. He looked up at me, cheeks and nose flushed, lips upturned in a little grin. In a soft voice, he told me, "To think you used to warn me about all of your 'bad sides'.."

I chuckled and replied, "I did, didn't I?"

Tenderly, Ben pressed his head against my chest and added, "Whatever bad sides you have, they never showed as much as the good in you has shined. And right now you're a fuckin' star."

A warmth engulfed my chest and it was hard to suppress the giddy smile on my face. "I'll be the brightest star ever, then."

Ben laughed sweetly and pulled away to look at me. His features were more lit up now, practically glowing. Bearing a bigger smile, he said, "Thank you, Reese. For everything."

"Of course. Like I said, I'm yours to have for support. Nothing can sway me," I affirmed.

His smile was genuine and radiant, entrancing me even more than I already was. Then, there was this hopeful look in his vibrant eyes that got me curious. Ben bit his lip for a moment before saying, "Reese, there's something I--."

The sound of my phone going off in my pocket interrupted him and the mood was changed. Awkwardly, I delved into my shorts pocket and took out my phone. Mom was calling.

I answered immediately and spoke up, "Hello?"

"Reese, mijito," she began. "You're awake, good! Listen, I need you to do another grocery run for me. I would've asked Hunter but he's busy right now... I'll send you a list of everything you need to get, and pay you back when I get home tonight, okay?"

"Yeah, sure, mama," I agreed.

"Ah, bueno, bueno, thank you! I wouldn't have the time to stop by and pick up stuff before I get home today, so you're a big help!" --she paused for a moment--, "Oh...yes, I'll get right on that...!" --she cleared her throat--, "Okay, mijo, I have to go. Tell Ben I say hi."

"Got it."

"Bye! Te amo!"

"Te amo, mama," I said. With that, she hung up the call.

Focusing on Ben again, I stated, "My mom says hi."

"Hi," he said.

"And I have to go get groceries," I added. "Sooo...want to come shopping with me?"

His stance perked up. "Really?"

"Yeah. We've got time to kill. Plus, I think it's time I go out more and explore. I've been too isolated in this apartment lately."

Beaming, Ben chimed, "Shopping sounds great right about now. Let's go."

Without anything else to do, I went ahead and went to my room to change. When I came out into the living room, Ben was waiting for me in regular clothes, finishing up his tea. Spinning the Chevelle keys on my finger, I asked, "Care to take the wheel?"

"Definitely," he retorted. I tossed him the keys before heading to the front door.

In the parking lot, as soon as Ben spotted the Chevelle, he ran forward and spread himself out onto the hood, hugging it. Catching up to him, I said, "Miss a car more than me?"

"She's not just any car," he argued. "She's my metal trophy."

"Stolen from the mafia."

"Yes." He lifted himself up from the hood, laying on his side. As he gazed down at the sleek, black surface, he gasped and exclaimed, "She's dusty! You don't wash her??"

"We could go to a car wash on the way," I suggested.

"No! She has to be hand-washed. It's all about the personal love and attention, peanut butter cup."

"I'm not gonna hand-wash her today..."

"Okay, fine. But soon! And send me nice pics."

"I'll make sure the car shines in the photos."

"Oh... Y-Yeah, you can take pictures of the car too."

After that, he rolled off of the hood and unlocked the Chevelle. We hopped in, Ben taking the driver's seat and myself the passenger. As he turned on the engine and let it run, he sighed and leaned into the seat. While he delighting in the low hum of the vehicle, I held out my hand, palm facing up. With a smile, Ben clapped my hand but I trapped it in my grasp.

Taken aback, Ben looked at me with that hopeful look on his face again. I grinned and squeezed his hand, saying, "Do you feel better?"

The blush on his face was apparent and he nodded eagerly. "Yes. All because of you."

"Remember what I told you earlier," I said. "Be selfish, like me."

"What are you selfish over?" he questioned.

I smirked. "My future, my"

"M-Me?" he chuckled.

"Well, you are my only friend," I pointed out. "And you can teleport, and get me nice things, and kick monster ass that could potentially kill me."

"I am awesome, aren't I?" he declared pompously.

"Very awesome, despite having dust on your clothes," I remarked, patting it off  from his shirt.

"Hehe, alright, well...yeah, I'll be selfish."

"Will you really?"



"Yes," he hissed. "And I'll start by holding your hand while driving."


"Don't worry," he assured me. "I can steer with one hand."

"Well, that's great and all, but--."

"You said I could be selfish," he argued.

"I did--."


"I just--."

"I will bump it up to holding hands while we shop," he threatened.

"Okay, okay...!" I submitted.

Flashing a sweet smile, Ben said, "Wonderful. You were right--being selfish does feel better...!"

"As long as you're happy," I chuckled awkwardly.

"Okay, let's go already," he announced and reached his right hand for the shift stick, only for the back of my hand to bump into it. He glanced at me, quickly let go, shifted to reverse, left the parking lot, shifted into drive, then snatched onto my hand again and drove.

Later on, while we shopped for groceries, Ben showed signs of being way better than before. He kept telling jokes left and right, and making horrible puns using store items (for example: "Reese, you've been giving me mixed signals about these puns," Ben had said as he had lifted a bag of mixed vegetables and I walked away). Although his puns were cringeworthy, I cracked plenty of smiles here and there knowing his mood was substantially lighter. Sometimes it would come back to me that his issue from earlier--whatever it had been--wasn't resolved. I understand it's one of those subjects he can't tell me about, but I keep hoping he will soon. I wouldn't care if it put me in danger, as long as I can help him get through it.

All and all, Ben made grocery shopping a hell of a lot more fun than it has ever been before, and I'm extremely glad he's back. I don't know how much longer I would have lasted without him by my side.


Elizabeth's POV

Another week survived with these damn mouths gnawing at me. Zalgo keeps telling me to feed, but the thought of that sensation of peoples' agonized voices writhing beneath my skin makes me nauseated every time.

It's a wonder that I've been able to feign normalcy when I have to go to work. I'm glad that I usually don't have to interact with Reese and Artem, since my job is to stay in the office, filling out paperwork and taking calls.

Unfortunately, Zalgo was right about the pain being stronger this time now that the mouths have gotten a full taste of their food. They demand more and more every time, and it's hard to suppress. The former Lord of Chaos keeps recommending me to go to Zazel and Sudryl, have them take care of feeding since I don't want to handle it. But as tempting as it sounds, there's no way I'm going to let the twin servants handle anything on their own ever again. Last time resulted in the deaths of almost a thousand people. Besides, they still have to be punished for that, and I wouldn't want them to make things worse for themselves...

Now that it was the weekend, I have all the free time to sit in my room and wail in pain, while Caedis sits by the door, unmoving. At the edge of the bed, Zalgo sat with his arms leaned back, eyeing me with a bored expression.

My dear, you make things harder than they need to be...

"Sh...Sh-Sh-ut...up," I warbled, hugging myself. The dark lord sighed.

You know, if you keep going like this, the mouths will eat away at your mind too...

"I'm not brain-dead yet...," I grumbled.

I don't mean physically. Your psyche will deteriorate eventually, and you won't know the difference between this and that. Feeding helps with beginning effects, but there's a certain point where you'll be too far gone, even if the mouths are sated.

"Wh...Why should I...heed your w-words?" I muttered.

You forget you have taken my place, Elizabeth. I've been Lord of Chaos for a many millennia. I've destroyed entire worlds just to feed.

"I don't...have to you-u..."

You don't have to. You are not me, and I am not you. But the mouths don't understand that. All they want to do is eat, and eat, and eat, until there is nothing left. They are the end and beginning of a ravenous, feasting cycle.

Then, I felt his cold hand touch my head and brush back my matted hair from my face. I couldn't help but meet his red-eyed gaze and for the first time ever, I didn't feel hatred looking at him. If anything, I felt saddened. There was an empathetic gleam in his unnatural eyes.

If you go on like this, you will hurt others without control. You will hurt that boy, Reese, and the other man, Artem. You will kill them, Elizabeth. And how can you ever hope to live a life with Jeff if you cannot control yourself? So, while you still have humanity left in you...feed. For their sake. For Jeff.

Gritting my teeth, I stuffed my face into the mattress and sobbed. Zalgo is right. If I keep restraining the mouths and end up going crazy, I'll kill without conscience. Without control, feeding would be more horrific. And if I can't sustain myself when I finally get Jeff back, then what? I could kill him too. I can't have that.

"Wh...Where...can" I questioned.

Zalgo furrowed his brow and looked out the window by my bed. His features lit up when a revelation came to mind.

For the time being...perhaps you can find reprieve in nature's creatures...

Puzzled, I managed to sit up and look out the window. Through the trees, just barely visible, was a grazing deer. Suddenly, Zalgo's answer made sense and I gulped.

They aren't as...appealing to the mouths...but they are living creatures with souls nonetheless.

"One won't do, will it?" I murmured.

I don't believe so.

Pursing my lips, I looked down at myself and groaned. I was a mess. My skin reddened and splotchy from the mouths' torture, dampened with sweat. The pain was too great to even sit up right. There's no way I can hunt.

Turning around, I looked at Caedis and called to him, "Hey...I-I need you do so-omething for me..."

As obedient as ever, the mute soldier stood to attention and walked to my bedside. Pointing out the window, I started, "See that deer...? H...Hunt it for me... Don't kill it though..."

Caedis nodded and swiftly walked out of the room to do as I commanded. Zalgo and I sat and watched the window, eyeing the deer that kept grazing and minding its own business. I wondered if a herd was nearby. It's possible, and if so then eventually I could hunt them all too. For now, I just need enough to get through today.

After a few minutes, something finally happened. The grazing deer spazzed and gave a loud cry as something was flung at one of its hing legs. It bucked but fell over, unable to run. Caedis came into view, having hid in the trees. He leaned over the fallen animal, securing it before heaving it up onto his shoulder and returning back to the cabin. It made me cringe to see the creature still struggling in his unwavering grip.

Go meet with him before he drags that thing into the cabin and makes a mess.

Zalgo raised his chin, disgusted at the thought, before disappearing from my sight. Shakily, I slipped out of my bed and got to my feet. Though my pace was slow, I managed to leave the cabin and make it to the porch in time. Caedis was a couple meters away and I ordered, "Leave it there."

He didn't hesitate to toss the deer onto the ground and it gave out a sharp cry. Carefully, I descended the steps and shuffled towards it. Caedis stood by, awaiting other orders, but I had none for now. I gave a quick scan over the deer's body and noticed Caedis' knife lodged in its back leg. Blood was already starting to pool and was made worse with the animal's struggling.

Taking a deep breath, I grabbed the hilt of the knife and pulled it out. The deer cried again and nearly turned over and kicked me, but I held it down. Its noises were unnerving, making my stomach queasy, but it was the look in its black eyes that made the situation worse. There was fear, pain, and pleading in those colorless orbs and I was horrified at how human the deer felt in this moment. My body trembled and my eyes began to sting with frustration. I don't want to do this.

"Stop...stop looking at me...," I murmured to it. It wouldn't listen.

"D-Don't look at me...!" I pleaded. It kept boring it's petrified gaze into me.

"Stop it! Stop looking!" I screamed, scaring it more.

Tears were streaming down my face now. The sooner I start, the sooner I finish. With this in mind, I raised the knife towards its head, making sure to aim at its brain. But just as I was about to drive the blade into the animal, the mouth on my arm began acting up, glowing a red hot, fiery blaze. I growled and retracted my arm, trying to ignore the pain. Yet, no matter how hard I tried, the mouth wouldn't stop. It began to hiss to me--

don't ruin our fun

make it feel every moment

keep it alive

stupid girl, it's tastier this way

"Stop...!" I whimpered. Retaliating, I inched the knife forward to loom over the deer's head. It's better this way. Just kill it and get this over with--!


Suddenly, my arm moved on its own, away from the head, and stabbed the knife into the deer's belly. It screamed--almost human--and so did I.

"Don't do this!" I exclaimed.



Before I knew it, my hand was dragging the blade across the stomach. Blood was everywhere. Its cries were hoarse, shrilled and saddening. Mine were pathetic.

               A L I V E

I tried desperately to regain control, but my arm was blazing with bright crimson, a single mouth moving across my skin and snapping its teeth. The tears on my face felt nonexistent under the sensation of fire in my veins.

"Stop it! STOP!!!"


Faltering, I said, "N-No...!"

     WE SAID
    E  A  T

All of a sudden, I felt the bone in my other arm snap. The scream that came out of my throat was like none I've ever felt or uttered. Glancing at my arm, from the elbow down it was limp and twisted. The mouth on my forearm was grinning devilishly, proud of what it had done.


I didn't have it in me to respond; all I could do was cry and snivel.

One by one the toes on my right foot began to break too. After that came my ankle. I grit my teeth, trying to fight the excruciating pain, but it only worsened.

E  A  T
E A T   A L R E A D Y

My knee was forced to bend unnaturally and the bone snapped. I bit my lip on accident and blood dribbled down my chin. I can't... No more...!

Eat... Eat... Eat...


Kill it.

Clawing my functioning hand into the deer's stomach, I began my feast. Blood, flesh, and fur stuck to my skin, covering me. Distracted, the mouths stopped shattering my bones. Slowly, I was regaining feeling in my limbs, and my consciousness was clearing up. But the more I ate, the more I realized I didn't feel guilty. Not even as the deer screamed in pain. And I wanted to feel afraid. I wanted to feel horrified at what I was doing to the poor thing, at what I've become, but the truth was...

I enjoyed every second.

Eventually, as my belly became full with entrails, and my face was covered in blood, the pain that had been claiming my body for weeks now had faded to a dull sensation. Lying in front of me now was the remains of what used to be a living creature. No more did I see terror in its black eyes. There was no shine or life anymore, only a dead stare to match a dead thing.

Panting, I inched away from the carcass and looked at Caedis. After the wild ordeal that just happened, I forgot he was even there. I'm not sure why I expected him to look horrified. His expression was blank like always. It was...a relief.

"Y...You don't look at me...l-like I'm a mon...ster," I murmured. A smile crossed my lips as I added, "You don't look at I'm anything..."

As always, his red-eyed gaze was still and his stance was stalwart. No sign of disgust laced his features. Maybe if I looked in a mirror, I'd find that disgust on my own expression. Or maybe I wouldn't.

"I don't feel anything...," I admitted.

Reaching out to Caedis, I beckoned him to come closer. He listened to my silent order and rested on his knees beside me. Shakily, I grabbed his hand and squeezed.

"I don't...feel...anything....," I mumbled to him.

Without a care, I fell against him and said, "What am I supposed to be then, if I feel nothing?"

It took me a while to realize that tears were freely flowing down my cheeks, dyed pink from the deer blood on my face. I sat there, crying against my mute soldier, who is just about the only confidant I have now. And as I wept in front of him, he wrapped his arms around me without having to be told. In his embrace, I sobbed, trying to feel something--anything.

But there was nothing.


The next day, I had Caedis help me bury the remains of the deer I fed on. It took an hour and a half of digging until we had finished. By the time we came back to the cabin, I was feeling thirsty for water. Unfortunately, upon checking the fridge, I found there was nothing anymore. 

"Crap...," I muttered, "we need to get more food and water."

Glancing over at Caedis, I rephrased, "Well, I need to..."

After I got dressed to leave, I went to the front door and told the white haired man, "I'll be back. Take care of the cabin." Then I left him sitting on the couch as I walked out the door.

It didn't matter where I went, as long as I found myself near a grocery store. After wandering around a city in search for a market, I eventually found it and practically rushed to get inside.

As I walked in, I tugged on my baseball cap and adjusted my eyepatch, feeling wary of the eyes around me. To put me at ease, I focused on what I needed to get and set myself on a mission.

Turns out I got more than I expected and was on my way to exiting the store with a few bags in both hands, and a package of waters on my shoulder. When I was walking out, I stopped and sat on an indoor bench to adjust my things. "Should've brought Caedis along...," I mumbled to myself.

All of a sudden, a store employee came up to the bench and I tensed up. Did I steal something by accident? Do I look suspicious? What is he doing?

I figured out his intentions when he leaned over the bench to staple a paper on the bulletin board behind me. Curious, I took a peek at it and saw it was a missing persons sign. Once he was done, he gave me a kind smile and walked away.

I turned around to look at the board, and was surprised by the number of papers all over it. Some signs even overlapped each other. Papers upon papers of missing people--of missing girls. And I wondered what kind of shit was happening around this place I teleported to.

My eyes traveled to the sign the employee had just put up. It was of a young girl: sixteen years of age, Hispanic, brown hair, light brown skin. Her name was Rina. Her photo looked like it was taken off a yearbook from the way she smiled wide for the camera. Now she's missing.

Looking at the other missing persons posters, I saw that there wasn't much of a difference between victims. All of them were abducted around the same area, too, it seems. Something's really fucked about this place, huh.

Amidst my blank thoughts, Zalgo's voice spoke to me next to my ear.

Find her.

Quietly, I murmured, "Why should I?"

That's what you're thinking about doing, aren't you?

I didn't respond to that. The former Lord sighed and touched my shoulder.

You are not a hero anymore, Elizabeth. Though I suppose tracking down a gang ring doesn't seem too troubling.

"How do you know it's a gang ring?" I questioned.

What else does it look like, my dear? Context clues.


And hey, if you look on the bright side...

He leaned in close again, eyeing the posters with me.

...they can always become another feast.

"Another feast...," I mumbled.

Yes, my darling. The mouths will be hungry again soon. Find that girl, and you find food.

"Find the girl...find food..," I mumbled again, dazed. I even started to salivate. The mouths chimed in with agreement.

find the girl

find the girl

find the girl

and  d e v O u R
the ones who took her


Devour them.

Devour them all.

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