Chapter 49

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[Hey everyone!

So, I've been thinking about making handmade dolls of the gang, and was wondering how should I start? Do any of you suggest any methods for sewing, funding (donations for supplies), designing, etc? Please let me know! It'd be nice to give you all something like that and rake up some extra money for myself as well. I have a lot of cool ideas in mind, like making the different versions of the main cast. Hopefully this project can come to fruition, with you all's help too!

Enjoy the chapter!]

Stay Creepy, My Friends!~

Chapter 49

Jeff's POV

Upon waking up, I had a momentary surge of panic shoot through me. I've gotten so used to waking up to the white ceiling in my room at the mansion, that the wood panels of a cabin freaked me out. But then I remembered why I'm here, and who I'm here with, and then I calmed down.

I sat up with a groan and stretched. The room was empty save for me. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and took a few seconds to gather myself. Suddenly, I heard thumps from outside and tensed up. Quietly, I made my way to the door and went out into the hallway. As soon as I peeked out into the living room, I saw a figure shuffling inside very awkwardly in the dimly lit space.

"Hey!" I snapped.

A startled squeak escaped the intruder and they dropped plastic bags of groceries. When they turned on the lights, I felt stupid.

"Shit, I'm sorry," I said to Ellie.

She chuckled. "It's okay. I should've been less weird about it."

As I helped her to pick up the groceries, I remarked, "This is a lot of stuff. Why didn't you call me to help?"

"I thought you were still asleep and wanted you to keep resting," she replied.

"Next time, you can wake me up," I said lightly.

We spent the next few minutes putting groceries away. It was the basic stuff; fruits, veggies, meats, rice, pizza rolls (hell yeah).  I'm surprised none of the glass items broke when Ellie dropped them too. I should probably not shout like I did earlier from now on. Eventually that'll come back to bite me in the ass.

When everything was put away, Ellie and I stood in the kitchen together and sighed in unison. The both of us shared a laugh and she came up to hug me first. "Good morning," she said.

"Morning, Sunshine," I murmured into her hair. Then she looked up and her nose met mine. It felt so soft, just like the rest of her pristine face. I couldn't help but kiss her lips and she let me wholeheartedly. My hands squeezed her waist as I hugged her closer. Her fingers brushed through my hair and sent tingles through my scalp. God, I missed this.

After our kiss ended, she leaned away and placed her gloved, right hand at the side of my face. Her mismatched eyes studied me with adoration and I couldn't help but feel a little flustered by that look she gave me.

"Hungry?" she asked me.

"Yes," I answered eagerly.

"I can make pancakes," she suggested.

"Do we still have chocolate chips?"

"Yes. You want chocolate chip pancakes?"

"Uh, hell yeah," I chimed. She giggled and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

While she prepared to cook, I went back into my room and changed into different clothes. As I walked out putting my shirt on, I took a look around the cabin. It's only been six days since I've been here. I'm still trying to get acquainted with the place despite how small it is. But it was cozy, warm, and simple.

There were only two bedrooms and one bathroom in the hallway. The second bedroom had an untouched bed in it, and when I asked Ellie about it, she said it used to be her old room when she'd come to this cabin for a few summers with her parents. She said she'd be more than happy to take it if I wasn't comfortable sharing a room with her, but I obviously declined and insisted we have the same room, same bed. Sleeping has been easier with her laying by my side, in my arms, against my chest. Actually, it's a little difficult to sleep at times, because I want to stay up with her. It's still such a surreal feeling to be with her again, and I want to enjoy every moment with her as much as possible.

The third day I was here, I explored that second bedroom to see what Ellie must have been though in her childhood. I don't get to explore that part of her life often, only because I'm anxious about bringing up some hidden grief over what she's lost, and she's lost a lot...

When I explored the room, I had found a hunting blade in one of the drawers of the dresser. I asked Ellie about it when she came home from work, and she simply said she had put it in there since it would be out of the way. One thing I've noticed is Ellie's new attitude towards danger and violence. She's become more laid back and doesn't like to touch the subject of fighting. She even took the hunting knife away after I gave it up to her. I have no idea where she put it now. I wondered if it was hers or not...

What sucks about staying here in this cabin is when Ellie leaves for work. I'm completely alone until she returns, bearing that wonderful smile of hers. The first day I stayed here, I was worried she wouldn't come back. The entire day, I had paced the living room and kept checking all the windows. I was a nervous wreak, like a dog going through separation anxiety. I hadn't eaten all day that day because of my worry, but that all went away as soon as she came back. I had practically leapt at her for a hug. To make things better, she gave me a big meal to make up for not eating the whole day and even got me a cake the next day. I've never felt so spoiled in my life...

Ellie was in the middle of mixing the pancake batter when I came up to watch her. Something about that serene expression on her face as she stirred into the mixing bowl made me feel a sense of nostalgia. It was like our time at the mansion after her memories recovered, before SCP had attacked. She would always cook then, and she still does now. Although she's been trying to teach me in the event I go an entire day without eating again.

I couldn't help but move her hair out of the way and place a kiss on the back of her neck. She flinched and chuckled, saying, "If you distract me, I won't be able to make you your pancakes."

"Nothing will ever be as sweet and savory as you, though," I quipped.

"Oh, be quiet," she scoffed playfully, though the flattered blush on her cheeks was telling that I shouldn't be quiet.

"Would you mind if I have you for breakfast too?"

"Jeff," she giggled, madly blushing.

"Or maybe you're all I need. Let me check." Then, I started nibbling on her neck, tickling her in the process. She laughed and tried to wiggle away from me, but it was futile! The sound of her bright, bubbly laugh had me wanting more. Listening to it was like listening to heaven's song, if it had one.

In the midst of her squirming, Ellie accidentally tipped the mixing bowl and spilled a little batter on her shirt sleeve. She got free of me and said, "No more, or else the batter will be all gone, haha."

"Sorry. You're just so irresistible," I remarked.

"Save that appetite for the pancakes first," she jested.

Noticing her sleeve, I said, "You should roll up your sleeves. Here."

But the second I even attempted to touch her wrists, she flinched away and blurted, "No."

I froze, confused.

Ellie cleared her throat and changed her voice. "Um, i-it's okay, really. I needed to change out of this shirt anyway." Putting on a smile, she turned to wipe off the batter with a paper towel. Despite her sudden shift in behavior, I let it slide.

Another thing that I've noticed is that Ellie keeps wearing long-sleeved shirts. Even though it's spring, she wears long-sleeved shirts and pants all the time. She sleeps wearing that kind of stuff too, meanwhile I'm always sleeping without a shirt and sometimes pulling up the pant legs of my sweatpants. And the glove on her right hand. Something's up with that. I think I have a feeling about what it is...

"Ellie," I started.

"Yes?" she chirped, pouring the batter onto a heated pan on one of the stove burners.

Tentatively, I asked, "Why are you covering your right hand all the time?"

She stopped pouring the batter and spilled a little on the stovetop. Carefully, she set the bowl down and stared at it. She didn't answer me.

"Ellie," I urged. When I received silence again, I said, "What's wrong with your arm? Your prosthesis?"

"It's..." Her voice faded without any answer.

It was such a bizarre guess, but I went ahead and said it. "...It's not a prosthesis it?"


"It's been a long time since I last saw you, but I don't remember it being able to move so smoothly. It doesn't feel hard, or cold when I touch it—when I'm able to touch it until you pull away."

Although she tried to hide it, tried to conjure up something in her head as she stood frozen in panic, there was no way out of this. Soon enough, she realized it was no use and turned toward me completely. Hesitantly, she removed the glove to reveal a completely non-artificial, fleshy hand. I gaped in awe, shocked that my guess was actually correct. Her arm was normal again.

"H...How...?" I said under my breath.

She picked at the end of her sleeve as she answered, "My prosthesis broke during the battle with Zalgo. Somehow I defeated him without it, but I had no way of restoring it. I guess...somehow, with what magic I had left, it...grew back?"

"It grew back? Then, of all times?"

She nodded with guilty eyes.


"My Nightmare form rendered me an invincible monster. No matter what happens to me in that form, I regenerate. Maybe that was the same for my arm."

"But the entire arm?" I still couldn't wrap my head around this. She has her arm back!

She shrugged. "I stopped questioning it after a while. It's better than no arm, right?"

"That's true, come you didn't reveal this to me sooner? Why did you try to hide it?"

The look in her eyes was soft as she replied, "I thought I'd freak you out. I didn't want to feel different once we were together again. But you figured me out anyway. I admit now that covering it up was a stupid idea."

I came up to her and took hold of her right hand. Memories of touching nothing but metal messed with my head as I felt soft, warm, squishy skin. But her fingers were still nimble and they moved individually just the same as the other hand. I wasn't mad. I was actually quite relieved by this bizarre surprise and miracle.

"You didn't have to be nervous about this," I reassured her. "What matters is that you're okay and you're healthy. I only want the best for you, you know that. But...please, don't hide things from me, especially if they're as important as growing a limb like a lizard."

"Agh, don't make it weird," she whined.

I chuckled. "It's already weird, but it's nothing to be ashamed or scared of. Now that we're together again, I don't want us to feel anxious about each other. I don't want us to keep secrets from each other, okay? Please, be honest with me, like you always have been."

She nodded, her demeanor lightening some. "Of course. I'm sorry for ever lying in the first place."

I smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Good. Thank you. There's no need to feel bad anymore, alright? We'll be honest, and happy, and enjoy our new start together. No secrets."

She hugged me and murmured, "No secrets..."

I wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on top of hers. "We take care of each other, no matter what. My struggle is your struggle. We figure things out together."

When we drew away from the hug, I held her by the elbows and said, "I love you."

Her smile was adorable and bright. "I love you, too."

We shared yet another kiss, before we noticed the smell of something burning. Ellie whirled around and gasped, having forgotten about the pancake batter she had left to cook on the pan. She scrambled to pick up the pan and toss it in the sink, where she doused it in water and a cloud of steam rose up to the ceiling. Once the panic was over, she sighed and looked back at me.

With a nervous chuckle, I said, "Hehe, I should probably leave you be before I make you burn the cabin down."

"That would be helpful and not dangerous," she responded with a goofy smile.

After all the pancakes were made, Ellie and I sat down at the breakfast table to eat. The entire time I kept reaching across the table for her right hand so I could hold it, caress it. Ellie warmed up to it after a while, and kept that lovely smile on her face the entire time. And after we finished our breakfast, I took dish washing duty and Ellie took a seat in the living room with a book cradled in her lap. When I sauntered out of the kitchen and fell beside her onto the couch, I felt the tranquility of this whole situation sink into me again.

I'm here with my Sunshine at last. She's reading her favorite books by my side again, and I'm watching her like I used to. A bite at her thumbs here, a cute smile there, a frown when things got serious, a sigh when the crisis was averted. I missed that about her, how she gets so into a story. Makes me jealous for not reading myself, but I was never into it to begin with. In the past, I'd get antsy, like I should be doing something else instead. Yet I can sit still and silent for hours while listening to Ellie read to me. The sweetness of her voice, the flap of a page turn. It's so peaceful.

"Are you bored?" she asked me.

"No," I said. "I just like sitting here with you."

"You won't get tired of this?"

I slipped my arm around her waist and laid against her. "It's been too long since I've ever gotten to really relax, with you at my side. I feel a little more free here. Nature is right outside. I can always take a walk and enjoy it. And when you're here, everything is perfect. Don't worry about me."

She stifled a soft chuckle and said, "Okay. Just let me know when you need anything. Anything at all."

"For now, just read your book, and I'll be right here," I murmured. She was more than happy to.

We sat on the couch in silence. I listened to the turn of a book page, and the occasional bird chirping outside in the trees. Ellie cradled my head against her stomach and ran her fingers through my hair over and over. Although I barely woke up a while ago, I already felt like dozing off in Ellie's cozy embrace. Laying here with her, I can forget all of the bad things that plague everyday life, all the trauma that still haunts me.

Eventually, Ellie stopped reading and had to get dressed for work. I was a little bummed out when she got up and took all my comfort with her. When she returned wearing new clothes, she walked up to me on the couch and took a seat at the edge. Again, she caressed my hair as she said, "Take care while I'm gone. And eat. Remember that recipe I taught you?"

"Cook the chicken first, then simmer the veggies, put it all together—yes, yes."

Her lips pressed against mine as she gave me a goodbye kiss. It was slow and gentle, stalling, like she didn't want to leave either. I'm getting used to her schedule. I'm not as nervous when she leaves as I used to be the first couple of days. I know she has to work, and I'm proud of how much she does for a dumbass like me. I'm still trying to find ways to repay the favor.

Ellie left and I was alone in the cabin, spending my time however I could, all in wait for her return. (I wondered how she got around. She said there's a bus stop a mile from here, so I suppose that's how...) I've made it a point to take care of the cabin while she's away, that way I feel I'm doing something. There's a water reserve outside a little ways from the cabin, which I've been checking for water all the time. If it isn't, I take water from a nearby creek and fill it so it can be cleaned and stored. I check the generator too, make sure it's up and running, and if it's starting to choke and stutter, I fix it. I also try to maintain the land around the cabin. Plant life around here grows like crazy.

One look outside at the yard was enough to make me cringe. Looks like I have to take care of that. I put on my boots and exited the cabin to head for the shed. Inside, were garden tools: an old pair of shears, a shovel, a rake, gloves, a mask to cover the mouth, and more. I took the shears, mask, and gloves, put up my hair, then went to work.

I spent a good 20 minutes laboring outside, making sure the area was cleared out and vines weren't growing on the cabin. I picked up wood for kindling since it gets pretty cold during the nights (also, I convinced Ellie we should definitely make s'mores over a fire, so that's happening). Whatever foliage I found, I tossed into a bin to burn for later. Anything that was there was for me to do, I did it, even if it wasn't necessary. It helps put me at ease.

As I trudged through the grass and bushes, I tripped on a mound and swore on the way down. Grumbling, I picked myself up and checked what I had stumbled over. I sat still for a moment, examining the cluster of fungi growing on top of the little mound. What's strange was that I haven't seen fungi anywhere else around here. Curiosity got the better of me and I went to get the shovel from the shed.

I found the small mound and stabbed the shovel into the shirt, disturbing a few tiny bugs. Carefully, I removed the fungi from their place in the dirt and brought something else up with it. As soon as I had broken the dirt underneath, a horrible smell fumed up. I haven't encountered this smell in a long time, but I recognized decay.

Despite my disgust, I kept digging and digging, until I unearthed the carcass of a rabbit. It was mostly skeleton, but there was still bits of flesh stuck to the dirt covered bones, some of it calcified. Its hallowed sockets where its eyes would have been stared back at me as I stood and endured the chill running up my spine. It seems like it hasn't been long since it was here—buried here. Did Ellie bury this thing? Why? collapsed and died near the cabin, and she buried it away so it wouldn't decompose out in the open. Yeah, that's probably what she did.

Grimacing, I reburied the rabbit's corpse and tossed away the uprooted fungi into the bin with the rest of the foliage. Afterward, I finished up what I could and put away my tools. I went inside only for a few minutes, before I came out wearing running shoes. As much as relaxing here 24/7 is tempting, I longed for exercise. It doesn't hurt to keep in shape.

There was a jogging trail that I had asserted for myself around the cabin. From the cabin, to the creek, and up to the hills nearby, then back around however many times I wanted. Three times around was enough for me to take a breather by the creek and splash some freshwater on my face. I crouched, watching the water flow over a shallow bed of rocks. The forest had gone quiet. No birds sang at the moment. All I felt was a gentle breeze, which picked up the scent of flowers from somewhere nearby.

"So this is where you have gone," a voice spoke up behind me.

I jumped in my spot and nearly toppled into the creek. Heart racing, I whirled around to be met with a familiar pair of silver eyes under a black cloak.

"Death? Oh my god, you scared the hell out of me," I muttered, steadying my poor, racing heart. I stood up straight and faced the shadowy entity before me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came looking for you," he answered. "You were not at the mansion. In fact, your room was absent of all your personal items."

"You went through my room?"

"It felt too empty for you to just be outside with your dog," he muttered. "By the way, it seems he's grown quite forlorn without you."

"Aw, Smile," I sighed sadly. "I'll go back for him soon. I'm sure he'd love it here."

"And where is here?" Death inquired.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure, actually. I'm staying in a cabin now. It's cozy."

"Not by yourself, I assume."

I shook my head. "This will sound incredible, but Ellie came back for me. We're living together."

"Are you now...?"

I couldn't contain my elated smile. "Things are nice here. I mean, I get to see her again; first thing in the morning when I wake up, and the last thing I see when I sleep. Like old times."

"You're...quite joyful, I see," Death commented.

"Well, yeah," I chuckled. "I'm finally with Ellie. I thought I'd never see her again. Things are going great; we talk, read, and cook for each other—well, actually I'm still learning, but I'll get there. I take care of the place while she works. It' we're a married couple living in our own house. And most of all, it's peaceful here. What I've always wanted for us."

"This is what you want," he said quietly, like he was testing the statement on his tongue. Gazing out at the distance, he remarked, "What of your friends?"

"At the mansion? There's a possibility I can see them again someday. For now, I'm focusing on getting settled in," I responded.

"A possibility. Huh."

I furrowed my brow. "What's with that huff?"

He shook his head. "I find it intriguing how you seek to recover and become a better man, yet you've just isolated yourself more than before."

Keeping a level tone of voice, I said, "I'll get better, with Ellie's help now."

"And what if she needs more help than you?" he questioned.

"What do you mean?"

He looked me in the eye and said, "Something is not right with her."

I paused to glare at him. "So she'll have her quirks."

"This is different."

"Different how?"

"Different as in you might be worse off than before."

"Look, I don't care what flaws she has. I'll stick by her no matter what," I stated.

He stifled a wry chuckle. "Yes, that may well be the case, as I believe she never intends to let you see your friends ever again."

Annoyance was building up; I could feel the corner of my mouth twitch. "What are you talking about?"

Death managed a smile, but it was forced. "Do you ever stop to question her actions? Why she comes for you now of all times?"

"She couldn't before. She was preparing a home for us, which I think was very logical to do," I argued.

"And why must she have to make a new home when you have the mansion, your friends?"

"We're starting a new life together."

"She's running away, and she's taking you with her," he grumbled.

I scoffed. "Why would she need to run?"

This time, he faltered to respond to me in his knowing tone. Quietly, he murmured, "I can't give you a conclusive answer right now..."

With a huff, I said, "Well, come back to me when you do. If you excuse me, I'm busy trying to live contentedly, like you wanted me to."

As I walked away from him back to the cabin, he said, "Something is amiss here. This isn't content living, Jeff."

"I'm not trying to kill myself, am I?" I hissed back.

His silver eyes had gone icy. "This isn't contentedness. This is ignorance."

Although I had the urge to cuss him out, I remained calm and kept walking. I didn't even bother to look back and check if he was gone.

Who the fuck does he think he is? He comes here out of nowhere, tells me that being here is a mistake, and he can't give me a reason? He can't give me a valid argument, like he so often does, even for no reason?? What kind of bullshit is that? Fuckin' asshole.

"Ignorant my ass," I grumbled as I made the trek back to the cabin.

When I got home, I took a well-deserved shower and made myself something to eat, like Ellie said. Afterward, I sat at the couch and stared at the bookshelf ahead.

I couldn't help but think about the wariness in Death's eyes as he spoke to me, the suspicion and concern. Remembering those cold irises pissed me off now after our encounter. To shake off my annoyance, I decided to try and solve my 5x5 Rubik's cube. I picked it up from my room and came to rest on the couch.

As I stared at the block of colors, trying to solve it, I was reminded of how Ao got it just for me. I can imagine her smiling face as she picked it while thinking of me. And it was Ben who got me into Rubik's cubes in the first place, having bought me one a year ago while we stayed with Clockwork and Toby. All of them are my friends. All of my friends...

"I'll see them again someday, you jerk," I muttered with Death on my mind. Then I placed all my focus on the Rubik's cube, ignoring the world around me completely.


I was in the kitchen snacking on pizza rolls when I heard the creak of footsteps on the wooden porch outside. Excited, I nearly dropped my plate on the kitchen counter and bolted into the living room.

As soon as Ellie stepped inside, I greeted, "Welcome home..!"

There was that big, bright smile of hers and that wonderful laugh. "I'll never get tired of hearing that," she said.

The black-haired beauty wrapped her arms around my waist as she hugged me. I embraced her, brushing my cheek against her soft hair.

"How was work?" I asked her.

She sighed. "It was normal. A bit tiring. I worked on a car today."

"I still can't believe you're working at an auto shop," I jested. "I expected a bookstore clerk."

"Me too," she replied with a shrug. Tucking my hair behind my ear, she asked, "Did you eat?"

"Yes. I cooked, too!"

She chuckled at my enthusiasm. "Are you hungry?"

I thought about the pizza rolls I left in the kitchen, but answered, "I could go for some grub."

"Well, I have something in mind," she stated.

"What is it?" My excitement piqued.

Holding my hands, she said, "How about a picnic? While it's still daylight?"

A picnic? With my Sunshine? Of course.

"That sounds wonderful," I commented.

Her face beamed with glee. "Awesome! I had this idea in mind all day. I don't want you to start getting bored here."

"I won't be bored here."

"You say that now, but..."

"As long as you're around, I feel like I'm on an adventure," I quipped.

Her fair-toned cheeks flushed pink and she said, "Then let's have ourselves a picnic. And many more things in the future. Get dressed!"

I listened to Ellie and changed into some clothes for the outdoors. When I came out, I helped her to make sandwiches and snacks. To be honest, I've never had a picnic before. It seems so cheesy but there's something weirdly appealing about it. Let's hope no bipedal bear comes to steal our fuckin' food, or something...

Once everything was ready, Ellie eagerly led me out of the cabin and into the woods. The after noon sun radiated orange light through the canopy of branches and leaves above. Once again, the birds were singing and I heard a few chirping bugs. The hike towards a location unknown to me was serene. Ellie and I helped each other every now and then; I'd trip on a tree root or she would need help climbing up a hill. I kept up with Ellie through the whole trip.

Eventually, I asked, "Where are you taking me? I've never been out this far."

"You'll see," she chirped without glancing at me. Hmm, suspicious. I like it!

The moment Ellie gasped and started jogging forward signaled that we had arrived to our destination. I followed her through a dense underbrush and stumbled out of it onto a shore of rocks. Ahead of me, Ellie stood at the edge of it, smiling at me while the scenery of a pool of freshwater and a flowing waterfall existed behind her. All of it shined gold, reflecting the sun's radiance. No wonder Ellie refused to answer me.

"What do you think?" she asked.

Standing next to her, I took it all in and whistled. "Amazing..."

"My parents used to take me here all the time. We'd have outings here, Dad would barbecue, Mom would watch me as I swam in the water, a smile on her face."

Her own smile had softened, diluted by the memory she recounted, and she found a spot for us to sit and eat. For a while, there was silence between us as we watched the waterfall cascade into the glittering, natural pool. Despite that this was her idea, she didn't eat very much of the food. She could barely go through one sandwich.

Gently, I grabbed her left hand and squeezed it. She snapped out of her blank stare and looked at me. Without a word, I kissed her hand and caressed my thumb against her ring. She's kept it on ever since I saw her, but I put it on her again at the threshold of the cabin door, sealing some unspoken bond of our new life in our new home. Unfortunately, I had no ring finger for her to do the same to me, but we found a way. Now I was back to wearing a necklace, but this time it was my ring hanging on the leather thread instead of Ellie's.

"Are you feeling well?" I questioned.

Staring off at the water, she murmured, "I'm reminiscing..."

Again, I kissed her soft, pale knuckles and said, "As long as you keep the good things in mind, you'll be okay."

A soft chuckle escaped her grinning lips. "That's what's most important, isn't it? Remembering the good times?"

I nodded. "And I promise to make new, happy memories with you so you can remember those in the future too."

"I already can't wait," she joked. Then she leaned forward and placed a kiss on my cheek.

After making sure Ellie ate plenty just as she does to me, we took a break to watch the sky. The crystal surface of the water was tempting and an idea came to mind.

"I'm taking a dip," I said. Ellie blinked her wide eyes at me and replied, "Really?"

"Yeah, why not? There's no way I can miss this opportunity. I mean, look at that water! It screams 'jump in'."

"You don't even have any proper clothes," she remarked.

I lifted an eyebrow at her and started removing my shirt. She laughed and shook her head at me. When I went for my pants, I coaxed, "Come swim with me, Sunshine!"

"I'm good, thanks"

"Awww, that's no fun," I whined with a fake pout.

"I'm tired from work, but go ahead and enjoy yourself," she said.

"Okay, fine," I grumbled. "Suit yourself!" As soon as I stepped into the water, I gasped and hissed, "Coooold!"

"You wanted to swim," Ellie teased me with a smirk. I stuck my tongue out at her and kept going in.

I got used to the cool temperature of the water and took some time to enjoy the feeling. Gradually, I swam a little farther out and waved at Ellie, who watched me. She waved back and blew me a kiss, which made me smile.

I circled around the natural pool, checking out the rock walls covered with moss on either side of the waterfall. I even swam through it, and was a little disappointed to not find a secret cave behind it. Oh well.

When I came back towards Ellie, I hollered, "Are you sure you don't want to come in?"

She hollered back, "I'm positive."

"But I'm so lonely out here."

"So am I."

"You wouldn't have to be if you came in," I chimed as I beckoned her with my hand.

She rolled her eyes. "No thanks."

I waded by the shore, eyeing her. "You're looking a little hot there, Ellie. Why don't you cool off?"

Suddenly, I splashed water at her and she yelped in surprise. "Jeff!" she groaned, scrambling to her feet.

"What's the matter, Sunshine?" I splashed more water at her.

"You're getting my clothes wet!"

"Oh, am I? Oops.~"

"You're such a brat!" she laughed.

"What are you gonna do about it? You can't get me because you don't want to come in," I taunted.

With a playful fierceness in her eyes, she yanked off her shoes and ran towards me. "Oh shit!" I cackled and tried returning to the safety of the water, but she caught me. Both of us went falling in and came back up sputtering and giggling like kids.

"Alright, I'm in the water like you wanted. Now what?" she asked.

"Now, we have fun," I said. Pointing ahead, I announced, "Race you to the cliff side!"

It was a close finish for Ellie, and once she won I made it a mental note to work on my swimming. She was so happy about it that she bragged and bragged, and I splashed water in her face. "Sore loser!" she sang.

A little later, I told her, "Bet you won't jump off from the waterfall."

She gave me a sexy smirk and responded, "What do I get if I do?"

"My love and admiration."

"Oh, whatever, Romeo."

"Fine, fine! I'll cook dinner for you for a week."

She grimaced. "I won't eat slightly burnt food, will I?"

"I'll work on it!" I groused.

Despite the promise of my shitty cooking, Ellie took the bet anyway. She swam over to the shore, trekked her way through the underbrush, and showed up at the top of the small cliff a few minutes later. She gave me a peace sign and I waved at her excitedly.

A few moments passed and nothing happened. Ellie was gazing down at the water, calculating, and I watched patiently. Suddenly, she leaped from the edge, hugging herself, and hurtled into the water feet first. I cheered for her, happy that she did the dare. But then she didn't come back up and I started getting nervous. What if she hit some rocks that she didn't see before? Or what if she got stuck and can't come up? Shit, this was a bad idea...!

"Ellie!" I shouted and started swimming.

Out of nowhere, she shot out of the water behind me and grabbed my shoulders. I freaked out and whirled around to face her as she cackled loudly.

"The little scream you made—oh my god!"

"Not funny, Sunshine. You scared the crap out of me. I thought you were hurt!" I said, exasperated.

"Haha, I-I'm sorry. I couldn't help but take the chance. Are you mad?"

"What do you think?"

Ellie's elated grin fell and she grabbed for my arm. "Jeff, I'm sorry, really." Tenderly, she tried to grab for me but I kept turning from her. As soon as she wrapped her arms around me for a hug, I held onto her hands and dragged her down with me into the water. I managed to flip her over me underwater, then come back up with a smug grin on my face. She resurfaced a second later, coughing and sputtering.

"We're even," I purred.

"Jerk," she giggled.

"Bigger jerk," I retorted, leaning closer.

"Biggest jerk," she murmured.

"Ultimate jerk," I said, right before taking her lips against mine, both of us helplessly grinning.

Water droplets fell in between our lips, our hair was soaked and pasted to our skin and we were in the middle of the water but that didn't keep me from kissing her with all the love in the universe. I kissed her until we couldn't kiss any more, until we needed to breathe and look at each other again. Even to this point, with every kiss I give her, I feel like she might disappear right afterwards. But no matter how nervous I am, I keep doing it, because I want Ellie to know how much I love her and miss her, beyond what words could describe, beyond what looks could signify.

With my forehead pressed against hers, I whispered, "I love you."

She brushed her lips ever so slightly against mine and whispered back, "I love you too."

After the last of a few butterfly kisses, Ellie held onto me while I started leading us to the rocky shore. Once we got to a shallow area, we stopped to wade, the water just to our chests (well, for Ellie, her shoulders). Out of nowhere, her slender hands touched my back, tracing against my muscle, tracing the scars that have long since healed. Her fingers came around to my chest, where more scars resided, physical souvenirs of the living nightmare I endured at SCP. Then she caressed her hand against my face, cupped my left cheek, yet she was gazing right at my left eye, the one that was pale and glazed over, the one that had been taken out by a merciless bastard.

Before she could say anything, I knew what was on her mind and said, "Don't say this is your fault."


"You were thinking about it. Don't say it out loud. None of what happened was your fault," I assured her.

Dropping her gaze to my chest, she asked, "I can't help but consider it. I could've done something."

"Both of us were helpless."

She frowned. "I keep remembering what he did to you. I keep... I keep imagining it..." Her eyes flared ferociously to the side, as if the culprit of our torture was there.

"Stop imagining it. It'll do no good," I advised. She nodded in agreement.

"Was it painful?" she questioned. "After you healed?"

I nodded solemnly. "Yes. My body ached. I kept dreaming about what happened to me over and over. I relived it again and again."

"How did you heal? You...You were..."

Mutilated. Dismembered. Made a pathetic husk. I knew what she was trying to say, what she couldn't bring herself to say. "I...know someone. Their magic helped me."

"Who? Was it...that man who took you away from me?"

I nodded again. "Yeah. He healed me, and then brought me back to the mansion to recuperate."

"I see..."

At the mention of Death, I thought about what he told me today. Something is not right with her, he had said. I look over at Ellie, see that beautiful glint in her mismatched eyes, those pretty pink lips, those pillow-soft cheeks, that lovely hair, and the beautiful soul this gorgeous body carries, and I can't bring myself to even consider Death's words. I can't think about him right now. He pissed me off enough today.

"I'm sorry about everything that has happened," Ellie said.

I shook my head and replied, "Don't be. What matters now is that we have each other again, and we can heal together. I'm okay now. I'll have my scars, just as anyone else will, just as you do, and I've come to accept them. I hope you can too."

Tenderly, she brushed her fingers over the scars on my chest again and sighed. "It hurts to...but I will..."

I managed a smile and added, "Good. Besides, don't they make me look badass?"

"Oh god," she groaned.

"C'mon, don't they??" I drawled.

She chuckled and said, "You were already badass without them."

"Ooooh, flattery...!"

As I kissed her yet again, I wrapped my arms around her waist and squeezed. My lips traveled to her ear, along her jaw, then down her neck. She sighed and pressed her hands against my back, pulling me closer. Her skin was slick with water, her hair soaked in it, her shirt stuck to her body. I could feel all of her against me, yet I wished for more, just a little.

Gently, I slipped my hand underneath the hem of her shirt and started pulling it up. As soon as it reached her chest, she gasped, squirmed and looked down at the water. "What the hell? Something bit me...," she complained.

"Really? I don't feel anything...," I murmured. Recognizing concern on her face, I held her hands and said, "Well, we need to get out of the water anyway. It's getting late."

Ellie gave me a soft smile and we waded out of the water, hand in hand. We took a seat on the shore, gazing up at the sky again. The waterfall and pool was golden no longer as the sunset had passed. We would have to head back to the cabin soon.

"Hey," Ellie spoke up, "I have another surprise for you."


"Follow me," she beckoned and trudged off into the forest, water dripping from her clothes.

Hurriedly, I picked up my shirt, pants, and shoes, and followed her to whatever pleasant surprise awaited me.

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