The Coma Experience

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The worst things tend to happen to us when we least expect it. The day I went into a coma was the most a terrifying experience of my life. Believe it or not, even though I wasn't conscious, I was aware of everything around me happening. It started at night while I was sleeping, I felt a tight grip around my body. Kind of like Sleep paralysis. This time, I saw me in my bed sleeping and my body was just standing in front of me. I felt this magnetic pull for a few seconds then it would stop. I got scared and tried to get back to my body. Every time I tried, my body went further and further away. I started to float away from it. After that I was trapped in the air, staring at my body from afar.

It happened quick. My parents came, they took me to the hospital, and my body spent the night there for some time. Wherever I was, it was dark. I didn't dare try to escape again because every time I moved my body went further and further away from my body in the hospital. I could still see a little bit of the light from watching myself sleep in the hospital.

The time where I was moved so fast so I don't know if it was night or day when it happened. One day, something crawled with impossible speed around my body at the hospital then the thing spotted me. Those eyes...You know how sometimes in scary movies the monster or creature has two holes as eyes? Well...the thing that stared at me had 9. Its mouth was nothing more than a tiny circle full of razor sharp teeth. The mouth was so small my finger wouldn't even be able to go through it. The body of this creature was soft and the brown furry skin hung off like an aragatang. It saw me and ever so slowly swayed back and forth as it walked towards me. It was saying words that my body weak.

"You're going to die. You're coming with us. You won't pass the test." It said. Even though it didn't speak English, I still fathomed these words.

The creature was now in front of me, staring at me....with those eyes that shook me down to the very core. I moved once and felt the tight grip of being pulled away from my body. I needed to get back to my body. The creature stared at me. I didn't dare to move away. Days, weeks, maybe even months passed, I don't know but it stood there. I know it wanted me. It wanted me to move so it could pull me into the darkness. I couldn't give in.

Sometimes the creature would touch me, disappear then reappear later in front of me. It would scare me. His mouth would move towards my eye. He would touch his face to mine. I cannot explain how terrifying this was. It was so horrible that if I hadn't already been in a coma, I'd be in one now.

Something happened after some time. The light started to get closer and my body became more into view. The creature started backing away after time. I would get so excited to see my body clearer each time. One day it was so close that I could touch it and the creature was so far that I could barely see him. Then one day...I woke up.

I've been in a coma for ten years they said...ten years. It felt like a few weeks I'll be honest. But ten years. That thing I stared at me for ten years, waiting for me to move. Waiting for me to struggle to get back to my body. It waited so damn long. It really wanted me. It isn't easy for me to sleep now. Every time I close my eyes I'm taking the risk to fall back into a coma. Like I said, the most terriying things happen when we least expect it. Now, if that's what it felt like being in a coma. I wonder what I have to deal with when I die...

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