A New Test: Mark's POV

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I was going over the tests, until someone knocked on my office door. "Come in!" Dave came in and said, "We are having a meeting professor." I nodded. "I'll be there in five minutes." He nodded and left. I got up and went into the door next to me, where Mary and my daughter was. "What is it Mark?" She asked when I walked in. "There's a meeting." She groaned. "Stay here brat," She said to Lily. Lily looked at me and I lip-talked to her, "Just stay here." She nodded and continued to play with her toys. I walked out to the hallway and saw Mary waiting there for me. "Why are you so rude to your nephew?" "You're her father, that's why," She said, walking away. It hurt what she said, but I was used to it, it was normal for her to say those type of things.

We walked to the conference room and everyone was there. "Ah, Mary Mark. Please sit down," The boss said. I sat down next to the main guard, Travis, and next to Dave. "So, we must make a way so that no one can see their morphed body parts," The boss said. Everyone nodded in agreement. "What do you mean by this?" I asked, standing up. "Please sit down Professor until I'm done speaking!" I sat down and continued listening. "As I was saying....I would like to know your ideas and need them in two days." Everyone looked at the Boss shocked. "Why so soon?" One asked. "Well, I have been informed that Notch would like to see how our work is going. So, we must make something that will hide their morphed parts." Mary stood up and said, "Why don't we mix their DNA with human? Won't that take away some parts?" Everyone thought about, heck, even I did. "That's impossible!" Andrew shouted. "If we do so, then their powers may go away in the process!" Mary looked hurt for a minute, and I couldn't look at her like that. "It can Andrew, that's if we change the DNA," I said. Everyone looked at me and I continued. "If we take out the chemical compounds that will damage any of the power cells, then it would only tamper with the body cells." Everyone thought about it and agreed. "That is a splendid idea!" Jessica exclaimed. "But, who would offer us some DNA?" Jessica asked. No one offered, but then Mary did. "I will." "Great sacrifice Mary, great indeed," The Boss said. Everyone applauded for her, but I wasn't. "Won't the process kill her?" I asked. "Maybe," Jessica said, in the calmest voice. "Why don't we do it on someone else?!" Everyone looked at me shocked. "Mark, would you like to volunteer?" The Boss asked. There was awhile of silence, until Mary said, "Let me do this Mark!" I sighed and sat down. "Fine."

I was in my office, starting up the data, until I was disturbed. "Dad? Can I go see the other people here?" I looked at her and asked, "Who do me my child?" "The girls from earlier." I thought about it, I would get in trouble, but she does need some friends....I nodded and said, "Okay, but don't tell anyone." She nodded and took out her pinkie finger. I took it and we locked the deal. "Yes!" She shouted. I did the sh sign and she did it back to me. We left my office and started walking to the normal cells.

"Are they down here?" Lily asked, running down the hall of cells. She stopped at the ones the test subjects were in and gasped. "A kitty!" I walked up next to her. "Hello you four, how are you?" They all looked at me disappointed. Probably about Flowers..... I sighed. "I'm good, how are you too?" Singer said, walking up to the cell bars. I smiled, and she smiled back. "What are you doing here?" I heard someone behind me say. I turned around and saw that it was Felo who said that. "Oh, Felo, I am very sorry for Flowers being placed in the advanced cells." He scoffed and went on the top bunk of the bed. "Hello Mark," Jazzy said, ignoring Felo. "Well, my....friend, wanted to see you." Lily looked at me and I whispered to her, "I'm not allowed to let them know that you're my daughter." She nodded. "My name is Lily! What's your guys' names?" She asked. "I'm Singer and this is James," Singer said, gesturing to her then James. He walked up to the bars and waved to Lily. "I'm Jazzy...and that's Felo," Jazzy said, pointing at Felo, who was still on the bed. Felo scoffed and turned his back to us. I sighed, but then an idea hit me. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed Mary. "Mary?" "What is it?" She asked. "May I take the four subjects to go see Flowers?" Everyone looked at me shocked, heck, even Felo looked interested. "Why exactly?" "To show them what would happen if they ever do something bad." Mary did a little evil laugh. "Nice, you show em' Mark." "I will, good day." I hung up. "Are you serious?" Felo asked, getting off the bed and walking up to the bars. I nodded to him. "Yes, but let me get the keys first." I looked at Lily and said, "You wait here." She nodded and started talking with the others. I walked a few feet away, looking for a guard. I didn't find one, but then out of the blue, "What are you doing Professor Mark?" The Main Guard asked. "I am taking the subjects, may I have the keys?" I asked, extending my hand for the keys. He gave me a stare and handed me the cell keys. "But hurry up, it's time to feed them soon." "Oh, so you care about them." He shrugged. "Don't know." I nodded and walked back to the cells. I opened the cells and said, "Follow and listen to me, okay?" They nodded. "I am walking with Singer!" Lily said, grabbing Singer's hand. She smiled at her and said to me, "I love your daughter. She is a very silly one." I smiled and started walking. They followed and listened very well to me, I just hope no one follows us.

"Here we are," I said, opening the doors to the advanced cells. "It's dark in here," Jazzy said, looking around. It was a dark hallway with iron walls. The cell doors were huge metal doors with a huge key hole. "Which one is Flowers in?" Felo asked. "Number 12." "Where's the lights?" James asked. The lights suddenly came on. I looked at the light switch and saw that Singer was the one who turned them on. "Found them," Singer said. Everyone giggled a bit, until Lily asked, "Is this 12?" I walked next to her and read on the pad:

Number 12

Occupied: Yes

Name: Flowers

DNA: Skeleton Dog

Time In: 1 week

"She's a skeleton?!" I waved my finger, "No, she's a skeleton dog." Felo did a fake laugh. I went through the keys and found the keys for Flowers cell. I opened it and inside was Flowers on the ground in a dark gloomy cell. Her hands were chained, as well as her feet and chest. She looked up and smiled. "Finally, some nice faces."

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