My Friend!?: Singer's POV

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"Finally, some nice faces." We all walked into her cell. "Told ya it would be bad," Jazzy said, grinning. "Am I the only one who noticed that Jazzy is acting weird?" I asked. Felo and James shrugged while Mark and Lilly did nothing. "It may be because of me," Flowers said, slowly standing up. "What do you mean?" Felo asked, slowly walking closer to her. Mark grabbed Felo gently be the shoulder and shook his head. "It's a long story, but to put it short, I almost had my revenge," Flower said. "Revenge on what? The only people that know is Jazzy and Felo," James asked. It was awhile of silence until some tears started rolling down Flowers face. Felo ran to her and hugged her, well tried to. "I think we should be going," Mark said. Everyone nodded. "Bye Flowers," Felo said, hugging her one last time. Flowers sighed and nodded in a good-bye way. Everyone walked out of her cell. I watched as Mark closed the door and locked the cell. "What's the next test go no to be?" I asked. Mark sighed and walked, we all followed. Why didn't he reply? Is it going to be worse?

Once we were back in our cell hallway, Lily gave me a hug. "Bye Singer! I hope I can come again!" I smiled and hugged her back. Mark placed us in our cells, James and me,And Jazzy and Felo. Mark waved good-bye as he led Lilly away. We have to get out of here," Jazzy said. Everyone looked at her shocked. "How do you propose we do that?" Felo asked in an angered tone. "I don't know." We all stood in silence, until an idea popped in my head. "Hey loser guards!" I shouted down the hall. Everyone looked at me. Just then, a guard came marching down the hall. "What did you say girl!?" I stuck my tongue at him. "I said hey loser guard!" He opened the cell and dragged me out, forgetting to lock the cell. "You better shut up before I cut your tongue out!" I looked at James and he understood what I meant. He grabbed one of the pictures and smacked it on the guards head. The guard turned around, loosening his grip on me so that I could get out. He didn't notice and started yelling at James. I grabbed the keys the unlocked Felo and Jazzy. He still didn't notice since he was yelling so loud. "Can you blow him up?" I whispered to Felo. He nodded and sent a 5 little creepers at the guard. The guards turned around and saw us out of our cells, but before he could shout the creepers exploded and caused him to pass out. "Nice going Singer!" James said, hugging me. I hugged him back. "Well, when you two love birds are done can we get going," Jazzy said. I blushed and stopped hugging James. "We're not love birds FYI," James replied back to Jazzy. Jazzy scoffed, "Sure." "When you three are done can we get Flowers?" Felo asked, pointing down the hall. We all nodded. We started walking but then James stopped us. "Let's take the vents. That'll be more sneaky." We all nodded in agreement. "But are there even any vents around here?" Felo asked. I looked down the hall and saw one. I pointed at it and said to Felo, "Found one." James punched Felo playfully and Felo did another fake laugh. We went to the vent and Jazzy opened it with her levitating powers. "Can you levitate us in?" I asked her. She shook her head and replied, "I haven't learned how to carry that much weight." I nodded and did a climbing position. "You first Felo," I said. He nodded and place his right foot on my hand and climbed in. I motioned for Jazzy to go and she shook her hand. "I can fly remember?" She floated up into the vent with Felo. "I'm not going unless you go first,"James said, doing a climbing position in front of me. "No, ladies first," I said to him. I heard Felo and Jazzy laugh and James did a disguised face. He sighed and climbed into the vents. He reached his hand down to help me up. Just as I was about to reach his hand, a bunch of guards came through the doors. "Stay where you are!" They started heading towards me. I looked up and saw James trying to reach for my hand. I moved my hand down and said, "I'll find you." "No! You're coming with us!" The guards were getting closer. I looked at Jazzy and said, "Get him out of here, will you?" She nodded. I saw a tear roll down her face as she grabbed James and started dragging him down the vents. The guards grabbed me and started dragging me away. I looked at the vents. Get home safe....

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