Episode 2:the holy kinght and the king of darkness

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Goto back to his appartment,he are siting on the desk his upgrade ixa belts and kunckle,the result he have upgrade it

Goto: "i finally finished"he grabs the belts get into his waist grabs the knuckle slams in his hand(ready!)instead spell it said all the words of it he get the knuckle into driver(fist on!) he become ixa save mode he see that have a lot experiened to this upgrade he dehenshin turns back as goto "looks like i will going test this upgrade on tomorrow"he look at the knuckle and put it on the table unleased the belts out of him then he go to bed becaues he have school to do

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Goto wake up,he going shower bruts a teeth,take a breakfeast and he go to the school despite he doing a mission he must go to school because he is teenagers,he see the school and he see nothing sepcial after all he walking then suddenly he bumped someone make that persons on the ground he see yuki nonaka the girls he just save from yesterday

Goto: "hey you okay?lets me help you"he hand forward to her

Yuki:accpeted the help and she stand up "thank you!"she were realize that goto was the man save her from those thugs yesterday "wait you are the one save me rights"

Goto: "yeah is me the one help you missed uh?"he don't know her name

Yuki: "my name is yuki nonaka,you must be goto keisuke"she introduce herself and she remember goto name

Goto:nod yes about his name "nice to meet yuki nonaka"he smile

Yuki: "nice to meet you too!so you here too study ah"she asked him

Goto: "yep i here to study i also do my missions too"

Yuki:wonder what is his missions is but she don't mind he doing mission "well i going get you veiws about this school since i'm class president! follow me"she turn aways at goto follow her so that he can know how this school are
After the sigthseer of the school yuki and goto stop walking

Yuki: "now you know how to school world and class too"she turns back and look at him

Goto:smile to her and he glads that he know how this school are "yeah i know thank you very much"

Yuki: "you welcome consider this repayment for saving me"

Goto: "you don't have to do that is just my job see somone trobule that i want to help that all"he look at her

Yuki: "well looks likes i have to go now see you again goto"she walk aways as she touch her heart fell her heart beat fast

Goto:look yuki walk and he breaths "okay time to go to class now" he about to go to class but suddenly he see a lot of stundent that are together he see what's going so he investagations he going there he see lot of stundent standing here for waiting the one inside the limon as the door open reveal to be

Hase nobogi son of taiga nobori and he is the rich boys

All the student girls cry like the fan of him becaues he rich,handsome and his dad company turns to a langer company too,goto have know him becaues he and him used to be a bestfriend untill that day they become rival each other

Girls student1: "are you free today if no then pleased date with me"

Girls student2: "me too"

Girls student: "me too"

Hase: "sorry girls i have job to do"he walk pass them as they are disappointed

Goto: "is this a rich boys monters here ah"

Hase:stop becaues the familiar voice he turns and smile "well this ain't goto keisuke the monster slayer,it been while ah goto"

Goto: "yeah a while!"he about grabs the belts

Hase:know that "you know,if you want to fight me then maybe another day we will settel our business"

Goto:heard this he get the belts into the pocket "well then see you again!"he walk passed hase as hase looking goto and he smile
Goto have founding his class he open it as he go there he see basara he were suprise that basara in same class with him

Goto: "basara you are here too ah!"

Basara:also suprise to see goto is here too "goto you also go to school ah"

Goto: "you can said that!" he see that yuki same class with him and basara

Teacher: "sorry are you a new student?"he asked goto

Goto:nod yes he writted his name on the board "my name goto keisuke,nice to meet you all"he bow as he are greeting

Teacher: "okay basara can you sit over there"he point the sit where basara going sit "and goto can you sit next to yuki"

Goto:nod yes as he go to the sit right next yuki "looks like we meet again yuki"

Yuki: "yeah!"she said with no emotion she keep looking basara

Then the teacher said something make all student outsides,yuki come to basara and huggs him that make everyone shocked,basara were confusing he asked what are she doing she said that she missed him,and he realize that two of them used to be a childhood friends,mio come to two of them broken the huggs,and she are anger then she just told everyone that she and basara are living together that make everyone surpries and shock too
(Breaks time)
It break time basara were in the class,goto go outside to take a breath,as he take a breath he see yuki are walking he follow her becaues he still wondering what is realtionship between her and basara,he keep following her untill yuki know that she been follow

Yuki: "you can't stop follow me now"she turns back see that goto out of hiding

Goto: "how did you know that i were follow you?" He asked her

Yuki: "just a hunch!"

Goto "oh so that"he rub his chin

Yuki: "why you follow me?"

Goto: "i follow you so that i have a answer what is yours realtionship with basara"

Yuki: "just a friends that all!"

Goto: "really with me is not"he don't truth that basara and yuki were a friends maybe have something about them

Yuki: "guest you right,me and basara used to be a chilldhood friends we play each other,he protected me from bullied,since that i never see him again and now he are back"she explains about her chilldhood

Goto:were undenstand,yuki and basara used to be childhood so she missed him that's why she huggs him "okay i understand now thank you"he walk aways but he heard yuki voice

Yuki: "hey today you are free?"she asked him and look at him

Goto: "no!why you asked?"

Yuki: "becaues i going drinking with basara after the school do you want join with us"

Goto: "maybe! I will join yours guys"he look at her

Yuki: "that greats see you there goto"she walking aways as goto turns aways and walk too
goto have come a place where yuki and basara are drinking,he open to the door and he see someone wave to him is yuki wave to him he come,he see that yuki were siting close with basara

Goto: "hi guys!sorry i late,i just have do something"he sit down and order his drink

Basara: "it okay goto!"

Goto:receive his own drink "thank you"he thank you the waiter

Then three of them talking about they live and they tell a joke,unknown to them that hase were watching but he are watching basara

Hase: "kivat!"he comand his partner out

Kivat-2nd: "yes master!"Behind hase is a bat his colour red and dark

Hase: "the one you told me is him right"he point basara

Kivat-2nd:look at it and he nod yes "yes master he is,he is the one have a show call drangons magic"

Hase:chuckel "so what greats about this guys ah,he is nothing then a bull's eyes to me"he keep watching untill three of them out "looks like is our signal now lets go kivat"he order his partner

Kivat-2nd: "right behind you master"he follow hase
Goto,yuki and basara were walking to the home,but yuki suddenly stop make both of boy stop

Goto: "yuki you okay?"he asked her

Yuki: "goto,basara duck now"she said both of them to duck,she grabs something is her sword make goto and basara duck,she slash the devil cloack that are behind two of them "you two okay?"

Goto: "yeah we fine"he stand neither basara,and goto were wondering how she have a sword

Yuki:felt something "you two should run now is will be dangerous"

Basara: "what do you mean"

Suddenly three devil cloack appeared and each of them charges to yuki,basara and goto,yuki use her sword block the acttack of devil cloack1,basara have something in his hand is a sword but it is into his hand he try to slash devil cloack2 but he have dodges,devil cloack3 try to acttack goto,goto dodges and kick in devil back,he about grabs the kunckle but he can't do it then he turns around see that his friends are trouble is now or nerver,he deciede it he grabs the belts warps on his waist and slams the knuckle (ready!) make a sound, basara just finished the devil cloack 2 looking as goto as he are doing his henshin pose

Goto: "henshin!" He get the knuckle in the belts (fist on!) he become ixa save mode

Basara:were shocked and surprise that goto was a person save him mio and maria "goto you were that guys"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ixa:look at basara "i will explain late"he face the devil cloack 3 as he are stand up and charges to ixa,but ixa dodges the acttack he punch him in face and in belly,round house kick make him on the ground,he see yuki are troubling with devil cloack 1 he come to her kick the devil cloack 1 "you okay?"he look at yuki

Yuki:wondering who is he "yeah i okay!thank you"

Ixa: "you welcome!"

The devil cloack 3 use his dark magic fire to ixa and yuki but ixa grabs yuki and dodges

Ixa:see this he use his gunblade in gun mode fire the devil cloack 3 make him stumbles "stay here!"he look at yuki and he turns his gunblade to blade mode he slowly walking then he run and slash the devil cloack two time make him on the kneed,ixa grabs the fuestle into the belts and pushed waiting his finsher (ixa calibur rise up!) the energy from the belts to sword as he are prepare to finished he run to devil and slash him many,the devil cloack fall on the ground and be expolsion

Yuki and basara witness the finisher of ixa

Basara: "wow that is awsome!"

ixa have finished his enemy but he see that the devil cloack from behind yuki and basara back are going finished two of them ixa come and blocking make him back as goto yuki see that goto were a ixa

Basara:come to his friends "goto you okay"

Goto: "yeah i okay!a littel"

Yuki and basara they are going fight again but something wrong the sky from the sunset to darkness,make yuki and basara wondering but goto is not he know someone coming but he don't like who is that

???: "a patheic creatures like you should go to where yours belong"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Goto,yuki,basara and the devil cloack look who is talking is a king of all fangire,his name is kamen rider dark kiva

Yuki and basara wondering who is he is on their sides

Devil cloack: "who the heck are you?"

Dark kiva: "i'm the one going become a next king and also a man bring jugdements for those devil like you"he point to the devil cloack

Devil cloack really annyoing he charges to dark kiva,as dark kiva dodges every punch of him and he punch him make the devil cloack stumbles,dark kiva grabs his neck lift him of

Dark kiva: "yours weakling kind think can defeat it me ha ha ha ha!don't make me laughed"he slams the cloack on the ground,step him and kick him aways made him rolls on the ground,dark kiva grabs his own fueslte,he open the mouth of kivat-2nd get the fueslte into it and close make a piano sound (wake up two!) in his foot have a smybol but is in green he get that smybol travel to devil cloack make him suffering,dark kiva prepare his finisher he jump and do his rider kick Pushed the devil cloack as he are on the ground,dark kiva land on safely the devil cloack try to stand up but his felt odds in his chest have a smybol of dark kiva,dark kiva hand flicking make the devil cloack expolsions

Yuki and basara were amazed about dark kiva abillity goto is not amazed

Dark kiva: "now to the main course!"he turn around

Goto:stand up as he knewn something that this will be come "you guys should hiding now"

Yuki: "what!why?"

Goto: "becaues think will get ugly"he slams the knuckles in his hand again (ready!) and the knuckles into the belts (fist on!) he become ixa save mode "go now!"he face dark kiva

Yuki: "wait goto..."she have not finished yet

Ixa run to dark kiva neither dark kiva too as two of them throw their punch what will happen next

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