The Vogon Punk Poetry Corner

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Sailing on the solar wind

Just chillin' in the breeze

When a doggy dawg stink make me

Barf n choke n sneeze

Get your face outta my space

Gonna take you down

you canine clown

Laser fry your canine butt!


Think you can take me on?

This cat will make you whine

This cat's got your spine, dog!

Yeah, tha's right yo, You GO FETCH

You pea-brained yellow

bellied canine wretch!

Meow.... Catfish out.




Punk wars have commenced

The world is in a trance

Blowing away the waves

There's so much to face.

Tripping over the controls

While making blackholes

Gravitating towards glory

As royal ass is whipped up in a flurry.

A scream surrounds the house

Badassery is much needed delight

A chance to do good

In every and whatever way we should.




The surgeon looks like he plays lead guitar.

I'd prefer one that smells like keyboards.

But I need my wire I need my wire I F$!&*ing need my wire.

So, cut me, surgeon, cut me.

The hacker looks like she sings.

I'd prefer one that dances on code.

But I need my patchthrough need my PT F$!&*ing need my PeeTee.

So, blow my mind, hacker, blow it.

The merc looks like a drummer: it's those two extra arms, I guess.

She could look like anything. I don't care.

'Cause I need him dead I need him dead I F$!&*ing need him dead.

So, kill him, merc. Do it now.



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