Ooorah Needs You!

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Well it's no secret that we at Ooorah love our contests, right? I mean, back in the heady days of [insert whatever year it was, here] when AngusEcrivain & PlanetaryFlex (then known as Narivah) founded Ooorah (or, y'know, ForbiddenPlanet as we went by back then), pretty much all we did was run contests. In fact, the two of us are probably responsible for the current breed of SmackDown contests - which, as I'm sure you're all aware, are awesome!

Anyways, I'm rambling and I apologise, so now  I'll just get straight to the point, kinda'...

Since Tevun-Krus 13, our TeslaPunk issue, our covers have been designed and created by the incredibly talented BobJan70. Now don't worry, Bob's still doing his thing and sorting out our ezine covers for upcoming issues.

However, and this is where this kinda' being a contest comes into play, I don't know about you but when I look at Bob's covers and then the ones done before that (up to our Space Western issue), they're a little bit, y'know... Now don't get me wrong, parishsp did a wonderful job with those covers! I mean they're way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way better than anything I could have created! Then again, I have all the artistic ability of the gearbox in an Austin Metro so take that as you will!

Anyways, the point is I think it's time those first 12 issues had a new lick of paint, a little bit of a makeover and so, with that in mind, I put forth this challenge.

Those of you with some modicum of artistic ability, design us some covers!

Other than the inclusion of the information listed per issue below, you have complete and total creative freedom to make whichever cover you choose to design as science fictionally arty farty spangly bangly as you wish. Providing the artwork has something to do with the sub-genre, it's all good!

There's a thread in the Multimedia club (or at least there will be by the time of this issue going live and yeah, first time I've ever gone in there) accessible via the external link here, where you can post your work.

If we go ahead and use your creation (which of course we might not and we certainly don't consider ourselves obliged to do - your work will be representing Ooorah after all) then you will receive a dedication in a future issue and I gotta' be honest, we'll promote the bejesus outta' you for a while!

Anyways as promised, here's the list of those issues we're after brand spanking new covers for! The sub-genre is given in bold, just so there's no confusion. The usernames listed are those Wattpadders who featured in some way within the issue and must be visible on the cover (see our more recent issues for clarification) as must the Spotlight Author - for those issues with such a thing, anyway!

First Contact

DavidGibbs6, JJMarmite, Nika_Yaya, British_Beauty

Spotlight Author: TheOrangutan


bloodsword, DavidGibbs6, Renoe_K

Spotlight Author: Ristka1001


AngusEcrivain, mplested, MS_Chavez, parishsp

Spotlight Author - WendyLCallahan

Space Opera

sigrist, AngusEcrivain, AlexSCard, MadMikeMarsbergen, parishsp, elveloy

Spotlight Authors: bloodsword, AngusEcrivain


YoungAuthor2, TheRobot, AngusEcrivain, parishsp, KingBritain, Lambda

Spotlight Author: elveloy

Super Human

parishsp, CarolinaC, TrilliumAngel, elveloy, AngusEcrivain

Spotlight Author: sigrist


AngusEcrivain, Reverentia, YoungAuthor, TheOrangutan, MadMikeMarsbergen

Spotlight Author: neo-muse


AngusEcrivain, KingBritain, parishsp, bloodsword, Reverentia, MadMikeMarsbergen

Spotlight Author: KingBritain

Spunky Heroine

elveloy, sigrist, parishsp, MadMikeMarsbergen, AngusEcrivain,

Spotlight Author: parishsp

Best Of 2014

TheRobot, Alice_Iceflower, KingBritain, CarolinaC, ashiqtnt, elveloy, Kiminblackink, stringcheeze, AngusEcrivain, Reverentia, ZakShupe, MadMikeMarsbergen, SophiaLaney101, jewel1307, sigrist, parishsp

2014 Holiday Special

elveloy, bloodsword, MadMikeMarsbergen, parishsp, CarolinaC, AngusEcrivain

Space Western

MadMikeMarsbergen, AngusEcrivain, CarolinaC, AlWrite, jewel1307, DeborahWalker7

Remember, you can do what on Earth - or not - you like with these covers. Providing the content has something to do with the sub-genre, it's all gravy! And of course, it should go without saying but I'll say it anyway... It's gotta' say 'Tevun-Krus,' on there somewhere, too!


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