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In celebration of everyone's favourite Hallmark holiday, we here at Ooorah bring you our very first V-Day special, jam-packed with short stories, articles, interviews and whatnot, plus the long-awaited return of our caption contests!

Science Fiction and Romance are two genres that have a long and incredibly tangled history. For as long as there's been such a thing as Sci-Fi there have been characters willing to take one for the team and snog/marry/kill the alien antagonist for the good of the human race.

And it's not only that... I mean, Sci-Fi is an inherently romantic genre. Those of us who enjoy Science Fiction do so not only because of the epic space battles, the countless near-death scenarios and badass heroes and heroines, but it's the romance of space and space travel that captivates many of us.

So sit back, put your feet up and crack open the chocolates and wine - it's almost Valentine's Day, after all - and allow some of your Tevun-Krus favourites - and one or two new faces, too! - take you on an adventure through the more romantic portions of their minds!

Before we get to all of that though, I'm sure you've noticed - and if not, pretend you have and go look at the pretties right now via the external link that will take you to the complete (thus far, obviously) Tevun-Krus reading list - that all of our Tevun-Krus covers are uniform and look pretty damn fantastic! Thanks to the hard work of BobJan70, who is responsible for every awesome cover since the TeslaPunk issue and the team of OutrageousOlloMadMikeMarsbergen who have created some wonderful covers for the issues preceding that one. Thank you to all three of you, and you'll each find a dedication somewhere in this issue that is thanks for your respective artistic awesomeness!

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