...And We'll Fight Them With the Butt Ends of Broken Beer Bottles...

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Bonus points to anyone who knows, without looking it up you cheating scrotes, where the quote used for the above title is from... Just a wee bit of fun to kick things off!


Punk Wars...

You're probably wondering what the frak this issue is all about, right? I mean we generally focus on a single sub-genre as you know, be it Apocalyptic SF, Space Western, Space Opera or whatever...

You know us at Ooorah, though. We like to keep you guys guessing, to keep you on your proverbial toes and whatnot so a few months ago, you might recall, we gave a shout-out asking all of you guys, our awesome readers and followers - stalkers, if you will - what kinda' 'special issues,' you might wanna' see.

krazydiamond suggested PunkWars and, well... We aim to please!

So here it is. An issue jam-bloody-packed with short stories, interviews, articles... There's even a brand new feature, one that we hope to continue throughout upcoming issues. That's right, some of your  favourites have only gone and got all poetic upon your derrieres. 'Course, there's the usual caption contest and community recommendations, too...

Basically, as I'm sure you'll find out in the merest of moments, this issue is damn awesome!

A shout-out to all involved, especially MadMikeMarsbergenOutrageousOllo who put it all on the line even before this issue's release and engaged in a brutal, bloody, Punk Wars–style cover-off on the 'Ooorah! 2016' forum.

Said cover-off saw MadMikeMarsbergen as victor but that's not to say that OutrageousOllo 's cover wasn't awesome... Look - it's here!

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