This One's Got A Prize!

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Here at Ooorah we love a bit of flash fiction, and even though we didn't have any takers for this one last month, we're nothing if not triers! So with that in mind, here's our challenge to each and every one of you awesome, awesome SFers!

Write a short piece, no more than 500 words in length, within the Space Opera sub-genre! That's right, this ain't an OceanPunk contest!

The best bit is that our favourite submissions, as selected by #TeamOoorah, will feature in TK55, which just so happens to be our May the Fourth Be With You Space Opera Special!

Badass, right?!

To enter, simply write and post your story to your profile as normal, and paste the link to said story in the comments section below! This contest will close on April 30th, so you've got an entire month to write something awesome!

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro