Hexagon Memorizer - by @JeffreyVonHauger

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Hexagon Memorizer

In the realm of cutting-edge technology, the latest isn't always the greatest. When pursuing a quantum computing platform the needs for infinite storage, flexible programming, extreme security, and above all reliability are paramount. Whether running a solar system sized virtual reality simulation or meticulously mapping the history of a planetary species from biological initiation through evolution to extinction, accept no substitute. There is only one time-tested viable option.

Hex·a·gon Mem·o·rizer

/heksəˌɡän/ /meməˌrīzor/


1. An ancient self-sustained computational device and quantum repository designed in the form of a truncated octahedron polygon.

2. A cubic meter sized sphere made of milky white opaque diamond carbon nanofibers that produces an inner glow when activated and cycles through myriad colors depending on the algorithmic functions being run.

3. The brain cells of the Universe.

The history of this spectacular device dates back more than a full galactic rotation, roughly 250 million years by current estimates. It was created to manage the #EE71A7 Dodecahedron Dyson Sphere, often considered one of the ancient Wonders of the Milky Way galaxy.

The #EE71A7s were the first known Type II galactic civilization (on the Kardashev Scale). They turned their sun into a self-powered galactic megastarship, consumed 100% of the resources in their initial solar system, and set out around the galaxy on a quest for immortality.

240 million odd years into their journey, the contained star went supernova destroying the sphere and bringing about the extinction of the #EE71A7 species. Only two parts of the once great civilization survived; the Hexagon Memorizer and their full genetic DNA sequence contained within.

Extinct Species #EE71A7

The legend of Dr. Nathan R. Greene is well known and often embellished. It tells of a lone deep space researcher charting a newly created stellar nursery who stumbled upon a single Hexagon and gained access to its secrets.

Out of the ashes of that lost civilization grew the first #71EEB8 clones. The new species of bald, silver skinned, black eyed beings are all identical middle-aged male clones. Their new appearance is said to be the result of the lone space researcher's DNA infusion.

Species #71EEB8

#71EEB8 clones have been a growing population in the outer arm star systems they inhabit for 10 million years. They dress in their classic calling card fashion of matching seafoam green robes and jumpsuits. It's been suggested that the color is pleasing to the galactic wasps who's home system neighbors #71EEB8 space. The clones are known to travel with any number of hive-minded insects aboard their space cruisers.

They're famously responsible for negotiating the end of the great insectoid war of the second galactic empire. How did they bring about peaceful negotiations between warring species bent on mutual genocide?

The amazing realtime translation and cross species communication abilities of the Hexagon Memorizer!

With this responsive tool at their disposal, the #71EEB8 diplomatic corps was able to convince the warlike humanoid species of Gastraddar that what they considered a horrific evasive giant space bug was really a species they had a symbiotic relationship with. A large part of both cultures revolve around enormous honey farms. The two species came together among the epic flower fields on the pollen moons. A poetic solution to six thousand years of interstellar war.

Some find #71EEB8 clones to be intimidating or cultish in their precise identicalness, but even the briefest discussion with them will dismiss these misconstrued prejudices. #71EEB8s are warm and personable with an empathic conversational style. They view existence with a type of transcendent enlightened Buddha mind. Maybe it's their ability to mass communicate with each other, or their access to an unlimited treasure trove of knowledge, but it goes without saying that their neural connection to a network of Hexagons Memorizers gives them a beguiling edge.

An individual Memorizer can easily handle all the functions of a gargantuan space freighter; from maintaining an artificially intelligent (A.I.) navigation system to the command of a robotic crew. It would still have enough processing power to conduct scientific research, continually scan, interpret, and record sensor data, not to mention network biological crew members together in real time with a kind of technological telepathy.

In truth, a single Memorizer could manage an entire armada of ships, leaving passengers to pursue their own interests. Imagine what two or three could do. A stack of ten could run a planet.

Hexagon Memorizers are stackable!

Whatever your next project might be; architecture among the asteroids, harnessing a planet's complete geothermal power, or annexing a new star system, make the Hexagon Memorizer your choice for all your computing needs!

Contact your local #71EEB8 ambassador to set up an appointment for an in person demonstration. The clones have no enemies and travel freely to all sectors of explored space.

Travel Far.

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