Chapter 17: Jade Chamber

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Ah... That's a very nice afternoon.

It was a beautiful day outside, flowers were chirping, birds were blooming-Wait that's not how it goes!


Indeed, it is. We see our protagonist standing on top of a mountain, looking directly at the floating chamber that oversees Liyue.

Y/n: Huh, so far I didn't get canceled. And the Chamber didn't come for my asss after I said that. Still, how do I get there?

Paimon: Uhhhhhhhhhh....

To his right was a floating marshmallow also known as Paimon. She currently was holding her head with both of her hands brainstorming.

Paimon: No idea!

Y/n: Helpful.

Paimon: Well.... There has to be something! There always is a way! Let's look around for something that may stand ou-

Y/n: Like this Four Leaf Clover with a fan?

Paimon: Wha- Ah! It wasn't here before! HOW!?

Y/n: This is something called plot, Pai, you'll learn it as time goes by.

Paimon: Well... The sensible thing to do now is to spin it, right?

Walling closer to the mechanism clover. You S🅱️IN IT.


Y/n & Paimon: O_o

... It may or may haven't broke.

Y/n: Uhh.... Whoops.

Paimon: ... WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?


Paimon: NOW WHAT!?


Paimon: Ugh... Well, that's our chance gone. Thank you, Y/n.

Y/n: Anytime, Marshmallow.

The two stand idle for about ten seconds brainstorming in silence.

Paimon: AHA! Paimon's got it! We're near the Guizhong Ballista, what if we use it to YEET you all the way to the chamber?

Y/n: Honestly, if you said trebuchet, I'd do it. But ballista? Really now?

Paimon: Well, it's our best chance so far, Sir I-Break-Everything-Touch.

Y/n: *sigh* Fiiiine. My ass is gonna hurt.

Paimon: Safety third!



Y/n: It's hallowed now? I come here everyday for a nice cup of tea.

The two finally arrived at the spot where the previously broken ballista was, and saw about 5 Millelith with their spears in hand staring at the two.

Millelith#2: Well, it is. And you gotta leave at once!

Paimon: Wait! We're invited guests, what makes you think you can treat us like this? Hm... No.... Wait.... Maybe this was Ningguang's plan all along! She lied to us, and even had the nerve to bring up one of your missing friends! MANIPULATIVE BI-

Millelith#3: What in the fuck?

Y/n: Paimon's angry... This is entertaining! GET THEM PAIMON!

Paimon: Grrr... Will do! YOU! This was a trap to ambush us, wasn't it!? How shameless!


Millelith#1: What!? What do you mean "shameless"? We're just on gamuard duty.

The Millelith defended himself, raising his eyebrow genuinely confused.

The other Millelith didn't look so happy, as he hits the floor with his spear, glaring at the duo..

Millelith#2: What nonsense! Seize these suspicious intruders at once!

Y/n: I'll give scooby snacks of you don't.


Y/n: Y-You did not...

Millelith#2: What?!

Y/n: It can't be helped... It's too late.

Suddenly... Everything turned black and white for the Millelith.

Millelith#2: What the fuck...?

A hole in the sky opens and from it emerges... Oh dear... Nope! Nope! I'm outta here!


Millelith#2: Wh-what the--

D-Do I really H-have to narrate th-this!?

Okay... Okay... Deep breathes, Narrator. You can do it... You're the best... Ahem!

His hands were trembling, and he dropped his spear as a CLANK is heard when it made contact with the floor.

Shaggy: Like zoinks, man! I was there having a good day when I felt someone insult my favorite snack! Can you believe it, Sc⭕⭕b?

F-F-From the p-portal comes out another figure, as his cape flutters magnificently.

Scooby 'STR⭕NK' Doo

Scooby: Rhag rhag, Rhaggy! Rhis rhellah rheally rhinks rhe rhan do rhis!

Shaggy: Indeed, Scoob! Let's teach him a lesson!

The Millelith falls down to his knees and bows.

Millelith#2: M-mercy! Please!

Shaggy: Zoinks. What do you think, Scoob?

Scooby: Rhookz rhike rhour rhoing rho rhah rhadow rhealm!

A portal appeared from below the man, and he got sucked in while screaming.

Shaggy: Well... That takes care of that. He'll learn some valuable lessons there.

Shaggy is a kind God. Trust Shaggy, he knows what's he's doing.

And POOF the two vanish, as time begins to move back in the world of Teyvat.

Millelith#1: W-where did...

Y/n: Tsk, tsk... Poor guy.

Millelith#1: Wait... Don't tell me... You're the same person that the other Millelith dealt with back in Jueyun Karst!?

Y/n: Perhaps.


Throwing away their equipments the man runs away leaving the his former Millelith comrades.

Y/n: Oh, look! People are terrified of me! Feels nice.

Paimon: BOO!

Millelith#4: AAAH-


He falls to the floor passed out.

Millelith#5: I'mma just... Walk away. I need to spend more time with my kids.

Paimon: Good for you! Bye!

Millelith#1: 0_0

Y/n: Single handedly making the military quit. How far I've come. Hehehehe.

???: Why did everyone escape? Whats all this about?

Y/n: Snacks.

Millelith#1: L-Lady Keqing! Thank goodness you're here! Th-these p-people--

Y/n: Hi.

Millelith#1: J-just showed up here! And it's the same people back in Jueyun Karst.

Keqing 'SOREYA!'

Keqing: Oh. It's you two. You're Ningguang's guests, yes? Didn't expect to meet you here in the mountains.

Y/n: Do I know you, Ms. Definitely a Cat Girl?

Keqing: ... I'm Keqing, the Yuheng of Qixing. And do not call me that.

Y/n: Call you what?

Paimon: HmMMMmmmMm. Must be something about being a fake cat girl. But that's just a theory.

Y/n: Yeah, must be something about that... HmMMMmmmMmMMmMm.

Taking a deep breath, the Yuheng tries to calm down... Tries.

Keqing: Are you judging the way I look...?

Y/n: Me? Judge? Noooooo-Maybe.

Keqing: (Hero of Mondstadt... I expected way better. Whatever, I'll deal with him just this once.)

Y/n: Must be an important place if the Qixing are supervising it, what's the matter?

Asked Y/n with raised eyebrows knowing damn well what the answer is.

Keqing: The Guizhong Ballista Tianheng Pass has long been in disrepair, and yet it was fixed in a single night. I came here to investigate that occurance.

Y/n: (Yeeaaaah... "Night". It totally wasn't about an hour ago... I need to buy a watch, or well ... Pocket watch. Well, good thing they weren't here when I talked with Zhongli about the secret, then again he'd probably sense if they were here tho.)

Keqing: The Millelith are only here to guard the place, not arrest anyone.

Paimon: Oooooh! So... It was all just a misunderstanding. Hm, Paimon would have never thought.

Y/n: You have your moments when you actually use your last braincell, this wasn't one of them.


Y/n: I'm quite confident with my brain... Sometimes.

Paimon: So you do admit it!

Y/n: Nope!

Keqing: (D-Did they just forget about me...!? What are these two?) Hello! I'm not done talking!

Y/n: Well, look at you, always spelling the beans like an absolute moron at the worst possible times!

Paimon: Paimon got too excited okay!?

The Yuheng facepalms and looks at the floor.

Keqing: *mutters* Why did I have to be the one who met them...?

Paimon: Argument time over. Okay, Lady Yuheng, continue please!

Keqing: That's not how arguments go!

Y/n: You want us to continue?

Keqing: *Internal screaming*

While the purple haired lady was trying her best to survive, the two companions look at each other.

Paimon: Should we stop?

Keqing: Yes! Stop!

Paimon: Paimon doesn't remember asking you though...

Keqing: Just shut up and let me talk! Ahem... *deep breath* For a mortal to be able to repair an adepti mechanism is quite a mystery, even for the Qixing.

Paimon: Hehe, that was...

Y/n: How can you be sure it was a mortal though? Could be an adepti.

Keqing: That's the thing, it's probably one of them. Which one though, and why?

Paimon: So, Lady Yuheng, might you have any idea why Lady Tianquan invited us to the Jade Chamber?

Keqing: Just call me Keqing. I'd say that Ningguang's purpose is to request the savior of Mondstadt take a more neutral stance... Or at least, not wholly side with the adepti.

Paimon: But we're not taking any sided though. We spoke with the adepti, they want to protect Liyue too...

Keqing: When you say protect, you're referring to their sanctimonious arrogance, aren't you?

Paimon: Huh?

Y/n: Hehe. Big oof.

Crossing her arms, Keqing looks at the two like a teacher explaining a subject to her students.

Keqing: You are mortals, and thus under their protection. There is no way they would have regarded you as someone with the ability to assassinate a god.

Keqing: Naturally, they would also regard Ningguang's the area, questioning the citezenry, and persuit of the assassin to be pointless work. Perhaps they even wonder if there was a cover up.

Y/n: (I mean... There is.)

Keqing: I'll say it like it is: They're underestimating us.

Paimon: Well, you got a point there. Still, this is the first time Paimon seen someone in Liyue who doesn't respect the gods or the adepti.

Keqing: Hah. Should I respect the shallow sense of time and condescension to mortals that caused them to delay moving against us Qixing? Forget it. I shouldn't speak of them this way. This skepticism is mine alone, and Ningguang does not share it.

Y/n: Oh boy, I wonder why? Probably not because she's now the current leader, having full control over Liyue. Which is the reason she called us, noting the fact to be neutral and not taking any sides... Hmmm... Probably not. Must be her birthday, and she is quite lonely.

Keqing: ... You basically summarized it... Except it's not Ningguang's birthday.

Y/n: Yeah, I don't know when her birthday is.

Keqing: Right... Either way, I will admit that the actions of the adepti this time were quite restrained. Rex Lapis' death is indeed an extraordinary circumstance. But to think that they would call for a council of adepti rather than come doesn here directly... How surprisingly civilized of them.

Y/n: Birds are not.

Keqing: Hm?

Y/n: You'll understand later. Still talking it out is better than becoming Tiananman Square in 1989.

Did I mention that DashingBanana is writing on his Huawei mobile? He really has a death wish.

Keqing: Something tells me that it wasn't so pleasant.

Y/n: Yeah, no tanks or anything bad. Definitely did not run over bunch of people, especially students.

Keqing: ... Uhhh.

Y/n: Nevermind me, still wondering if I would get canceled or not.

Keqing: Alright then... Back to where we were. If it was up to Ningguang, she would talk anything and everything out if she could. But I doubt we can do that here. The time of the adepti has long passed. If even the Liyue Qixing don't want to face the truth, the what future is there for Liyue.

Paimon: Phew... Another super bold statement.

Keqing: Well, every Rite of Descension. Everyone depends on Rex Lapis for their future, and cannot consider their own future on their own accord. But now... He's gone, and we need to rely on ourselves.

Keqing: *sigh* I'll stop here. Honestly I hadn't intended to say much. I guess despite first impressions on you, you can be quite the good listener.

Y/n: Ignoring the internal suffering I gave you by meeting me for one minute?

Keqing: Though, I am willing to forgive, if you don't do that again.

Y/n: Guess I won't be forgiven. Eh, who cares?

Stopping for a solid second, the Skeptic has a dead panned expression.

Keqing: ... You should head towards the Jade Chamber already. Don't be late. Ningguang's schedule is packed to gills all the way till next year. The cream of Liyue's mercantile crop all see "ascending to the Jade Chamber" as the greatest honor. Each bring rich gifts as they visit, all to curry a little favor with Ningguang.

Excited by the last part, the emergency food immediately jumps towards it.

Paimon: Favor?

A small chuckle escapes from the protagonist.

Y/n: Greeting gifts are quite important aren't they?

Paimon: Yup! And they're a staple of Liyue's culture. We need to get one! Not to curry a favor or anything-- just to... Respect the culture!

Y/n: Good job, Pai. Culture respect is very important... Heh.

Keqing: Alright, alright, you two. You can decide on your "Greeting Gift" yourselves. Let me tell you how to get to the Jade Chamber first. You didn't actually have to come at Mt. Tianheng. Go back to the Harbor, find a guide at the Yuehai Pavillion, and...

She proceeds to tell you what the fuck to do, and where exactly the guide is in there.

Y/n: Hm. One last thing, Keqing.

Keqing: Oh. Go ahead, Traveler.

Y/n: About the message from Ningguang sent by Ganyu, who exactly is that "someone you may know". Are they blonde by anychance?

Keqing: Correct, she is blonde. Now. I must be going. Until we meet again.

And thus the Yuheng left leaving Y/n quite excited.


Paimon: Said the person was a she. That's Lumine, right?

Y/n: Yes! Though... I did wish they two were there. *sigh* Next city, next city for sure. Of course, when there is actually a new city update. Well, come on Pai! Let's go get a nice gift!

Paimon: Paimon already has an idea! Follow Paimon to victory!

Alas, Y/N jumped off the platform while Paimon was guiding him on where to go.



Paimon: Sugar-Frosted Slime! Sugar-Frosted Slime! Sugar-Frosted Slime!

Y/n: You dreamed about this and didn't tell me!? I feel betrayed! How could you!?!?

Paimon: Ehehe... Kinda... Forgot.

The two idiots were currently at Dunyu Ruins, North-West of the Harbor. They just finished... Dealing with a slime.

Paimon: H A L T! Can you feel that?

Y/n: Feel what?

Paimon: HmMMM. Paimon feels a sweet fragrance in the air.



aimon: *LE GASPU* Did you hear that!? Someone needs help! And it looks like it came from the Ruins over there!

Yelled out the floating marshmallow as she points at a cage. She sees a figure behind a Pillar and exclaims.

Paimon: Treasure Hoarders! They locked someone up! Beat'em up!

Y/n: Fuck it. Physical catalyst time.



*intense falling through pages* Uhhh... How do I make a fight interesting knowing damn well it doesn't even matter? Skip it because we all know the results or-

Hoarder#1: AAAAAAAH!

Oh, he just kicked someone in the balls. The hoarse falls clutching his crotch. Why do I even bother...?

Taking ahold of the hoarders hat, you war it and dramatically point your sword at the other chonky hoarder,he raises his arms in a surrendering manner.

Y/n: That's a cute outfit, did your husband give it to you?

Hoarder#2: Well... Yeah.

Y/n: Oh... Okay then.

Awkward silence....

Hoarder#2: ... Sooo...

Y/n: Just give me the key and scram.


Unlocking the cafe's lock, a man comes out from it relieved as fuck.

Meng Dan: Phew... Thank you, kind travelers. If you hadn't come to my aid, I surely would have rotted in this cell! Those Treasure Hoarders... When their mood was good, they'd rearrange those pots of Sweet Flowers. But when they were in a bad mood, they'd rearrange my face.

Y/n: Ouch.

Paimon: It was nothing. No need to thank us all at once or anything!

Meng Dan: Haha. Don't worry, I will compensate you both! I'm Meng Dan, a supplier for Mingxin Jewelry in Liyue Harbor. I often walk around these mountains in search for antiques.

Meng Dan: I never expected the Treasure Hoarders would have their eyes on the same ruin I went to. Before I knew it, they cought and imprisoned me.

Y/n: (Another day, another life story. I think I'm getting used to this... I think.)

Meng Dan: Is there anything that you lack? Antiques, treasure, various knick-knacks, you name it! Well, as long as you want what I have to offer, of course.

Paimon: Well, there is something! Do you have a box, the one where you use to store presents?

Meng Dan: Well of course, we do! How can one sell antiques without a gift box? At Mingxing Jewelry, we have the best gift-wrapping service in all the seven nations!

Y/n: We'll take those Sweet Flowers too... Ah, right. Ahem... If you don't mind, of course.

Meng Dan: Of course! You may take them.

Still learning, eh?

Y/n: (Die.)

Missed you too.


The two main characters were currently in front of the Jewelry Shop back in the Harbor. Paimon was the first to talk... As most of the time.

Paimon: Hey there! Meng Dan told us about the gift boxes here.

Xingxi: Uncle Meng already told me about it. Thank you both for saving him. Many if the best goods in our store were found by Uncle Meng. If anything were to happen to him, it would be impossible for us to continue out business.

The woman proceeds to pull out some sort of briefcase like box.

Xingxi: Here. This container itself is some sort of antique, with at lesst 140 years of history. It's already been cleaned... Will it do?

Paimon: Yep yep! It's perfect! Hold on, can we borrow one other thing?

Xinxi: Sure, please help yourselves, as long as it's in our shelves.

Y/n: You've been staring at that pot for quite a while, Pai.

Paimon: Because that clay pot looks really awesome! If we use an antique as our mixing bowl, we should be able to make a great snack! Boom-shaka-laka!

???: Did I hear?

A familiar voice rings out from behind the two.

Y/n: Ah, crap.

Xiangling: BOOM-SHAKA-LAKA!?

Paimon: YES, YOU DID!

Xiangling: YEEEAAAAAH!


Y/n: Guoba, how're you doing?

Guoba: *Nods in Guoba*

Y/n: As wise as ever.

The one, and only! G U O B A is back... For some time.

Xiangling: Wait... *sniff sniff* Is that a slime is smell!? Paimon finally joined my crusade on proving slime can be tasty! HOORAY! Now... Can we eat it?

Paimon: NO!

Xiangling: BUT WHY!? Hm? Oooooh, wrappings? Ah, a gift!

Y/n: Figured it out a bit too quickly. Who's brain did you steal?

Xiangling: I'll let you know I have a functioning brain, Y/n! Still, what are you two doing exactly?

Paimon: Uhhh... Let's talk somewhere else.

After taking what you needed, the two go back towards Wanmin in order to talk a bit secretly... Ignoring the fact Ganyu invited you from a roof top which probably made all of China know you're here.

Xiangling: WHAAA!? The Tianquan!?

Paimon: Yeheh. Progress!

Xiangling: But... Are you sure it's safe? She knows EVERYTHING in Liyue. And from what you've told me about the accusations.

Y/n: Accusations are dropped, at least what she says. This is a huge improvement from just looking under rocks for any sign of the two idiots. If worst comes to worst up there... I'll bomb the place and jump out.

You feel something pull on your sleeve, looking to the source you see your favorite mini bear looking at you with slight concern.

Sighing for a second, you pat his head.

Y/n: I'll be fine, Guoba. In the meantime...

Reaching behind your back in video game/cartoon logic, you pull out Baron Bunny.

Y/n: Keep this sucker company for me. I'll warn you tho, he likes to dance a lot.

Taking hold of the doll, and examining it for a few seconds. The bear proceeds to BEAR hug it. AHAHA! laugh please... I need confidence.

Y/n: Welp. The Frosty-Boi is ready, and we're three thousand words in and still haven't entered the Chamber. I'll see ya soon, Xiang, Guoba. Come on, Pai.

Paimon: Let's-a go!

Xiangling: See ya!

Meanwhile the Guoba was hugging the doll whike waving at the same time.

Y/n: God I'm hungry...

Paimon: R E S I S T!


It was night time in The Pavillion... Finally, the moment you've been waiting for to reach the chamber. The guide that will lead you to it was in front of the two of you.

Just kidding.

Paimon: (According to Ms. Definitely a Cat-Girl this is what we should say...) Excuse me, do you sell the moon here?

Y/n: *mutters* Still don't like it.

The man stares at the two for about six seconds... Just watching. Until finally he replies.

Bu'yun: Yes, how many would you like?

Paimon: It's not convenient to speak of numbers here.

Bu'yun: Ah, well said.

He points to a nearby floating mini platform.

Bu'yun: Please use this to ascend to the Chamber... Ah, yes. Speaking of which-- are you two the guests that Lady Ningguang has arranged to meet with today?

Paimon: Yup!

Y/n: What gave that away...?

Bu'yun: Ah, my bad... (Still the code they used was not one for guests, but for the Yuheng... What's going on here?)

Jumping towards the platform, you were quite surprised as it didn't shake.

Y/n: This is sturdy! Quite impressive.


Y/n: No one's here... Except those two Millelith guarding the door.

Paimon: Where are they?

At the moment, the companions are at the Chamber. Gazing at the big ass mansion.

The front door opens, and from it emerges the Tianquan herself, Ningguang. Following her from behind were two assistants.

CLANK CLANK CLANK. With each step the white haired woman took, it made those noises. Damn high heels.

And finally, halt.

Ningguang: You took your time. I've been waiting for you, returnee from Jueyun Karst.

Y/n: ₒₖ.

Ningguang: ... Alright.

Paimon: Ah! Since this is our first meeting, we've prepared a gift! Hope you like it.

The emergency food pulls out the gift box that contains the F R O S T and hands it to the Tianquan with a smile on her face.

Ningguang: Oh, for me? You have my thanks. It seems like I have made things difficult for you, considering that you were supposed to be my guests. That explains the small delay.

Paimon: Heheh, oh no. It's nothing.

Y/n: It contains a C4.

Ningguang: A what?

Y/n: Nevermind... Nice place though. Really high... (A bit too high for a place to live in.)

Ningguang: Hm. Glad to hear that.

With a small smile on her face, she continues.

Ningguang: This place floats in the sky, higher than the peak of any mountain. From this vantage point, one may survey all of Liyue.

Y/n: Hmm... Stalking with extra steps... Nice.

Ningguang: Excuse me?

Y/n: Oh, ignore me. Continue, please.

Said Y/n definitely not looking around having a million and one thoughts running through his mind.

Ningguang: (Hmm... What is he thinking exactly? I can't make myself seem suspicious of him. For now I'll just continue. ) I have been gathering the funds necessary to build it from the time I've learned merchant's craft.

Ningguang: And since becoming the Tianquan, I've spared no efforts in hiring the best craftsmen to constantly extend it. At first, it was but a size of a small room, now it's large enough to boot out the moon in the skies from Liyue. One day, I believe it will overshadow all seven nations.

Y/n: (Imagine if it falls on the city... That's a lotta destruction. I'll let her have her moment for now. It's best if she's in a good mood, then Boom-shaka-laka-fuck! I said it... )

Ningguang: Not many from outside Liyue earn the right to ascend to the Jade Chamber. But I have been in correspondence with the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, who spoke quite highly of you. As such, I've been putting eyes and ears all around Liyue.

Paimon: What!?

Ningguang: Finally, I got wind of your movements when you were on the way to Wansghu Inn.

Paimon: Hold on... So Verr Goldet is one of your people?

A small chuckle espaces the Tianquan's mouth.

Ningguang: Just Verr Goldet? ... No. Everyone at Wansghu Inn is one of ours.

Paimon: *Screams in Paimon*

Y/n: Cool power showcase, but.. I think you know why exactly I'm here. "Someone you may know". Where is Lumine?

Ningguang: Ah.. I'm afraid you misunderstood something.

Y/n: ... Ex... Excuse me?

Paimon: ...What? But we were sure! Lady Purple even told us it's a blonde woman!

Ningguang: Oh, haha... I've already told you about the Acting Grand Master, have I not?

Y/n: (This bitch... Okay, okay... Deep breathes... Zhongli told me that one of them is here... This old hag is clearly messing with me...) Oh... Ha... Ha... What a misunderstanding.

You couldn't help but let out a small growl in the end.

Paimon: (Sheesh... Y/n is very annoyed. Hopefully he doesn't punch her now.) Wait... What about at the Ballista? We're you peeking on us from here?

Ningguang: I'm afraid that peeking can be a little difficult from this altitude. But we still have out eyes and ears, so it's more than enough. You two are very interesting, of course I would take interest.

Y/n: So interested you'd use some interesting ways to get to us... Seems that you don't want us to side with the adepti. Care to share the full info here?

Crossing his arms, Y/N looked a bit more serious than usual.

Ningguang: Well, I wouldn't expect you to trust us, considering that you had far more interactions with the adepti. The reason on why I invited you here was to clear up some misunderstandings.

Y/n: Oh boy, I love clearing misunderstandings.

The woman proceeds to walk towards the edge of the platform.

Y/n: If you want to jump, go ahead. Do a flip on the way down though.

Ningguang: You live joking around, huh, Traveler?

Y/n: Part of who I am, I guess.

Slowly but surely, you joking her, standing next to her.

Y/n: (I can just push her off... But she'd probably fly because of some bullshit... Considering it though.)

Ningguang: I believe that you heard if the Archon War?

Y/n: Is this a test? I haven't done my revision yet.

Ningguang: Many gods walk this earth, and many long wars were fought between them that did not abade until 2,000 years ago. Much blood was shed, and many lives were lost. In the end, only seven victors remained din Teyvat. They built cities and nations on the corpses of the vanquished, and thus began the Era of The Seven.

She proceeds to look towards her right.

Ningguang: You can see Guyun Stone Forest from here, I trust? It is no natural rock formation-- those giant spears of rock, hurled by Rex Lapis during the war. Beneath the spears lie those cast down by Rex Lapis in those days: gods that failed to seize the title of Archon.

Ningguang: Not only is it true that gods may die, but so too has the membership of The Seven has changed over the last two millennia. Rex Lapis' passing is an unimaginable disaster for Liyue, but the order of The Seven will not collapse simply because of that.

The Tinaquan looks up in the skies, still continuing.

Ningguang: Another Lord of Geo will arise sooner or later, yet how are we to forget Rex Lapis? When the time comes, the relationship between the people of Liyue and the gods and the adepti will surely be different from before.

Ningguang: Even in a new era, the Liyue Qixing remain Rex Lapis' former subjects... Do you really think us are capable of having played a part in his demise? Of lacking the forsight to see the certain repercussions?

Y/n: (Well... Not anymore. Still fuck you though.) What about the Exuvia? I swear if you have a kink for that sh-

Ningguang: I do not!

Y/n: Oh, angree. (Did I talk about her weird tattoo on her thigh? Classic Chinese dragons. For some reason it strikes me as a birth mark... Don't know why.) I wanna know, why hide it?

Ningguang: Hm... That day at Yuijing Terrace-- it was so very sudden. Even I was cought completely off guard. You were there, you no doubt saw. But our enemy has long lain hidden within the harbor.

Ningguang: If we do not act against them now, they will surely gain the upper hand. Hiding the Exuvia was necessary maneuver to take initiative. To play the spider while out foes scurry about.

Paimon: Who's this enemy you're talking about?

Ningguang: What do you think, Y/N the Traveler?

Y/n: Ah... Gingerbread. (The Fat-Bois. They are after those Gnosis thingies. Wonder if Jean told her about this.)

Paimon: Wha- who!? What are you talking about?

Y/n: For someone who knows about food, I'm surprised you didn't get it.

Ningguang: Precisely.

Paimon: Huh!?

Y/n: Use your peanut brained, Pai.

Ningguang: The scenery here is fine... But the wind is a bot too strong, let's head inside. Please follow me.

Y/n: (Finally! Now onto seeing the layout.)


I'm...not even gonna question it.

Inside was a huge circular hall that has a downstairs. (pretty sure if you talk with the secretary, they give you talent level up mats).

The three were now downstairs, in quite a nice room for planning.

Y/n: (Small windows... It's basically a 50/50 if I'm able to fit in them... So far, no sign or sound other than the secretaries...)

Seeing your slight discomfort, the Tianquan proceeds to speak.

Ningguang: Be at ease, you two. Make yourself at home if you wish.

Paimon: Can we really!?

Ningguang: I have invited you two as friends. And when friends come over to play, our enjoyment comes first naturally.

Paimon: Wait... Isn't that the legendary wall!?

Pointed out Paimon as she looks towards where Ningguang puts her plans and then tears them.

You can't help but look at the one where it has a big ass red circle on it.

Ningguang: Why you've kept your ears on the ground, I see.

Paimon: That's because even the storytellers are talking about it... Everyone's after a piece from that wall. It's super famous!

Ningguang: That's because it contains Liyue's secrets, merchants have always been attracted to secrets. But those secrets of the mercantile world are not of interest to you, are they, Traveler? You're rattler special, and you're quite aware of that.

Y/n: (Clearly not showing me this out of kindness...) Get to the point.

Ningguang: Very direct. I like it... If possible, I'd like to have your trust.

Y/n: Well, I can't go around giving it away, I'm pretty sure it's earned.

Ningguang: True, true. A question. If you were to choose the more trustworthy person between myself and Keqing...

Y/n: No. None of ya, I just met you for goodness sake.

Ningguang: Keeping it a secret, huh? It won't hurt my feelings if you chose Keqing, don't worry.

Y/n: What part of what I said led you to believe that?

Ningguang: I originally thought she's a bit too... Hard-headed. With someone of her character on the Qixing. I've had some extra Messes to clean up behind the scenes. But after she said this: "The time of the adepti has passed, if even the Liyue Qixing don't want to face the truth, then what future is there for Liyue?"

Y/n: So she goes around talking in loop.

Ningguang: I won't deny that Rex Lapis' death seems advantageous for us.

Y/n: Didn't say that, but cool.

Ningguang: But for Liyue's sake, we can't allow ourselves to be shackled by rumors of our usurpation of power.

Y/n: It seems to me that the Fatui are trying to give the Qixing an extremely bad reputation.

Ningguang: Indeed. It seems like you understand situations faster than I thought. I called for the gag order and for the Exuvia to be hidden to temporarily stabilize the situation, and to also prevent a similar incident back in Mondstadt.

Y/n: (Jean must really trust her... But she never told me about one of the twins being here. Maybe Ning didn't tell her... Or am I putting too much trust in Jean? I hope not.)

Ningguang: With Rex Lapis' death, the Fatui have busied themselves wit many clandestine actions beyond their diplomatic remit. As the Tianquan, one responsibile for Liyue, I cannot be too concerned with appearances when opposing them.

Ningguang: Allowing the Rite of Parting to take place was also meant to buy us some time to take control of Liyue's administration.

Paimon: Ugh... It's exactly as Zhongli said. The Qixing only provided the venue for the rite so they could use us for their own ends. If only they knew-

Y/n: -How good garlic bread with avocado is... God damn.

Paimon: Oh, right! Exactly! Speaking of ends... Could Paimon say one other thing?

Ningguang: (What was she gonna say exactly... He still doesn't trust us.) Of course.

Paimon: Paimon's heard that anyone who sends a greeting gift, gets a little something in return... So, does that include us?

Y/n: (Nice.)

Ningguang: Well, we have made quite a trouble for you recently. How about this? You can pick any object here as you please, and you may take it with you.

Paimon: Yay! Paimon was just waiti G for you to say that! Now... Let's see.

Y/n: Anything in this room, huh?

Ningguang: Indeed.

Y/n: HmMMMmmmMm.

You were egazing intensely at the Tianquan.

Y/n: Well... What do you think, Pai.

Paimon: The source of the wall! Perfect choice.

Ningguang: Don't think about it...

Y/n: Loopholes.

Ningguang: ... You can take two objects from here... Just forget about it.

Paimon: Aww... Well, guess we will get some of these papers on the wall! Imagine how mucb they'd sell for! Even if they were as small as Paimon's fingernail!

Y/n: I'll take a look around for a bit.

Ningguang: Feel free to do so.

You start walking to the nearest shelf, the reason because there was something that mentioned "Crux" in it.

Y/n: (A gift from the leader of the Crux... Beidou if I remember right. Seems like she even got connections with them.)

The others weren't as important to you, just scrolls that do nothing for the plot.

Y/n: What is that...?

Pushing the scrolls away, you notice something... VERY familiar.

Y/n: Where did you get this?

You could feel her smiling behind you.

Ningguang: Ah, a friend of mine. She's quite nice... A bit chaotic from time to time.

What's the object you might ask... Well...

Y/n: I want to meet her.

Ningguang: Oh, I'm afraid she's quite busy. Maybe, you should finish what you're doing first. I'll talk with her later.

Picking up the flower, you turn back meeting the Tianquan with a smile on your face.

Y/n: (So she IS here. Lumine is quite strong, I doubt these fuckers are able to hold her... But why didn't she tell me that from the beginning, is this some kind of joke or what?) So, old hag. What do you want?

Ningguang: Wha-

Y/n: I don't have your alzheimer pills nor do I intent to reply myself. Get this over with, you clearly want to steer me somewhere to do your dirty work.

Ningguang: You were polite just a second ago.

Y/n: The past is nice to look at not live in, get this over with.

Ningguang: I'll let this one pass... You see...

The Tianquan proceeds to walk towards the wall that contains the shit load of papers.

Ningguang: I was originally planning to get the two of you there, even making a big red circle... That girl, Lumine, told me about your love for treasures so I thought it's best if I made it this way.

Y/n: Where exactly is she though?

Ningguang: She is helping out... Another ahem... "friend" of mine... These two can be something.

The Tianquan looks towards a shelf, the same that contains the gift from the Crux.

Ningguang: But it seems I underestimated you here, Traveler. Either way, we need your help. The Fatui are currently in that exact spot.

The woman points at the paper with the circle on it.

Ningguang: They seem to have quite the amount of Sigil of Permission, researching and copying them over there. If it wouldn't be too much to ask, I want you to check it.

Paimon: @_@ So much info at once...

Ningguang: Y/n the Traveler, what do you say? Will you help us in these trying times?

Y/n: Yare... This better be worth it in the end.

A smile curls onto the mature woman's face.

Ningguang: Don't worry, the two of you will be reunited. In the near future, the three of you will be back together.

Y/n: Hm... Well, guess I'll see you soon. Get me some choco milk when I'm back, okay?

Ningguang: Uh... Sure.

Y/n: Bàibài.

Alas, Y/N and his guide wave goodbye. As they walk back towards the entrance as Ningguang watches them fare off.

Y/n: (Even if she turns out to be lying... I could always find a way to get the adepti to help out. It's not surprising that the Fatui has more Sigil of Permission though considering Childe gave me one... All I know is that me and Childe are gonna argue, be it speech or fight... Or both.)

Y/n proceeds to jump off the Chamber, activating his trust Glider and heads towards wherever the fuck that place was.

Y/n: This mission is very long.



Soo... Been a while, huh? My bad.

I originally wanted to finish this chapter about four days ago... But I kinda got sick. I feel way better now though, so that's a plus.

Again, so sorry for the delay... And sorry if this wasn't as long as you'd want. I kinda wanted to post a chapter already. And felt as if this was a good point to end it.

And Y/n was not kidding... This is a very long mission.

Soo.... Have a cookie 🍪
This isn't a bribe I swear!

How was it though? Good? Bad? Just... What are you doing?

I wonder if I annoyed anyone with the ifunny watermark... I'm not deleting it until I get bullied enough to do so.

See ya!

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