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It's been a couple days since I been here and I think I been getting better at being the Spy, but still not as good as Thespio. I was really having fun. I even rarely had to use my powers, though I am a punching bag in this game, but Silver still beats me by a mile stone. The only two who know about them are Firebrand and Silver Quill, but they promise to keep quiet about it.

Anyway, in my Red Spy uniform, I'm walking with Firebrand and AnY, who is a earth pony with a brown coat, blue mane, has a hand holding the earth cutie mark, and is wearing the Demo gear.

Firebrand sighs and says, "Ugh, we been over this, I'm the medic. I get first pick because I started this team, why is that so hard to understand?"

AnY protests in thick German accent, "Look, my Germaneness is ze one thing I've got zat no one else has. And ze way you play ze Medic is a disgrace! I haven't seen you heal one pony since we started zis team."

"Well, I think he is a great medic." I say.

Firebrand smiles and I continued, "Besides, it just goes to show that the red team is the best, since nobody never actually gets hurt."

"He is still a disgrace" AnY says.

"Oh really AnY?" Maddie asks, an earth pony with with a light blue coat, gray socks, dark blue mane, a light bulb cutie mark, and wearing the Soldier gear along with a plaid scarf, trotting up to us in a much thicker Scottish accent,

"You want to talk about an absolute disgrace? Every time I hear you using a Scottish accent, it's like hearing horseshoes scraping a chalkboard!" she snapped at him, walking along with the us. "I'm the one who should be the Demo Pony on this team!"

"Yeah, and I shouldn't be ze Spy." I say sarcastically in a french accent.

"Yeah, you do better as a soldier." AnY says.

"Do you not know sarcasm when you hear it?" Maddie ask him.

Then Firebrand speaks up, "You know what, I don't give a flying feather about your accent not matching your class, I'm not about to treat you differently because of your race."

"Ditto to that." I say in my normal voice.

The two of them looked at us in shock and AnY says, "Oh... wow... when you put it like that, yikes."

"Besides, you should count your blessings, at least we didn't get Antony C as anything. I mean, you guys screwing up your accents is funny." Firebrand points out.

"We don't ever want to hear an Australian trying to do a American accent ever again." I say and he nods.

Suddenly the speakers turn on and I could hear Dusty Katt's voice, with an Australian accent, say, "Well, what about an American trying to do an Aussie accent?"

Then he comes crashing down. He has a tan coat, a black and gray mane, but his tail orange instead of gray, a dumbbell cutie mark, has a Australian hat, and baggy brown shorts. on his eyes, there is fluorescent mascara like King Sombra. he's also wearing the Alicorn Amulet, and somehow he has chest hair.

"G'day." He says smiling wickedly.

We all look at him, then we all recover from our shocks very quickly. I pull out my Revolver, Maddie pulls out her Sword and AnY pulls out his Grenade Launcher.

Maddie yells, "Kill him!"

Firebrand, about to pull out his own weapon, gets a falcon punch in the face by Dusty Katt sents him literally flying into the distance, much to our surprise. I just started running towards the base to warn Dr. Wolf.

Behind me, I could hear Mad Munchkin yell, "Run!"

I finally got to the base and found Dr. Wolf. "Doc! We got a problem!" I say.

He was about to ask, but then Firebrand come crashing down and says weakly, "Medic."

"What on earth is going on out there?" Doctor Wolf ask in shock.

Suddenly, Silver and Keyframe burst in through the door, but Silver was cover in black shoot. He comes up to me.

"Are you alright Writer? What was that crash I heard here?" Silver asked.

I looked at him, but I couldn't help stare at the black shoot.

"EliYora needed something to burn and I was the closest thing, it wasn't pretty ." Silver answered.

I nod and say, "I'm fine and Firebrand will explain." I pointed to Firebrand, who was in pain. As Keyframe, a tall unicorn with a light orange coat, a red poofy mane, a pad and stylus pen cutie mark, and has the Medic gear on, heals Firebrand as he explains. I look out the window to see AnY and Mad Munchkin running.

AnY crys, "Run for your lives!"

Suddenly they run into Crimson Blaze, a red unicorn with a black mane, a cartoon human face cutie mark, and is wearing the blue soldier gear, and Eliyora, a unicorn with a brown, purple mane, a scroll with a magnifying glass cutie mark, and is wearing the red Pyro gear, but without the gas mask.

"Whoa, whoa, where's the party at guys?" Crimson asks.

They are in such a panic, that they are saying one word at a time, which to me, surprisingly made sense. AnY started, then Mad Munchkin,


"Chest hair."


"Alicorn Amulet."

"HELP!" They both scream and then they both run off.

Crimson then turns towards at Dusty and says, "Never fear, Crimson Blaze is here! Have at thee."

Crimson shoots a missile, but then Dusty catches it and crushes it like a can.

"Uh, uh...oh boy." Crimson says as Dusty casually walks up to them.

"Please sir, may I have another." Dusty says smirking.

Eliyora asks sarcastically as she pulls out her flame thrower, "Got any more bright ideas?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah, totally, I just, uh, um, " Crimson stutters, then shoots another missile.

Eliyora sighs.

"And that is how Equestria was made." I hear Firebrand say.

I turned back to Firebrand, who was now heal, and who also finished telling Dr. Wolf, Silver Quill, and Keyframe what happen, though I don't how that last sentence corresponds with the situation.

Dr. Wolf says, "This isn't good, we need a plan of attack."

Suddenly KP, a blue pegasus with yellow and brown mane, a three card cutie mark, and wearing Scout gear, running out the door, yells, "Attack!"

"No, wait!" I shout, but it was no use.

There were couple of explosion.

Then KP comes back, beaten up, and she says, "Yeah." then faints.

Keyframe growls, I can see the steam coming out of her ears, and begins healing her.

"First, we need is a plan to stop everyone from attacking." Keyframe says in frustration.

"Wait, wait, wait." Silver Quill says, "That a option? We can just, not fight, like not stab me or saw off my limbs."

Firebrand backs away and Dr. Wolf says, "Silver."

"Yeah, like not hitting me with grenades or set me on fire as well." I add.

Lighting Bliss, a white alicorn with a black and rainbow mane, a rainbow heart with a black lighting bolt down it, and wearing Heavy gear, had entered into the room, but when she hears my complaint, she looks down embarrassment.

"Writer." Dr. Wolf says.

"Or gloat and say mean comments that really hurt us on the inside." Sliver says with tears in his eyes.

"You guys." Dr. Wolf says losing his patient.

"Agree, totally uncalled for and..." I get interrupt when, "SILVER! WRITER!" Dr. Wolf shouts.

"Yes?" Silver ask.

"I will schedule a counseling appointment tomorrow." Dr. Wolf says.

"We like that." Silver admits.

I turned to the window to see Voice of Reason, a earth pony with a light green coat, a green and brown mane, a scroll cutie mark, and wearing Sniper gear, and Goldenfox still outside.

"Sorry mate, only one American is allow to do a bad Australian accent around here." Voice says in the accent.

As Goldenfox rolls his eyes, Voice shoots at Dusty and some how Dusty catches it in his mouth. Goldenfox's jaw dropped. He started to walk backwards.

"Oh, come on! That is physically impossible!" Voice shouts in his regular voice.

Dusty spits the bullet at Voice as he continues, "The bullet still has the shell casing on it. That is totally..."

He didn't get to finish, for the bullet hit him square in the forehead and sending him flying past Ink Rose, a red pegasus, with a brown mane, a fountain pen and pencil cutie mark, and wearing Scout gear.

"He got another one." I call out to Keyframe and she groans.

I hear Goldenfox then says, "Oh, forget that noise."

Then he flies back to the base. Once everyone was inside the base and Voice was healed, Dr. Wolf says, "All right, everybody is accounted for and no one is going to leave to do something drastic," cough cough, KP, cough cough, "Dusty Katt is on his way and we need a plan."

"Okay, I got it." Crimson says.

"Does it involve shooting him again?" Goldenfox asks rolling his eyes.

"No, but did involve light sabers, a Hulkbuster suit, and a CGI Army that Peter Jackson and Michael Bay would love." Crimson says.

Goldenfox, Eliyora, and I just look at him and Crimson confess, "Okay, I got nothing."

"We can always sacrifice Silver Quill and Ms. Writer." KP says.

"Wow, didn't even try to softball that one." I say.

"Okay, how is tha going to work?" Ink Rose asks.

"Have you seen any of my videos, Silver Quill getting kill always solves the problem and Writer always seems to heal fast," I tensed up. "so it can totally work. Plus it helps that they're always wearing red." KP explains.

"Egads, she right. Once agains, our fashion sense undoes us." Silver says and I relax, then nodded.

Suddenly Thespio, unicorn stallion with a blue coat, a brown mane, a theatrical masks cutie mark, and wearing Spy gear, decloaks and he says in a french accent, "Everyone, let's all calm down. We know Monsieur Katt is using the Alicorn Amulet and since he is un Earth Pony, it bolstered his already impressive strength, stamina and endurance"

"And chest hair." Mad Munchkin pipes up.

"And chest hair, thank you, I-" he paused as the statement clicked in his mind.

He shuddered in disgust. As well as I.

He clears his throat and says, "Ze point is, he has ze Amulet, and since we are lacking in voodoo zebras and doorstops, we need a new approach."

"How about have a alicorn fight him." I suggest.

"Yeah, Dusty using the Alicorn Amulet, then all we need is the power of a Alicorn to match it." Sweetie Bloom, a pegasus with a pink coat, a blonde mane, a paw print cutie mark, and wearing Demo gear, says.

"Zat is a very plausible theory." Thespio says, "But who do we know zat-"

Everyone goes quiet. All heads snap toward Lighting Bliss. She looks at us and her eyes widen in shock.

"Oh, no. Oh, nonononononononono." She says. "Have you seen my mini series guys? I am the worst Alicorn you could look at. I have no magic. Get somebody else to go out there, I ain't doing it." She turns away from us shaking her head.

"You have magic Bliss." Eliyora says walking up to her, "And lots of it. In fact your chaotic and unpredictable magic maybe just the thing to smack down the Alicorn Amulet. Your magic defines logic and breaks rules, maybe it can break the amulet rules? Either way, you're our best shot right now."

Bliss gulps and sighs. "Alright."

She walks over to Goldenfox, holds out her Heavy gun, and says, "Hold this."

"No, wait!" Goldenfox tries to protest, but she already dropped it in his hooves and he falls forward.

There was a crack in his back. I quickly went over to him and take it out of his hooves.

"Mate, do you even lift?" Crimson asks teasingly, "I mean, come on, Writer can lift more than you."

As he laughs, Goldenfox says, "Go (fluttershy yay) yourself." and gives him the bird with his wings.

"You know, with your powers, you could fight him." Silver whispers to me.

"I don't know. It's just fire, beside, I don't want to actually hurt Dusty."

Silver nods and says, "Fair enough."

We all watch Bliss marche right out there and faces Dusty and a sort of western theme stand. She growls, charges up her horn, and she loses her pupils.

The was a moment of stillness, til Dusty says, "Ello, Darlin."

That makes her stop short. Lighting Bliss sputtered in fear, before bursting into tears, and zipping back to the base at full speed.

"HE SCARES ME!" she screams with tears streaming down her face.

She then runs into the other room.

"And our best shoot took off at top speed. I guess rainbows don't always shine." Eliyora grumbles.

I smack her upside the head.

"So, we're all beaten up, we manage to make a little girl cry, and we're all about to die, most likely starting with me." Silvers says.

"Or me." I say.

"Third worst day ever." Silver says.

"What's your first?" I ask.

"You don't want to know." He says.

Then Finn the Pony, a earth pony with a blue coat, his blonde mane covered by a Finn the Human hat, a sword cutie mark, and wearing Engineer gear, comes up with a tray of drinks and ask, "Hey who wants a drink?"

Everyone looks at him in confusion and then Goldenfox ask, "Do you, not know what's going on?"

"Hey, all I know is that Blissey was crying, I gave her a hug, and made her some tea, and I didn't want you guys to feel left out." Finn says, then starts rummaging through the drinks. "So grab them while they're cold, or hot, or whatever temperature this should be."

"Make me a caramel frappuccino, no coffee, cream base please." I say.

"Dibs on the purple stuff." Voice says.

"I'll take a cider, nonalcoholic." Ink Rose says.

"I'll take a cider, all of the alcoholic." KP says.

"I want my shake." Crimson says.

"I'll take galactic gargle blaster." Thespio says.

Goldenfox sigh and says, "Coffee, cream and sugar."

"Coming right up." Finn says.

As I take a sip, Sweetie Bloom, who was drinking some cider, says in attempted Scottish accent, "Aye we're 'avin' a right 'hootenanny 'ere, I completely forgot our tatties are all outside with the evil mustachioed Aussie out the crack of the door. Hold the phone."

She stops short to see Mad Munchkin looking at her, who, by her perplex face, is trying to figure what accent that was.

"What?" Sweetie Bloom ask.

"Look everypony, there's something not right about all this. Dusty wouldn't just come down here all on his own, we need to..." Dr. Wolf was interrupted by Keyframe saying, "Eh, eh, eh! What are we all crying about? There's seventeen of us and only one of him. We all march out there as a group, we got this easy."

Ink Rose pipes up, "Yeah, this isn't call Team Fortress 2 for nothing. Just got to get our heads in the game and beat him together. Who with me?"

Everyone cheers, grabs their weapon and heads for the door. Well, except for me, Firebrand, and Dr. Wolf.

I stop Sliver and say, "Don't do this, something doesn't feel right."

"Don't worry, I take any kind of blow." He says smiling.

I sigh and released him.

"Wait, please! You don't know what you're doing!" Dr. Wolf calls out.

"Thanks for the newflash, slowbro!" Silver calls over his shoulder.

Dr. Wolf looks at us and ask, "You're not going out there with them?"

"Hey, I just got falcon hook through a building! I'm not going back out there to heal a bunch of suicidal morons." Firebrand says, taking a sip of his juice.

"Even though Ms. Rose is out there with them?" Dr. Wolf asked hitting the right cord.

Firebrand dropped the bottle, shattering it. He sputtered before growling in anger and going out there.

He turns to me and ask, "What about you, Ms. Writer?"

"Nah, given of what I seen, I think that they jinx it." I said opening the door to show everyone and Dusty. "Just look."

Dr. Wolf watches and suddenly comes a huge swarm of robots. Everyone mouths drop open and they start running back inside. Me, with my Butterfly Knife and Dr. Wolf, with his Rescue Ranger were the only two outside of the door.

"So, it begins." Dr. Wolf says before we head back inside.

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