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Once everyone was inside, Goldenfox block the door with a bunch of items, such as  couch.

He says to Silver Quill, "You know, you guys could have helped me with this."

He lets go of the couch and goes back on all fours. But then it fall on him making him see flying mini Twilight Sparkles around his head. I walk over to him and pull the couch off of him.

AnY then says, "Hey, listen, ze gate's clear. Maybe we can make a break for it!"

"And you jinxed it." I say.

True to my word, the robots throws out an explosion that causes rocks to fall in front of the entrance. We see a bunch of different robot army fighters past by and saying random things, like flying soldier robots.


"Flying soldiers!? Those weren't even in the original game, how the heck are we supposed to escape those?" Voice ask in panic.

"Don't worry guys. As long as we have the respawn generator, we sentially can't die. We can still win! We're immortal!" Ink Rose says.

"Stop jinxing it!" I yell.

Then the lights go out and Dusty says, "You mean, this respawn generator?"

Keyframe laughs nervously. "Yeah, yeah, that's it, why don't you see that's uh, That's uh, nice, EVERYBODY DUCK!"

We all hit the deck and the generator comes crashing in. It powers down and Ink says, "Well..."

I see Firebrand heading into another room and I follow.

"So, who uh, doc. What's the plan you come up with to get us all out of here?" Firebrand asked a little nervous.

Dr. Wolf hold up a map of the Badlands and sighs.

"Doc? You have a plan, right?" Firebrand asked again.

Dr. Wolf still kept silent.

"Doc, I don't know if you notice, but Hugh Jackman out there has destroy the respawn generator and is currently on his way to kill us! We need a plan now!" Firebrand yells in panic.

"Please tell you have one, cause I think Firebrand is going to suffer from an anxiety attack." I say, while trying to calm Firebrand down.

"I have a plan." Dr. Wolf says.

Firebrand says in confusion, "Eh?!"

"It's very risky," He says, "given the alternatives, I believe it's the best chance we got."

Dr. Wolf looks over his PDA and sets up his Level 2 Sentry.

"We'll take anything at this point, Pincer attack," Firebrand starts.

"Bullhorn formation," I add.

"Enders gambit," Firebrand also adds.

"We don't care!" We both shout at the same time.

Dr. Wolf stops and ask in surprise, "How do you even know those terms?"

"What? We read." I say.

Dr. Wolf sighs again and says, "There is little time you two. Just focus your efforts on keeping everyone alive. Rally their spirits, keep the robots from overwhelming the position," He puts his Sentry back into a box. "and above all slow Dusty down as much as possible."

"Hang on, you're not staying here with us?" Firebrand ask.

The doc packs up a mini Sentry. "Once you..." The doc hesitate, "if you see the signal flare, head back in here, you'll know what to do."

"Okay, and what if you don't send out the flare, what's plan B?" Firebrand ask.

The doc sighs, closes the open door in front of him, and says, "Leave the heavy equipment behind, and save as many as you can."

Dr. Wolf picks up his Rescue Ranger.

"Doc, what's with the huge shifting tone here?" I ask now a bit worry.

The he place a paw on both of our shoulder. "Lead them on, Firebrand and Writer, you two are the only ones who can now." And then Dr. Wolf walks out the room, closing the door.

There is silence, til Firebrand says, "Well, that's not funny at all."

"I don't think he was trying to be." I say an raise eyebrow,  but he shrugges.

We go back into the other room and Firebrand starts, "Okay everybody, we kind of..."

Then Lighting Bliss interrupts and says, "Oh, Luna. They're not smiling. We're doomed, we're doomed!"

"We're going to die!" Ink cries out and then comes full panic mode.

"QUIET!" I shout.

That gets them to stop and I say, "We have good and we have bad new. The good news is we have a plan that might work on getting us all out of here alive."

Then Firebrand brings the second part of it up, "The bad news is, we have to fight."

"Wait, where's Dr. Wolf?" Finn ask.

"He's, uh... working on the plan to get us out of here." Firebrand explains.

"What plan? Pincer attack, Bullhorn formation, Enders gambit?" Sweetie Bloom ask.

We look at her and Firebrand says, "Okay, I'm a train soldier."

"And I'm a bookworm." I say.

"How do you even know those terms?" He asks.

"What? I read." She answers.

"Anyway he intrusted us with holding the fort while he...executes the plan." Firebrand says.

The Crimson speaks up, "Wait, he left you and Writer in charge?"

"Well, yes, but..." I start, but then Thespio interrupts.

"With you, I can understand, but we're suppose to trust Firebrand? But he hasn't done a single thing to help either teams." He scoffs and says, "Why, if I were in charge, I have us storming the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripalee."

Then Mad Munchkin pipe up, "And just like that, we lost the military brony and the sage brony."

"Why you stuck up, half witted..." Ink Rose starts and everyone starts fighting.

Then Keyframe comes up to us and says, "Writer, with due respect, I think the medics should lead. Firebrand and I know our team the best, in fact..."

She didn't get far, for me and Firebrand are tired of their behavior. I look at Firebrand and he nods. We look at Sliver and he smirks and nods. All three of us knew what would come next, but it was the only way to get them to listen.

We both shout, "Okay, ENOUGH!"

Firebrand turns into his Super Saiyan 2 side, in which his blonde mane turns longer and spikier, a golden aura with electricity crackling surrounds him, eyes turning teal.

I turn into my Devil side, which that my mane turns crimson orange, longer, and stands up a bit, my coat turns scarlet, and an orange aura of fire surrounded me crackling and popping like a wildfire, eyes turning red.

Everyone grows quite real quickly and Silver was hiding his smirk. We go back to normal, but our angry is still visible. My hair looks like it was fire, and Firebrand horn glew.

"We don't have a clue what he is doing, but Dr. Wolf intrusted this job to us!" I shout.

"I'm not entirely sure if he was in his right mind at the time, but by every PG euphemism I could think of right now, we'll see the job through or die trying!"

Firebrand shouts as well. Firebrand turns back into Super Saiyan 2 side and I turn back to my devil side and we both yell, "IS THAT UNDERSTOOD MAGGOTS?!"

They looked at us in shock, except for Silver. They knew Firebrand had a temper, but never seen him like this, and they never seen me this mad or my powers.

Keyframe gulps and she says, "Yes sir."

"Yes, ma'am." Thespio says.

"See, this is why they should have been the soldiers." Mad Munchkin whispers to AnY.

"And that explains so much of why Writer doesn't have any burns from the past battles. Heck, she could be a better Pyro then Eliyora." AnY whispers.

Eliyora then points her flamethrower at him, "Want to repeat that, medic wannabe?" She asks in a dangerous tone.

AnY gulps and squeaks out, "I'm good."

I pretend to not hear that conversion as Firebrand turns to the Scouts.

"Ink and KP, you need to bonk and move behind the robot lines to distract Dusty. Dingle a door in front of him, we don't care, just keep him from getting here by any means necessite." Firebrand says.

"Heh, I got the bonk." Ink says.

"I got the doughnuts." KP says.

"Best job ever." They both say and brohoof, er, sishoof.

"Snippers, you targets are the one targeting Firebrand or Keyframe. Your objective is to keep them alive." I say to Voice of Reason and Goldenfox.

"Heh, I do that already, peice of cake." Goldie says smirking.

Then Voice ask, "Huh, it's kind of meta when you think about it. In any particular reason why?"

"We're prime targets being that we're keeping everyone else from dying." Firebrand explains.

"Oh, so you're finally getting the cobwebs off your medigun." Keyframe says sarcastically.

"Shut it." We both say.

I turn to Sweetie Bloom and AnY, "Demos, your mid range. You do the most burst damage and if anything gets close enough to you, use your sword when ever you can for the speed and health boost."

"Ya! Stabby!" Sweetie cheers and starts swinging her sword around.

AnY had to duck from being decapitated and then he ask, "If we die..."

"Then it's your fault." Sweetie walks off humming.

"Give me a second." AnY take out a bottle of nonalcoholic cider and drinks the whole bottle.

He throws it to the ground, his cheeks turn rosy, and says, "Okay, I am ready."

"Alrighty then." Firebrand says, then turns to Crimson and Maddie. "Soldiers, you long range. You do precise area damage at a distance. We need you guys to bottleneck the groups before they get close, light the dastards up."

"You got it. This time," Crimson says and he gets a determine look in his eyes in which he adds, "it's personal."

"And are you going to fight with or without aimbot this time?" Mad Munchkin ask raising a eyebrow.

"Oh, come on. I'll have you know, I know exactly what I'm doing this time. I got better-" He stops for a moment and then finishes, "-ish."

"Well, you're more competent than Thespio," Maddie says and Thespio makes a metal gear reference,  "So we're not entirely doomed."

"Hey." Crimson says.

"Shut it, red and black OC." I say and turn to Silver Quill and Lighting Bliss.

"Heavies, your keeping the perimeter. Any bot that tries to break off, you need to turn them back or turned them into scrap."

"Oh, hey, I understood that reference." Silver says getting a confused look from Lighting.

"Come Cutie Mc Slaughter." Silver says to Bliss and she shrinks back.

"And Silver." He turns back to me. "Bliss may be a Heavy, but she is not durable as you, so try to absorb as much bullets as possible."

"Urge to hate, rising." He growls.

"Aw, my hero." Bliss says and hugs Silver.

He grows a blush on his cheeks.

"Fading." Silver says.

Just so you know, the longest grudge to be held on Bliss lasted 0.35 seconds.

Bliss then jumps on his back and says, "Hi ho Silver, away!"

"Okay, don't push it." Silver says.

"Eliyora, we need to keep you from front line fighting as much possible as we can't afford the medic in too much danger. Check for Spybots and support everyone with air blasting as much as you can. With that being said, feel free to go safely nuts." Firebrand says.

"Su-sa-safe?" Eliyora ask trying to pronounce the word.

"Ugh, stay near us, but burn everything that's not us." Firebrand says.

"Oohh, okay, can do." She says, but then adds, "Maybe."

"Thespio, we need to target giants, we won't have our Scouts with us so that falls under us to slow them down." I say, then ask, "How good are you playing the part of the robot?"

Thespio gives his impersonation, with his pupils gone and in a robotic voice, he says, "Beep, boop, I am a robot. All your base are belong to us, maggot."

"Oh, my gosh." Firebrand says.

Eliyora face plant in her hoof groaning. Ink giggles.

"It'll do." Firebrand says and turns to Finn, "Finn, I need you to..."

"Way ahead of you, sir and ma'am!" he said, showing he'd already built a Level 2 Sentry and a Level 3 Dispenser, ready to be picked up, "Dispenser and Sentry set up at the chokepoint, ready to hold the line!"

Then the Bob the Builder theme song began to ring out. Finn pulls out his PDA, and looks at it, "Oh. Actually, change of plan, looks like the Doc requires my gear elsewhere. Oh well." he said, packing up his equipment while Firebrand just stares.

"At least after this, I'll have some guns to go with my sword." Finn says as he leaves the room and Firebrand says nervously, "Al-alright everyone, don't panic."

But knowing him, on the inside, all of his emotions are panicking and his fear emotion cries out, "We're gonna to die!"

On the outside though, his eyes are crossed and he's drooling. I wave a hoof in front him.

"Firebrand?" I ask in hoping to bring him back.

"He's just staying there." Crimson says.

KP picks up the rock and ask, "Does anyone mind?"

I was about to protest, but then she says, "Well, I guess not." She throws the rock and Firebrand comes back to his sense.

"Gah! Okay, minor adjustment, we won't have engineers with us so keep in mind that we have limited access to ammo and health packs." Firebrand says.

Then I say, "Medics get priority on health pack and Heavy's get priority on ammo."

"Ya!" Silver says with excitement.

"And Lighting Bliss gets double priority." Firebrand quickly adds.

"Aw." Silver says with disappointment.

"Alright, that covers everything." I say.

"You have your orders, let's try not to die." Firebrand says.

"Yes sir and ma'am!" Everyone shouts and gets prepare.

"You know, just because Firebrand yells, doesn't make him that great leader. With Writer, I don't mind, but it still goes the same for her." I hear Keyframe mutter.

"Shh, shut up, our lives here are still at stake here all things considered." Thespio whispers to her.

"Doesn't mean we can't have an interesting subplot with some character development." Keyframe says.

"Oh, go bleep-bloop yourself." Thespio says.

"Heh, you barely know how to do that to yourself." Keyframe retorts back.

And that was a critical hit in his pride.

"Shut up." He says.

"Get, OUT THERE!" Firebrand and I shout in others our other forms.

"Yes sir! Yes ma'am!" Keyframe and Thespoi shouts and they run towards the door.

We wait for the right moment and me and Firebrand shouts, "NOW!"

And we all charge out the door. Crimson takes charge immediately, firing his Black Box, Maddie uses her sword skills at top speed, Eliyora airblasting projectiles back and melting robots into slag.

Thespio and I cloaked and uncloaked so fast it was almost as if we were teleporting, sapping and backstabbing as much as Thespio could using his gun when he needed to, keeping an eye on his surroundings, and me, using my fire powers to burn any bots that come near me or him, Voice, using the Huntsman, shots one arrow going through the heads of two Robot Scouts.

KP and Ink rushes to distract Dusty, Silver carrying Bliss on his back, the two of them firing in their own directions, gunning down robots and making sure to not hit any of the RED or BLU teammates, AnY's explosive pills and sticky bombs made the robots easy for Sweetie to decapitate them and get the health and speed bonus.

Keyframe and Firebrand are keeping the  team healed as much as possible, GoldenFox taking potshots trying to do as much damage as he could, Voice and Maddie take cover near Firebrand, who horn glowed as he created a golden dome of energy around them to protect them from an incoming rocket.

Throughout all this, I see Dusty Katt just watches the chaos, chuckling, "And I thought this was going to be boring." He cracks his hooves, "Let's rock." he says.

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