51 (BY ME)

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Beta-04 spent a good majority of the late afternoon examining the Celestial Blade. She, of course, polished it, sharpened it and tried a few experimental katas with it. All in all, it was a phenomenal sword, but--admittedly--Beta-04 was a bit intimidated about using it in real combat. Beta-04 was used to wielding Oath Keeper, a single-edged, classic katana, this blade. . . this was a classic long-sword. A double edged blade, a weapon fitting a Prime. Or a knight. Something in that category.

Beta-04 then held the blade firmly, before she swung it. She felt the power generate up through her body, making her spark hammer violently. Beta trembled at that, such power with one swing. . .

"You're scared, aren't you?"

Beta-04 turned to see Stormcharger standing in the doorway with a big smirk on his face. Beta-04 straightened up a little bit, "Hey." she greeted, "What's up?"

Stormcharger hummed, before he spoke, "Come with me." he motioned with his arm.

Beta-04 sighed, and walked after him, knowing this wasn't going to end well for her, she followed her sensei out into the main room where she saw Nebula chatting happily with Smokescreen, the surrogate mother smiled a bit.

Nebula looked over, and smiled, "Mom? Where are you going?"

Beta-04 looked to her daughter, then to Stormcharger who was punching in coordinates into the. GroundBridge, before she shrugged, "Meh, beats me." she said simply.

Nebula cocked a brow before she spoke, "Can I come?" she asked, her optics brightening.

Beta-04 opened her mouth to respond, but Stormcharger beat her to it, "No." he said simply, "It'll be too dangerous."

"Wait, dangerous?" Beta-04 asked, turning to face him, "Sensei, where are we going? And what are we doing?"

Stormcharger turned to his student with a stern expression, "We are going to break you, to unleash the power you seemingly cannot connect with."

" . . .Eh?" Beta-04 blinked in shock, "D-did you just say. . . break me?"


Beta-04 squared up a little bit, "How . . .do you plan on doing that?" she asked.

Stormcharger turned to her, "You are a brilliant fighter, Kid. But, you often pull your punches, or avoid certain forms of conflict. You're afraid you may be too powerful." he folded his arms over his chest.

Optimus, who was working at the monitors, looked up upon hearing this, as did the kids. Nebula blinked in surprise before turning her eyes to Beta-04, "Mom, is he serious?"

Beta-04 rubbed the back of her neck, "Let's. just say I'm way stronger than you may think." she said simply, "I just don't want to go out of control and wind up hurting someone." She shrugged.

Nebula's gaze hardened, "Then I wanna come too!" she said assertively.

Stormcharger arched a brow, "Nebula, I told you-"

"Yeah, but I wanna see! Maybe I can learn something!" Nebula's wings flapped a bit as she tried to get her point across.

Stormcharger blinked, before he turned his gaze to Beta-04 who merely chuckled as her mask clamped down over her face, "Let her come, otherwise she'll be nagging us about it for the next week." she joked as she pulled the GroundBridge lever and the portal sparked to life.

"Hey." Nebs folded her arms and pouted before she yelped as a set of powerful arms scooped her up She looked up to see Stormcharger grinning down at her before he tossed her over her shoulder. Poor little Nebula squirmed as her wings flapped, "H-hey!! I can walk, y'know!!" She exclaimed.

Smokescreen covered his mouth he and the kids snickered at Nebby's predicament, Optimus arched a brow, blatantly confused before he shook his helm and went back to his work.

Nebula continued to struggle as they came out into a desert. She looked up to see the moon shining over head, and a freezing wind whipped up huge amounts of sand that lodged into her optics, making them itch horribly. Beta-04 looked around, feeling the wind scrape her armor, she then looked over and snorted in laughter as Stormcharger dropped Nebula face-first into the sand.

"Pfftt! Hey!!" Nebula sat up and spat out sand, "The frag was that for?!"

"Just for shits and giggles, I'd wager." Beta snickered.

Nebula growled and folded her arms Stormcharger then turned to Beta-04 and his hand assumed it's weapon form, a gigantic gold battle axe.

Beta-04's posture stiffened before she reached for her blade, "Oh, shi--!" She didn't get to finish as a punch jammed into her gut.

Nebula watched with wide eyes as the force from the hit sent Beta-04 flying into the next sand dune. Beta-04 let out a gagging gasp as energon spurted from her mouth before she lay on her back in the sand, gasping for air. Stormcharger huffed as he rotated his shoulder and flexed his digits. Nebula stared with her jaw hanging open and her optics bugging out of her head.

Beta-04 sat up and huffed, "Ok . . . so this is what he means by breaking me . . ." she looked up and yelped seeing her sensei come charging down the hill like a freakin avalanche! Beta pulled the Celestial Blade and blocked his axe with a loud yell of effort.

Nebula watched from her place on the sand dune as Beta-04 was given such a thrashing. She watched Stormcharger as he moved with such violent speed and grace. Nebula winced with every hit Beta either took or managed to block. It was like a constant roar of a canon being fired with every single strike.

That's when the yelling started.

Beta-04 was getting her rhythm and beginning to gain ground on him when Stormcharger came in with a violent kick to the face, "Let out your anger!" he roared, his voice surpassed even Optimus'.

Nebula watched as she covered her mouth. Why was he doing this? Hadn't Beta-04 suffered enough? She yelped as Beta was violently thrown, sending her rolling across the sand. Her body covered in dents and her arms were covered in cuts from blocking Stormcharger's battle axe.

Nebula stood up and took a step, "Stormcharger, what are you doing?!" she screamed, her voice echoing over the sands.

"You stay out of this!" The huge mech boomed before he grabbed Beta-04 by her face and pulled her up, "As for you," he grabbed her face and ripped her mask clean off, "Break your bonds, Cyborg, and FIGHT!"

Beta-04's mask fell to the sand with a soft thud, and Beta-04 stared up at him, energon running down her split lip, her eyes were wide, before her grip rightened on her blade and her teeth grit.

Nebula watched as Beta-04's markings on her arms and legs flickered before they began to glow, her cybertronian optic began to glow, before she let out a violent scream and with one solid punch to the face, Stormcharger was sent flying over 300 yards. into a sand dune with a huge crash.

Nebula turned her eyes to her. mother and her eyes went wide at the sight. The Celestial blade rested in her palm, and it was glowing, whips of energy drifted from it, as she straightened and from her back, two bulges formed, her teeth grit again as she let out another blood-chilling scream.

Stormcharger stumbled to his feet and bolted over to Nebula, "Down!" He tackled her to the sand.

Nebula looked up at the older CyberNinja who had a huge cut over his left optic, as an explosion rocked the earth "What did you do to her?!" she screamed.

Stormcharger merely smirked, "Letting her see that she's more than she gives herself credit for." He got off her, "See for yourself."

Nebula shot to her feet, and ran to the edge of the sand dune and gasped at what she saw:

Beta-04 was covered in markings in a language that was long since forgotten, the blade held firmly in her hands and . . . from her back . . . sprouted two huge bat-like wings made of shimmering energy. They were energon blue, and the membranes between each muscle piece shone like that of a nebula.

"M-Mom . . .?" Nebula breathed out.

Beta gasped before she collapsed on her front and her wings vanished.

Stormcharger chuckled, "That is the power that has been kept within her. The power of an Angel." he smirked, "Now, let's get her back to base."

Nebula numbly nodded.

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