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In a semi dark room, sits Thanatos, looking rather bored, he taps his Beowolf clawed right hand, his white irises eyes shining in the dark, "Son, do you know why you are here?" asks Obsidian as he turns his chair facing his son in the slight dark, "Hmm, I don't think so." says Thanatos smugly, continuing to tap his clawed fingers on the desk, "You are here because, you attacked three students, the one who angered you, all she did was touch your shoulder." says Obsidian, "That's not all, they also made fun of me." says Thanatos, Obsidian stops, "Did they make fun of your deformities?" asks Obsidian as he motions to Thanatos's tail and his arm, Thanatos nods, Obsidian opens a drawer and brings out a long arm sleeve, "Use this, it will help." says Obsidian, at that Thanatos reaches out with his Grimm arm, and as soon as he touches the fabric, the arm turns into a Deathstalker claw and rips it up, with only four snaps, "I don't care." says Thanatos, as he stands up, and gets ready to leave for the hole on the floor, "Thanatos, I am sorry about this, but you have been assigned a team today." says Obsidian as he gets up from his desk and follows his son to the hole, "You know I don't want to work with people." says Thanatos as he looks rather displeased with the very thought of having a team, "I know, but now, lets get home, your mother is going to kill us if we don't, especially since we are having dinner with... your aunts..." says Obsidian as he looks tired of being joked on at times, at that Thanatos nods and jumps through the hole, growing Grimm Dragon wings as falls, Obsidian does the same, except he grows Nevermore wings instead, once they both land, they start to head for the doors, "Father, in case you have forgotten, Beacon might not accept me." says Thanatos, Obsidian smiles in the dark, "Who says you transferring to Beacon?" says Obsidian as the Emblem on the floor is seen in Black, Grey and Gold of a grey Skull and two  black bladed gold handled Khopesh's making an X behind the skull, with the blades pointing downward, "This Is Oblivion Academy!" says Obsidian as he walks out the doors, with his son, leaving the black Gothic castle, passing the black and golden Pyramid to their left, and the red and black Shinto like shrine building to their right, going through the forest, passing packs of Grimm, leading to the elevator.

Once they reach the outside and close to the Grimmson Manner, Obsidian looks at Thanatos, "Son, at least try and smile..." says Obsidian, Thanatos nods, and makes a rather unconvincing smile, once they reach to the door of the manner, it opens, and behind the door is a rather angry Yang, with Grimm spikes coming out of her back, "Why are you two late?" says Yang as she holds a broken spoon, being crushed by her hands, "Honey, it's simple our son, got in trouble, so I had to Talk to him." says Obsidian as he nudges Thanatos who only sighs and puts his hood back on, "Whatever." says Thanatos, Yang smacks Obsidian's face, and then Thanatos's face, both feeling the pain, "Yang, just let them in." says Ruby as she pops her head out from behind Yang, "Fine, Dinner is ready anywa..." says Yang before she could finish as she stepped aside, Ruby ran to Thanatos and hugged him, "OH YOU HAVE GOTTEN SO BIG!!!!" says Ruby while Thanatos is choking, as Ruby got him in a big death like bear hug, Ruby then lets go of Thanatos and hugs Obsidian's arm, "Did you miss your favorite sister in law?" asks Ruby as she looks up to Obsidian, while he lifts his arm up,and Ruby just dangles from his arm, "Let me think about that pipsqueak of a sister in law, Hmmmm, Nope." says Obsidian as he ruffles Ruby's hair with his other hand, making Ruby smile, "Liar you missed me, Admit it." says Ruby, which makes Yang smile as she tries to hide the smile with her hand, "Oh, you smiled, I'm off the hook." says Obsidian as he gets closer to Yang while Ruby is still on his arm, he brings Yang close, and kisses her, making Yang blush and smile more as she kisses back, after dinner with the rest of Team RWBY, they all catch up, Thanatos just sits there being bored, as he then puts his headphones and listens to his music. (play the song now if you want to, it's basically a song that he associates with.) after all that everyone goes to retire for the night.

Thanatos wakes up rather depressed, gets dressed, and puts his headphones back in, and continues to listen to his music, as he goes downstairs he brings nothing but a dark shadow with him, as he then sits in the kitchen eating nothing more but a piece of toast, he glares outside, finding it to be rather warped and twisted, when he gets up, he walks to the window opening it, a small red bird flies into the house and looks at Thanatos, Thanatos smiles, and takes the crumbs from the toast and puts them in his hand, offering them to the little bird, the little bird chirps, and then hops closer to Thanatos's hand, the bird then happily chirps and hops on Thanatos's hand, making him smile, as the little bird starts to eat, a black liquid flows out of Thanatos's sleeve, "Corrupt." says Thanatos as the liquid pools around and under the little bird, the little bird starts to chirp for help as the liquid pulls it in, when the bird is finally under the liquid Thanatos's smile reaches ear to ear showing a more psychopathic look, a second later something emerges from the puddle, a small Nevermore, it takes flight and lands on Thanatos's shoulder, "That's better, I missed a little bit of darkness." says Thanatos as he nudges the Nevermore with his finger, it then takes flight again and flies out the window, now knowing the location of Thanatos's pack, he smiles briefly and wait by the door for his father, as soon as Obsidian comes down, he takes his breakfast on the go, and walks out the door waiting for his son, Thanatos walks out, letting his father lock the door, once that is done, they make their way to SHIP'S & OC'S, "So dad, who are my team mates?" asks Thanatos as he takes his headphones off with his left hand, "Oh your team mates are the three girls you attacked yesterday." says Obsidian as he then stops, while Thanatos continues to walk unaware of what will happen, three girls fall out of the sky two land on their feet with no problem, while the other lands on Thanatos. "GET OFF OF ME!!!!" yells Thanatos to the girl on top of him.

(this is Rin, loving, misunderstood, try and imagine her without the scar across her face, also imagine her with red eyes.)

"I' am so sorry, please, forgive me, oh you....." says the girl who landed on Thanatos, "Whatever princess girl." says Thanatos, "THAT'S NOT MY NAME IT'S RIN MUKADE!!!!!" says Rin as she gets off of Thanatos, Thanatos gets up rather angrily, "Whatever Rin." says Thanatos, he then looks to the two other girls, "And you two are?" says Thanatos, "I'm Terra Errow." says Terra rather shy

(Terra, she is constantly shy.)

"I'm Alexis." says Alexis as she fixes her glasses. (Alexis, kind of a nerd, loving.)

"And the four of you makes you, Team MATE" says Obsidian rather happy at the idea of the Team name and slightly ironic, "Really Dad?" says Thanatos unimpressed, as Obsidian starts to unlock the front doors to SHIP'S & OC'S, humming his Grimm mourning song, making Rin, Terra, and Alexis cry , the pain going past Thanatos, however it makes him feel starved, once Obsidian opens the door, the four walk in, Obsidian follows, turning the sign with his shadow to show that the shop is Open, they head to the kitchen for the elevator, as soon as they reach it, a true battle will begin underground.

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