Part 2 An Unraveling Fight.

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As Obsidian and the newly formed Team MATE reach the kitchen elevator in SHIP'S & OC'S, Obsidian presses the button, as soon as he does the doors open instantly, both Obsidian and Thanatos gesture for Rin, Terra, and Alexis in, the three girls kindly take the gentlemen like offer, and walked in, not aware of the danger of the elevator, that is until Obsidian and Thanatos walk in, Thanatos turns his arm into that of a Nuckelavee arm, that shoots to the button pressing the last button, labeled Sanctuary, at that the three girls feel their stomachs drop as the elevator falls its way down to the sanctuary, once the elevator reaches it's destination, and the doors open up, Alexis and Terra fall onto the ground feeling rather dizzy, while Rin leans against Thanatos, "................. Get off of me." says Thanatos as he uses his Grimm arm to lightly push her back, "H-hey, thats not f-fair!" says Rin as she stumbles, "Don't worry girls you will get used to the feeling." says Obsidian as he walks out, Thanatos walks out and as soon as he gets to a rock, an Ursa comes out of the forest, and nudges Thanatos, he smiles a little, "Look Umm, Thanatos, I want to say that I-I'm sorry for mocking you..." says Rin as she holds her hands behind her back, the Ursa gets close to Rin and starts to sniff her, she panics only a little, but calms down, showing that she isn't a threat, Rin smiles, "Whatever, just what is your semblances?" asks Thanatos as he turns around, showing no sign of a smile, "M-mine, is...."say Rin as she shows a little bit of fear, "I control earth." says Terra as she makes a pillar out of sand and stone, "I don't know what I do yet...." says Alexis shamefully, "Lets see, we have a earth bending girl, and two unsure, whatever." says Thanatos, "Oh, son, you are missing something, so much, I mean look at Rin, she's weak!" says Obsidian as his voice fills with lies, "Shut Up!" says Rin, as she clenches her fists, "Well, she does look scrawny, disturbing, and I doubt she can even fight." says Thanatos, while Rin clinches her fists trying to not let the rage over come her, she fights it but can't help it,she gives in, a bright silver light comes from her, as the light pulsates, another light is seen, a rather blood red light, extending from her back,

(yep thats right she can grow a Centipede like attachments, NOT A FAUNUS.) at that Obsidian pulls Terra and Alexis away from Rin, as she enters a psychotic pose, "Behold a Semblance like no other, Unraveling Nightmare." says Obsidian (Play the music now,) as Thanatos grows Grimm spikes, and summons to his hands two Grimm great bone swords, their blades blood red, with grimm smoke coming out of the blades, the handles bone white, he brands them in an X formation, waiting for Rin to attack, her head shifts on her shoulder, her eyes locking with Thanatos's, before Thanatos could eve blink, Rin shot herself forward, Thanatos locked his legs in place, and held the two blades up, Rin's Centipede like tail attack managed to scratch Thanatos only a little, he then slashed, and pinned the Centipede attachment to the ground, Rin lets out a horrifying scream that then turns into a horrifying laugh as a second attachment starts to grow out of her back, the second one shoots forward at Thanatos, Rin only smiles unaware that she is close to losing herself, Thanatos blocks the second attack, he then uses his blades to wrap the attachments and pulls her close, head butting her, making Rin fall back on the ground, entering an unconscious state, however it doesn't last long, she opens her eyes, and screams as she shoots up, unaware that her contact fell out, Thanatos stands over her, and crouches down to her level, looking into her eyes, "You have a silver eye...." says Thanatos, at that Rin opens her eyes wide, and blushes, Thanatos then opens his eyes wide and instantly covers his chest, he then backs up, and extends his now Beowolf arm to Rin, which she takes it gladly, at that they start to hear clapping, they both turn and see Obsidian slowly clapping his hands, "Excellent, this Team is worth it." says Obsidian as he walks past them, Rin, Thanatos, Alexis, and Terra look at each other, and decide to just follow, going through the woods, until they reach Oblivion Academy, some students already walking around in the courtyard, and the occasional Grimm roaming around, no one seems to be attacking, everything seems to be rather peaceful, probably due to this Academies rule on no such thing as Grades, students training with various weapons, Obsidian sighs and walks straight to the front doors, walks in, and before he closes the door, he tosses the Dorm keys to Thanatos, and closes the doors, going into his office set on the second floor, while Thanatos looks to his Team, and shrugs, going to find their dorms, entering the doors to the Gothic castle, as soon as they enter through the door, the key takes on an instant mutation turning itself into a Nevermore, and at that it takes flight, and flies down the hallway to their right, following the Grimm turned key, until it stops infront of a door numbered 17, the Nevermore then turns itself back into a key, which Rin then picks up, and sighs, "I guess this is our dorm..." says Rin as she puts the key in, it turns to the side immediately making Rin bring her hand back in shock, the door opens wide, showing a large living area, and two other rooms, each one bigger than how they look, Rin walks in and falls on the couch, feeling for the first time in her life, feeling safe, Thanatos just walked in and went into the kitchen, opening a window, letting in a breeze, at that a small black bird flew in through the open door missing Thanatos, and landed on Alexis's head, "What? Corvus what are you doing here?" asks Alexis, Corvus the small bird only chirps, seeming happy to be with Alexis, Thanatos then came back into the living room and looked at Rin laying down, and he put his hand to his chest again, feeling a rather strange feeling, "What the? something.... touched my Ribs..." says Thanatos as he walks into the bedroom to the left of the door, wanting to be alone, knowing that classes start tomorrow, the only questions are, will he be accepted, what is this feeling, and what happens next?

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