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A/N: 500 words and three long paragraphs of 'about time'...

Things are a little different in Kirstie's house now. She and Avi are finally in, they both know where they are and it's comfortable. They can sit on the couch together and watch a movie and he can put an arm around her and its comfortable. She can give him a quick peck on the cheek and vice versa and its okay, it's comfortable. Though Kirstie's bed is Kirstie's bed and they are not a couple, it's just comfortable.
     It becomes a little less comfortable when Avi finds out that Matt is going to see Kinky Boots before him. So Kirstie asked Matt but not him? Has she even asked Kevin? Somehow that's worse to Avi, she asked Matt but not Kevin? How frickin rude, and what about Mitch? He hasn't been either. Who does Matt think he is? Avi wants to hate him but he can't because Matt is too damn nice. He doesn't know why he's being like this either, of course Kirstie's asked Mitch and Kevin, they're probably just very busy. But Avi's not, Avi's sitting on his ass doing nothing more than walking Kirstie's dogs and cooking dinner. He's a house husband but they're not married, or even dating. It's all the boring stuff for no reward; he doesn't even get to see her god-damn show that he really really wants to see because he knows she'll be amazing!
     Maybe he should just man up and ask, get in there before Matt does. Realistically Avi should have gotten in there before Jeremy and even Scott; he lives with Kirstie for god's sake! Maybe he should just show up there, just go to the show, surprise her and take a pic with her like everyone else, that wouldn't be suspicious right? It's coming up to his birthday, his birthday present to himself could have been a trip to New York, nothing wrong with that, right? Other than it's still March, early birthday present just to beat Matt to the theatre. Avi doesn't want it to look like he cares less about Kirstie than everybody else, because that's not true, it's just, what will the fans think if Matt gets there first? He hasn't known Kirstie nearly as long as Avi has. And then it hits him, Matt is just going to one random show of hers, so did Scott, so did Jeremy, Avi's going to go to closing night, that'd show everyone! Closing night for Kirstie is her second most important show right after opening night. He is sure he's a genius in this moment; he even goes ahead and buys his ticket online. This is brilliant, truly brilliant, and he's not going to tell Kirstie, not yet.

A/N: Well I guess you can say that Avi's finally getting his act together, am I right? XD

Why do you think Avi is really comparing himself to Matt so much?


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