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A/N: Part 2 of the 2 part update I promised you guys for being so supportive this past week even though bugger all has happened :/ Thank you all the none the less for your efforts :)

Big chapter this one, average length, but big in importance.

Kirstie knew the first step to any situation like this is that the person needs to admit they have a problem, it can't just be screamed in their face (as easy as that is.)
     "What time will your parents get back?" Kirstie asks as they sit across the room from each other.
     He shrugs.
     "Do they know you're here?"
     He nods.
     She's getting frustrated, he hasn't talked in the last ten minutes, she needs to ask him a question he has to use words for, but she can't think of one. "Do your parents know about everything that's going- no actually, how much of everything that's going on do they know about?" She asks, smug smirk in place, proud of herself.
     But he just stares at her, then shrugs.
     Kirstie wants to scream. She gets up from her chair and runs at him, he is too slow getting up and she ends up slamming him against the back of the armchair. "How the fuck can I help you if you won't talk to me you asshole!"
     "I'm quite attracted to you right now," he manages to get out through the winding.
     Kirstie slams him back again, "Shut-up."
     "I thought you wanted me to talk!"
     "Yeah talk, not hit on me, moron."
     "Okay well this name calling is getting old Krustin."
     She captures his shoulders in a vice grip, "God help me Avriel I'm going to tip this chair up."
     He watches her, waiting, almost a stare down, scared green eyes locked with glaring brown. Kirstie knew he'll win on not blinking, but she has the scare factor, she is intimidating.
     "Sorry," he mumbles and she backs off, releasing his shoulders. "Why are you being so mean about this?" he asks.
     "Because being nice hasn't worked so far. Sure I cut you off but the other three were noting but kind trying to understand why you were starting to do what you were doing. Avi, seriously let's talk," she sits down closer to him, gesturing him onto the ground with her. They sit cross-legged in front of each other. "When do you think things started going south?"
     He speaks quickly, "When Trisha broadcast it."
     Kirstie resists the urge to roll her eyes, "Is that when you knew you had a problem?"
     Avi takes a while before he looks up to meet Kirstie's gaze. "That was exactly when I knew I had a problem," he speaks quietly, but with truth and hurt laced through his voice.
In that moment Kirstie wants to smile, she is happy that he'd taken the first step but this is far too serious of a situation to smile through. "Okay," she nods. He admitted something, he hasn't said what his problem is, but at least he knows he has a problem. Kirstie doesn't know how important it is to say what the problem is but she'd get to that, for now she has more questions.       "What does Aleen think of all this?" She speaks hesitantly.
     "Like it matters."
     "You broke up?"
     He nods, "Yep, and I can tell you exactly what happened too."
     She waits for him to continue, but he doesn't, "So are you going to tell me?"
     "Oh right, yeah," he slowly realises. "It's kinda like, well no, it is like Aleen used to fit it to exactly what she wanted, the relationship I mean. The relationship was normal at first then she decides she wants it to be open and didn't let me object. It took ages for me to really understand it, like you know me well enough to know that if I'm in a relationship then that's that, one girl. But Aleen twisted that and she was sleeping with other guys, but I figured that is what an open relationship is. And it is right? You can date and sleep with other people right?" He watches Kirstie for confirmation.
     She nods, "That's what I thought it was."
     "Yeah, so I thought if it's gonna be this way then I might as well roll with it. But as soon as Aleen found out I'd been sleeping with other women she lost the plot. Apparently she have sex with other people but I couldn't, and she couldn't see how that was hypocritical," he speaks, clearly worked up. "OH! And this is where the herpes rumour; Aleen accused me of giving it to her, but I didn't, I couldn't have, I don't have it, never did. Let that be known," he points at Kirstie matter of factly.
     Kirstie shrugs, "I believed you the first time you said you didn't have it, even if your story has changed slightly from twenty minutes ago. I'm still inclined to believe you."
   "What do you mean changed?" He frowns.
     "Well first you said that Trisha pulled the herpes thing from her ass. Then just now you said there was a reason for the rumour."
     Avi's face scrunches up as he tries to remember what he's said, but he can't.
    Kirstie pats his knee to get his attention back. "How long ago did you and Aleen break-up?" She asks, deciding to leave the thread that was confusing him for now.
     "Just after I got back from tour, or well, more like the road trip I went on after."
     "But I thought she was on that trip?"
     "She was and we fought the whole time, it wasn't working, so we ended it," he sighs.
     And that's when?" She prompts him.
     "That's when I started to get real lonely like I was before Aleen. And I didn't really have Kevin anymore like I used to, he is such a good person it was hard to do idiotic things while I was living with him. But being by myself I was lonely and I felt like I had no one left to talk to, even though I so did," he shakes his head. "I started smoking more weed and having more sex because it felt good, it felt like I wasn't lonely when I had a girl with me or when I was high, it was usually both at the same time," he runs a hand down his face. "This all, this is basically the definition of a sex addiction isn't it?"
     "Yeah, I think so," she nods, again so proud that he'd opened up to her.

A/N: Thoughts?

Hannah :)

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