~ Chapter Five: Good Goodbye ~

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This....is the final chapter. I hope you all enjoy.

Courtney's POV
           I couldn't breath I was crying so much. The...basically love of my life just told me she cheated on me and then tried to breakup with me. I had no idea if we were together anymore, but that was the least of my worries right now. I sniffed and then tried to stop crying, but I couldn't.

           Things will be fine.....we'll get through this......who am I kidding no we won't. I put my head back and just cried until I noticed shoes next to me. I looked over and saw Scott standing there. I stopped crying and looked at him and he looked down at me.

    "Woah....I was just gonna sit here with you and wait with you, for your girlfriend." He said.

         When he said girlfriend...I burst into tears. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I still can't believe she cheated on me and then dumped me! That sun fearing.....emo loving....lair! How could I ever love her!

    "Did I say something wrong?" Scott asked and I nodded.

Gwen's POV
I sat there with my arms crossed, and stared out at the pouring rain. Yeah I'm hurt, but I shouldn't be...I just destroyed Courtney, the last hope I had...for me. I closed my eyes and put my head back.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I asked myself.

"Well you went against your mother and started dating a girl. Another thing is that you lied and then cheated on your girlfriend." Duncan said and I looked at him.

"I was talking to myself....thank you very much." I said and gave him a look.

He shrugged and sat down next to me. Noah walked over and looked at the two of us. This trip might be our last moments together...as the outcast trio. I put my head on Duncan's shoulder and he rubbed my shoulder.

"Since you two broke up...you could stay." Duncan said and I looked at him.

"Like I actually want to stay now." I said and he nodded.

"Just trying to brighten up the situation." Duncan said and I rolled my eyes.

Noah sat down on the other side of me and he awkwardly put his hand on my mine and the three of us just sat there watching the rain pour. I closed my eyes and sighed....New York City, why did it have to be you?

The Next Day

Courtney's POV
          I woke up and sat up. I had about three seconds of peace....until what happened last night hit me. I shook my head and looked at myself in the mirror. Running mascara had stained my under eyes and cheeks. I quickly got up and walked toward the bathroom, no one can see me like this. So I first took a shower to get it all off and then reapplied more to cover up the stains that wouldn't go away.

          I walked towards the out of the hotel room and down towards the breakfast area. I had no idea who to sit with, as I usually sat with....my girlfriend. I grabbed food, then sat down alone, and just picked at it.....and didn't touch it.

  "Are you gonna eat that?" Scott asked and I jumped a bit as I didn't notice him.

  "What...yeah...maybe...I don't know." I said and just stared at the plate.

        I noticed him sit down near me and I gave him a look. He smiled at me and I looked around, it's the only company I may get so...whatever. I looked around to see if Gwen was anywhere, but she wasn't.

   "Hey...where's your girlfriend...that's mean hot looking girl." Scott said and I looked at him annoyed.

       I wasn't annoyed with the fact he called Gwen my girlfriend, as how he supposed to know we broke up last night? I was annoyed with the fact that he called her hot, as I still have that jealously you have of other people during a relationship.

   "We broke up last night...now if you could excuse me I would like to eat alone....thank you." I said and he looked around.

   "Oh...if you need an-."

   "I won't...now goodbye." I said and he nodded and walked off.

         I sighed and just pushed my plate away. I looked at the area where Scott was sitting and in the corner of my eye I saw Gwen walking down the stairs with Duncan, Noah, and Izzy. Duncan was helping Gwen and Noah was talking with Izzy. I rolled my eyes....I hate Gwen for lying and cheating on me, but.....I still love her.

I just sat there until it was time to get on the bus and go to the first college. I got on the bus quickly and sat down ready for today. I just stared out of the window waiting till we got there. I looked over and saw Gwen sleeping peacefully on Duncan's shoulder. How dare she sleep peacefully after cheating on me......I need to stop. I need to forget her, as she only slowed me down....who am I kidding. Gwen was sometimes I woke up in the morning and now I crying to sleep just thinking of her.

     "What happened to you?" A familiar voice asked and I looked over and saw Heather sitting there next to her boyfriend Alejandro.

     "Leave me alone Heather." I said and she smirked.

     "That was a pretty nasty breakup last night...ooh cheating, that must suck." Heather said and I covered my ears.

         She was only trying to get into my head so I mess up and make a fool of myself in front of all the people. I just shook my head and didn't listen to her taunt me. She does this to everyone...all Heather does is strive off people's failure....her number person to mess with is Gwen.

"Oh Courtney, I saw this coming for a long time. Why? Well, you could always tell you were more into the relationship then she was." Heather said and put my head down.

I hate to say it, but she was right. I looked over at Gwen as I started tearing up, and then closed my eyes. I sniffed to I wouldn't mess up my makeup, and then just stared forward. I put headphones in to block out the horrible things Heather was saying. I can't believe this, but for once I wish she would mess with Gwen.

Soon I felt the bus stop and I quickly got up and walked off the bus. I took my phone out and looked at my makeup and it wasn't too bad. As I stood there I watched Gwen drag herself off the bus. I looked over at her and she gave me a look and then stared at the ground. I couldn't tell if she was heartbroken or not. The first college was New York University, ranked sixth of all law schools, so I didn't have to pay too much attention. As the doors opened we all looked and as a bunch of people walked out.

       They started calling out names for groups and I closed my eyes as after they said Gwen's name and she walked over to the group. I had no one and she said no one....this was supposed to be us....together, not just...well you know. As we started walking, I saw Gwen cross her arms and walk away from me.

Gwen's POV
Our tour had people who wanted to major in arts, journalism, public speaking, and other things. As we went through the school we made it to the art department. As I looked around and saw the most well-known professor here, Professor Kennings walked in and looked at us.

"To all who want major in art...Professor Kennings." Our tour guide said and I looked at him.

He looked at us and smiled a bit. He then saw me.

"Ahh...Gwendolyn Russo." He said and I looked at him.

"You know who I am?" I asked and he nodded.

"Oh yes of course, along with a lot of other colleges. Keep an eye out in your mailbox Ms. Russo." He said and I nodded as he walked out.

Well that's...one good thing that happened today and will probably be the last. As we all started walking towards the next place I just stared at the floor thinking about the schools that might be looking at me. After the tour we all walked out of the school and I sighed as it was time for me to walk around the stupid boarding school as everyone was going to have fun in New York.

I walked over to Duncan and Noah as I saw Courtney staring at me. It made me uncomfortable, so I just tried to ignore it. I just have this last few good memories, as they were going to Massachusetts, without me as I was staying here. Yeah last night when I called my mother telling her that Courtney and I broke up, she said good...now you don't even need to come back to Canada at all and can just stay in New York.

Which meant that if I didn't break up with Courtney last night, that I would actually be taking that bus to Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and then back home. I hugged Duncan and Noah and they both hugged me back.

"You should say goodbye to Courtney." Noah said and I looked at him.

"Don't give me that look...you cheated on her, broke up with her, and now your fucking moving away....you're a terrible person." Noah said and I gave him a look.

"Fine, but I'm coming back and kicking the shit out of you." I threatened Noah and he rolled his eyes.

Courtney's POV
I was standing alone, waiting to go back to hotel room so I just sit there, and well cry. I watched as a very expensive car drive by and parked, I sighed and just crossed my arms. Soon everyone would find out about our breakup and use it against me, the exact same way Heather did.

"Courtney..." Gwen said softly and I turned around and saw her standing there uncomfortably.

    "What...do y-" I couldn't finish, as I almost started crying.

            She looked around and then at me, she sighed and then crossed her arms and tapped her foot a bit.

     "I'm moving today...in like twenty minutes to be exact." She said and I was shocked.

     "You are?" I asked and she nodded.

     "My mother hates me so much she wanted me away the second she heard we broke up." Gwen said and I looked at her.

     "How did she find out? And shouldn't she be pleased not making you move sooner?" I asked and Gwen shrugged.

     "That doesn't matters but, my mothers a bitch....and she thinks be having true friends and a life is bad. So I'm getting shipped away." Gwen said and I nodded and looked at her.

          We all awkwardly looked at each other and then I looked at Duncan who was watching me and Gwen, and then Noah who was shaking his head. All of a sudden Gwen hugged me and I looked down at her.

    "I know you probably hate me right now, but I'm sorry. I really a-."

         I hugged her back, cutting her off and she squeezed me tighter and I let go and she let go too. Gwen crossed her arms and looked down as I just looked at her.

"Gwen" someone said and Gwen turned around and gasped.

She ran to some man and hugged him. He hugged her back and laughed, I stood there even more confused then I was. Duncan walked over to them and the guy looked at him and smiled. Noah walked up to me and I looked at him.

   "That's Gwen's multimillionaire of a father Alec Russo...or in other words the good parents, and not the spawn of the devil called Mary Ingrid." Noah said and I nodded.

Duncan pushed Gwen out of the way as her father and him started talking. Gwen pushed Duncan back and the guy put his hands on both of them and then smiled. I looked over at Gwen, and saw how happy she was.....I've never seen her that happy. I had no idea if it had to do with her father being here or since she was with Duncan.

    "Noah get over here." The man said and he slowly walked over.

Gwen's POV
        After my father said his hellos to Noah, I looked at him. I had no idea why he was here, or how he got here. He just showed up. I honestly didn't care, just the fact that he was here made this horrible week amazing.

   "So what are you doing here?" I asked and he looked at me.

   "I saving you from the spawn of the devil....in other words your mother. You're coming with me." He said and I hugged him and he hugged me back.

   "Wait...that means I can't, drive down to be with you." Duncan said and I looked at him.

   "You don't even have a car...." I said and he looked around.

        He gave me a look and I looked at him. My father smacked both me and Duncan and I shook my head.

    "Stop being dramatic and listen to me." My father said and we both looked at me.

    "See I told you two that you guys were dramatic." Noah said and I stepped on his foot.

"Look...Duncan I talked to Teresa and she said that you might be able to move too...only if you stay out of trouble and actually try." My father said and I looked at Duncan.

"Bye Duncan...I hope I see you soon." I said and he glared at me.

"I have to agree with Gwen on this one...you can't actually try." Noah said and I looked at Noah.

"I was talking about staying out of trouble." I said and Noah laughed.

Duncan rolled his eyes and my father smiled at us.

"No, but seriously...Duncan just don't do anything stupid for a week." I laughed and shook my head.

"I'll see you never again." I said and hugged Duncan.

He pushed me off and I laughed along with Noah. My father gave me the keys and I walked towards the car. As I did I looked over at Courtney and gave her a small wave. She gave me a small wave back and I did the same. I then got in the car and waited.


Courtney's POV
          I watched Gwen walk away to that really expensive car, until it was time for me to board the bus. As I did I looked over at Gwen and she waved to me and I waved back. She put her head put back as her father drove off and I sighed. I saw Duncan and Noah get on the bus and I just sat there.

    "I can't believe ...she's gone." Duncan said and I looked over.

    "Shut up and start studying. If you get to move to Paris then she won't remember about me." Noah said and Duncan looked at him.

     "Noah, you have her a house for like four months how the fuck is she going to forget you?" Duncan asked and I sighed.

           I closed my eyes....the only person would forget....is me.

To Be Continued.......

Wow, that was an ending....huh. Yeah this book was definitely....depressing you could say. Yeah I'm sorry, but for all the ones who stayed through the book and got through all the dark moments are the real ones.

I just gotta say the next book I PROMISE won't be nearly as dark as this one. Yeah they're be sad moments, but come on you're reading about a goth girl and a CIT dating....you can get used to a few tears.

Anyways....I hope you all enjoyed this book and the next chapter will be a short little summary of the extended ending (along with stuff on the chapters), but if you don't choice to read it that's on you. The next book.....

/// Come Sail Away \\\

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