~ Chapter Four: Long Night ~

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Disclaimer: this chapter as sexual preferences....and a LOT of cursing. I'm warning you. Also I would grab some issues just...because. Enjoy ;)

The Next Day

Gwen's POV
I woke up from my alarm clock, with my clothes next to me and blanket over me. I groaned and looked over as I saw Duncan sleeping on the floor. I was confused...and then it hit me, we had sex. I rubbed my neck.

    "Shit when was the last time I had sex?" I asked sitting up.

"Trent probably" Duncan said rolling onto his back.

"Oh go back to juvie." I said throwing my pillow at him and grabbed my clothes.

            Duncan laughed and I grabbed a towel and walked upstairs to try and take shower to wash Duncan's nasty ass colon smell off my body. As I walked up the stairs Noah was sitting there and he looked at me.

   "I need bleach for my eyes." He said and I looked at him.

   "And I need earphones for when you and Izzy are at it up stairs...you rock the whole damn house." I said and he laughed.

         I walked up to his shower and started the water. The second I took my clothes off the door opened and I looked back and Duncan was standing there.

"Can I join you?" He asked.

"Duncan I cheated on my girlfriend once already...I don't need to do again." I said hiding behind the shower curtain

       He gave me a look and I glared. I pulled the shower curtain closed and then I heard the door shut. At least I said no this time.

Courtney's POV
I was sitting at school staring at my blank phone, and sighed as there was still nothing from Gwen. I still believe our fight from yesterday. I held the locket that she gave me on my birthday last year in my hand. I usually never hold it as we don't have problems, but ever since yesterday...I can't get Gwen off my mind.

   "Courtney are you listening?" Beth asked and I looked up.

   "What...oh yes I am." I said and looked at everyone at the table.

         We were finishing up the talk about pop up college tours that the whole senior class were taking today. Yeah it was a surprise for us too. Our school was invited to go to New York and other states to go around and look at their colleges and I was really excited, but still couldn't take my mind off Gwen. Maybe this trip will bring us closer, I just felt like today is going to be great.

After the meeting I walked out of the library and the first person I saw was Jimmy. I ran over to him and tapped his shoulder and he jumped back when he saw it was me. He looked very uncomfortable and backed up a bit.

   "Where's Gwen?" I asked and he looked at me.

   "I don't know...she doesn't live with us anymore." Jimmy said and I was confused. "She's fighting with our mom, and has been spending nights with Noah." Jimmy added and I nodded.

   "Oh...okay." I said and he nodded and then walked away quickly.

          Yeah Jimmy and Gwen are definitely related, you can tell when they're lying...but I knew he was particularly wasn't, as Gwen and her mother always fight. Gwen told me she's tried to run away four times when she was a kid and living there just wasn't fun, that's why she wants to move in with her father.

          I walked towards the office to grab my bags as my things were there and as I walked in I saw Mary Ingrid, Gwen's mother. She looked at me and crossed her arms as she saw me. I looked away and then quickly grabbed my bag, turned around, and walked out to the main office. She was still sitting there with the same judgmental look on her face and I looked down and walked out of the office.

"No wonder Gwen hates her." I mumbled.

     "Gwen hates who?" Noah asked walking in through the front doors, I looked at him.

     "Her mother" I said and he tilted his head.

            I pointed to her mother sitting in the office and he looked very confused. He walked away from me and into the office. She looked and the two of them had a conversation. I shook my head and then walked away.

Gwen's POV
I grabbed my bag for America and then walked downstairs as Duncan was sitting there with a duffel bag. I laughed and he rose his eyebrow.

"Is that the bag the juvenile detention gave you, in congratulations for getting out?" I asked as he rolled his eyes as I laughed.

"Laugh all you want, but watch me not be there when you tell you girlfriend you had sex with me.....four times last night." He said and I stopped.

"I hate you." I said with a glare and he laughed and we walked out of the door.

As soon as I got to school with Duncan, and the first person I saw...made me want to literally die. My fucking mother was sitting the office. Noah looked at me and then tilted his head towards her. I rolled my eyes and then walked away.

"Gwendolyn" my mother said and I rolled my eyes as my full name.

"Mary..." I said response and she dragged me into the office.

Courtney's POV
I was standing by the lockers as I watched Gwen walk into the office with her mother. I saw the blends close as the two of them started yelling at her each other. Jimmy was standing there watching, he sighed and shook his head then walked off. I knew something was going on with that family, and I wanted to know it now.

I walked over to Noah, as well he knows everything about Gwen. Duncan was next to him and they weren't talking, but waiting for Gwen. I walked up to them and they both looked at me and then each other.

    "Why do Gwen and her mother hate each other?" I asked and Duncan was about to say something when Noah smacked him.

    "They just argue a lot." Noah said and I nodded and then looked at Duncan.

    "Look princess, you don't know Gwen that well...so you aren'-."

    "I do know Gwen." I said cutting him off and Duncan laughed.

          I glared at him, how dare he tell me I don't know my own girlfriend. Sure, we've only known each other for a less than year, but that doesn't mean I don't know her.

    "In the fifth grade why did she run away?" Duncan asked and I looked at him.

    "Her parents got divorced, and she wanted to move with her father." I said and Noah looked at him and didn't say anything.

     "Okay that was easy...sure. What's the number one thing Gwen lies about the most?" Duncan asked and I looked at him.

     "Her mood and sexuality." I said and he nodded.

          He continued to ask me questions and I got them all perfectly. See, I know Gwen. The only thing I don't know is why she hates her mother. Duncan looked at me and then Noah.

    "Last question and I'll tell you...who am I?" Duncan asked and I looked at him.

    "Duncan Nelson..." I said questionably and he laughed.

    "Nope sorry darling, incorrect. Go read a book or something." Duncan said and I glared.

          I crossed my arms and glared at him. He just ignored me and then there was a hand on my shoulder and I looked at Bridgette was standing there.

Gwen's POV
            I was staring at my mother, as she was standing there telling me that I couldn't stay with Noah anymore, and that she was taking me out of this school and throwing me into a college prep school in New York. I glared at her and she shook her head.

    "No!" I yelled and he looked at me.

    "No?" She asked and I looked at her.

    "You can't do that! I'm not going....I'm staying here!" I yelled throwing my arms into the air she laughed.

          I can't believe my mom just waltzed in here after kicking me out and instead of begging for my forgiveness she's trying to throw me out the goddamn country! Because I'm dating a girl? She told me that when we go to New York that the school would be waiting for me to show me around. I shook my head.

    "I'm not doing it." I said and she laughed.

    "It doesn't matter, it's not your choice." My mother said and I gave her a look.

"What did dad say?" I asked and she looked at me.

She didn't say anything and I smirked, if he says no that means I don't have to. I looked at her and she looked at me. I glared and she gave me a look.

"I've asked you to break up with her, I've asked to stop doing these things to me, I've asked a lot of things Gwendolyn...and now I'm done. You won't see your goddamn father everagain if you don't go to that tour." She said and I stared at her.

"You can't do that." I said and she looked at him.

"I'm you're illegal guardian, I can do whatever the hell I want to." She said and I stared at her.

She walked out of the office and I stared at her. I hate her...with all my heart. I walked out of the office and I saw Courtney, Duncan, and Noah standing there all concerned.

"What happened?" Noah asked and I ignored him and looked at them all.

"She's fucking shipping me to New York." I said and everyone looked at me with concern.

After saying that, I walked away from the three of them without saying a word to any of them. I just walked to my homeroom and stared at my desk.

Later That Day

Courtney's POV
After this morning with whatever happened between Gwen and her mother, she hasn't said a word....to anyone. I've tried numerous times to try and talk to Gwen, but she either doesn't talk or walks away. I needed help, but the only people could maybe help, would be Noah and...ugh Duncan. I walked up to them and they both looked at me.

"What do you want now?" Duncan asked and I ignored him and looked at Noah.

"Gwen's obviously ignoring you too, I think we should work together to get her to talk to us." I said and he laughed.

"Look Courtney...I don't like you, and you know that, but let me be honest. You don't our help, especially this ones, but seriously you don't..so yeah. If I were you know, I would just leave her alone, before she does something you both regret." Noah said and I sighed.

"Just think about it." I said and the bus stopped.

I looked outside and as it was softly raining. I couldn't stand the fact that Gwen wasn't talking to me. I had to talk to her, so I was....after dinner. The bus has stopped at a huge rest stop and I ran through the rain into the rest stop and sat down. There was so much food to choose from and I quickly picked from one, ordered, and then ate.

            As soon as I was done, I started looking around for Gwen. I saw her sitting on the bench outside and I ran out to her. I just really wanted things to better between us and I feel like if I walk to her now, things might get better.

    "Gwen" I said, not noticing she was sobbing into her knees.

    "Courtney go away, before I do something we both don't want." She said and I shook my head ams walked outside.

          As I did the rain started picking up and I looked at her. She shook her head and put her head in her knees. I put my hand on her shoulders and she ignored me.

     "Please just tell me what's wrong." I said and she looked at me.

     "My mom's shipping me away like I'm a box." Gwen said and I looked at her.

     "Why?" I asked.

          Looking back, I know now...that I never should of asked that questioned. She snapped and sat up and I backed up a bit into the rain that was now pouring and she looked at me.

     "You! Ever since we started becoming close she's grown suspicious of us. When we started dating I got kicked out of my house. When I refused to break up with you she threatened that'll I wouldn't ever see my father again. And since I'm still with you she fucking shipping me to New York!" Gwen yelled and I stood there.

            I couldn't believe what Gwen just said. She was sobbing as she talked and I knew she definitely wasn't lying this time, but for the first time I wished she was. I couldn't believe she was telling me this.

"Gwen I'm s-."

"No Courtney you can't be sorry, because you're the perfect girlfriend. I knew I shouldn't have kept talking to you as I was going to get attached and then shit like this would happen!" Gwen yelled and I looked at her.

"We can get through this. I promise!" I said and she looked at me.

"No we can't, you can't even trust me anymore....and I don't blame you for the things I've done." Gwen said and I looked at her and grabbed her hands, I smiled a bit.

I had no idea what Gwen was talking about. As the rain poured on the both us, Gwen's sobbing seemed to stop and she looked at me and closed her eyes and ripped her hands out of mine.

"We have to break up." Gwen said and I felt my heart shatter.

"Gwen...no, we can seriously find a w-" I said and she looked at me.

"I cheated on you!" Gwen yelled cutting me off.

I stood there staring at her. I couldn't tell if she was lying or not. I was speechless, the only things that seemed to escape my mouth were just breaths. I started tearing up and she looked at me.

"If you don't believe me...just ask Duncan or Noah." Gwen said, she looked at me. "We...just can't be together anymore." She added and ran away from me.

I was just standing there in the pouring rain. Anger, fear, and major sadness were going through me. I sat down on the bench and held the locket and closed my eyes so many tears were escaping my eyes. I curled up into a ball and just started crying. I heard footsteps in front of me and I looked up and saw both Noah and Duncan standing there.

"You still want our help?" Noah asked and I put my head back down. "That's what I thought." Noah said they walked off.

Oh....my god....my heart has been broken. That had to be one of most heartbreaking things I've ever written and just....wow. This story is just....I can't with it. I want you guys to know this Gwen just said they broke up, Courtney didn't agree so they might have hope. But again....this chapter broke my heart just felt so....real. I hope you...enjoyed it...I guess.

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