~ Chapter Three: What Hurts The Most ~

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One Month Later

Gwen's POV
         I was sitting in Noah's basement like....always. It was October and my mother still hasn't said a mothering word to me, Duncan and I were becoming closer like we used to be, I was doing well in school, I was fine with everything ele pretty much, except....Courtney. I would be lying if I said things between us were even partially good.

        All we do is fight now, or she doesn't trust me at least. She double guesses everything I say...she-....ugh it's so fucking annoying it might drive me to breakup with her. Our kisses aren't even passionate anymore....it feels like kissing just air, it's so sickening. But it's mostly my fault, as I continue to lie to her.

I got up as I was ready to leave to go to school. I grabbed my light jacket and walked up the stairs. Noah was sitting there with Izzy. He had a letter in his hands and looked at me.

    "It's from your mother." He said and I rolled my eyes.

          I tried to grab it, but Noah moved it away from me. I wanted to rip that piece of shit and burn it. I didn't care what it was. Fuck my mom...who ignores their own daughter, because of their sexuality? I gave Noah a glare and shook his head.

     "Gwen this is a college acceptance letter...you really want to rip it?" He asked and I softened up.

         He nodded and handed it to me as I quickly opened it. It was from NYU and I was shocked. New York...sure....it's away from the woman I call my mother. I smiled down at it and looked at the two of them.

I had an early art class with Duncan and my art teacher so I had to quickly go.

Courtney's POV
I had applied to so many law schools, and I was staring down at three acceptance letters all to the top three ranking law schools in America....Yale University, Stanford University, and Harvard University. I was so excited and proud of myself I couldn't breath. They all want me! I was surprised they wanted a Canadian student, but who cares. I was just so excited.

         I ran to my car and quickly drove to school. I had to tell Gwen about it, but I didn't even know if she would care anymore. We're drifting apart and I hate it. Ever since I catch her lying...I can't trust her anymore. I know things aren't the same and it's breaking my heart. I really love Gwen, but don't even know if she loves me back.

         The second I got to school I did my unusual unlocking of the office and then walked down to the art room as I know Gwen has morning art classes. I first walked to my locker and stood there for a bit and just thought. I kept thinking will Gwen even care? What have I done to make her lie to me? What else she lying about? What have I done to deserve this?

"No Courtney stop it...Gwen loves you." I whispered to myself and shook my head and walked to the art room.

I walked to the art room and the door was closed with the art teacher in the printing room. He seemed like he had been there for while as he sitting on his phone with a huge stack of papers printing. I looked into the window and saw Gwen laughing with Duncan. She punched him and he pushed her back and they started play fighting and then he fell on top of her. I started shaking, not know if I should walk in or not.

Duncan didn't move from on top of her and they started wrestling and I started overthinking. Is she cheating on me? What are they doing? I put my hand on the doorknob and they both looked over and Gwen saw me and her eyes grew and she threw Duncan off of her. I opened the door and Gwen got up and ran to me.

     "Courtney I swear it's not what it looks like!" She said and I looked at her.

     "Gwe-..." I couldn't speak I was so.....I don't know confused? Heartbroken? Betrayed!?

              I saw Duncan look away and he ran his hand through his floppy Mohawk and I pointed at him. I wanted to kill him ever since he's been here as Gwen's been acting weird. Gwen pinned me against the wall and looked at me.

     "Courtney...please calm down, we were just wrestling." Gwen said and I looked at her.

     "Having someone laying on top of you for a minute while you stare into each other eyes is not wrestling!" I yelled and Gwen looked away.

     "You saw that?" Gwen asked looking at Duncan and he looked at me and rolled his eyes.

     "Yes...and the moments before!" I said and she froze.

           She gave me an angry look and threw my hands off of hers and crossed her arms. She started glaring and Duncan just stared at his phone, but I knew that little....neanderthal was still listening and was enjoying every second of it.

     "So...we're spying on each other now?" Gwen asked and I looked at her.

     "No...well...I was, b-."

     "But what? I'm your girlfriend...why the hell would you need to spy on me? Yeah we're going through some trust issues right now, but there's no fucking reason or you to spy on me Courtney!" Gwen yelled and I looked at her.

I had no idea why Gwen was yelling. She looked at me and shook her head. She started talking to herself in French and I stood there awkwardly.

"We can't disagree if you're not speaking my language." I said and she looked at me.

"How long were you standing out there for?" She asked and I looked at her.

"Like two minutes." I said and her eye started twitching.

I've never seen her this mad before. I started to freak me out, yeah she has personal issues...but I'm her girlfriend. The person she should be mad at is herself, for making it look like she was cheating on me.

"Why...don't you trust me anymore Courtney?" She asked I looked at her.

"Why don't I trust you?" I yelled and she glared at me. "I don't trust you, because ever since summer all you do is lie. I ask you how you are...you lie! I ask you anything and you just lie! Not to mention we haven't has a nice moment since summer before. You keep pushing me away for no reason!" I added and Gwen rolled her eyes.

"Yeah okay...sure I lie, but if I told you the truth you'd probably get you heartbroken." She said and I looked at her.

"What happened to you?" I asked with a glare and she gave me a look.

She just stood there staring at me and her hands turned into fists and I backed up a bit as she just stopped talking and I looked at her. She glared at me and then pointed to the door.

"Get out...now." She said calmly.

          I was about to say something and she pointed to the door again and I walked to the door and then opened it. I looked back at her and she didn't stop glaring and I walked out and left the room. The teacher looked at me and then the door and just didn't say anything. I had no idea what just happened....

Gwen's POV
            I let out a sigh and put my head against the door and started tearing up. The door opened and my art teacher looked at me and I put his hand on my shoulder and then rubbed my head. I then Duncan's hand on my back and I hugged him as I started crying.

       What hurts the most is that Courtney doesn't even trust me at all anymore. Yeah Duncan and I wrestled, but were best friends and that's the type of shit we do. If she would of saw me and Noah wrestling, it would of been just fine with her, but no...since "all I do is lie" or whatever she can't-....ugh...never mind whatever.

"See I told you girls are a lot of work." Duncan said trying to be funny and I punched him.

"Shut up" I said and he laughed while rubbing my back.

           He turned me around and made me look at him. I looked at him and he looked at me. He whipped my tears and then ran his hand through my hair. He smiled a bit and I shook my head and he brought me into a hug and kissed the side of my head.

     "Everything's going to be okay....okay sweetheart." He said and I nodded and hugged him back.

Courtney's POV
            I was standing in the bathroom trying to get rid of the tears as they quickly escaped my eyes and I looked down and sighed. I just wanted to tell about the colleges I got accepted into, but I ended up saying something I didn't want to say. I started to regret even walking to the art room in the first place, as if I wouldn't of just came in to do what I needed to do a fight wouldn't have started.

     "It's just a fight...everything's going to be fine." I said to myself and then sighed.

          I cleaned myself up and then walked to the door and Gwen was coming in and she looked at me and then closed the door and walked away from me. I sighed.....why is she mad at me? There's no point in following her as Gwen usually runs away from her problems so I'll just not say anything. I walked out the bathroom and saw Gwen with Duncan, Izzy, and Noah.  

Gwen's POV
             I walked towards the bathroom, and opened the door...Courtney was standing there and I looked at her and then turned around and walked away. I walked up to Noah, Izzy, and Duncan and they all looked at me.

"See I told you girls pee fast." Izzy said and I looked at her.

"I didn't make it through the door Iz." I said and she nodded.

"What...why?" Duncan asked.

I watched as Courtney walked out and she looked at me and then walked away pissed and I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

     "See...what did I tell you? Look at the two of you now." Noah said and I looked at him.

"Shut...up" I said and he laughed.

Later That Day

Courtney's POV
             After waiting at our spot for over an hour, without Gwen showing up, I drove home. I still couldn't believe the way Gwen kicked out of the room like that. I'm her girlfriend...I bet she wouldn't kick Duncan or Noah out of a room like that. I shook my head and made it home and then parked. I walked into my house and walked straighten to my room and sat down and just stared at the wall.

           I sent Gwen a quick, I'm sorry can we talk text and then put my phone down, and just started doing my homework waiting for a text back. My phone went off with Gwen's special ringtone, and I grabbed it quickly.

No -Gwen

          I sent her a please and she left me on opened and I threw oh my phone against the wall and screamed into a pillow as I just wanted thing to be like they were in junior year.

Gwen's POV
          I was sitting on Noah's couch upstairs with Duncan next to me and I looked at him and then the my schoolwork. As I started doing it I heard Courtney's special ringtone and I broke my pencil one how mad I was hearing it.

     "Chill doll face." Duncan said and I rolled my eyes.

          I just grabbed another and did my work until I grabbed my phone started reading the text she sent.

Gwen I know fought this morning, but you didn't come to our spot. Can we please talk about this? -Prissy

       I sent her a no, and then seconds later she sent someone back.

Gwen please -Prissy

      I left her on open and then Duncan put his hand on mine and I looked at him and he looked at me. He was about to say something cliché like "it'll be okay" or something, but I squeezed his hand and he stopped. We looked at each other and I froze and he smirked.

Noah's POV
I walked into my house and the first thing I saw was Gwen's shirt and bra and I growled and grabbed them. I walked to the basement door and opened it.

"How many times do I have to say....don't leave your clothes aro-."

I stopped as I didn't see Gwen. I looked around and then saw Duncan's shirt on the stairs and I heard a sound and looked and then saw a trail of clothes till I saw Gwen and Duncan..... I turned around and threw Gwen clothes and ran up the stairs and out of the basement.

"My eyes" I said and ran to my room.

Yes....I know, DRAMA. If you don't know what Gwen and Duncan were doing you're too young to read the story. And yes...I know I'm a horrible person, but just wait...things will get better- maybe. Anyways don't forget vote and comment and I'll see you in the next chapter. (Pshh it's not going to be a happy chapter).

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