~ Chapter Two: Bed of Lies ~

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Courtney's POV
            I was getting my things together at school. I was trying to focus on my work, but Gwen's safety was on my mind. I couldn't get her off my mind, and I was just started to freak out. I just sat there and stared out the window. I just wanted her to walk through the doors and everything be okay. I got up and walked to the art room to try and calm down.

The art room where most of our memories began, I sighed and turned back. I started walking back towards the lobby and I saw her. Gwen.

"Oh my gosh....Gwen!" I yelled and ran to her and hugged her.

"H-hey" She said and I squeezed her.

I didn't care where she was as of right now, I was just glad she was here...and okay. I then looked up and saw the Duncan guy giving Gwen a look. She was staring at him and he looked at me and then her and walked away. I let go of Gwen and looked at her and she looked at me.

"How do you two know each other?" I asked and she looked at me.

"An old....friend." She said and I looked at her.

Did Gwen just partially lie to me. I was shocked, but shook my head...maybe I'm overreacting. I should focus on how she was and where she was. She smiled at me and I smiled at her.

"So...where were you?" I asked and she looked at me.

".....Paris" She said and I rose my eyebrow.

"Noah said you were in America." I said and she looked around.

Gwen was....lying to me. I was standing there confused and I looked around and Noah watched us and sighed. He shook his head and Gwen smiled at me. I shook my head...no...maybe I heard Noah wrong, or he didn't even know himself.

"So...how are you?" I asked and she looked at me.

"I'm good..great actually." She said.

Yeah...she was definitely lying to me now. I stared at her, what did she do over the summer....did she cheat? Did something happen? Who is this random Duncan guy? Why is Gwen acting so weird? My thoughts were cut off by a kiss from Gwen. I didn't have enough time to kiss her back....and I stared at her.

"I have to....uh...find-....I gotta go." Gwen said and ran away from me.

I stared at her as she ran from me. What the hell was that. I saw Noah run after her and I just stood there asking myself why would she lie to me? I wanted to follow her, but something inside of me told me not to.

Gwen's POV
  I lied to Courtney three times, but they were sweet little lies, like my mood and not to her riled up. I ran until I ran into the back of Duncan and he turned and looked at me.

"Why aren't you with your little princess?" He asked seeming a little jealous.

I stared at him and just didn't reply. I was about to say something, when I heard my name being called and I looked over as I saw Bridgette waving with Geoff. I smiled at them and then looked over at Duncan.

"Why are you being like that?" I asked and he just walked away from me.

I rolled my eyes and put on a fake smile for Bridgette and Geoff and walked over to them. Geoff crossed his arms and I looked at him.

"Don't lie to us about your mood...Noah told us." He said and I dropped the fake smile.

"There's my Gwen." Bridgette said and hugged me.

I hugged her a bit back and then looked at Geoff as he nodded at me. I looked at them and then behind them and saw Courtney talking to people. 

        "So...Barlow...huh?" Geoff asked and I nodded.

        "We got close all last year, she was my Duncan...when he was gone." I said and they looked at each other.

        "So you're in love with her?" Bridgette asked and I looked at her.

              I knew what she was trying to say...and everything that's happened between me and Duncan is in the past. He did that to himself since he decided to drop me like a his grades and go to juvie. I sighed and looked at Bridgette and Geoff. I looked back Courtney again...for some reason, I just had a bad feeling...and that bad feeling started when I lied to her.

After School

Courtney's POV
            I was at the spot where Gwen and I would always met at after school. I've been standing waiting for ten minutes now as I sighed. I understood why she would be a little late, as I was ignoring her all day, but that didn't meant for her to not show up. We vowed to always show up at the spot even if we were mad at each. I looked at my watch and then the door opened.

      "Sorry...I got held up by a teacher." She said and I looked at her.

      "Is that another lie or did you really get held up?" I asked and she stared at me. "Don't give me that...you lied to me three times this morning." I added and she looked at me.

       "Courtney I-."

       "NO! Why did you lie to me...we're in a relationship....we don't lie to each other!" I yelled and Gwen looked at me.

            Anger took over, I hate being lied to, and Gwen knows that. It doesn't matter how big or small it's still a lie. I watched Gwen stare at me after I yelled and she looked at me. She crossed her arms and looked down.

"Courtney....you don't understand." She said and I grabbed her hands.

"Then help me understand Gwen!" I said and she looked at me and then my hands.

"I can't see my father anymore, I was a friends house all summer, and I am not good...is that better?" She asked me remembering all the questions from this morning.

I stared at her and she let go of my hands as I looked at her as she started to tear up.

"My life fucking sucks...and I don't want you getting involved...because I love you too much." She said and I hugged her.

"Gwen...it's my job to be involved...I'm your girlfriend." I said and she hugged me back.

I hugged her tighter and she let go and looked at me. I kissed her and she kissed me back. I put my head on hers and I whipped her tears.

Gwen's POV
I was standing inside of school staring outside at Courtney waiting for me at our meeting spot. I knew she was mad at me, as she was ignoring me all day. I also knew she found that I lied to her all morning and I didn't know to talk to her anymore. I felt someone's presence walk up to me and I looked over as Duncan stood next to me and looked.

       "Why aren't you out there?" He asked and I looked at him.

       "She's mad at me...and I'm not in the mood to get yelled at." I said.

"Then don't let her." Duncan said and I looked at him.

"I've lied to her enough Duncan, but I can't tell her how things really are." I said and he looked at me and laughed.

"Then tell the truth...not the full truth, but the truth." He said and I nodded. "Oh and if she's starts yelling fake cry and start talking about how much your life sucks...Ashley does it all the time with her boyfriend, he let's all his anger go and just hugs her." He added and I nodded.

I stood there and took I deep breath. As I walked out of the school to her I sighed...I shouldn't be doing this, but I'm trying to protect Courtney...from...myself. I walked up to her.

        "Sorry...I got held up by a teacher." I said and Courtney looked at me and she looked at me.

      "Is that another lie or did you really get held up?" She asked and I stared at her. "Don't give me that...you lied to me three times this morning." She added and I looked at me.

       "Courtney I-."

       "NO! Why did you lie to me...we're in a relationship....we don't lie to each other!" She yelled cutting me off and I gave her a look.

She was so mad, I know she hates being lied to, but I couldn't tell her the truth. I sighed and crossed my arms as she continued to yell at me. As she finished I looked down.

"Courtney....you don't understand." I said and she grabbed my hands.

"Then help me understand Gwen!" She yelled and I looked at her and then our hands.

"I can't see my father anymore, I was a friends house all summer, and I am not good...is that better?" I asked her remembering all the questions from this morning.

Those weren't the full answers, but they were still the truth. I looked back and saw Duncan watching us and then sighed. I took my hands away from hers and started tearing up.

"My life fucking sucks...and I don't want you getting involved...because I love you too much." I said and she hugged me.

"Gwen...it's my job to be involved...I'm your girlfriend." She said and I hugged her back.

She hugged me tighter and I let go and looked at me. Courtney kissed me and I kissed her back. She put her head on mine and whipped my tears. I just stood there...feeling awful...I don't deserve Courtney. She got a text and said something and I just nodded and she kissed my cheek and walked off.

I can't believe I just did that to her, but it had to be done, to protect her....from myself. I felt someone's presence and I looked and it was Duncan.

     "I didn't think would actually do it." He said and I closed my eyes.

He put his arm around me and I sighed. Noah walked up to the two of us and shook his head. I rose my eyebrow and he looked at Duncan.

"You're a horrible girlfriend, and that's me trying to be nice." Noah said and I looked at him.

"I know" I said looking down and I watch Courtney walk away.

I hope this fight...of whatever it was...would just end now.

I told you it wasn't a fun story. How many of you guys thought the moment was cute, and then got ruined, by what was really going on....yeah I know. I'm a horrible person. Annnyways don't forget to vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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