Haniska Out, Thapki In

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Sargum was released from the hospital with no memory of her accident. Purab had gone to pick her up. Thapki was packing her stuff due to her leaving the house. Haniska was gloating. She was so happy, Thapki was finally leaving the house and Sargum had no memory of her accident. Purab and Sargum arrived and Veena did their arti, as they walked into the house. Haniska greeted Sargum when Sargum noticed that Thapki was walking down the stairs with her suitcase.

"Bhabi, where are you going?" asked Sargum

"Home, Sargum. How are you feeling now" answered Thapki.

"Wait. You're leaving this house?" asked Sargum

"Yes." answered Thapki

"Finally, the bad omen is leaving. We will finally have peace in this house" taunted Veena.

"Mom! Enough!" yelled Sargum

"Sargum!" said Purab

"Bhai, why is Bhabi leaving?" asked Sargum

"Well, she is the reason that you were in the hospital" responded Purab

"No she isn't. i remember everything. She is the reason I am alive! The day she found out, I was trying to commit suicide. She saved me. Then I forced her to keep my secret. Told her her that if she said anything to you or the family, then she will see my dead face" said Sargum

"What about her making you keep the pregnancy going even though it was complicated?" asked Purab

"What are you talking about? She didn't even know that my pregnancy was complicated." asked Sargum

Sargum then looked towards Thapki, Purab and Haniska. She noticed that Haniska looked pale and scared.

"I read your diary. It clearly stated that your Bhabi was forcing you to have this baby even with the complications." said Purab

"I didn't write any of that. The last entry I wrote was day of the accident. I wrote that I finally released Bhabi from her promise and she was going to tell you after the party. And with her help I was going tell everyone else. Haniska knew of my pregnancy before the party since she was blackmailing Bhabi. She even printed a column in a newspaper to show her that if she told her truth then she would send the article all over the city." replied Sargum

"No I didn't." replied Haniska.

"Bhabi told me. And Bhabi doesn't lie" said Sargum

"Sargum, calm down" said Purab

"No! Have you not noticed that since Haniska has come into our home, that something bad always happens. Well, Haniska is the reason. And I also found out that Haniska was involved with the incident with Rohit. He came into the hospital, cause he wanted more money. I told him that I wasn't going to give him any more money, but if he told me who else was involve with him, helping him in his blackmailing scheme, I would give him some more money. He said Haniska." said Sargum

Purab looked at Haniska shocked.

"Why Damnit!" yelled Purab

"Purab-" struttered Haniska

"So all the questions that Thapki asked during the lie detector was correct" asked Purab

"Yes! They were! I wanted you! But you got married to her! You are mine not hers!" yelled Haniska

"I am not a piece of property that you can own!" yelled Purab

Everyone else was too shocked to move.

"You left Purab and blamed Thapki. I gave you a blank cheque and got you in the school in London for you to leave him. You took the offer!" stated Veena

"And I am so glad that you took the offer, and I got married to Thapki." stated Purab

"Why didn't you trust Bhabi? I know Mom, Tai and Priyanka Bhabi don't but why didn't you?" asked Sargum.

"I don't know" answered Purab.

"Sargum, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you are ok" said Thapki

"No Bhabi. Tell me why is Haniska is getting all the credit, when she is the reason for all this. She was the one that put up the sign stating that I was the one pregnant." asked Sargum

Haniska slowly stood up, forgetting that she was pretending to be paralyzed. Everyone got shocked again.

"What? Hashtag faker. You are not hurt at all?" stated Priyanka

"We thought that she saved you?" stated Veena

Everyone looked sick with all the revelations.

They heard a knock and saw that Anshul was the the door.

"Anshul, great you came. Let's go" said Thapki walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" asked Purab. "Thapki, I am asking you a question." when Thapki didn't answer him.

"I am leaving" stated Thapki



"Let's get going, Thapki" said Anshul

"No!" yelled Purab

"Stop Thapki!" yelled Veena. "Our discussion isn't over yet! You can't leave!"

"Actually, I can. You see, I am not part of this family nor am I your daughter in law. I was here only to prove my innocence, and I actually didn't prove anything." and with that, Thapki walked out of the house.

"Tell me everything right now! I will let you go if you tell me everything otherwise if you don't, I will call the police right now. You can leave this house, city without any prosecution." stated Purab.

"You promise" asked Haniska

"Yes!" yelled Purab

"Fine. I will start from the beginning. I was the reason that Thapki got drunk before the wedding. I knew about the changed nameplates during the wedding. Then at the concert, Thapki sang but was too scared to show her face. So I pretended to be the one that sang. A few weeks later, she found out about Papa being her father too, she wanted to tell the truth, then I got Papa to emotionally blackmail her, stating that I would slit my wrists if she didn't sing. The accident after the concert was fake, as was the fight with my mom. We needed an excuse to stay here. Tried to show Thapki that our relationship was stronger, so she would get insecure. Tried to get her to play the pendrive that showed during Auntie's birthday, but she back. The presentation pendrive, I hid it in the washing machine, so Thapki would get blamed. I planned to drug to during the dinner, but my bad luck, you two didn't even show up to the dinner. The fire on her duppata and Dadi's allergy issue was my doing. I was the one that stuck a nail in her shoe during New Years Eve. And I made sure that the servants were away, and I spilled oil on the latter so when Thapki climb the latter, she would slip and get stuck, so we could spend new years eve together. But you saved her. Then I found out about the promise and I made sure she found out about it. Then she left the house, but you came back before she left, so I distracted you so she would leave. She was still worried about you, that she texted me to give you your medicines. But then she came back. I even got her kidnapped so I could take her place but she escaped and came back. Then she found out that it was all my doing. Then we found out about Sargum's pregnancy. So we blackmail her to keeping quiet, otherwise we would leek Sargum's news. So she kept quiet. I broke her mangalsutra and fed the buffalo bad food. But she still was able to it done and save everyone. Then the sign, and I put the screws on, Sargum tried to pull off the sign and she fell. We paid the doctor to state that I was paralyzed so I had an excuse to stay here. And then we changed the diary."

"I can't believe that I thought you were my friend! You are a snake that we kept in our home. Hell, Thapki was your sister. What was her fault! She is your sister, she didn't even acknowledge the relationship with you or your father. Get out!!! I never want to see you again!!" yelled Purab

Haniska ran out the door crying.

Everyone looked sick with shock.

"Mom, you always called Thapki Bhabi a bad omen. But she always protected us."


"No Mom. Some of this is your fault. Tell me Mom, if my inlaws treated me the way you treat Thapki Bhabi, how would you feel. Would you get angry at them. You think because you are a big star that you could do anything. But I pity you. You can blame everything on everyone else but when are you going to start looking at yourself. And seriously, look at yourself. Would MataRani be happy with how you treat people? asked Sargum.

"Sargum, I am sorry" said Veena

"What's the point of being sorry now Mom" said an angry Purab. "Thapki's left me because I didn't trust her"

"Purab beta" cried Dadi

"Dadi, I've lost her. She will never forgive me." cried Purab.

"Purab, she may have left this house but she will be at her Mama's house. You go stay there until she forgives you. Thapki is a forgiving person. She will see that you are regretful of your actions. She will forgive you. Then once she comes back home, we will work on our forgiveness. The situation is bad but not broken. We can always fix anything that is damaged. " said Dadi

"Thank you Dadi. I will go now!" said Purab excitely.

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