Not Giving Up (Part 3 of Renewed Beginnings)

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Purab took Thapki to her Mamaji's house for PagPhera.   Purab and Thapki walked into Mamaji's house, and greeted everyone, just as Thapki was about to walk over the threshold, Purab held her back.  Thapki looked at Purab with a questioning look whereas everyone else was confused.

"Ma, last time, we dipped our hands in coloured water and made impressions on the house, shouldn't we do that first."  said Purab

Jaya looked shocked, and nodded her head.  "One moment, I will get that ready and bring it."  as she walked into the kitchen.  A few moments later, Jaya came back with a thali with rose colored water.   They completed the rasam with Thapki looking at Purab angrily.  

Thapki didn't speak to Purab but quietly went to her room.  Later, Purab came to call her for lunch.   Purab saw that she was quietly crying sitting on her bed.  When she noticed Purab, she quickly wiped her eyes.   "What do you doing here?  Do you need something?"

"Ma is calling you down for lunch."  said Purab

"I will be down in a moment."  said Thapki

"Ok.  I will wait.  We will go together."  said Purab

"No.  I will come in a few minutes.  You go."  said Thapki

"Fine.  I will go.  I will see you downstairs."  said Purab, not wanting to push her.   He left her room, and waited downstairs with everyone.

A few minutes later, Thapki came downstairs.  She smiled weakly.  "Is lunch ready?  I am so hungry!"  stated Thapki

Everyone had lunch, and then Thapki helped her mother clean up.  Afterwards, Thapki went back to her room stating she wanted to lie down for abit.     After a few minutes, Purab followed Thapki back to her room.   She was lying on her bed on her side, Purab sat besides her.    Purab grabbed her hand,  Thapki got startled and saw it was Purab.

"Purab, what are you doing?"  asked Thapki

"Thapki-"  questioned Purab

"Purab, you can go.  You must have other things to do, I will come later."  stated Thapki

"Thapki, I am not leaving.  You rest, I will check on you in a little  bit."  said Purab, as he left the room.

After a couple of hours, Purab took Thapki home.    Everyone tried to talk to Thapki, but she gave one word answers to everyone.  The only one she was normal with was Sargum.

Thapki slowly had a schedule that she followed.  She did her duty as the daughter in law, but she barely came in front of them.   She made breakfast and dinner but didn't eat with them.  She organized the puja  but didn't sit in the puja.   If anyone said anything, she would make excuses or remind them of the earlier instances but she refused take part of any family setting.  Purab tried to get Thapki involved but she would walk away from him.

After a few weeks, Thapki quietly left for her Mamaji's house.  Purab had come back from the office and was looking for Thapki since he didn't see her in their room.

"Thapki!"  Purab yelled.  Purab called Thapki's cell with no answer.  Finally, Anshul answered his phone.  Anshul told Purab that Thapki was over there.

Purab let his family know that Thapki was at her Mamaji's house and he would go pick her up.  Purab grabbed his keys and left.  A short while later, he arrived at Mamaji's house where Preeti's inlaws were over.    After greeting everybody, he looked over towards Thapki, and saw her being  busy in the kitchen, and he discreetly went into the kitchen.  

When he walked in, he heard her furiously muttering to herself.  "Why did he come here!  He couldn't give me one day!  Stupid Idiot!"

"I heard you!"  stated Purab

"So!  Does it look like I care if you heard or not"  stated Thapki

Jaya called both of them out to the living area where everyone was sitting.  Preeti's inlaws wanted to get the wedding organized as quickly as they could.  Everyone agreed, and was excited to have another wedding in the house.   Soon, Purab and Thapki left for Veena Mansion.

Thapki didn't speak to Purab to whole way there.  When they walked in, Dadi told Thapki, that she was worried when she didn't know where she was. 

"Thapki Beta, next time inform one of us, please.  We were worried when we didn't know where you were.   We thought you were in your room,  but when Purab came home, we found out you weren't even home."  stated Veena

Thapki just nodded her head tightly with a smile.  "I am tired."  and went upstairs.

Purab quickly mentioned about Pretti's wedding before going upstairs himself.

When he walked into their room, he noticed that Thapki was laying on the couch pretending to be sleeping.  "Thapki, wake up please.  Talk to me please.  I want to talk." said Purab

"Leave me alone, Purab"  said Thapki  

"We need to talk"  stated Purab pulling Thapki into a sitting position. 

"I want to be alone!" stated Thapki

"Thapki, enough!  You are alone too much!  Even when you are around people you are alone.  You have a need to take of everything yourself.   Enough is enough!  I am your husband!  I am sorry, I was a horrible husband.  I  didn't believe you!  I promise I won't make that mistake again."  pleaded Purab

"I won't make that mistake.  I won't believe you!  I am staying because of my mother and my mamaji.   I will do my duty as a daughter in law and as your wife in public but I will not be your wife.  What did you say before, that I can't  be your soulmate.  Well, now I will say it, you can never be my soulmate.  My family is happy that I am married so they can concentrate on Preeti.   They are excited for Preeti's marriage.   Her inlaws were at the wedding, and I don't want to be the reason for the marriage breaking up.   I heard enough taunts growing up, and I don't need another reason for Mamiji to taunt my mother or myself." said Thapki

"Thapki, please.  I know you are staying here under duress.  I know you are a honourable person.  You don't stay where you feel unwanted.  But we want you here.  You are needed.  I can't live without you!   I know you feel unwanted with what happened before  but I am so sorry.  I should have believed you!  But Thapki believe me, if I knew Hansika was like that I would never have believed her.  I was angry.  I tried to get you to tell me the truth.  If I had known the truth, I could have figured out a solution to this situation, instead Hansika took advantage of it.   Next thing I knew was that we were getting divorced and then I was getting married.  Thank god, you hired a fake priest." 

"But you didn't know that!  You were getting married to someone else.   You were so angry with me.  Then why didn't you let me marry someone else!  Why did you destroy my happiness!"  cried Thapki

"I wanted you to stop that wedding.   And I can't see you marrying anyone else other than me.  You are my wife - My wife for the next seven lifetimes.  No one can change that fact.  My life, my wife.  Only you Thapki.  No one else!"  cried Purab.

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