renewal beginnings part 2

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Purab pulled Thapki into Veena Mansion after the blessings. Thapki looked upset, as Purab started to pull her towards the living room.

"Stop! Why are you doing this? Enough! I didn't say anything at the wedding because Preeti's inlaws were there. And I don't recognize this marriage! This is another farce! What do you think that I would appreciate all this drama!

"Thapki" said Purab

"Why? Why won't you let me live in ppeace?" cried Thapki

"Thapki Beta. It's not like that. I believe it is Mata Rani's choice. YOU are made for Purab. You and Purab are made for each other. Yes, there has been struggles but you two can work those out." stated Dadi

"But Dadi, I don't want to be here. I don't recognize this wedding nor do I recognize Purab as a husband!" cried Thapki

"Well, we are married! And we will stay married. We had problems, yes, but most of them were issues caused by other people. And yes, there were issues with trust. You didn't trust me, and I didn't trust you. But we will work on those together." stated Purab

"I don't want to work on them.  I tried but nobody believe me!    You guys trusted someone else, I was the daughter in law of this family!  But I was treated like an outsider.    I want to go home" stated Thapki

"Thapki Beta-" said Veena

"No! Don't! You always called me bad omen! Thapki Beta coming out of your mouth doesn't sound right!" yelled Thapki

Veena looked down ashamed. "I am sorry Beta. I made a big mistake"

"Wow!  The great Veena Devi made a mistake.   I don't care!  I used to think of you as my Guru but in reality, you are just as human as I am.   You guys believed Haniska because you wanted to believe Haniska.   You hated me, and you just needed an excuse to get rid of me.  It didn't matter whether I was telling the truth or not.  When Rohit issue came up, and you guys blamed my brother and I, I still went to save Sargum, because she was my sister, so why would I cause her pain.       So why do you want me as a daughter in law now, when you guys got what you wanted. I was out of your lives. I was about to start a new life, a new chapter in my life!   So now why are you guys doing this drama?  That you want me as your daughter in law, cause I can guarantee that only three (3) members of this family actually wished me well."  stated Thapki

"Thapki, I promise-" said Purab

"Your promises are fake as you are!" yelled Thapki

"No!  My promises are not fake!  My trust on you is solid.  I won't make the same mistake twice." stated Purab

"And I won't make the same mistake of trusting you!"  stated Thapki

"Thapki Beta!"  cried Dadi

"You know what, I should have never come here!  Should have never invited you guys to my wedding!"  cried Thapki slowly sliding down to the ground.

"No Thapki!  I am sorry for not believing you!  I was confused!  When the truth came out, I went to Mamaji's house but you had left the city.  I have been looking you ever since!"  cried Purab

"I won't forgive you!  I hate you!  The world may think I am your wife, but I will never be your wife!"  Thapki got up from the floor and ran upstairs to Purab's room and slammed the door.

"Bhai, why did you do this?"  cried Sargum

"Sargum, she was about to marry someone else.   I could have lost her for good"  cried Purab

"But Bhai, you may have lost her for good now, with your actions!" yelled Sargum

"No Sargum.  I still have a chance.   I was so angry with her at our first marriage.  She never gave up on me.   Her sweetness and goodness, always brought her closer to me.  She always said I was a good person.   She admitted that she loves me,  that she will always love me.   She has lost her trust in me.   I will regain her trust, I will be the husband that she wants and deserves."  stated Purab

"I trust you Purab!  You will win over Thapki's trust."  stated Vinod

"Purab, I have every confidence that you will win over Thapki's anger."  stated Dadi

"Bhai, what are you planning to do?" asked Sargum 

"Everything that is needed.   We will have the proper Moogh Dighayi and PagPhera.   Last time, I was taking her home, to leave her for good, but this time, she will have everything she deserves, and done properly with all the functions."  stated Purab

"What if Bhabi decides to stay at Mamaji's house after PagPhera.  What will you do then?" asked Sargum.

"Then I will stay there with her, until she decides to come home."  stated Purab

"Purab, do you think that will work?"  asked Priyanka.

"Purab,  you need to be strong and stubborn.   Thapki is better than us.  She will forgive you but it will take time and effort."  stated Sapna.

"This fight is only Purab's.  No one else will get involved.  Purab needs to fight for Thapki.  Thapki was the one to fight for him, and this family.  The truth won, but Thapki lost.  Now it's Purab's turn.   He must fight for Thapki and their family."  stated Dadi

"Dadi, their family?  We are their family?"  asked Priyanka

"Priyanka,  we are their family but within the family is a new connection.  Thapki and Purab.  They are a new branch in our family.  They are husband and wife.   Purab broke Thapki's trust by not believing in her.  Now he has to work even harder to rebuild that trust.   He needs to show her that she is his family above everyone else and he is her family above everyone.    She once stated that she would give up her life for Purab,  for her he was her family, her everything.  Now it Purab's turn.  He needs to convince her"  stated Dadi

"Dadi, you are not making sense"  stated Priyanka.

"I am saying that we can't interfere in anything that Purab does.  He needs to do this himself.  He needs to convince Thapki."  stated Dadi

"Uma, we would only help not interfere"  stated Veena

"No!  Purab needs to do this first,  then Purab is forgiven, then we will work on getting forgiveness from Thapki.   We don't deserve it but we will try.  Now Purab, why don't you go into your room."  said Dadi

Purab left the discussion and went to his room.    He silently opened his door and walked in.   He looked around and saw that Thapki had changed out of her heavy outfit and changed into his night clothes.  He smiled at the similiarities from his first wedding night and tonight.   Thapki was sleeping on the couch with his blanket.   He smiled and went to change himself.   Just before he slept, he texted Anshul that Thapki was fine.  And asked him to drop Thapki's clothes as she would need them in the morning.

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