→ five ⁎⁺˳✧༚

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Jeon Jungkook's POV

"So, Minji went out for a job interview at nine, and didn't come back until eleven?" The officer asked, and I nodded. "What job was it?"
"Well, I didn't know at the time," I told her. "But when she came back saying she got the job and was holding 75,000 won I wasn't one for asking questions."

"We could finally pay the rent. She said that the job was amazing, and that she- she really enjoyed it on top of earning so much money." I held my head in my hands regretfully. "I just wish I asked her what job it was! If I just-"
"Mr. Jeon." The woman coldly interrupted my rambling. "What job did she get?"

"I promise you I didn't know! I had no clue what she got herself into! If I knew I wouldn't have let her go! I-"
"What job!? Mr. Jeon." The lady yelled.
"A... a prostitute." I sighed out, refusing to look her in the eye.

"My sister became a prostitute."


"Jungkook!" Minji happily exclaimed, running in through the door. I was sat on the deteriorating sofa with Areum on my lap. It was eleven o'clock when she finally arrived home.
"Minji!" I sighed, standing up to face her. "You we're gone so long! I was starting to worry! Are you okay?"
"Yes!" She replied. "I'm ecstatic! I got the job Kookie!"

The happiness on her face was almost overwhelming, and my only thought was how happy I was seeing her happy. She reached into her pocket and pulled out some cash, and my eyes widened when I saw the amount.
"Holy shit, Minji." I exclaimed, still holding Areum. "Is that... how much is that!?"

She leaned closer to me, and spoke in a whispering voice.
"Seventy five thousand won." She whispered, giggling to herself. "Oh Jungkook I'm so happy! My boss said that today was just a practice run, and that I can start tomorrow!"
"Minji that's fantastic!" I cried, pulling her into a hug with Areum in the middle. She squealed excitedly at the childish movements of me and her mum, as we danced in a circle of joy. She finally found a job - a well paying one at that - and took so much stress off the rest of us.

We payed off the overdue rent and managed to accumulate more than we originally thought, so Minji suggested that I give up my part time job to focus more on my studies.
"Wait, what?" I asked her.
"You should." She replied. "University must be stressful enough. You don't need that job, and instead you can spend more time in the lecture halls or studying."

"But I don't want to be a burden." I told her.
"Oh give over." She laughed. "You'd only be a burden if you didn't care for Areum. You've done so much for me, and I want to repay you by relieving you of extra unnecessary work."
"But what if-" she interrupted me.
"Jungkook," she smiled. "You do know that we still have two weeks left to pay the monthly rental, and I can nearly afford to pay it twice over?"

She stood leaning against the doorframe in her loosely fitting pyjamas since it was late, and I sat with a sleeping Aerum on my lap. She walked over, her slender figure sliding down into the seat next to mine, and a reassuring smile was on her face. She failed to notice that her low cut top was very revealing, but it was something I unintentionally spotted. And then couldn't stop noticing. I couldn't stop. Look away for fuck sake!

"Will you do that for me?" She asked with her pleading eyes. I snapped out of my trance, looking into her eyes, and nodded. "Thank you." She flashed a toothy grin in my direction, and I smiled back. Taking Areum off me she took her to bed, leaving me to sleep on the couch as usual.

A week had passed, and I was spending more time in the library studying. I quit my job like Minji asked, and subsequently spent the time I would have done working, on my studies - I didn't want a second of my time to go to waste.

I was wandering up and down the rows of books, searching intently for the book I was looking for, when I felt somebody bump into my shoulder. I turned around, ready to give the guy what for, until I saw the terrified look on his face.
"Oh, god I'm so s-sorry." He stuttered, clutching a book tightly in his hands.
"I-it's okay." I replied. "I should've been watching where I was going."

"Hey uh, are you using that book?" I asked him, noticing that it was the one I was looking for.
"Uhh... y-yeah, sorry. I was j-just about to go sit down and read it." He explained, gripping it nervously.
"Do you mind if I read it with you?" I asked hopefully, smiling a little. "I have an assessment due in next week."
"Y-yeah me too." He replied. "We're in the same class right?"

"B3?" I asked, and he nodded. "Oh cool! My name's Jungkook. Nice to meet you."
"I'm T-Taehyung. Kim Taehyung." The boy replied, a small smile on his face. "Wanna go sit over there?"
"Sure thing." I smiled in reply.

I saw Taehyung again the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. We would study together, sit together during lectures and even ate together at lunches. I found out that he was my hyung by two years, but he wouldn't speak informally to me, claiming that he felt rude if he did. He became my best friend, someone I could rely on, and someone to distract me from what was going on at home. To distract me from Minji.

"Hey, Jungkook." Taehyung stopped me as I was about to leave the lecture hall. "D-Do you have somewhere you need to go to?"
"Well, I was gonna go to the library to study, why?" I asked him.
"Could you meet me in about ten minutes outside the cafeteria?" He replied. "I need to tell you something really important."

"Can't you tell me now?" I asked.
"I-I'm sorry." He replied, looking down. "But I'd feel more comfortable saying it when so many people aren't around. I-is that okay?" Nervousness was evident in his voice due to the stutter. He only ever stuttered if he was shy, nervous or embarrassed - which I thought was pretty cute - so I agreed to meet him in ten minutes time. What was it that was bugging him so much? I hope he's okay.

Ten minutes passed, and I made my way to the cafeteria. There was no one around except Tae, who had propped himself against the cafeteria wall, nervously looking around and finally spotting me as I walked over.
"Hey hyung." I smiled at him reassuringly. "What's up? Is everything okay?"

"Well.. I- I uhh..." He started breathing heavily, and was glancing anywhere but me. "W-Will you promise n-n-not to laugh at me?"
"Why would I laugh at you?" I asked sincerely. "Hyung if something's wrong you need to tell me."
"I- I.." His breathing got heavier and heavier. Shit, is he gonna have a panic attack!?

"Hyung." I spoke calmly, holding my hands either side of his cheeks, keeping his face steady. "Breathe, please." We stared into each other's eyes until he managed to slow his breathing. Then he closed his eyes, inhaled and then opened his eyes again.

"I like you Jungkook." He blurted out.

His sentence completely caught me off guard. He- he likes me? Shit, I wasn't expecting that... He stared desperately into my eyes, waiting for a reply, but I couldn't give him one. I couldn't say anything. I never, ever expected it.

He shoved my hands away from his cheeks, sadness welling in his eyes.
"I'll go now." He whispered, that being the loudest his voice would allow him to speak, and then he walked off at a fast pace, rubbing at his eyes as he did so.

"Hyung!" I yelled. "WAIT!" No, I can't lose Taehyung. I relied on him so much, and he's made my life so much happier. I can't live without him.

I ran up to him, grabbing his wrist and stopping him in his tracks. He turned to face me, confusion and anxiety covering his tear-stricken face. Before I could even think twice I pushed my lips up against his, closing my eyes and hoping for the best. I can't lose Taehyung. If this is the only way to keep him then so be it.

I moved away, staring at him with pleading eyes. He was taken aback at my sudden act, but confusion was all I could see written on his face.
"W-what is that supposed to mean?" He stuttered, eyes jerking round every part of my face.

"It means I like you too." I lied. "I like you too, Taehyung."

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