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Kim Taehyung's POV

I couldn't move. I felt frozen. I couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling as I stared guiltily into his eyes. I didn't know! How was I supposed to know!? I had no confidence in myself, yet she gave me the confidence to be with him.

He harshly grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the wall. Now I could tell what emotion was in his eyes. Anger. Pure anger.

"J-just let me explain!" I stuttered, watching my vision blur slightly as I felt the water brimming in my eyes.
"What is there to explain!?" He retorted. "It's plain and simple what you did! You cheated on me!"

"It's not that simple!" I yelled out. "Please, Jungkook, just try to understa-" I was interrupted.
"Never." He spat. "It was supposed to just be you and me, yet you brought her into it all. How could you?"
"Please believe me!" I wailed. "I didn't know!"

"I didn't know she was your sister!"


I gripped my steering wheel nervously as I pulled in to the driveway of this 'pub'. After the recent ordeal with my now ex-girlfriend one of my friends suggested I come here to "get laid" and "let off some steam", but now I'm here I feel as if I'm regretting ever agreeing.

I checked my watch; 9:50pm, I'm early. I leant back into my seat, exhaling nervously. I can't cancel now, this cost me so much fucking money. But I don't really want to do this. What if my ex was right? How embarrassing would that be!?

I only had five minutes left, so I decided to exit the car, making my way in and up to the lady at the bar.
"What can I get you sweet cheeks?" She smirked.
"Actually, I uhh.. have an appointment. 10 o'clock. Kim Taehyung." I told her.
"Oh yes." She spoke, once checking the booklet. She pulled out a keychain, with a key and a small block on it with number 15 written on one side and the numbers 80085 written on the other.

"The bigger number is the code to get through the door. The smaller number is the room number. Enjoy yourself." She let me through and down a flight of stairs, leaving me to my own devices now. The whole situation was starting to get to me, and I was seriously debating just walking away until I finally found room 15. Taking a deep breath, I pushed the key into the lock, unlocking and opening the door.

The room I entered was dimly lit with red light, and I noticed that it was smaller than I was expecting. I closed and locked the door behind me, shoving the key into my back jeans pocket, and turned around to find a small girl sat on the bed.

"Hello." She smiled brightly at me. I was taken aback by her confidence.
"Oh, h-hello." I replied.
"I'm Minji, what's your name?"
"T-Taehyung." I stuttered, noticing what she was wearing and looking away.
"Are you okay?" She asked me, crossing her legs on the double bed. "You look really upset." Her boldness - once again - took me by surprise, and it took me a while to actually muster up the courage to reply.
"Y-Yeah, I guess I am pretty beat up." I sighed, walking over and sitting on the end of the bed, facing the wall.

"Wanna tell me what's up?" She asked, moving to sit next to me and her bare legs swinging on the edge of the bed. "I heard venting helps a lot when people are upset."
"Uhh, okay..." I mumbled. "But you have to promise you won't judge me."

"I promise." She replied instantly. "I mean, I'm not really in a position to judge when this is my job." I chuckled slightly to try and remove what I thought was awkward atmosphere.
"How long have you worked here?" I eventually asked her.
"This is my first time actually, so I'm sorry if I'm not good at it." She laughed shyly.

"It's my first time visiting here too, so I don't think I'd know." I replied. "Hold on," I stopped and turned to face her. "How old are you? You look really young."
"That doesn't matter, we're here for you not me." She replied. "Just tell me what's wrong.." I turned back to face the wall, took a deep breath, then began.

"My girlfriend... well, my ex, she... she laughed at me because I- my.. it's.. not big." I managed to stutter out. Shit, that's so fucking awkward! Why did I say that!?
"Well she sounds like a bitch to me." Minji replied.
"S-She does!?" I was caught off guard again, as most people would just laugh if I told them that.
"Yeah," She replied. "I mean, why would you say something so awful to knock someone's confidence like that?"

There was a small silence. I guess this girl is pretty nice, I guess saying a little more wouldn't hurt. "Well, she also couldn't... get it to.. you know." I looked down in embarrassment, not being able to say those words.
"There's no shame in admitting it you know, you don't have to stutter or avoid saying certain words." She spoke confidently and clearly, I could only wish for that kind of confidence.

"I- uhh, okay. Well, uhh.. she said that something was wrong with me because I couldn't.. get it up, so I came here to prove her wrong." I rambled. "But I'm kind of regretting it now."
"Regretting it?" She questioned. "Why?"
"Because what if she's right?" I blurted out. "What if I really can't?"
"Well, there's only one way to find out." She told me, and I felt my heart begin to race. Shit, I know exactly what she means. "And don't worry if you can't, because I'm never going to judge you for it, and there's always ways around it."

"Oh- okay." I mumbled in reply.
"Do you mind telling me what the two of you tried together that didn't work out?" She asked. Ahh shit, umm...
"Well, she just kind of went for it, you know." I mumbled, praying to the lords she knew what I meant.
"Okay, I think I know what to do.." she trailed off.

I spent the whole time sat on the edge of the bed, fiddling with my hands nervously and refused to look at her. I heard creaks and discovered that Minji had stood up off the bed, directly in front of me.

"I need you to look up at me." She said.
"W-What?" I stuttered.
"Look at me Taehyung." All formalities had been dropped. She spoke clearly as she stood there, and I could feel her strong gaze fixated on me.

I looked up at her, shocked at the informality, but instantly regretted it. I felt my eyes widen in shock and my cheeks began to redden at the sight of all her bare skin - I haven't even seen this much of my own girlfriend - and swiftly looked back down at my twiddling fingers to try and calm my exploding nerves.

Minji took a step closer to me, and with her dainty fingers she held my chin, lifting it upwards so I could look at her. My eyes couldn't help but slowly trail up her body; her thighs, her hips, her stomach, her cleavage. SHIT!

My eyes suddenly darted to the side, avoiding her once again. This is so embarrassing!
"Don't look away Taehyung." She spoke informally again. Her voice was slow but clear, loud enough to sound powerful but so it was only audible to me. "Take it all in; for tonight I'm all yours."

"B-but it's r-ru-" She interrupted me.
"No no, it's not rude. It's hot. Don't be shy with me." I felt my Adam's apple bob up and down as I swallowed hard with nervousness, then I cautiously moved my eyes to look into her own.

Minji moved closer, leaning closer towards me. On instinct I leaned backwards, resting my hands on the bed I was sat on. but Minji continued to move closer, eventually straddling my lap, only inches away from my face. I felt my cheeks redden again. This.. it's so intimate. How can she possibly-
"Are you okay with this?" She asked. "Remember to tell me when you don't like something."
"Y-yes." I stuttered. "Okay."

"I need you to do something for me." She spoke gently, placing her hands on my shoulders and watched as I nodded nervously. "Think of everything you saw before, and think about what you want to do to it all. Even the small things. Think about what you want to do, and think about what you want me to do. Don't be afraid to say if you enjoy something."

She waited again until I nodded, then she slowly leant towards my neck. Starting at the jawline, she began kissing along the sharp bone, up towards my ear. My mouth opened slightly and my eyes fluttered closed, this feeling being completely alien to me. It.. it felt good.

"Do you like that?" She whispered seductively into my ear. It sent shivers down my spine, and my intestines felt as if they were tying themselves into knots. I nodded my head in small but swift movements, praying that she continued with whatever she was doing as it felt wonderful. "Say it." She ordered. "Tell me you do."

"I-I like that.." I stuttered, desperate for her to continue, and so she did, kissing along my jaw, moving down towards my neck. Her hands went to my chest, then my shirt buttons, and she began to undo a few of them. Stopping after undoing about three, Minji pulled the material to one side, exposing my collarbone for her eyes to feast on.

Her soft lips attached to the silky smooth skin, as she was softly kissing and sucking on it. Not enough to leave a mark, but enough to make it feel good. And boy did it feel good. I clenched my fists, gripping to the bedsheets as I tried my utmost to suppress an incoming noise from escaping my lips.

I felt her hands slide down my arms. stopping when she got to my hands, and guided them to the small of her back one at a time. My movements were very stiff as I had no clue what to do with my hands once they were there, and I'll bet money that she knows this too.

Continuing to kiss my neck, I couldn't help myself, and let out a tiny stifled moan. I felt so embarrassed, but, but that one place on my neck felt so- so sensitive. She deepened the intensity of which she made out with this spot, and - unconsciously - my hand slid down her back to her behind, and with one small bite from her my grip around her tightened.

She let out a seductive gasp in my ear, and I froze, widening my eyes. Fuck! Did I do something wrong? Did she not like it?

"Do it again." She ordered, whispering the command into my ear, and I complied, once again tightening my grip and causing another moan to escape her lips. That's when I felt it. A twinge down in my abdomen.

"M-Minji." I stuttered.
"Yes?" She moved away slightly and looked at me.
"I felt it." I told her. "Down there."
"When?" She asked.
"When you.. when you.." I- fuck. Why can't I just say it!?
"Was it when I-" She paused, leaning back towards my ear, making the same angelic sound she did a couple moments ago. There it was again, that feeling.

"Y-yes." I gasped, causing her to smile.
"Taehyung that's amazing." She reassured him. "Do you want to know how to make it happen more?" She stared into my eyes and I nodded eagerly, and watched as her hand moved closer to her own body, and she tapped her left collarbone. "Kiss me here." I stared into her eyes for a moment, wanting reassurance from her, but then proceeded to do as she ordered.

My movements were stiff at first, but Minji kept moving towards me, leaning towards my ear and hummed in pleasure, saying she liked it. I melted into her movements as my own became more fluid and natural, and my hands roamed her back as various noises escaped her lips.

Her hands lifted to my chest once again, undoing the rest of the shirt buttons. I felt the fabric of the shirt begin to fall away from my body and my mind went into panic mode. I stopped, moving my hands to cover myself before she removed my shirt completely.

"What's wrong?" She asked.
"I- I don't- have a six pack." I admitted. "It's ugly down there."
"Taehyung." She sighed. "You don't need a six pack to be handsome, and let me tell you, there isn't a single part of you that is ugly, so I don't want to hear a word from you saying you are. Okay?"

"But I-"
"I need you to trust me Taehyung." She told me. "I'm here for you and only you, can you trust me?" There was a small silence, but I nervously nodded, allowing Minji to remove the shirt.

At this she pushed me back gently. My bare back was against the bed and she was on top of me, propping herself up with her hands either side of me. She leaned closer to my ear again.
"I'm going to try something new, okay?" She asked. "I'd love to know what you think."

She started at the collarbone, moving down my upper chest and towards my left nipple. Wait, shit, is she-
"Aahhh-" I moaned out, throwing my head back and closing my eyes at the feeling of her tongue flicking against my sensitive skin. She didn't stop, but full on continued on my left nipple whilst massaging my right between her fingers.

"M-Minjii~" I cried out.
"Yes?" She breathed against my tender nipple.
"I- I really l-like that." I told her, causing her to smirk.
"Do you want to try it on me?" She smirked, sitting up and removing the top half of her skimpy lingerie.

Well you can only imagine how red my face was. I closed my eyes, inhaling and exhaling sharply to try and control my nerves.
"Taehyung." Her voice was deep, and I felt something - squishy - against my chest. "Open your eyes."
"Minji I-"
"Open your eyes." She repeated, and I did so, staring straight into hers. I realised what was pressed against my chest, but decided not to think about that yet.

She leant forwards and kissed my lips gently, grabbing my face with her hands and teasing me, by pulling her lips away at intervals and forcing me to sit up. I held her close to me as not to see what was between the two of us, and it successfully got me on top of her, with her back on the bed.

"You know you want to do it Taehyung." She whispered, grabbing my hand with hers and moving it closer to her chest, only stopping once she pressed my hand firmly against her breast. "Do it."
I leant down towards her exposed chest, looking at it with uncertainty until I felt her hand run through my hair gently.

And then I did it. I did what she did to me, and the sounds she released because of what I was doing sounded incredible, and caused the feeling in my abdomen to intensify rapidly. I felt her small hands hasten to undo my belt, but I didn't stop her as I was to occupied with what I was already doing.

She removed my belt, and gently slid my jeans down to reveal my boxers, and the tent that the jeans were concealing. Yes, I was embarrassed, but didn't want to stop. It felt too good.

I'll spare the details with what she began doing next, but I can assure you that it felt heavenly all the same.
"Taehyung." She began. "Have you, ever had sex before?"
"N-no." I replied. "I- haven't."

"Well," Minji smiled at me. "If you liked what we were doing before, you're going to really enjoy this."

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