Chapter 2

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Aria gasped with surprise. There was a dragon standing in the middle of her garden! She thought of dragons as giant scaly beasts, but this one was different. He had feathers instead of scales, and gigantic bird wings instead of bat wings. He had a large crest of feathers upon the top of his head, and his tail was tipped with large feathers. The color was strange too. Instead of red or green, or even blue, this dragon was the color of the sunset. He was red and gold and orange and yellow and purple. The princess gave another gasp and the dragon swung his head to face her. He caught sight of her in the shadows and he grinned. His golden reptilian eyes bored straight into Aria's bright green ones. He flicked a forked tongue over his teeth and said in a rumbling but pleasant voice, "Well hello there princess. I've been looking for you." Aria started to warily back up into the trees, but the dragon swung his tail around and enveloped her in the soft feathers. He pulled her closer to him. "And where do you think you're going?" "W-what do you want?" The princess stuttered. "You see, this is a kidnapping" With those words, Aria started to struggle frantically, but it was no use. "Oh it's not so bad" The dragon rumbled. "All you have to do is the work that I can't do myself, and I won't kill you. What do you say?" The princess, her mouth being muffled by feathers, gave a nod of agreement. "Oh and by the way, I am called Balerion" The beast flared his wings for effect. Aria noticed that the underside of his wings were dark blue and purple, and were scattered with small white feathers. It looked like the night sky. With that, the dragon roughly grasped the princess in his large talons and flew away into the moonlight night.

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