Chapter 3

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1st person. Aria's pov
I screamed as we took off. We flew for a long while, until we were circling over the mouth of a large cave. "Please don't drop me!" I yelled, terrified Balerion was going to let go. The dragon rumbled deep in his throat and I was scared until I realized he was laughing. "I'm not going to drop you little lass, I need you remember?" I huffed, and waited for him to land. It was fairly bumpy, with him letting go and me stumbling and falling. "Thanks!" I said indignantly. I wasn't a very normal princess, some even called me rude. Oh well. Jostling me back to my senses, the dragon quickly ushered me inside the cave. It was amazing! It was huge, and the walls were lined with purple torches. It looked like a sitting room, but for someone the size of a dragon of course. There were two large couches, a table in the middle of the room, and the walls were made of rough stone. It seemed very cozy. Off to the side, there were several other tunnels branching off, but I couldn't see where they were going. "Wow!" I gasped. "You like it?" Balerion rumbled in surprise. "Well, you won't be living in this room, let me show you to your quarters." He padded towards a tunnel. "Well come on then, I trust you will behave." I followed, if only for the fear of being killed. The tunnel opened up into a medium sized room with a single bed, dresser, and wardrobe. I looked around in surprise. It was for someone my size. "Have you had others here before?" I asked warily, flipping my red hair over my shoulder. "Why yes," He rumbled. "I usually have a maid, but this one was stolen away from me!" He gave a mock gasp, and I almost laughed. "So I snatched you up for a replacement." I nodded. "Good, so you can comprehend the fact that if you step out of line, I will kill you." I gave him a look of disgust. "Ok I get it, big scary dragon, ahh" I gave a mock expression of fear. To my surprise he laughed. "You're quite funny. Get some rest, you start tomorrow morning." I laid down in bed, feeling a strange mix of hatred and amusement.

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