Chapter Eleven:

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As I inch closer to my impending embarrassment, I try with all my might to convey a single message to Blue-Eyes: Don't let her know that we know each other. My mom takes great pride in exercising her extraordinary powers of humiliation and shame. The second my mother figures it out, Blue-Eyes and I are goners. Our wedding will be planned within a mere matter of minutes, down to the color scheme, decorations, and outfits. She'll whip out her basket of yarn and start knitting scarves and hats for our future children. 

She's done it before. Poor Jake had to suffer through it when we blossomed into teenagers. My mom suddenly twisted on us one mid-afternoon snack, and I ended up inhaling a kernel of popcorn. 

Blue-Eyes has not removed his eyes from my face, and his lips are twisted into smirk that makes my knees wobble. Several boxes of pizza are balanced on his palm, and I wonder if they are all for us. There are like four whole boxes. I seriously hope he doesn't think that we're pigs. I'm not a pig --I just like pizza, and don't believe in calorie-free diets. 

"So do you know him, Alice?" my mom is saying as I draw near, and I purse my lips. 

"Kind of," my words are hesitant. 

"We're kind of friends." Blue-Eyes flashes his brilliant eyes toward my mother. My entire body seizes up and I stare at the side of my mother's face --waiting for the telltale signs of her realization. She cocks her head to the side and her pale-pink colored lips curl back over her pearly whites. 

I suck a deep breath and squeeze in between them, "Thank you, Seth, for the pizzas!" I grab the boxes from his hands before he can protest and shove them at my mother, ushering her forward all in the same movement. The door slams shut behind me and I slump against it in mild relief. Now Blue-Eyes can escape, and, if he still talks to me tomorrow, I can explain it all then. 

"Alice," my mom sings, which regains my attention. I pale at her devilish smirk and she holds up the pizza boxes, "We only ordered one of these." 

A flurry of curse words bluster past my lips, and I watch her smile morph into an irritated frown. She goes to scold me and I ignore her. She was only worried about me cursing because there was a potential husband standing on the other side of the door. With a heavy sigh, I grab the pizza boxes from her hands and open the door, smiling sheepishly at the gorgeous man who leans against my door frame expectantly.

One of his slender black brow is arched. 

I step outside, and he moves back as the pizza boxes graze his stomach. The cool night air nips at my nose and I fight back a shiver. I go to slam the door shut again but a slender foot slides between the door and its frame. My mother summons her Hulk-strength and forces the door open. I glare at her. 

"You do know him!" she accuses. 

My glare hardens, "Excuse me, but we are trying to have a conversation." 

"Then have it in here," she smiles craftily, "Over a slice of pizza. I insist." 


Blue-Eyes laughs cheerfully, and his fingers tug on the rim of his hat. "As much as I would absolutely love to, I'm afraid I'll have to decline tonight, m'am. Still have three more pizzas to deliver." 

She lets out a defeated sigh. "I guess you'll just have to come back another night. At least then I'll have time to whip out the baby-albums." I cringe; so she had decided to play that card tonight. She continues, "I'm sure you and Alice can work out the details." 

Cue meaningful 'you-better-bring-this-one-back' look from my mother here. 

The door slams shut behind me, and I yelp at the startling noise. Blue-Eyes chuckles lowly and inclines his head toward me, once again arching a perfectly sculpted eyebrow in a silent question. I let out an uneasy laugh. "So," I balance the boxes of pizza on one hand and use the other to brush my hair away from my face, "You've met the crazy woman who also happens to live here. Sorry." 

I'm not quite sure what else to say. I don't really want to own up to being related to the monstrosity waiting behind the door. 

"She seems fun," Blue-Eyes flashes me an award-winning smile. 

I try to stifle the snort, but I can't help it. Shaking my head, I hold out the pizza boxes in my hand and offer him a half-smile. "You can go ahead and make your escape now. I'm sure you've got a busy night ahead of you." 

"It can wait a while longer." 

He takes the pizza boxes from me and jerks his chin toward the black mustang that sits near the edge of our driveway. Its sleek and sexy. Something straight out of one of those car-guy magazines. I can easily see myself sprawled across the hood, maybe Blue-Eyes on top. I follow him out toward it and the gravel crunches under our shoes. He wears the standard pizza-guy uniform: a dark labeled t-shirt, dark skinny-jeans, and matching black sneakers.

I purse my lips and glance back over my shoulder at the house. I can clearly see my mom spying on us from one of the windows near the front door; the white curtain is kind of wrinkled in an unnatural way and, if I stare long enough, I catch a glimpse of her nose. 

Blue-Eyes sets the pizza down on top of the passenger seat, and then shuts the door. He turns around and leans against his car. The sight in itself is enough to make my panties disintegrate. I quirk a brow and fight a smirk. "So, why did you bring me all the way out here?" 

He grins, "I don't know. Why did you follow me?"

I make a face, "You motioned for me to. Or, you might have just had some kind of nervous tick where your jerk your head awkwardly." 

His laughter makes my cheeks turn a bright red color. I sounded so stupid. Whenever I am around him, it's like the small filter between my brain and mouth vanishes entirely. I have no help. I just blurt the first thing I can think of. After I am able to stomp the brakes on my excessive rambling, I smash my lips together and just stare at him, embarrassed. 

"I was just teasing you," Blue-Eyes cracks a crooked smile. He folds his arms across his chest and narrows his eyes playfully. "I brought you out here for a reason. I have a mission, Llama buddy, and I need your help." 

I feel my head tilt to the side. "What kind of mission?"

He presses his lips into a firm line. His vivid blue orbs flick around, as if he is making sure that no one is around to hear. He leans closer to my face and his eyes lock with mine. "It's a top secret mission. Can you keep it a secret?" 

"Yeah," I nod.

The corners of his mouth twitch up into a ghost of a smile. He nods, and seems to trust me. My eyes grow the size of golf-balls --and I'm fairly certain that they are popping out in a very unattractive manner-- as he moves closer, his cheek brushing against mine. I feel his warm breath fawn out across the nape of my neck. Ice cold chills race up and down my spine like the vertebrae has been transformed into a freaking racetrack. 

I suck in a sharp breath when I feel his smooth lips grazing my earlobe. 

"I need you to help me get rid of my girlfriend..." 


Here we are, the start of the main plot! I hope you have enjoyed the story thus far, and can't wait to see what your thoughts are about how it will continue :) I am going to try to update pretty frequently before I move into my apartment (going off to college, you know, the fun stuff), because I'm not sure what my schedule will look like after then. 

Remember to vote/comment/follow! 

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