Chapter Twelve:

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My knees kind of wobbled as I walked though the side entrance of the school. A weird sensation has been bubbling inside my veins ever since last night, and I swallow thickly around the lump in my throat. The thoughts inside my mind race.

I have to come up with a plan. A plan to rid the hottest guy in school of his bitchy girlfriend. A plan that will inevitably make my crush single. 

It has to be perfect

He gave me until today to come up with something, and I'm seriously not ready. After he delivered the pizzas, and I floated back up to the house in a bubbly (and very unnatural) daze, the only thoughts that consumed my mind were of Blue-Eyes holding my hand and whispering sweet things into my ear. I sigh. First period is one of the classes I have with him, so it's not like I can just avoid him for a little bit. I need to think of something now. 

"Hey, Alice!" I hear Miley's peppy voice chirp, and I smile at her in a distracted fashion. She skips up to me and runs her fingers through her long dark locks. "How are you?" 

I make a face, "I'm at school; how do you think I am?" 

She laughs. 

I go to run my fingers through my own hair and then pause as the pads of my fingers brush against smoothed stands. I forgot I had pulled my hair into a ponytail this morning. I tug at the rubber band and make it tighter. One of Miley's eyebrows arches, "What's the matter?" 

"Just thinking. Worried about future tests," I shrug. It's a pitiful life but it seems to work, and Miley nods with a heartfelt agreement. 

We walk around the courtyard and wait for the morning bell to ring. Students are clustered around everywhere, each in their own little packs, and I wave to Amanda's group as we pass. I think about what I'm going to tell Blue-Eyes, and only one idea comes to mind. I sigh --and ignore Miley's partially worried glance over my way. 

The first bell rings. 

"Well," Miley turns to me with a wistful smile, "I'll see you in gym." 

I nod. She vanishes among the crowds and I stare at the concrete, twirling the straps to my backpack around my fingers. I make my way toward the English building and cringe when the familiar cool blast of air slams into me as I open the door. I suck in a sharp breath and walk toward my classroom. 

Blue-Eyes stands just beside the door, in all his breath-taking glory, and his face lights up when he spots me. 

My insides melt. Immediately, the feelings of uncertainty and despair vanish --and all I care about is how my hair looks. I can't believe that I put it up into a ponytail, and didn't style it into something cute this morning. I'm so stupid. 

"Hey, Llama-buddy," he greets. His hair is spiked up, and the light glistens against the hard gel that holds it up. 

I beam at him, "Hey." 

"So do you have any ideas?" We walk into class and toward my seat. I slide into the plastic chair and draw my book-bag into my lap, eyes widening when Blue-Eyes steals the seat in front of me. He spins around so he faces me and props his elbow against my desk, cheek resting against his knuckles. 

He waits patiently for me to speak. 

"Well," I purse my lips. Our eyes are locked, and I don't seem to be able to tear my gaze away. "I have an idea, but it's kind of a stretch. I'm not sure it'll work." 


I sigh. "You could pretend to cheat on her, with me. Or someone else of your choice. I just figured that I would be easiest since I know what you're doing," I start to babble uncomfortably, cheeks blazing a bright red, "Like we could go to lunch, just the two of us, and walk around together. Pay more attention to me in art, etc. Act all secretive around your cellphone and don't let her touch your stuff. We can even pretend to pass notes..."

I trail off with a shrug, unsure of what else to say. The idea sounds even stupider now that I've said it aloud. I don't even believe in cheating, but it was the only thing that I could come up with after what he told me last night. He's been trying for months, he had said, looking all cute and sad. But apparently, Bimbo was one manipulative and cold-hearted bitch. Still, I wish that I could take the idea back. Not only would it clue him in to the fact that I have this mammoth-sized crush on him, but Bimbo would end up after my blood once its all said and done.

I never like to make enemies; they are exhausting to dispose of. 

Blue-Eyes stares at me silently, calculating. The tips of his fingers drum against the smoothed top of my desk and I watch them. I shift around in my seat beneath his stare, feeling uncomfortable. The bell buzzes loudly and my heart drops onto my stomach with a thud as he whirls around in his seat to face the front. 

I make a funny face and rub at my temples. I am so stupid! 

Class carries on seamlessly, but the forty-five minutes are excruciatingly long. I stare at the clock and watch as the wiry hands slowly make their rounds. I want to run now, and go hide under a rock for the next century. When the bell rings, I snatch my backpack up and stand. I bolt from the room and rush for my locker. I twist the combination and wrench it open, groaning when I realize that I left my notebook in the classroom. 

A hear huffing and puffing behind me -and my innards wither up into a crusty ball. That ball bounces against the inside of my rib-cage and I press my lips into a firm, white line.

"Jeesh, woman, you are one fast little bugger," Blue-Eyes bends over, his hands on his knees.

I laugh nervously. I really don't want to admit to trying to run away from him. "Sorry," I smile sheepishly, face beet red, "I suddenly realized that I'd forgotten something from my locker." My lie came out smoother than I expected and Blue-Eyes straightened, beaming at me. 

"No worries," he holds out his hand, and I take my notebook from him. "You forgot it," he explains with a shrug and shoves his hands into his front pockets. 

I nod, "I just realized." 

"Anyways," his lips tug back into a mischievous grin, "About your plan."

My stomach twists into a knot that a senior Boy-Scout would be jealous of. I swear I can feel my smile twisting, slowly withering away, and a grimace forming in its place. I can't even stop it, either. I suck in a sharp breath and hold the icy air inside my lungs. I wait for him to continue.

He chuckles lowly, "I like it." 

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