Chapter 10 ❀ Gifts For Forever

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"I can't believe we finally beat all of the Gym Leaders. All that's left is the Champion Cup!" Raihan cheered as he and his boyfriend waltzed out of Circhester Stadium, getting greeted by a warm breeze. There was no trace of white in the usually snow-covered town as the summer sun shone brightly upon them.

The two Trainers had at last gathered all eight Gym Badges, some having been harder to earn than others. There was still quite some time left until the final rounds would be held in Wyndon, so the taller male figured they could spend some more time in Circhester and go exploring. This place was quite known for its glamorous shops and hotels, so there was at least one thing Raihan wanted to do before they were to leave.

He had been thinking about it ever since they started dating: Raihan wanted to get Piers something that would always remind the slim boy of him. Sure, the many pictures they had taken all throughout their journey were priceless and would always be memories to hold on to dearly, but Raihan was thinking about something more physical.

When his turquoise eyes landed on a certain shop window while Piers was complimenting him on how good of a job he had done in beating Melony, an ice-type expert, Raihan received a general idea of what his present would roughly be about. "Hey Piers, let's buy something since we're already here."

And so, the two boys stepped into the nearest boutique, getting greeted by a friendly young lady at the counter. She offered to help them, but the caramel-skinned male waved her off, saying they would only be looking around. At first, the two did so together, but at some point split. Piers found interest in the various leather jackets that were put on plastic mannequins while Raihan snuck off to the jewelry section.

He looked at various piercings, bracelets and rings — which he at first wanted to get, but discarded the idea at the thought of them being way too cheesy — until he found something that would fit Piers' style perfectly. He glanced over to the aisle where his lover was still busy, another employee causing him to get nervous as he tried convincing her that he was fine on his own.

Normally Raihan would have acted as the interpreter in such a situation, but the distraction the woman provided was perfect for the aspect of surprise. The raven-haired boy took what had caught his eye and rushed to the cashier, letting her wrap the accessory nicely in a box and put it in a small paper bag.

Pretty much as soon as Raihan was given his change, Piers had managed to escape the lady in the red dress and met up with him again, curiously eyeing the object he had bought. "You got yourself somethin'?" The shyer boy asked, getting caught a tad off guard when he was flashed a bright smile. "I said I would! Did you find something you like?"

"Those leather jackets were kinda nice, but too expensive." The pale boy replied as the two slowly but surely exited the boutique, drawing a laugh from Raihan's lips. "You cheapskate! And here I thought we could spend the night in Hotel Ionia." The light brown-skinned male added, smirking at the shorter boy almost provocatively. "I'm fine with that. I was just sayin' that I wouldn't spend so much money on a jacket, but if it's... that, then I'm in."

And check in at Hotel Ionia they did. Obviously, they acted like two friends or rivals who were taking on the Gym Challenge together without revealing anything about them being in a relationship. They booked a single room with only one double bed because coincidentally, chambers with two beds were all occupied. Neither of the boys minded though — actually, it worked quite in Raihan's favor.

After settling in in their room for the night, the taller male was the first one to take a shower, something he had decided to do with the thought of being able to prepare himself for when he would hand Piers his gift lingering in the back of his mind. Now Raihan sat on the bed, wearing a dark blue tank top and only his boxers while he waited for Piers who was taking a bath.

Raihan had reached into the paper bag he had bought earlier and was fiddling with the fancy box. He had never been too worried when it came to giving or telling his boyfriend certain things, but for some reason he found himself getting nervous over this one, single present. What if Piers wouldn't like it? Even if that were the case, there was nothing tragic that could happen apart from the short boy saying so.

Almost without noticing, the door leading to the bathroom opened and unveiled a slim Piers who as well was only wearing his underwear and a baggy, white shirt. Raihan's eyes darted upwards from his legs, as if scanning his lover's frame. There was still a bit of water that trickled down his two-colored hair, the drops of it sliding all the way down and getting absorbed by the cloth of his shirt. That caused it to get somewhat transparent, revealing certain areas on the boy's chest from which Raihan had to jerk his head away from in order not to appear improper due to the way he stared.

"C'mere, I've got something for you." The taller boy finally spoke up, patting the spot next to himself. Piers was already deducting things judging by the little box that rested on Raihan's lap but ignored his almost overexcited thoughts before doing what he was asked, seating himself on the bed. Raihan held out his present and waited for the shorter male to open it. "Here."

And once he unpacked what was inside, Piers' eyes began to shine with happiness. What he now held in his hands wasn't something regular people would deem fancy, but rather something he himself found to be a beautiful gift. It was a metallic choker with a circular charm attached to it. It was similar to a ring — after all, a finger could easily slip through — and there were three spikes that extended from it, spikes that had reminded Raihan a tad of his boyfriend's hair when buying it.

"Raihan, this... this is so pretty. Thank you so much." Piers would have fawned over the necklace much more if only he were more talkative, but decided to keep all his comments to himself and display his gratitude on his face instead. His cheeks had risen with heat, his cyan eyes still housing that sparkle as he grinned wholeheartedly.

Without thinking too much about it and as if to express even further how much the boy liked his present, Piers leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on Raihan's lips. It was a short-lived peck, but a kiss nonetheless and it made the taller male almost burst with happiness and relief. "Let me put it on for you."

The light brown-skinned Trainer was allowed to take the necklace from the other's grip and wrap it carefully around his neck, clasping the ends together where it was necessary. The accessory hung a bit loosely around Piers' thin neck though neither of the boys were discouraged. After all, Raihan had bought it with the intention of his boyfriend wearing it for years to come, and Piers still had to go through his growth-spurt. His mind wasn't too preoccupied with the size, rather Piers had gotten to the point where he became a bit unsure of himself in regards to the gift. "I'm so sorry... You gave me this nice choker while I'm here empty-handed..."

"Please, your kisses are present enough for me." Raihan retorted, smiling at the other brightly as he recalled the peck he was given as a thank you. It was even more precious to him because it was usually him who initiated those kinds of romantic acts and not Piers. "I really like it lots." The shorter boy mumbled before leaning forward anew, as if having been tempted by what Raihan had just said.

He tilted his head slightly to the side, allowing Raihan to gently place his hand on the curve of Piers' jaw, his fingers stroking his cheek lovingly as their mouths reunited in a kiss. They moved their lips against each other the way they were used to until an urge of wanting to be even closer to the other washed over Piers.

As their lips molded into one another somewhat more greedily, Piers wrapped his arms around Raihan's neck. The taller boy accidentally let a small moan escape his throat when Piers so discreetly climbed on top of his lap, straddling it with quite the confidence for someone who was normally shy. Wanting to keep their positions stable, Raihan's hands detached themselves from the pale boy's face and snuck to his waist.

Neither of them remembered having gone further than this when kissing, so when Raihan traced his tongue over Piers' lips, it came as quite the surprise and made the latter shiver slightly. Though not as much as when the caramel-skinned boy tugged at the hem of the other's shirt, timidly allowing his fingers to rest on the warm skin of Piers' stomach. Raihan pulled away from their passionate kiss shortly, and before he let his hands travel upwards looked at the boy with a glimmer in his eyes which the other had never seen before.

"...Can I?"


My note to you:
First of all, a big fat thank you for 500 reads! Not a lot of people ship Raihan x Piers, so each and every reader of this story makes my day! <3 Please don't hold back when it comes to comments — I love reading them! x3

The next chapter's contents will be nsfw.^^ I would usually tell you to skip it if you're uncomfortable with it, but this time it's a big turning point in the story, so I don't know what to tell you.^^

Thank You for Reading!

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