Chapter 11 ❀ First Night Of Summer | NSFW

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"...Can I?" Raihan asked, his turquoise eyes desperately seeking for contact with Piers' half-lidded ones. Sitting on his boyfriend's lap and having his fingers waiting in anticipation on his warm skin, Piers already had little chances of escaping the situation — not that the thought had ever crossed his mind — so he nodded timidly, his cheeks flaring up with heat.

The taller male took the gesture as the approval he needed before leaning his face back towards Piers', only that this time instead of pursing his lips, he had them spread open with his tongue poking out. Not having done this sort of thing with anyone before, Piers decided to follow the other's lead and parted his lips as well, a feeling of expectancy bubbling up in the pits of his stomach.

Both boys were inexperienced when it came to such intimacy, but they were more than willing to learn each step from each other, together.

Raihan finally brought their mouths together anew, a deep shade of red invading his cheeks as soon as his tongue collided with his lover's. At first, the two were intrigued by this new sensation and how the feeling of each other's tongues molding together made them want for more, and so let their wet muscles roam through the other's mouth, exploring parts of it that were unknown to them.

The caramel-skinned male's hands were growing a bit restless, even more so when Piers seemed to be unconsciously shifting around on his lap. Raihan never interrupted their heated kiss and instead let his fingers gently travel upwards beneath his boyfriend's shirt. His somewhat cold touch was enough to send shivers racing up Piers' spine, quiet hums of pleasure escaping his throat.

Raihan was so tempted by those innocent little moans that he couldn't stop his fingers from continuing what they were doing. When they rested around the shorter boy's stomach, he couldn't help but realize just how slim he truly was and yet the mere fact stirred him up even more. He had been holding back his hands from sliding lower this entire time, but with Piers' arms now resting around his neck and pulling him closer, he lost the last ounce of patience.

Making sure Piers wouldn't fall off of his lap, Raihan slowly moved both of them until the shorter male's back was leaning against the headrest of the bed. He was a bit hesitant about his next course of action — not knowing if Piers would truly feel comfortable about Raihan touching him in such places yet — but the caramel-skinned male still went through with it and slid his dominant hand into Piers' underwear.

The pale boy whimpered at the sudden contact, enough for a gap to be made between their lips as a thin string of saliva still connected them. Raihan let his long fingers trail over the bare skin of Piers' half-hard member, stroking it in different areas to test the other's reactions as he had obviously never been touched there by another person before.

Raihan palmed his partner's testicles carefully, occasionally putting in a tad more strength when kneading them. The way his boyfriend put his hands to use caused another series of moans to roll off Piers' lips, the boy giving in to the pleasure and allowing his face to drop in the crook of the taller male's neck. There, he tried to muffle the sounds he was making, resorting to pressing a few timid kisses against his lover's neck.

Raihan found himself stifling a few groans of his own and proceeded to run his hand a tad higher. He gripped Piers' shaft firmly and began stroking it up- and downwards in a comfortable rhythm. Though the speed wasn't unbearable, the pale boy found it hard to contain himself, given that he was being touched in such private areas so intimately by someone else for the first time.

The taller male continued the same movement with his hand while letting out breaths that almost sounded strained, feeling a tent form in his boxers due to the stimulation. Once his hand had reached the highest point of Piers' member, Raihan didn't slide it back down like he had been for the last amount of time but instead pressed his thumb against his glans.

Piers' toes curled up at the feeling of Raihan's finger persistently rubbing his tip, a small amount of sticky substance getting smeared over his entire member in the process. The slim male hadn't even noticed, but he had been whispering his boyfriend's name over and over in such a defenseless voice while unconsciously rocking his hips the smallest of bits.

It wasn't long until Raihan had managed to make Piers reach the highest point of pleasure, white strings shooting out of his tip and against the taller boy's palm in the process. Piers caught his breath as well as he could, almost thankful that his lover had given him the chance to by stopping to stroke his nether regions. It should have been obvious by the thick liquid that coated his hand, but Raihan still uttered his insecure question. "How does it feel...?"

"Is it disgusting?" Hoping for a "no" with every inch of his being, Raihan awaited an answer as his turquoise eyes stared nervously at Piers whose eyelids had been covering most of his cyan orbs. The boy was still too breathless to answer with words so he made sure his point came across when he shook his head vigorously. Far from it being disagreeable, Piers felt like his whole body would melt at his partner's touch.

Despite the contentment of having been able to introduce Piers to such pleasure, there was still a negative thought hiding in the depths of Raihan's mind. As much as he liked Piers, he couldn't seem to be able to reassure himself that the pale Trainer was fine with getting touched by another boy, being in a relationship with someone of the same gender altogether and wanting to go down this rocky path alongside him. "Do you..."

"Do you think we're doing something wrong?"

The question that was asked on that summer night to silence one boy's insecurities was the root of misunderstandings for the other.

Piers' eyes that had been on the brink of closing entirely shot wide open the instant the last word had rolled off his boyfriend's lips. Having the bad habit of jumping to negative conclusions too quickly, the slim male felt his chest clench in discomfort as he still attempted to figure out the true meaning behind Raihan's question. "It's just... This kind of thing isn't normal."

"Two guys kissing and touching each other... This wouldn't normally be called normal, right?" Raihan continued, his cheeks reddening out of nervousness as he slowly and too vaguely led things to his main point. Piers' mind seemed to have stopped functioning the way it was supposed to and didn't interpret his lover's words the way they should have been. "W-Why now?"

Why is Raihan bringing this up now of all times?

"Ah yeah... I think now would be be right..." Raihan replied while scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. He had still not realized that he and Piers weren't on the same page, and that the latter had let his thoughts run loose entirely. "I already don't really care that much, but... How do I say this..."

"I was wondering what you were thinking." The tall male concluded, averting his gaze for a moment because despite his usual confidence, he was still a bit scared of the response he would receive. Piers had unconsciously blurred out half of the things his partner had said, including the part where Raihan implied that to him, it didn't matter if his lover was a girl or a boy — or what the rest of the world would think about it.

Is that what Raihan has been thinkin' this whole time?

That this isn't normal?

That this is wrong?

Those words rung and repeated themselves in Piers' head, his lower lip trembling like a leaf in autumn. He was too deep in the state of insecureness to collect his thoughts properly, to come to the right conclusion and to ask himself the right questions — one of which should have been the fact that Raihan would have never touched him that way if he had truly thought that what they had been doing was abnormal or wrong.

Fighting back the tears that threatened to form at the corners of his eyes, Piers placed his hands firmly on Raihan's shoulders, gripping them as if his whole being depended on it. The sudden gesture and lack of his answer surprised the caramel-skinned male, and he was even more shocked when the shorter boy pushed him down on the bed entirely. "Piers—?"

Piers ignored the raven-haired male's reaction and instantly slammed his lips back against Raihan's while lowering the weight of his body onto him wholly. While the pale boy's eyes were shut tightly this time, Raihan's turquoise ones couldn't be wider as the male on top of him hopelessly clashed his tongue against the other's.

With Piers acting so dominantly all of a sudden, Raihan assumed that his answer was the same as his own: That he was alright with having a male lover, but that clearly wasn't what floated in Piers' mind at that moment. All he wanted right then and there was to convince his partner that what they were doing wasn't wrong, and he tried implicating that by rubbing his knee against the tent in Raihan's boxers that had never calmed down despite the serious atmosphere just earlier.

Raihan touched and let himself be touched to the point where neither of them were wearing their shirts or boxers. His hands were now familiar with every inch of Piers' body, his tongue soon having access to that intel as well. While Raihan lovingly stroked his boyfriend's body all over with the thought of wanting to be closer than they had ever been, Piers was plagued by the conclusion that Raihan was forcing himself to do all of this, that he thought that this was wrong and not normal.

At that time, finally, I knew that Raihan and I were different.

I knew, but I desperately wanted to erase Raihan's doubts.


My note to you:
This is my first time writing something intimate between two guys, so please go easy on me. >w<

The drama is finally kicking in~ I'd love to hear your thoughts about the story so far. ^-^

Thank You for Reading!

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