A Stranger's Kiss

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A Stranger's Kiss

I tried running away from fate...

"Can I have one more glass, please?" I told the bartender. He just stared at me while he was wiping the counter. It was already one in the morning.

"Your father's gonna kill me, Sam." He tells me. I just made a face at him. Who cares what my father thinks? This is my life and he should respect that. I respect him, but does he respect me? No, he doesn't. I'm his only daughter but he treats me like a bird trapped in a cage.

At least that's what I feel like.

Jorge owned the "Jorge's tavern" and he was best buds with my dad ever since high school.

"Please?" I looked up at him with my best puppy dog eyes. Jorge just rolled his eyes and got me another glass of my favorite drink.

"Last one, young lady. After that, you're out."

Jorge was like my second dad since my actual father isn't around when needed. What a life I have. I'm exhausted, miserable and It seems like I don't have a life anymore.

My feet were aching so bad so I took off my heels. I was only wearing a black cocktail dress, so I was shivering a bit. My blonde hair was pulled up neatly into a bun. I walked down the street and sat on a metal bench. I stupidly ran away from an engagement dinner party so I didn't have my car with me. I massaged my soles while my tears streamed down my cheeks.

"You don't need to drown in self pity." The voice said, interrupting my thoughts.

I looked up and saw a guy who looks like to be around my age, standing in front of me, both his hands in his pockets. He had a black backpack slinged on his shoulder. He was wearing a a dark blue jacket and a white beanie. He had shaggy dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was just...

Well, I can say he's cute, hot and sexy - BUT...

He was interesting.

"Get lost." I said in an irritated tone, wiping my tears away. I stood up and started to walk away from him, heels in tow.

"I just told you awhile ago, you don't need to drown in self pity."

I stopped dead in my tracks. I turned to face him. "Woah, don't you dare go on being all smart alec on me!"

He shook his head with a smirk. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"Didn't you just hear me?! get lost, beat it, be gone, vamoosh..."

Before I could finish my last sentence, he pulls me in for a kiss!

He kissed me. Damn right he did.

First, this stranger in front of me had the audacity to ridicule me. Then Afterwards, KISS ME? Who does he think he is - Prince charming?!

Although, I must admit - the kiss was truly wonderful. Magical. I felt sparks flying everywhere. The kiss was definitely long and...


He pulls away just as I was enjoying it.

"Hope that shuts you up." He whispers.

I gave a small laugh. I was dazed and confused. What the hell? A stranger just kissed me! I'm supposed to be angry!

"What are you doing out so late? A pretty girl like you can easily be taken advantage of."

I cocked an eyebrow at him. "I think someone already did."

He laughs. He was just too cute for words.

"I'm Marion, by the way. Marion Cadwell." He offers a handshake. His name was indeed familiar, but I was positive we haven't met before.

I shook his hand. "Samantha Royce."

"So tell me, Sam - why were you crying?"

I sighed. "I'm being forced to marry someone I don't even know."


I nodded. "What's worse, I haven't met the guy! I don't even know his name or a freaking clue what he looks like. My parents are too stupid to realize I'm already an adult, I don't need them hovering over me every second to tell me what to do with my life..."

"I know where you're coming from, Sam." I peered at him. His chocolate colored eyes were staring intently at me. "You follow what you want, not what others want for you."

"How do you know this?" I wiped the tears off my eyes.

"Because I was just in the same situation. My parents told me they'll disinherit me if I didn't follow what they wanted. So I said, to hell with them - I'm on my own."

"Same here, my parents said the exact same thing," I smiled. It's so nice to meet someone who had actually gone through the same situation. "So you're a rebel now, huh?"

He shrugs. "I'm not. I'm just a guy who wants to follow what's best for him."

I bit my bottom lip. "So, where you off to now?"

"Anywhere," he sighs. "Far away from my parents who won't be able to dictate my life for me."

"T - Thank you." I whispered, cupping his face.

His eyes scanned mine. "Don't mention it."

I wanted to tell him right there and then: I think I like you? That was a crap load of bull, so I'll just shut up. You can't just say that to a random person you just met on the street.

He starts to walk away. "I'll see you around..."

"Yeah, see you around." I muttered under my breath.

"Hey, Isla! What's up?" I had to call my BFF for some friendly advice. She was already married with two kids and with her experiences, she was the best person I could talk to at the moment.

"Hi, Sam! How's it goin'?" She chirped.

"You wouldn't believe what happened to me last night." I whispered through the phone.


I cleared my throat.

"A stranger kissed me!"

Isla squealed on the other line. I felt like we were back in our high school days. "NO WAY! That's insane!"

So I told her eveything. Her advice? Just like what Marion told me last night. Follow what's best for you...

Isla went through the same situation a few years ago and she finally earned her parents' respect after following her heart.

"SAMANTHA!" My dad's voice boomed from upstairs. What does the old man want now? I rolled my eyes and ran up the long winding stairs.

I peeked in his office. "Yes, dad?"

He motions for me to come in. I sat down in front of his desk.

"Dad, if this is about the engagement..."

"Look at this." He shoves the morning paper in front of me. I slowly picked it up.

"What is it?" I asked, not having a damn clue what he wants me to see.

"Bottom right." He tells me, leaning back in his chair with a frown on his face.

I scanned the paper. My eyes widened when I saw a picture of a familiar face. He was smiling, wearing a black suit. I barely recognized him, If it weren't for his cute smile.

Runaway groom: Marion Cadwell. Son and heir to the Cadwell industries, cancels wedding plans.

I looked at him questioningly. What does this mean? Why is he showing me this?

"He was supposed to be your future husband. Apparently, he didn't like the idea of an arranged marriage so he packed his bags and left the country."

My heart sank. I touched my lips with my fingers. I can't believe this! Marion Cadwell was supposed to be my husband? Oh, God...

The Marion I met last night? The stranger who gave me the sweetest kiss of my life? He was supposed to be my future husband?

Regrets seeped through me. What the hell am I gonna do now? For all I know, my dad's probably arranging another random rich guy for me to marry now that Marion's gone.


Where was he now?

LONDON: One year later...

I opened the door to step out of the coffee shop with my large Frappuccino in hand, That's when some idiot collided with me spilling my cup of coffee all over me.

I cursed under my breath while wiping the brown mess over my white cashmere sweater. "YOU IDIOT! How can you not look where you're going?! Look what you've done, you son of a b..."

The guy just pulls me in for a kiss.

The weird thing was, when the guy kissed me, I was enjoying it. I didn't bother opening my eyes, instead I kissed him back passionately. The kiss was too familiar...

He pulls back. I opened my eyes...

"Hope that shuts you up." He says with a smirk. He was wearing his white beanie and his usual dark blue jacket.

"Marion?" I gasped. I quickly gave him a hug. My heart flutters with excitement now that I saw him again.

"I knew I would find you someday," he lifts my chin up and gazes down on me. "My future wife."

Yes, I tried running away from fate... but fate finally found me. It's really funny how fate works. You decide to run from it, but in reality fate will always find you.

It all started with A stranger's kiss.

Fifty years later, we're still happy as ever, living a happily ever after.

- THE END - 

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